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March 05, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-05

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Seventy-Third Year
'Truth Will Prevair'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


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Archaic Approaches Hinder
Help-for Homosexuals

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THE DOORS have come off the johns in the
Angell Hall complex and the Union in the
latest move of the University's unrelenting war
on homosexuals. The Union Board of Directors,
in addition, is considering new regulations' to
rid the building of the homosexuals that
plague its lavatories and swimming pool.
However, they have had little success in
meeting this problem. Hampered by archaic
attitudes and approaches, these solutions and
the embarrassing raids by the Ann Arbor
police do little to clean up the public facilities
and-more importantly-help the mentally-ill
Homosexuality is a mental disease, not a
crime. According to a noted University psy-
chiatrist this unnatural sexual craving for
members of the same sex may be caused by
abnormal personality development in child-
hood, social conditions such as the long-term
absence of members of the opposite sex, or
other factors. Science is not really sure. It
notes no definitive causes and prescribes no
set cure. Psychiatrists only treat the symptoms.
YET THE LAW is stringent. It does not rec-
ognize the psychological causes of homo-
sexuality. The statutes from which police ac-
tion springs are archaic and reflect the Vic-
torian era in which they were written. Michi-
gan's basic provisions against "gross indecency"
were written in 1897, long before psychiatrists
made any investigations. Homosexual behavior
was an offense against man and God in the
august eyes of the Michigan Legislature and
should be punished accordingly.
"Gross indecency" is a felony which can
result in stiff fines and jail terms for the
offender. More often, though, a small fine
and probation is imposed and the informal
social sanctions ruin the life of the offender.
While Washtenaw County law-enforcement
officials recognize the inadequacy of the law,
they feel bound to enforce it. They hope for
something better, yet nothing has been found.
"It is designed to protect both the public and
offenders. Especially in a University commun-
ity where there are a lot of young men, most
of them unmarried, the homosexuals have to
be stopped," Washtenaw County Prosecutor
William Ager explained recently.
However, the police only pick on one type
of homosexual-the lavatory accoster. In al-
most cyclical bi-annual raids, the Ann Arbor
police swoop down upon campus johns and
pick up unfortunate offenders. A special two-
can squad is assigned to patrol the area johns
and pick up men who accost them.
]FROM THEN, the arrested men, usually
guilty in the legal sense of the word, are
trapped. If convicted, they are fined $250 and
given a five-year probation. Repeaters goto
However, their career at the University is
finished. If the individual is a student, he is
suspended from the University until he presents
a psychiatrist's letter to health service de-'
claring him a good social risk. As a rule, he
may be barred from becoming liscensed in the
If on the faculty, he is forced, by social
pressure rather than formal request, to resign,
for the University does not want to "become
known as a happy home" for homosexuals,
as Executive Vice-President Niehuss pointed
SUCH DRASTIC ACTION does little to help
the problem. Most persons arrested are
"amateurs," either experimenters, or new-
comers to this perversion, a noted' University

psychiatrist asserted. Most homosexual ac-
tivities occur in private-where the police
cannot get them, but where psychiatric help
is unlikely to find them.
The severe sanctions serve only to complicate
the victim's problems. He is ostracized and
unlikely to gain enough public sympathy to
maintain his self-respect even if his malady
is arrested.
YET, HOMOSEXUALITY is a social problem
that cannot be ignored. There must be some
laws that will protect lavatory users against
unwanted advances by homosexuals. The
homosexual himself must be protected from
marauding juvenile delinquents who prey on
him by pretending to fall for his advances, then
beat and rob him. It is the rare homosexual,
Ager declared, who will complain to the police
in such an instance.
In 1957, Britain began to approach this
problem in a modern light. The Wolfenden
Committee Report urged Parliament to make
homosexual acts legal between consenting in-
dividuals. The report recognized that homo-
sexuality was not a crime, but an illness and
strove to remove it from the list of felonies.
Nothing has come of this suggestion to date.
America is farther behind. A few limited
psychiatric-legal studies have been made in
the field, but no definitive movement for
legal change has developed.
Perhaps the best approach is to treat homo-
sexuality as a mental illness not as a crime.
The University methods for handling student
offenders best fits this outlook. Enforced
treatment, not jail terms and fines, will arrest
such activity and make psychiatric help more
accessible to homosexual individuals. The
lessened social stigma will bring the problem
into the open where it may be attacked and
BUT WHAT should- be done to protect the
Johns? Certainly not the current "special
surveillance" policy raids that are set up every
two years. The policemen are not trained psy-
chiatrists, but lawmen looking for- offenders.
It has often been charged that these sur-
veillance squads "entrap" homosexuals by lur-
ing them into making advances.
The University should patrol its own johns
with a psychiatrically-trained squad. Offenders
should not be brought before justice, but be
sent to health service with no penalties im-
posed as long as the victim remains under
treatment or is cured. The same policy should
be applied to University staff and faculty as
Institutions that breed homosexuality should
also be modified. Co-ed housing is one sig-
nificant step in this direction. It will eliminate,
at least in Markley and South Quad, the stif-
ling singw-sex atmosphere that pervades the
place. Adopting the Union pools for bathing
suits and mixed bathing will clear up that
EANWHILE, in Lansing, a study into the
medical-legal problems of homosexuality
should be launched with the eventual aim of
updating the archaic legislation. While local
authorities cry for more flexible measures,
nothing has been done. The University has a
number of medical-legal experts who could be
used for just a study.
Homosexuality is not just a perversion, it
is a social, psychological and legal problem.
Stringent, unfeeling legislation and enforce-
ment only intensifies it. New approaches would

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APA Must Continue To Forge Ahead

Control of News
Administrative Privilege

City Editor
ing Artists, a rare and wonder-
ful phenomenon, has just wound
up what hopefully will be but the
first season of a long, long run in
Ann Arbor.
In opening its doors to the APA,
the University itself has taken a
giant step into the future of
American theatre. In fact, it could
be said that the destiny of theatre
in America is in no small way
dependant on the continued suc-
cess of the Professional Theatre
Program in Ann Arbor.
In the past 12 months, this
campus has been treated to per-
haps the cream of American cul-
ture, under the direction of Prof.
Robert C. Schnitzer and the PTP.
Such great artists as Judith An-
derson, Helen Hayes, Jose Limon,
Maurice Evans, to name a few,
have been packed into a wonderful
theatre season.
* * *
fortunate to have secured the pro-
motional talents of Prof. Schnit-
zer, to proclaim the wonders of
this adventure in theatre.
But in spite of its unmitigated
success, the Professional Theatre
Program, the APA and Prof.
Schnitzer dare not rest on their
laurels, impressive though they'
may be. The whole program must
strive for greater heights.

Performances of such standards
as "School for Scandal," "Ghosts,"
and "A Midsummer Night's
Dream" will always be acceptable
in the years to come, and under
the present direction of the PTP,
they will undoubtedly be very well.
But as is true of any institution,
its perpetuated success lies not
only in repeating that- which it
can do with distinction, but also
in attempting that which lies be-
yond. And thus the continued suc-
cess of the PTP will also depend
on how much experimentation it
does-how many more Merchants
of Venice, how many more origi-
nals by Richard Baldridge are
* * *
FORGING AHEAD in this direc-
tion will take two elements: Fore-
sight and money, both of which
have a tendency to be scarce in
the cautious University commun-
ity. But in spite of this, both must
be made available. The necessities
must be put at the PTP's dis-
posal to protect, preserve and per-
petuate the investment in good
theatre which the University has
already ventured. And more im-
portant, great pains must be taken
to preserve and guard the atmos-
phere of tolerance that now sur-
rounds this successful and for-
ward project in the theatre.
One has only to recall the
abuses accorded such theatrical
pioneers as Henrik Ibsen to realize

how much tolerance it takes to
produce-and more difficult, to
understand and appreciate-pro-
gress in the American theatre.
In a nation such as America,
caught fast in the grip of mate-
rialistic conformity and timid in-
tolerance, virtually the only haven
for the flame of experimentation
is the universities. By launching
the PTP, the University became a
pathfinder in this respect, pro-
claimed for its project in theatre
from coast to coast. But if the
least bit of timidity is allowed to
creep in, if the least acquiesence
to public intolerance and bigotry
is( acknowledged, if the least di-
version from theatrical trail-
blazing is allowed, the University
will soon find itself a pioneer
without a frontier. Forced into
the conformist pattern demanded
by public opinion of today, Ameri-
can theatre will quickly become
* * *
looks ahead to next October.
Hopefully, the APA will once again
grace Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
with still-unimagined heights in
the theatre.
And the reason that the Uni-
versity community looks forward
to this is its long tradition of
pioneering in all fields. Here's to
the PTP, the APA, and producer
Schnitzer, may they carry on to
keep open the American theatrical

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Disclaimer on Acclaim

(Continued from Page 2)
ships is offered to candidates from
member states (Australia, France, New
Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines.
Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the
United States); candidates must be na-
tionals of member state; should plan
to undertake research in SEATO mem-
ber country in Southeast Asia and the
Southwest Pacific. Students working to-
wards advanced degrees are not eligible.
Grant will provide a monthly allow-
ance of $400 and economy-class travel
to and from the country or countries
of research. Grants may be authorized
for periods of four to ten months. For
further information and application
forms write: Conference Board of Assoc.
Research Councils, Committee on In-
ternational Exchange of Persons, 2101
Constitution Ave., Washington 25, D.C.
Deadline for making application is
April 1, 1963.
There will be a very important meet-
ing of Circle Honorary Society on Wed.
evening, March 6 at 7 p.m. in the League
Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical History
Prize: Established in 1939 by bequest of
Prof. Alfred O. Lee. The income from
the bequest is to be awarded to a Jun-
ior or senior pre-medical student in
the College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts for writing the best essay on
some topic concerning the history of
medicine. Freshmen in the Medical
School who are on the Joint Program
in Liberal Arts and Medicine or who
were admitted after their junior year
In LSA are also eligible to compete,
Dean James H. Robertson has ap-
pointed the following committee to
judge the contest: Dr. Frank White-
house, Jr., Chairman; Prof. Frank L.
Huntley, and Dr. J. R. G. Gosling.
Theessay may be based on any
topic related to the history of medi-
cine. Prospective contestants may con-
sult any of the committee members by
1) Prizes of $100, $75, and $50 are
being offered. 2) The manuscript should
be typed, double spaced, on one side of
the paper only on regular sized manu-
script paper. 3) Manuscripts should be
3,000 to 5,000 words in length. 4) Con-
testants should submit two copies of
their manuscripts, and 5) Manuscripts
should be left at Rm. 1220 Angell Hall
by May 1.
Foreign Visitors

THE BRUNT of national defense has shifted
from the men in the field involved in direct
conflict to the engineers and scientists who
design the esoteric weapons systems. This shift
has significantly increased the reputation of
those engaged in defense research and develop-
ment. Engineers and scientists have calmly
welcomed this greater prestige while ignoring
the implications of its source.
In a 1949 lecture, Bertrand Russell, in one
of his more exaggerative moods, said, "It
would not be surprising if, in the present day,
a powerful anti-scientific movement were to
arise as a result of the dangers to human life
that are resulting from atoms bombs and may
result from bacteriological warfare.
"But whatever people may feel about these
horrors, they dare not turn against the men
of science so long as war is at all probable,
because if one side were equipped and the
other not, the scientific side would almost
certainly win." Of course, no anti-scientific
movement became powerful. But today the
threat of war is constantly with us. And just
as predicted, the United States does not socially
or economically shun those who design its
missiles and warheads.
FROM MANY TALKS with engineers, I find
that they have this same impression of

produce. If garbage collection became the cru-
cial occupation to two nations locked in mortal
struggle, could one honestly and with more
than mere superficiality raise garbage collec-
tors to the level of almost demagogues through
the esteem given them? I think not.
But this emphasis on the finished products
rather than the mental faculties used to de-
sign them yields the popular conception that
scientists and engineers are responsible for
creating these defense systems. And this re-
sponsibility for creating the weapons implies
that they are also responsible for the uses and
effects of the weapons.
This second aspect of the responsibility of
scientists and engineers, which should not
necessarily fall completely on their heads, does
partially. The decision to build a submarine,
missile or warhead lies with the politicians
and militarists, who also are the ones to imple-
ment the devices. And since research and
development is now done through organized
group effort rather than individual discovery,
major projects can be subdivided into such
small details that no one knows the scope
of what is going on.
BUT SINCE engineers and scientists hold in
effect a "veto" power in that if they should
refuse to work on a project it would not get

to interview in Ann Arbor, possibly on
the following Sat. Interviewing for Ex-
hibit Manager to travel all over the
country demonstrating peace time ap-
plication of atomic energy for OINS.
Science degree, pref. in Physics or
Chem. Some teaching exper. helpful.
Single or no children as will be trav-
eling most of time. Job starts in July.
Remington Rand Univac, St. Paul,
Minn.-Electrical Engnrs.-ail degrees
interested in computer programming.
Further info. at Engrg. Placement,-
128-H W. Engrg.
McGrath Reading Clinic, Detroit,
Mich.-College grad for work consisting
of interviewing, testing, & teaching
children & adults who need special
help in readin gor spelling. On-the-job
training will be given in specialized
area of educ. Personality, attitudes &
interest more imp. than previous spe-
cial training.
Walter Vanlett Co., Detroit, Mich. -
Sales Rep, for the western part of
Micm. Engrg, degree not necessary but
do require a graduate with a knowledge
of both engrg. & sales. Prefer man bet.
ages of 25 & 35. Co.'s products are
automatic water heaters (gas, electric,
& oil fired) for domestic, commercial &
industrial installation.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu--
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview
appointments with the following:
Detroit Country Day School, Birm-
ingham, Mich.-Meri--single. Seeking.
Liberal Arts majors with special men-
tion of Econ., Poll. Sce., Eng., Foreign
Lang., Hist., Journ., Math & Set. Posi-
tions: Internship-Scholarship Prog. A
2-yr, grant, worth approx. $8,000 will
be awarded to each of two Liberal Arts
grads. Each man will be given duties as
an intern teacher & provided funds suf-
ficient to complete a MA at one of the
three neighboring institutions: Mich.
State Univ.-Oakland; Univ. of Michi-
gan or Wayne State Univ.
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Pitts-
burgh, Ja. & throughout U.S.-Men in
any phase of Liberal Arts for Sales
The Port of New York Authority, New
York Metropolitan Area-Men & women.
Seeking: Liberal Arts major with spe-
cial mention of Econ., Poll. Set., Engl.,
Foreign Lang., Geog., Soc., Psych., An-
thro., Hist., Journ., Philo., Math, Educ.
& Law. Positions: Mgmt. Trng. program.
Public Admin. U.S. citizenship required.
Halle Brothers Co., Cleveland, Ohio--
Men & Women. Seeking: Bus. Ad. &
Liberal Arts grads. Positions: Manage-
ment Trng. Prog., Retailing, & Mer-
chandising. Halle Bros. is a department
store comparable with Hudson's & Jac-
m~ mas_. _- -

selors on March 6 (Wed.). Interviewing
from 10 to 12 and 1 to 4.
Camp Sequoia, Rock Hill, N.Y.-A coed
camp-Will interview men & women for
all types of camp positions. Will in-
terview on March 7 & 8 (Thurs. & Fri.)
from 10 to 12 and 1 to 5.
DO NOT CALL for appts., come to
Summer Placement.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg. for interview appointment with
the following:
Hewlett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, Calif.,
Loveland, Colo.-All Degrees: EE. MS-
PhD: Mat'ls., Inorg. Chem. & Physics.
BS: E Physics. R. & D.
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Indus-
trial Engrg. Div., Res. & Dev. Dept.-
All Degrees: ChE & Met. BS-MS: .E.
MS-PhD: Instrumentation. BS: IE. R.
& D., & Ind. Engrg.
Kurt Salmon Associates, Inc., Trainees
for Ind. Engrg. Div. are assigned in
various locations in the U.S. & relo-
cate periodically-BS-MS: IE. Trainees
in Mgmt. Consulting.
Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia
area & sales offices coast to coast-All
Degrees: ChE, EE. MS-PhD: Instrumen-
tation. BS-MS: ME. BS: E Physics.
Port of New York Authority, N.Y.
Metro. Area-BS-MS: CE, EE & ME. Men
& Women. R. & D., Des.
MARCH 6-7-
Standard Oil (N.J.), Esso Res. & En-
grg. Co., Linden & Florhamn Park, N.J.;
Baton Rouge, La.; Baytown, Texas; Var-
ious areas in Southwestern U.S. - All
Degrees: ChE, ME & Met. BS-MS: CE
& EE. Men & Women. R. & D., Des.,
Prod. & Mig.
West Virginia Pulp & Paper, Coving-
ton, Va., as well as all other locations
listed in brochure, "Working with West
Va."--All Degrees: ChE, EM & ME. BS:
E Math & E Physics. R. & D., Des.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Placement
Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg.,
during the following hours: Mon. thru
Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5:00
Employers desirous of hiring stu-
dents for part-time or full-time tem-
porary work, should contact Bob Cope,
Part-time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511,
Ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Rm. 2200, daily.
1-Good typist who is familiar with
physics and/or electronics. One who
can t.d lbavresah ad

To the Editor:
commentary on the news and
the New Frontier was pleasantly
confused and fantastically irrele-
vant. Her failure ,a extricate sense
from nonsense is, nonetheless, a
common failure, the origins of
which rest in two related issues.
First, if we posit, as Miss Dow
was attempting to suggest, that
truth and its unfettered dissem-
ination together are the lubricant
of Democracy, we must that no
tampering with either\ is justifi-
able. Period. All talk of national
security and honor and strategy
is fundamentally superfluous; for
if the truth and press are "ad-
justed" or "manipulated," so is
the system adjusted or manipulat-
ed. That it is then not the same
system whose security, etc. were
originally in question is clear.
* * *
FAILURE to swallow this logic
produces suggestions for "an im-
partial board of free newsmen,"
a new Committee of Public Safety
as it were, to select what the
public shall read. That such a
board would hold enormous power
over both administration and pub-
lip is reason enough to wonder
how seriously its proponents be-
lieve in the sanctity of a free
Second, an important distinc-
tion must be made between the
"hiding" of news and the "dis-
tortion" of news. Miss Dow made
a grab for this distinction, but
missed (as did Malcolm Kilduff,
by the way). Every administration
in this nation's history has con-
trolled the release of news, yet
only the most recent has sought
to control the content of news.
To be sure, both the hiding and
distortion of news, from remarks
made above, are poison. I freely
admit, however, that I cannot
argue against some control over
the release of news.
I would caution Miss Dow and
those who believe in the efficiency
of the bureaucracy that the con-
trol of news is a privilege which
the public grants its government,
not intermediary boards or com-
missions. When government abgses
this privilege, the only remedy is
public indignation. If that indig-
nation is not forthcoming, I would
hesitate to blame fully even the
Kennedy administration for its
miserable performance.
-Edwin G. Burrows, '64
Hi&Fi .. .
To the Editor:
SO PETER, Paul and Mary's
voices "rasp" when they attack
pieces in full force. If reviewer
Michaels had opened more than
half an ear during Saturday's con-
cert, it would have been abun-
dantly obvious to him, as it was
to us, that the rasping was not
in the voices of the trio, but in
Hill Auditorium's miserable pub-
lic address system.
The same problem prsented it-
self during the Limeliters' con-
cert last semester, when the
speakers repeatedly cut in and out.
When the only auditorium on
campus large enough to house a
concert of Saturday night's mag-
nitude has a P-A with the fidelity
and dependability of a $12 hi-fi, a
reviewer has no business criticizing
the performers, struggling under
these acoustical atrocities, for
distortion due to the obsolete and
inefficient sound reproduction
equipment the University provides.
When is the University going to
do something about this?
-Richard Weiland, '66
-Ronald R. Levine, '66
-Chuck Hoerner, '66
Simmer.. ..

between "crawling" and "soaring"
just doesn't apply to human his-
tory. Man has walked with his feet
on the ground and his head-in the
clouds for centuries: why stop
-Molly Rugh, Grad
To the Editor:
AM OFFENDED and disturbed
by the account of the aniual
Convention of the Michigan Fed-
eration of College Republicans
' given by Michael Harrah. It is
unfortunate that Mr. Harrah has
attempted to portray the YRs as
the immature and evil organiza-
tion. Let us investigate Mr. Har-
rah's charges.
He refers to "inept, self-seeking
leadership." I need only point out
the capable leadership provided by
past chairmen Tom Rollis, Peter
McPherson, and Steven Stock-
meyer. In its five years the Fed-
eration has grown from four clubs
to 30. In the past year the feder-
ation conducted a first voter
drive which provided registration
and absentee ballot information
for student voters throughout the
state. Visits by George Romney
to member campuses were co-
ordinated by the federation. A
moch Cori-Con was held at the
University which sent recommen-
dations to the Constitutional Con-
vention. And, in the 1962 cam-
paign a staggering number of
college YRs served on campaign
staffs as volunteers and paid
workers. This is hardly "lethargy."
Harrah mentions "coercing in-
ebriated delegates into signing
false statements." This refers to a
specific incident, and if Harrah
was present at that time he knows
that the delegate was in no way
coerced; and he further knows
that at that time, to the best
knowledge of all concerned, the
statement was not false.
TRUE, a number of delegations
did vote under the unit rule.
Authorization to vote in this man-
ner was given to each delegation
by the membership of its club. I
would further point out that re-
spected delegations such as Wayne
State and the University did not
vote under unit rule.
Finally, Harrah alludes to "half-
baked" campaigners. Many of the
campaign leaders for all three
candidates for Chairman were in
the University delegation. These
individuals worked many long,
hard, serious hours and at no time
during the convention could they
be justly referred to as "half-
Yes, the Federation has its
shortcomings. We are a rapidly
growing organization and as we
grow these problems are being
corrected. Last weekend's mistakes
should be considered in light of
the overwhelming good work that
the Federation has done. The YRs
do stand for clean politics, cap-
able leadership, and effective or-
-Douglas A. Brook, '65
Chairman, University
Young Republican Club
Pshaw . .
To the Editor:
use some that there liberal
education he talks of so well. Why
even a silly old hayseed like my-
self has heard that what Shaw
said was "Those who can do;
those can't teach." All that com-
plicated part about teachers
teaching teachers who can't teach
themselves, or whatever it was,
got tacked on later. Probably dur-
ing the hegemony (I learned that
word in school) of Dewey's ideas.



Following are the foreign visitors
programmed through the International
Center who will be on campus this
week on the dates indicated. Program
arrangements are being made by Mrs.
Clifford R. Miller, Ext. 3358, Interna-
tional Center.
Mladen Zvonarevic, Professor, Fac-
ulty of Philosophy, University of Za-
a.oh. ,,1o ,ia. Marh 4. Anril.

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