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March 05, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-05

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", XARCH S. 1963




British Announce


House GOP
To Request

Hallstein Approves Plans,
D. Dt,& A h&,.-,-







Miners Ignore de Gaulle's Work Order
FORBACH, France (R)-About 31,000 coal miners in the Lor-
raine basin defied French President Charles de Gaulle yesterday, ig-
nored orders to return to work and got away with it.
The big test of the government's attempt to hold the wage linej
comes today, however. Then, 136,000 miners in the northern coal mines'
are expected to ignore the government orders. The northern miners
have Mondays off. All the miners have been out since Friday. The

Labor Party Opposes
Government Decision
LONDON (o)-The British gov-
ernment announced yesterday its
intentionto unite the country's
sea, land and air forces under a
single defense ministry to face the
perils of the nuclear age.

Reductionts rredicts British Entrance
WASHINGTON (P)-Walter Hallstein, president of the European
WASHINGTON ()-House Re- Economic Community, yesterday endorsed United States plans to
publicans announced yesterday a carry out its negotiations with that trade group even though Britain
major effort to perform across- has been barred from membership.
the-board surgery on President He noted that he was "in perfect agreement with the United
John F. Kennedy's 1964 federal States administration's line. We should go ahead with the concept of
spending requests. trade partnership ... the non-admission of Britain made no change in
Rep. Ben F. Jensen (R-Iowa) the American trade policy." Hallstein predicted that the British ulti-
said the 20 GOP members of the mtl ilji h omnMr
Appropriations Committee seek to mately will join the Common Mar-o
slice $10-15 billion from Kenne- ket even though their first bid for
dy's requested $99 billion in ac- membership was balked by France.
tual expenditures and $8 billion Preparatory United States-Com-
in new spending authority. mon Market work for the trade
Ten of the Republican commit- negotiations already has started
tee members declined at a joint and is ahead of schedule, Hallstein
press conference to detail their said.
proposed cuts. But generally they The Trade Expansion Act gave
wanted: the President the right to cut all

Sold in
Ann Arbor
'only at

..defied by miners
Defends Pact
From Critics
WASHINGTON -) -- The ad-
mininistration has fired back a
point-by-point rebuttal at Sen.
Thomas Dodd (D-Conn) and other
congressional critics of its propos-
ed nuclear test ban treaty with
the Soviet Union.
Adrian S. Fisher, deputy direc-
tor of the Arms Control and Dis-.
armament Agency, said the Unit-
ed States can retain its present
nuclear superiority better under a
treaty prohibiting tests than it
can through an uncontrolled arms
Dodd and others were alarmed
that the United States has trim-
med too drastically the safeguards
it wants written into a test ban
pact to prevent cheating.
The principal one is a reduction
from 20-7 on-site inspections with-:
in the Soviet Union annually to
prevent secret underground tests,
providing the Soviets meet other
Fisher said that Dodd was "not
correct" in claiming that secret
Russian testing under the protec-
tion of such a treaty would present
the United States "with a choice
between surrender and annihila-

Peking Cites
Soviet Turnt
TOKYO ()-The Red Chinese
hinted yesterday they believe So-
viet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev's leadership of the world
Communist movement can come'
to an unpleasant end.
In a thinly veiled attack which
came close to calling Khrushchev
a traitor to the Communist cause,
Peking reminded the Soviet leader
that "historically, none of the
splinters who betrayed Marxism.-
Leninism ever came. to pleasant
The renewed assault came in the
fourth and final installment of a
long Chinese retort to the Kremlin
drawn up by Red Flag, the Peking
theoretical journal.
Deep Schism
The attacks, broadcast by Ra-
dio Peking, dramatized the depth
of the split between the Chinese,
leading as Asian Communict fac-
tion, and the Russians at the head
of the satellite and European Com-
Red Flag told Khrushchev and
his followers that "if they con-
tinue to turn a deaf ear to all ad-
vice and persist in their wrong
course, it can be said for certain
that their end will be no better
than that of the old revisionists
and opportunists."
It cited Leon Trotsky and Earl
Browder among revisionists and
opportunists of the past and said
the current crop is "just as over-
bearing and arrogant."
Attack Yugoslavia
The article leveled a new attack
on Khrushchev's espousal of Yu-
goslavia, which China has describ-
ed as the major enemy of Com-
It continued, with its sights ob-
viously still set on Khrushchev,
that "some people" had signed the
1957 and 1960 International Com-
munist statements that Yugoslavia
had betrayed Communism and
then "turned around and treated
the Titoite traitors as dearly be-
loved brothers."

They want an 11 per cent wage Announcing the decision in the
increase as well as shorter hours. House of Commons, British De-
The government, which runs the fense Minister Peter Thorneycroft
mines, has offered a five per cent said that "modern warfare de-
increase. It insists a higher in- mands mobility and flexibility and
crease will breed inflation. The fire power, and that requires the
miners now average about $5.80 a closest relationship between all
day. three services."
The 167,000 coal miners beganth, sNo-Confidence
their walkout Friday, vowing to N
stay out until their demands were Thorneycroft was opening a
met. The government retaliated two-day debate on an opposition
Sunday by issuing a decree draft- Labor Party motion of no-confi-
ing the miners for work. The min- dence in the government's han-
ers face fines or jail if they re- dling of defense policy.
fuse to work. He made/clear that a merger of
Union leaders in the Lorraine the Royal Navy, Army and Air
Basin then distributed handbills Forcem is foracontefplated The
telling miners to set up picket tosremedefntromniser
lines and stay away froiI the pits. exercise supreme control over a
They said their orders were obeyed central defense organization in
by nearly all the 31,000 miners in which the admiralty, war office
the basin. and air force would function as
"We aren't going back to work subordinate departments.
until we get what we want," said Thorneycroft also reiterated the
Jean Nicolas, a representative of kernmen's determination to
the Catholic Workers Confedera- keep the national nuclear deter-
tion, one of the striking unions. rent.
Labor Opposition
"Wages haven't changed for us The Conservative minister's out-
in five years," said another striker. line of policy drew a barrage of
"De Gaulle tells us about the criticism from Labor's spokesman
economic boom in France, so why criticis f ars sHean
shouldn't we benefit from it?" de- on defense affairs, Denis Healey,
manded a third. who drew on United States experi-
edasnhrs evi-ence for his ammunition. Healey
There was no great tension e,-argued that the United States had
dent in Forbach despite the strike, not achieved closer integration of
which has paralyzed the surround- its services "until American De-
ing coal mines. Life went on as fense Secretary Robert S. McNa-
u___a_._mara gave clear political direction
from the top."
Armed Forces of the United
Group StudiStates were merged by Congress in
1947 under a unification measure
M ergers Ban that elevated the Air Force to a
status equalling that of the Army
WASHINGTON (A)-The Senate and Navy. The Secretary of De-
Anti-Trust and Monopoly Sub-f ense represents all three services
in the cabinet.
committee urged the banning of Thorneycroft said Britain will
railroad mergers until Congress back United States efforts to set
formulates an overall transporta- up a mixed-manned force of Polar-
tion policy, is-carrying surface ships as part
Subcommittee Chairman Sen. of a North Atlantic Treaty Orga-
Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) intro- nization nuclear force. This would
duced a bill last week to hold up be in addition to Britain's own
major mergers until 1964 pending contribution of H-bombers and
further study by Congress. Polaris-carrying submarines.
The report of the subcommittee The British government now re-
stated that proposed mergers of ceives military advice from four
large eastern lines might be the separate departments, each hav-
first step toward a nationwide ing its own minister: the Admir-
railroad monopoly. This was sign- alty, the War Office, the Air Min-
ed by the majority. I istry and the Defense Ministry.

miners insist the government is
trying to guillotine their right to
Truck loads of riot police were
moved into this area near the
German border.

Defense Cuts
"Substantial" cuts in defense
procurement, the space program
and "particularly foreign aid,"
limitation of federal hiring, ab-
sorbing new pay increases in all
federal departments by attrition
or other economies.
Rep. Frank T. Bow (R-Ohio),
chairman of a six-member "task
force" of GOP Appropriations
Committee members appointed by
ranking member Jensen, said "this
is not a Republican push as such,"
and urged Democrats to lend their
House Speaker John W. McCor-
mack (D-Mass) said he thinks the
Republicans should "provide a bill
or particulars" spelling out the
spending cuts they are proposing.
Done Later

United States tariffs by 50 per
cent. He also can negotiate reduc-
tions down to zero in those areas j
in which United States-Common
Market trade constitutes 80 per
cent of the world total.

Hallstein denied various reports
that there would be a specific pro-
posal suggesting some kind of as-
sociate membership for Britain as
an interim solution.

... meets with President

s i



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world News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The White House announced yesterday that W.
Averell Harriman will replace George C. McGhee as Undersecretary
of State for Political Affairs.
NEW DELHI-The Soviet Union is expected to supply jet engines
this year to make Indian fighter planes parliament was told yesterday.
NEW YORK-The New York Post resumed publication yes-
terday-after an 86-day shutdown of all the city's major metro-


We of
welcome you to use
the facilities of our

politan dailies. Bargaining con-
tinued with publishers of the eight
other newspapers.
ENGLEWOOD, N. J.-The five-
day-old Negro boycott of Lincoln
Elementary School suffered its
largest drop Friday when only 113
pupils were absent, 62 fewer than
*; * *
NEW YORK-The stock market
made its second biggest gain of
the year yesterday but the rise
was accomplished on the second
smallest volume of the year. The
closing Dow-Jones averages were
30 industrials up 7.32, 20 railroads
up 4.24, 15 utilities up .85 and 65
stocks up 3.23.

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