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March 03, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-03

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)AY, MARCH 3, 1963




More Soviets Reported,
Leaving from Havana
Aboard Russian Liner'

Juliao Notes Force Tactics

Johnson Warns Critics
Of Limits in Disputes
DETROIT (R)--Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson said yesterday
any administration may be criticized but partisan disputes should
not be "permitted to become so irresponsible that we challenge the
good faith and motives" of the nation's leaders.
In a speech prepared for a Jefferson-Jackson Day Democratic
dinner, Johnson assailed partisan critics of President John F. Ken-
nedy who, he said, "would have our people mistrust their leaders.'
Without naming any of the critics, Johnson said he does not
think "any policy of any administration should be so sacred that it
* cannot be challenged by those
who disagree.
Irresponsible Disputes

. criticizes critics
Note Harmony,
See Progress
In Strike Talks
NEW YORK (P -- Publishers
and striking printers reported
harmony and some progress -
words seldom heard during the
85-day newspaper blackout-late
yesterday as they tried to reach
"I think we should enjoy it
while it lasts," said Elmer Brown.
international president of the
Printers Union.
Brown said both sides were
"working on language," but de-
clined to identify the issues except
to say that automation was amoig
those taken up.
Mayor Robert P. Wagner stood
by as mediator in the second day
of the latest series of talks.
Wagner said a week ago that if
the' present sessions produce no
agreement in the contract dispute
he will propose settlement terms
on his own. The terms, however,
would not be binding on the dis-
Yale Researc
Effects of A

"But neither do I think parti-
san disputes should be permitted,
to become so irresponsible that
we challenge the good faith and
the motives of those who are re-
sponsible for guiding our affairs."
The Vice President did not say3
so but this seemed pointed at
Republican critics who have con-
tended that Kennedy delayed act-
ing to counter the installation of
offensive missiles in Cuba until
shortly before last fall's congres-
sional elections.
Johnson described Kennedy as
"a leader of courage . . . a leader
who is not afraid to act and not
afraid to be patient, for he knows1
that he leads a strong' and pre-,
pared nation."
Victim of Fears
"America can and America will
survive the enemies of freedom if
America is not made victim of
the fears of the few who, for rea-
sons of partisanship, would have
our people mistrust their own
leaders," he said.
A democracy "is alw ays;
strengthened by the free exchange
of ideas, no matter how far apart
those ideas may be," Johnson,
"But when debate degenerates
into a squabble over motives,,
when we allow legitimate differ-.
ences of opinion to descend to,
the level of name-calling, when
any of us decide that those who
disagree with us are unpatriotic,
when any of us seek to tear down
confidence in the integrity of our
own leaders, then we are playing,
however, unwittingly, the game of
our adversaresdby dividing our
strength instead of multiplying
Johnson said the tide now is
running against Communism and
in favor of the free world. "We
are far nearer success than some
want Americans to recognize," he
"At the peace tables in Geneva,
we hold the initiative. In the At-
lantic Community, in Africa, in
Asia, it is the force of freedom
that is moving forward irresistibly
toward unity, toward prosperity,
toward greater human freedom."
hers Mark
tom Bombs

Senator Says
U.S. Ceases
Cuba Flights
Source Cites Error
On Reconnaissance
HAVANA W-)-A contingent of
2000 Russians sailed from Havana
Friday aboard a Soviet liner, in-
formed sources said yesterday.
It was not known whether the
Russians were soldiers or civilian
technicians. Port authorities de-
clined to discuss the departure,
saying they were not allowed toE
reveal the name of the medium-
sized ship or its destination.
In Washington, officials private-1
ly questioned whether the vessel
had as many as 2000 Soviet per-
sonnel aboard, but there was no]
denial that a Soviet vessel had
sailed with some Russian person-
nel on board. There was no offi-
cial comment from the White.
House, state department or defense
department on the Havana report.
But whatever information Wash-
ington authorities had on the de-
velopment was said to indicate
that the number might be con-
siderably fewer than 2000.
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz)
said in Washington, meanwhile,
that he was informed the Unitedt
States has suspended low-level re-
connaissance flights over Cuba.
,He told an interviewer surveillancee
is now being conducted with spe-
cial "electronic ear" planes to
listen in from outside Cuban ter-
Report Erroneous
A' United States government
source called the report an error.
The source said low-altitude
flights are continuing as needed
and high level U-2 flights also
are being made. The effectiveness
of United States surveillance has
been the subject of debate in Con-
gress. Some of the administration's
critics contend Washington should
have learned about the installa-
tion of Soviet offensive weapons
in Cuba earlier than it did.
Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R-Mich
in another Washington interview,
reiterated a Republican charge
that United States intelligence
knew as early as mid-September
that the Soviets were setting up
missiles in Cuba but that the ad-
ministration did nothing about it
until after Oct. 14.
"The whole situation has a very
peculiar odor," Ford said. "It all I
adds up to irresponsibility," he;
said, blaming both the Central In-
telligence Agency and the Defense
Ford Demands
Ford demanded that adminis-
tration leaders' secret reports to
Congress be made public. Presi-
dent Kennedy has said that while
the United States had reports of
such a buildup in September and
early October it lacked confirma-
tion until it received pictures made
on aerial reconnaissance Oct. 14.
In other Cuban developments,
the Cuban government yesterday
claimed the capture of an alleged
United States Central Intelligence
Agent identified in press accounts
as Manuel del Valle Caral. He was
said to have been nabbed Thurs-
day seconds before he tried to
enter an unnamed embassy with
incriminating documents.
The government also reported
the extermination of a band of in-
surgents in Las Villas province,
some 280 miles southeast of Ha-
vana. The announcement said gov-
ernment troops wiped out the
band of Tomas San Gil "which for
some tine had carried out mis-
chief and vandalism in that re-
gion, cowardly assassinating de-
fenseless workers and peasants."

--AP Wirephoto
LAND-LOCKED--A giant telescope, cut loose by radio signal from
Palestine, Tex., rests safely in middle Tennessee, 250 miles short
of its goal.
Scientists Scan Mars
With Balloon- Telesco pe
PULASKI, Tenn. (RP)-A giant telescope which may tell whether
there is life on Mars floated to earth yesterday after a nightlong look
at the red planet.
The mammoth tandem balloon which bore 'the telescope from
Palestine, Tex., to middle Tennessee split apart and came to earth
14 miles west of Pulaski.
The 30-foot telescope was cut loose by radio signal and came down
10 miles north of here. "We made two good scans of the infrared spec-
strum of Mars," said Dr. Martin

EDITOR'S NOTE - United States
intelligence chief John A. McCone
stirred up Washington with his
testimoy, released Friday, that as
many as 1500 Latin Americans went
to Cuba last year to learn how to
upset their governments at home.
One Latin American who has made
frequent trips to Cuba is Francisco
Juliao, leader of the peasant
leagues of northeast Brazil. In an
interview with Associated Press
Correspondent George Arfeld in
Havana Juliao tells what he has in
mind for Brazil.)
HAVANA (R)-- Short, squinty-
eyed Francisco Juliao, leftist lead-
er of the peasant leagues in the
impoverished Brazilian northeast,
made no bones about his tactics
yesterday. The only way to com-
bat what he called United States
influence in Latin America, he
said, is by force.
Juliao, a Brazilian congressman
and lawyer who claims to lead
about 21/2 million peasants in a
fight for land, is on another of his
frequent visits to Cuba. He also
has been a guest of the Red
Chinese in Peking and expresses
great admiration for Communist
leader Mao Tse-Tung and his
Juliao denies he is a commun-
ist, claiming he is a socialist who
has the peasant at heart.
"I wish there were ways other
than force but against the land-
holder and the imperialists, it is


only force," he said in an inter- tion of the left because "in it one
view, finds holders of large tracts of
Juliao said his main task right land."
now, however, is to expand his "At the moment there is no
leagues into agrarian unions. Brazilian political party capable
Juliao called the government of of attracting the masses," Juliao
Brazilian President Joao Goulart said.
"weak, contradictory and lacking Also in Havana is the old Bra-
in popular support." He said Gou- Zilian Communist Party leader
lart's Brazilian Labor Party could Luis Carlos Prestes, just in from
hardly be considered an organiza- a visit to Moscow.
The contrast of the two here
I- " 7 -,now is significant. Prestes follows

F ire Ca bmet i
In Cambodia
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (P)-
Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cam-
bodian chief of state, fired his
cabinet yesterday and renewed
threats that he would resign soon.
Sihanouk said the move was
prompted by Cambodian student
strikes against government au-
thorities during his visits last
month to India and Communist
China, and because his country
was facing attacks and subversion
both from Communists and right-
ists. However, Sihanouk has
threatened to resign many times


Miners Get
Draft Order
PARIS (R) - The state-owned
French coal company announced
yesterday that formal draft orders
have been issued for all striking
miners scheduled to work Monday.
The order paved the way for a
test of strength between the gov-
ernment and the miners, who are
pressing for higher wages and
shorter hours. About 200,000
miners are on strike, most of them
in northern and eastern France.
The government has refused to
meet their demands, claiming that
a dangerous inflationary wave
would be started. Workers in other
nationalized industries are rest-
lessly awaiting results of the
miners' walkout.
The draft order calls on all
miners in the Lorraine, Blanzy,
Auvergne, Dauphine and Provence
fields to report at normally sched-
uled hours on Monday. Failure to
obey the order could result in
fines or prison sentences.
Another order, effective Tues-
day, is expected to be issued
covering the fields in Northern
France, Cevennes and Aquitaine,
where the mines are closed Mon-

Schwartzchild, Princeton Univer-
sity astronomer in charge of the
project. "How good they are is
very hard for us to judge, but they
showed many details."'
He said the telescope operated
satisfactorily although there was
electrical trouble with some of the
The original destination was
Columbus, Ga., about 250 miles
southeast of Pulaski. It was as-
sumed the flight was cut short be-
cause the balloon was approach-
ing a belt of bad weather.
The flight took the $2.5 million
telescope above 98 per cent of the
earth's air and water blanket. Sci-
entists hope to get clues as to
the amount of water vapor, carbon
dioxide and other gases in the
Martian atmosphere..
The 6-ton rig consisted of a
launch balloon, 75 feet in diame-
ter, above the main balloon, which
inflated to 250 feet in diameter.
Below the main balloon was slung
a gondola containing the telescope
and instruments.
Schwartzschild and other scien-
tists followed in trucks along the
projected route of the balloon af-
ter it was launched yesterday
afternoon. The balloon, soaring
80,000 feet high, was controlled by
signals from a small aircraft. The
astronomers focused the telescope
from the ground.

Ask Expansion
Of ROTC Plan~
ful members of the House Com-
mittee on Armed Services lined
tp yesterday behind a vast ex-
pansion of the high school Re-
serve Officers Training Corps pro-
gram which the Pentagon wants
to drop.
Rep. F. Edward Hebert (D-La)
said he will propose tomorrow a
bill that would mean a seven-
fold increase in the $6-million-a-
year program.
The expansion idea got a boost
from House Democratic Leader
Carl Albert of Oklahoma who said
in a speech Friday night that in-
stead of abandoning ROTC pro-
grams, "We should foster and en-
courage their role in preparing
our young men to participate in
the defense of our country."
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara has said the Pentagon
has "serious doubts whether most
of this program is worth the
In testimony before the com-
mittee, McNamara has said an
Army study showed that the junior
ROTC program "does not basically
contribute to the production of
commissioned officers or to mo-
bilization requirements and mili-'
tary readiness." He would retain
it only at military schools.

Lecture series by eminent educators
brought to Ann Arbor by the.
on the Wednesday evenings of Lent
March 6
with reference to specific poems
Cornelius Loew, Acting Dean
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo
March 13
David G. Buttrick, Professor
'Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh
March 20
Chad Walsh, Chairman English Dept.
Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin
March 27
Stanley R. Hopper, Dean of Graduate School
Drew University, Madison, New Jersey

the Moscow line of coexistence.
Juliao favors the Red Chinese
hard line.
Juliao said he was here to ar-
range a congress of solidarity for
the Cuban revolution. He said he
hopes to stage the congress in
Brazil in a few months, with such
figures present as Mexico's pro-
Communist ex-president Lazaro
Cardenas, Britain's philosopher
Bertrand Russell and Algerian
Premier Ahmed Ben Bella.
Switching to Americans in Bra-
zil, Juliao said U.S. officials serv-
ing with a Brazilian agency for
northeast development (Sudene)
are there only for "political pene-
tration." He said hundreds of
landing strips were being'laid out
in the Brazilian backlands.

April 3
contemporary art forms
John R. Fry, Associate Editor
"Presbyterian Life," Philadelphia
First Presbyterian Church
1432 Washtenaw Avenue

7:30 p.m.
Admission Free

World News Roundup


By The Associated Press


NEW HAVEN (M) - Atomic
bombs dropped on Japan nearly cer or suffered other afte
18 years ago caused a marked rise fects was proportionately
in leukemia and a probable rise Commission doctors foun
in thyroid cancer but no increase radiation caused the numb
in malformed babies, a Yale Uni- leukemia cases among su
versity researcher said yesterday. to soar to 30-50 times norn
Dr. Stuart C. Finch, associate 1951-52, Finch said.
professor of medicine, said that a The rate has declined ini
study of pregnancies in Hiroshima years, but is still two or
showed no more birth defects times normal, he added. T1
among babiesmof blasthsurvivors cidence of leukemia (blood
than among offspring of non-ex- cer) was related by the res
posed parents. ers to the radiation dose -re
The only genetic effect observ- Studies Inconclusive
ed was a change in the boy-girl Studies of other types ofc
ratio among babies born to sur- are still inconclusive, he sai
vivors exposed to radiation, he The commssion examined
said. B20,000 persons exposed to
oy-Girl Ratios wl an s

er ef-
d that
ber of
mal in
'he in-
d can-
1d flr-

NASSAU-Bahama colonial authorities and the British Navy col-
laborated yesterday in an on-the-scene investigation of claims that
Fidel Castro's men trespassed in British territorial waters to kidnap
two Americans and 10 Cubans.
MADRID-Last year's wave of labor strikes in northern Spain is
having echoes in court. Sixteen prisoners, all Basques from the Bilbao-
San Sebastian area, were tried before a military tribunal yesterday
on charges of "military rebellion" through agitation in the strikes.
LONDON--Healing of the breach between the United States and
Britain caused by the 1956 Suez invasion apparently has changed Sir
Winston Churchill's mind about accepting honorary United States
citizenship. Although Churchill maintains a discreet silence about the
idea, it was understood he would be delighted.
MOSCOW-R. K. Nehru, secretary general of India's Foreign Min-
istry, said yesterday the Soviet Union has agreed to send more eco-
nomic aid to India.
GREAT FALLS, Mont. - The nation's first Minuteman missile
squadron is now fully operational and 60 nuclear-tipped ICBM's are
poised for launching, the Air Force said yesterday.
* * * s
WASHINGTON-A recommendation on whether the United
States should develop a supersonic air transport will be ready for
President Kennedy by May, General Aviation Administrator Najeeb
E. Halaby said today.






If the father was irradiated, the
probability for a boy increased, he
explained. The probability for a
girl increased if the mother was
Finch recently returned from.
Japan after serving for two years
as chief of medicine for the
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commis-
sion. The commission was set up
by former President Harry S. Tru-
man to study the long-range ef-
fects of the blasts in Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.
Another Yale faculty member,
Dr. Dorothy R. Hollingsworth,
studied thyroid cancer in bomb
survivors and found this type of
cancer probably increased because
of the intense radiation.
Small Cancer Rate
Finch said the number of sur-
vivors who came down with can-

wl, U s lUal Unexpbt c n-
trol group, at least once every two
The doctors also performed au-
topsies on deceased blast survivors
to see if radiation effects had
been undetected in life.




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