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March 03, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-03

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-6 4 - -I
Seventy-Third Year
Truth wiln Prevafi"'' :P
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must b- noted in all reprints.

"We Need The Extra Money To Fight More And More
Americans Who Are Getting Fed Up With Us"

Common Market Entry
Poses Spanish Dilemma


LSA Holds The Line:
Laudable but Unexplained

4rHE LITERARY COLLEGE executive com
mittee has decided to keep the enrollmen
of the college stable next year and to main
tain the present ratio of in-state to out-of
state students. The executive committee i
a powerful group within the University and
its wishes-,at least in regard to the literary
college-will not go unheeded.
The decision has several consequences both
for the literary college and for the Univer-
sity as a whole.
FOR THE literary college, the decision to
limit enrollment means a commitment to
quality as opposed. to mere quantity educa-
tion. University President Halran Hatcher has
stated publicly that there is not much of a
prospect for the University to get a substantial
increase in appropriations this year. In all
likelihood, Gov. Romney's suggested appro-
priation or some slight modification of it
will be passed by the Legislature.
The fact that only a small increase in funds
will be available to the literary college means
that the college must choose between ex-
pansion or improvement of present programs.
The executive committee's decision clearly in-
dicates that the college has chosen to use
added money for boosting quality.
The concentration of effort will be on hiking
presert faculty pay levels and obtaining new
faculty members to lower the student faculty
ratio. Some of the money will be used to ex-
pand the mathematics library, create new
office space and to help pay the operating ex-
penses of the new Physics Astronomy Building.
THIS POLICY of non-expansion also means
that President Hatcher's announced intent
of gradual expansion has been set aside for
the moment and perhaps reversed. It is true
that the slow expansion policy announced by
President Hatcher in his last State of the
University speech was an administrative de-
Yet the administration has not been pres-
suring the literary college to take additional
students. Nor has the public announcement of
the executive committee's decision caused any
great furor in Lansing.
This is due partially to the fact that the
University can expand in colleges other than
the literary college on the undergraduate
level. There is room in the engineering college,
for example, for more freshmen, as there is
in the music school. Yet any prospective
growth in these units is small compared to
the demand for entrance to the literary college.
PERHAPS THE major factor in the literary
college decision is the emphasis on the
University's research image. President Hatcher
said when he went before 'the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee last month that the
freshman and sophomore squeeze is not the
major problem. He has pushed for graduate
study and research.
Thus the literary college is being given a
breathing speel to prepare for the onslaught of
freshmen as the post World War II baby
crop matures. Of course, given the emphasis
the President is now using, the University
may very well turn a cold shoulder toward
prospective freshmen three years hence. The
shift in emphasis allows the University to
avoid, or at least not be staggered by the
brunt of this new wave of students.
This is not necessarily a bad policy. Since
the University has been plagued by inadequate
appropriations for a good many years, almost
no amount of preparation save an impossibly
massive infusion of money could prepare it
for the new deluge of students.
Thus the solution very neatly sidesteps the
problem of telling the legislators that their own
stinginess is the reason their constituents
will have a little trouble sending their high
school seniors to the University.
BUT THE DECISION of the executive com-
mittee was hardly made in a political con-
text. It is likely that the major consideration
was that undergraduate education can perhaps
be improved a little bit by keeping enrollment
stable. Committee members are right in not
allowing the literary college to go on a hap-
hazard plan of expansion without adequate
It is the decision to keep the out-of-state
ratio in the literary college stable that will

Parking PR
TRY THOUGH they might, the University
higher-ups occasionally slip on the little
things-such as those ominous "No Students"
signs that lurk, big and black, in the Thompson
and Thayer Street parking structures.
Now I will grant that these facilities were
constructed with a mind toward providing
parking for faculty, staff and honored guests,
and that to allow students parking privileges
would not accomplish the intended purpose.
However, the exclusion of the students, who,
after all, make up a very significant and
integral part of the campus, could be stated

or may have political consequences for the
t University. Two years ago, the House passed
-an amendment to the University appropriation
asking a limit on out-of-state students. The
s House reconsidered and reversed itself. But a
year later, after an extensive study by the
Legislative Audit Commission, Rep. William D.
Romano (D-Warren) and then Republican
floor leader and new speaker Allison Greene
(R-Kingston) claimed that the University had
reached an informal agreement to cut out-
of -state ratios.
The University maintained an embarrassed
silence and later gave faculty members private
assurance that this was untrue. But the feel-
ing of the Legislature on this matter is clear.
And, as the University expands its undergrad-
uate programs very slowly or not at all, there
will be increasing pressure from within the
state to exclude out-of-state students.
UNLIKE THE DECISION -to limit enrollment,
the question of out-of-state students was
not decided on educational grounds. In fact, the
decision was reached more less by default. At
the time, acting dean of the literary college
Burton D. Thuma noted that the committee
felt "there was no rational basis" for setting
any particular figure. Although the committee
agreed within itself that out-of-state students
were necessary, it also decided that it had
no real grounds for setting any particular
figure as a maximum.
Thus where critical thought was necessary,
where real consideration of a problem ought
to have occurred, the committee merely decided
to maintain the status quo. Understandably,
out-of-state students are a controversial ques-
tion and the faculty might have wanted to
leave the University in a ' position where it
could hedge.
Yet so long as the faculty is considering
the question of out-of-state students and so
long as the decision on admissions has been
left to the faculty, it ought to undertake an
intensive investigation of what percentage of
out-of-state students is best.
THIS BECOMES all the more important be-
cause the questions of out-of-state enroll-
ment and limiting undergraduate enrollment
are closely interlocked. Although the executive
committee's decision is binding only for this
year, every year the literary college delays ex-
pansion limits the possibilities for future
If additional appropriations depend on Rom-
ney's program for tax reform and business
expansion, then it will be at least two years
before any substantial increase will show up.
This means that there will be more pressure
on legislators to provide maximum higher
educational facilities for Michigan residents.
In turn, since the Legislature has not provided
adequate funds for the University to have
facilities and faculty in time to accommodate
enough students, the legislators will pick on
the easy target, out-of-state students.
If the University really expects to be able
to argue for out-of-state students, it must
have concrete evidence for its case. To my
knowledge, there has never been an extensive
documentation of exactly what out-of-state
students do contribute. It is known, for ex-
ample, that about twice as many out-of-state
as in-state students are admitted to the honors
program although the ration of in-state to
out-of-state students is exactly the opposite
for the college as a whole. But this is not
conclusive evidence to show exactly why the
present ratio is justifiable and what difference
cutting out-of-state students by perhaps 10
per cent would make.
WITHOUT THIS SORT of cogent concern
for the problem of out-of-state students
and the problem of enrollment, the faculty
cannot hope to play an important role in the
final settlement of the complex question of
what the Legislature will do. The literary col-
lege executive committee has done the best it
can do under the circumstances. Its decision
gives a clear-cut answer for this year at
For the most part, admissions decisions are
left to the faculty in the individual schools
and colleges. Each must make its own decision
every year on these questions. Negotiations
between the University and the Legislature
ought not to go on without the administration

being guided by some educational philosophy.
But if the faculty of the literary college and
the other units really expected its views to
be the major consideration in settling the
out-of-state student problem it must investi-
gate the problem thoroughly and make clear
to the administration its views. Perhaps a
special committee of the University Senate is
in order to coordinate the desires and pro-
grams of the various units. Perhaps a solution 1
can be reached using the Office of Academic]
Affairs as a coordinating body.
HERE IS of course no simple answer to a
problem this complex. Every unit in the
University has its own desires as far as out-
of-state students are concerned. Every unitt
has its own desires as far as maximum en-
rn1Y, - f' e l __ _ _1

Candidates, Issues, Voters

TN THE WAKE of the general
furor over the French rejection
of Britain's bid to join the Euro-
pean Economic Community, other
European nations have been push-
ed into the background.
Spain, for instance, is now pre-
paring itself for negotiations with
EEC over membership. Franco's
country would be considering an
associate membership.
An associate member gets cer-
tain of the trade and currency
stabilization advantages without
full obligations of membership. A
full member is required tosur-
render some of its protection of
its local businesses-local produ-
cers are suddenly exposed to com-
petition with the most efficent
producers in Europe with the ex-
ception of Britain and Scandina-
via. The full members of the EEC
are West Germany, Holland,
France, Italy, Belgium and Luxem-
burg. The first associate member,
Greece, was admitted on Nov. 11,
The impact of Common Market
membership on traditional Span-
ish life would be great in both
the domestic and international
areas. Indicative of the changes,
which are probably hard for the
average Spaniard to comprehend,
will be working wives, no maids
(because they are working in fac-
tories in the cities) and a greater
number of appliances and tele-
vision sets.
will be required in industry will be
the merging of the many, often
small, family firms into larger
corporate type organizations.
Spain has already moved a long
way from its policy of the 1940's
and 50's-self-sufficiency at any
cost. This policy was due in part
to the international ostracism and
the proudly self-imposed isolation
of this time. This was a time of
economic stagnation, during which
the national economy was at a
barely subsistence level.
The state-encouraged habit of
overemployment - so-called
"cheap" labor - is an attitude
which advocates the sharing of a
pittance of salary as widely as pos-
sible. This idea, which is a form
of social security, must be modi-
fied to producing and marketing
with efficiency.
Also, the buy-at-home policies,
certainly not unique to Spain,°
must be curtailed, especially by
public organizations It is expen-
sive and inefficient to buy steel
from local industry when other
countries can produce it at much
less cost. An opening in this
direction would be the World
Bank's requirementbfor worldwide
competitive bidding for equipment
purchased through its loans.
* * * .
THE ECONOMIC benefits of
association with the Common
Market are expected to offset the
friction over necessary changes.
About 41, per cent of Spain's ex-
ports go to the Common Market
now, so it has an established mar-
ket among the membership. The
possibility of losing some of this
market is no small incentive for
applying for an associate member-
However, this puts Spain be-
tween the horns of a dilemma.
Britain's split has caused a real
conflict, because the United King-
dom is Spain's most important
single market, absorbing 17 per
cent of this country's exports. If
and when Britain joins the EEC
Spain has no choice but to follow.
But as it stands now the dicho-
temy between the Common Mar-
ket and Britain poses a decision
for Spain. With 41 per cent of its
market centered around one camp,
and 17 per cent in British hands
Spain possibly is faced with the
choice of endangering her exports
to either one or the other.
If and when Britain does join
the EEC, Spain's exports to the
United Kingdom would be severely
handicapped by tariff discrimina-

tions if she were to remain out-
side the Common Market. Italy,

as a Common Market member and
Spain's chief economic competitor,
would have the inside track to the
British market and enjoy prefer-
ential treatment.
WHILE THE average Spaniard
will be better off economically
under association with the Com-
mon Market, the most important
improvements in his life would
come about through relaxation of
the political, educational and so-
cial restraints which the Franco
regime found necessary in the
early years of rule.
Thus national financial interests
as well as jealousies will influence
the nation's decision concerning
joining an international trade
PETER, PAUL and Mary: three
names of religious significance.
Peter and Paul indeed look the
Christian part; and Mary: well,
more Magdalene than Madonna.
The Magdalene bit is perfect,
too, just "come hither" enough to
interest, but pure enough to let
the men in the audience know it's
hands off. And so said men, duly
pacified, turn back to their dates,
and all are happy.
And happy is what PP&M aim
at, as entertainers. What they aim
at as folk singers seems dubious,
but the entertainment comes
through strong.
MARY IS the pro entertainer
of the outfit, as she swings a
subtle twist through her songs, her
skirts flaring just high enough to
escape cheescake.
Mary brings the climax as, sing-
ing "Take Me for a Ride in Your
Car Car"-and who could resist?
Besides offsetting their female
partner's appeal with what they
call "grotesqueness," Peter and
Paul brings laughs. Paul, the tall
one, is a master of sound effects
-from a boat to a toilet down to
a Michigan State football player.
And Peter offers group participa-
tion and intellectual appeal: from
splitting the audience into "in-
group out-group" to chanting
pacifist songs.
- * * *
THE HUMOR ,varies from such
cornball as laughing at their own
jokes to a classic burlesque on rock
'n' roll singers to a subtle "We're
glad to see you at least identify
with America" aimed at collegiate
And so as entertainers PP&M
rate. Their folk singing is another
question. Their vocal restraint
leads one to believe they lack the
strong voices necessary for folk
singing. Their belabored beat and
emphasis on harmony leads one to
believe that they believe the same,
and are content to entertain.
But the only time their vocal
virtuosity ,interferes with enjoy-
ment of the program is when they
bravely attack such pieces as "This
Land," voices rasping full force.
They sing their best on their well-
practiced hits like "Where Have
All the Flowers Gone?", which the
audience appreciates for familiar-
ity and perhaps nostaglic memor-
ies they evoke.
Folk singing or no, the audience
leaves wishing it had had more of
a chance to participate and of
course humming the best song
saved for last-"If I Had a Ham-
-Burton Michaels
OUR FOREIGN policy is clear
and simple: France is bad for

arming itself with atomic weap-
ons-and Canada is worse for not
doing it.
--The Chicago Sun--imes

In only 10 days, students will go
to the polls to fill seven vacancies
for Student Government Council
and to indicate their reaction to a
proposal that "all members of SGC
should be elected by the student
Though perhaps not recognizable
in this form, the voter is actually
considering a question that has
been talked about for several
months: should ex-officios (heads
of The Daily, the Michigan Union
and League, Assembly and Panhel-
lenic Associations and Inter-Quad-
rangle and Interfraternity Coun-
cils) be voting members of Coun-
COUNCIL has discussed the
question several times since the
last election in November, and two
motions on the topic written by
Howard Abrahms have been on
Council's agenda for weeks. The
issue found itself helplessly shoved
into the last spot under "old busi-
ness," and finally individual mem-
bers of Voice began a circulation
of petitions to put the question on
the March 13 ballot.
Abrahms, who helped initiate
the petition drive, apologized pro-
fusely for the technicality that
prevented circulators from being
recognized for their efforts: the
writers of the petition had ne-
glected to include a sentence indi-
cating the relation of the proposed
change to the Student Council
plan. He then asked that Council
vote'to place the question on the
Interestingly enough, Council is
asking only for "an expression of
student opinion." "We only want
to assess the reaction of the stu-
dent body," Abrahms noted. A
campus vote to exclude ex-officios
from Council is not binding on
Council, and will not necessarily
be construed by Council members
as a mandate..
According to the Student Gov-
ernment Council plan, Council
cannot pass an expression of stu-
dent opinion contrary to the one
finally registered by the voters
March 13. Until the next election,
though, Council could conceivably
ignore a majority vote in favor
of election of all Council mem-
bers, and not come out in favor of
a plan to implement the expressed
However, even if a majority of

members were personally in favor
of continued seating of ex-officios,
they might feel themselves pres-
sured to vote with the voters, and
to put an end to claims that SGC
is not representative and respon-
sive to the wishes of its constitu-
* * * .
IN ANOTHER evaluation of the
problem Council members even in
face of a "yes" vote, might decide
that voters did not really under-
stand the issues involved, and
therefore conclude that Council
members themselves were best
qualified tohmake the ex-officio
With some Council members
and candidates still mulling over
the ex-officio question, Council
may very well divide into two
camps after the election if stu-
dents vote "yes," should Council
take action which would imple-
ment the student expression of
opinion? Some may argue that
students, as uninformed voters,
were not ready or qualified to
make a judgement on the issue. In
the final analysis, believers in the
democratic system recognize the
problems of apathy, but they as-
sume the possibilities, and the
risks of an apathetic electorate in
an acceptance of democratic prin-
ciples. However, those democrats
should also fear the formation of
a power elite, which, unresponsive
to the will of an electorate, loses
confidence in that electorate and
decides that 18 individuals should
only "consider" the student ex-
pression of opinion, and not neces-
sarily be bound to act upon it.
* * *
OF THE 11 candidates running
for -Council - Joe Chabot and
Harry Richter dropped out of the
race-several have taken definite
stands on the ex-officio question;
hopefully, the others will clarify
their stands within the next few
Students for a Democratic Gov-
ernment--a newly formed group
headed by SGC candidate Ken
Miller and Young Democrats
chairman Mal Warwick are cam-
paigning against ex-officios and,
in short argue that the ex-officios,
with a first loyalty to the organi-
zations they head, represent vested
interest groups, are not responsive
to student opinion, and do not
have enough time to devote to
Those who favor continued ex-
officio membership note the ex-

perience and prestige they lend to
Council, and also point to the gen-
erally high level discussion con-
ducted at the Council table by
these members, who are acknowl-
edged student leaders. It cannot
be denied that some of the Coun-
cil's best legislation originates
with ex-ofiicios.
fence and talk about a directly
elected Council and a provision
that would give heads of student
organizations an advisory role,
and/or sit at the council table
when they so desire to participate
in discussion. The latter proposal
is ridiculousnin that any student,
head of student organization or
not, can make himself heard by
Most ex-officios and regular
members already complain about
the long five-hour meetings on
Wednesday nights-it would take
a very dedicated individual to put
in an appearance when he could
not vote.
Other fence-sitters ask that the
question of ex-officios be looked at
in a broader context, and be con-
sidered in the light of a possible
drastic restructuring of Student
Government Council. These long-
range thinkers are particularly in-
terested in proposals for student-
faculty government.
HOWEVER, the voter has seven
other decisions to make next week
and it appears that he has a more
qualified list of candidates° than
usual from which to choose. The
field in this election is more im-
pressive than November's mediocre
to bad group. Of course, from the
candidate's point of view, too, the
odds are very good: only four will
The voter finds his decision
easier to make with each election:
the liberal's political party, Voice,
has endorsed five candidates.
Three of them are incumbents:
Howard Abrahms, Kenneth Miller
and Assembly Association Presi-
dent Mary Beth Norton, now sit-
ting as an ex-officio. Voice is also
campaigning for outgoing Gradu-
ate Student Council President Ed-
win Sasaki and Henry Wallace.
Despite the liberal challenge,
and a genuine liberal desire for
the formation of a second politi-
cal party, the conservatives prefer
to show disinterest in political
alignments. Instead, Interfrater-
nity Council and the fraternity
system quietly encourage actives
to take an interest in student gov-
ernment. Among SGC candidates,
Michael Knapp is a Lambda Chi,
Michael Royer from Sigma Phi,
and John Rutherford, the presi-
dent of Junior Interfraternity
Council, and Frederick Rhines is a
Sigma Chi.
* * *
ing it alone" in the sense of politi-
cal alignment. They are Sherry
Miller, who is chairman of the
Council Committee on Student
Concerns, Thomas Smithson, ac-
tive in East Quadrangle where he
lives, and Michael Marston, a law
Within the shnt nso s+ +fha



Too Much Lemmon
In The A lcohol

Reform from within

To the Editor:
MY THANKS tb James Starks
for specifying his objections
to the operations of the Young
Republicans and some of their
leaders - something that, as of
Friday Michael Harrah has failed
to do. But James Starks did not
write the editorial against the
YRs. Starks may have clarified
some of the political aspects of
the YR problem, but what I ob-
jected to in my former letter was

that it is written. However, if
Mr. Starks will examine my letter
again, he will find that I:
1) Specified my objections and
2) provided factual evidence
from the actual text of Harrah's
* * *
I HAVE NOT formally aligned
myself with either the YRs or the
Young Democrats, for the in-
formation of Mssrs. Harrah and
Starks. However. I sincerely hope

A TOUCH of Lemmon adds zest
to otherwise bland comedies.
A huge dose, however, take's one's
attention from the intended mix-
ture--a struggle of a young mar-
ried couple to overcome their al-
coholism-and ruins the blend.
Jack Lemmon so completely
takes charge of "Days of Wine and
Roses" that the viewer is let down
when the narrative development
turns from him to his alcoholic
wife, Lee Remick.
The poignancy should be in
Lemmon's choice to keep himself
sober at his wife's expense. If he
stays with his wife, he'll be unable
to stay away from the bottle. In-
stead, he chooses sanity and let's
his wife go her way.
By the time the movie reaches
this stage, we are so involved in
his struggle against alcohol, that
wen see his sitnatnn si c P +han n

pense of another. The dilemma, as
terrible as it is for Lemmon, is not
terrible for the audience, who are
more likely to feel, "at last."
There are other faults to this
moving study of two alcoholics.
One is the unconvincing portrayal
of the wife. This is not Miss Rem-
ick's fault, but partly the fault of
the script. We don't discover her
problem until it's too late for us
to care much.
Life to her looks like the scuddy
water under the pier where they
first discover their love. This could
have been brought out then, but
we don't learn about it until Lem-
mon himself has nearly mastered
his problem. When we learn she is
more deeply neurotic than he, it's
too late.
The scenes that lead Lemmon to
the strait jacket leave the viewer
tense nA nivming Fmai +ha i-

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