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February 27, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-27

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Conference G&S Plans Two Productions Membership Prepare Frosh Weekend
mCy EiHorRA gFloorshow Competition
ByMCHAyEL HARRA ** Statenm ents ___________r a,>':; .
"The Gondoliers"; or "The King ". By KAY PAYANT
of Barataria" will be the offering s ' ",u (Continued from Page 1) creates unity in the fresh
of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society ,Fosh Weekend is a month away class teaches students about c
ofy2 the i ee te'Sullivan Societ but fr eshman w omen are alieady mittee wo k early in college
May 2-4 this semester. the University, either as faculty making peparations according to a itstudektar it h
. Also this semester, the society member, administrator or alum- League advisor Gretchen Grth, aua s seres h
kwill present the well-known but >a nus. 64., League and its services
little performed G&S curtain- The judge, and not SGC, could The main event will take p Freshman classes at the I
raiser, "Cox and Box," and, for withdraw recognition of t h e at 8 p.m. March 22 in the versity have had class proj
the first time in Ann Arbor, "The t i group, though sanctions would note since the early 20s, but it
4 goup thughsantios wuldnotWomen's League Ballroom. At the not until 1948 that Frsh W
.Toledo War"; or "The Michigan- -. *.. be limited to this single course of all-campus dance the maize and end e rin ts prese fC
ders' Bride," as a twin-bill during action.mreir blue teams will present theiresentt
the Michigan Union's Creative Groups found guilty of viola- floorshows and will be judged. The The mass meeting for P1
Arts Festival in March. tions of the University bylaw pro- team winning in the most cate- Weekend will be held tomox
The double bill will be given hibiting discrimination could ap- gories - publicity, decorations, in the League Ballroom. At
again in Lydia MendelssohnNm peal a decision of the member- mass meeting the Maize and I
mel ecsono4temebr tickets and prgarms-will receive Central Committees will put
Theatre on April 28. Casts for the ship judge to the Vice-President a plaque sexlaining te wrk of
- twin productions will be announc- for Student Affairs who, in con- Each team has a theme which skits explaining the workiatse
ed soon. sultation with the Committtee on is chosen by its Central Commit- ommittee. After the skits e
Society.Opens GILBERT AND SULLIVAN-Gilbert and Sullivan Society will Referral could reverse the decision tee and is not revealed until the woman may sign up for the k
As an innovation this year, the present "The Gondoliers" May 2-4. The society is also planning to of the membership judge. night of the Weekend. The team Tyts fhe w sho wi
society hopes to open "The Gon- offer "Cox and Box" and "The Toledo War." This is a scene from According to the Harris pro- is expected to portray this theme, held the following day. All fri
PROF. OTTO GRAF doliers" on the road instead of on "Yeomen of the Guard," a past performance of G&S. posals, the vice president would not only in the floorshow, but In en re elig payticpat
. depth and breadth campus, but no specific engage- have the power to ask for a re- all the categories. men aeeligibleoparticipate
ments have yet been confirmed. view of proceedings by the mem- Since technical effects are limit-
dean of the literary college James "The Gondoliers" is perhaps the to his partner. The composer had Chorus Members: Paul Anderson, '64; bership judge. ed, the floorshows will be judgedDAL-6
H. Robertson said that an honors finest collection of leads and been complaining that he was sM; Lana Bidelman, '6sM; Toni B Administration Power on ingenuity and originality. The
program should not be a separate chorus in the G&S repertoire, and forced to subordinate his music to ott, '63; Curtis Blanding, '65E; Bethis In his review of the member- teams each decorate one corner of
prga hudntb eaaecou nteGSrproradGilbert's words. Brehmer, 65; Helene Brenner, '65; Lor- shpjdg' ecsothGie-teBalom
part of the college, He said it the society's directors are report- e m , '6; re er, ship judges decision, the vice- the Ballroom
should not be "an esoteric and edly quite pleased with the cast- "The Gondoliers" is the story A&D; John Dohn, '65Ed; Esther Kaup- presidet would attempt to deter- Frosh Weekend has three main Shows at i-3:35-620 and 90
limiting experience, but act as a ing. This particular show, long pila '65sM; Nancy Keys, '65A&D; Ann jmine whether "all crucial and purposes, Miss Groth said. It S OS - -2 d
leavening force on the total stu- but enjoyable, has no leading r of two reluctant pretenders to the Kirby, '65SM; Sharon Kotzin, '66; Louise challenged findings of fact are
leavening forcearon-thehtotal- Ltudbut5enjoyableawhas5no;leading roles.
dent body." Sir William S. Gilbert wrote it throne of Barataria-both broth- Lind, '65; Diane Magaw, '655M: Marl- supported by substantial evi-L
Factual Information that way-to put an end to the ers, one the real king and one lyn Rideout, '66N. dence," and if "there was any
Dean obertsonrsad that an squabbling among the members not. In childhood, the real king, More chorus members are Robert prejudicial error committed by
Dean Robertson said that anof the original D'Ouly Carte Co- then but a prince, was wedded to Roth, '65; Daniel Rudgers, '65E; Kay t mmEsUAgihsn
of the oiginal Ouly Cate Com-Semplner, '63; Janet Stagner, '63; the membership judge in his in- r 9UI
honors program, ansd a college in pany as to who was G&S leading the fair Casilda, and as soon as Becky Staton, '64; Benjamin D. Steiner, terpretation or application of DIAL 5-6290
generalo a & laig ek eao,'6;BnamnD Senr IsIotLnl inerste9i
general is not only interested in player. it is determined which of the '66L; Worth Stephenson, '63E; Diane rules" formulated by the mem- Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M.
factual information. Its ideal is The show also makes good use brothers is really married to Casil- Tickton, '66; Janet Way, '66sM; Thomas bership committee.
to let the student know that his of the music of Sir Arthur Sulli- da, the real king will be known. Way, rede b 63; A Membership Committee which That preposterous professor
intutr'main purpose isnot Glet But the childhood betrothal is Westover, '63 Judith Wier, '6; Ruth AMebrhpCmitwicTatrpoeoupofsr
instructors' van, another concession by Gilbert Worthington, '66; Alloe Enos, '63; Ron: would replace Council's present is on the loose again
to give him answers, but to help unknown to the princes, and in aid westman, '63E; Beatrice Houser, Committee on Membership would
guide him towards discovery of his the meantime, each has found and '65N; Linda Blair, '64; Mary Cockham, act in several capacities, but be
oWn answersp a l S On Needs tmarried a new love The real king, 64Ed; Phyllis Koch, 66; Jay W. Cran- staion ofce e fre he-
theefoe, s asoa bgamst-oatop, 64; Judith Jacobsen, 6, and primarily concerned with the pre-
In discussing the purpose of a Thrlk, s also a bigamist-no Andre Gainer, '64. sentation of cases before the
small liberal arts college, William small predicament. membership judge when alleged
B. Boyd, dean of Alma College and ® Eco omyj Needless to say, the real king violations have occurred. The
a member of the panel, said that favors monarchies, the two pre- N'F To Back Membership Committee would
a small college should not "mimic tenders are vindicated of bigamy prosecute the cases and handle
a multi-purpose institution." He What America needs is-new and the play ends happily, them in pre-trial phases and in
added that at Alma the number and different consumer goods, Production Director Sum mer Study appeals from the membership
of courses offered had been de- Prof. Paul W. McCracken of the Dramatics director for the pro- judge.
creased to lighten the teaching business administration school ductions will be Gershom C. Morn- The National Science Founda- Responsibilities
load and to permit professors to told the American Bankers Asso- ingstar of the Mental Health Re- tion will be paying stipends for The committee, according to the
give more time to individual stu- ciation at asymposium on econom- search Institute, and musical d- directed mathematics study by Harris recommendations, would
dents. icProw a sigt on rector will be Rosella Dureksen. selected University undergraduates also be responsible for seeking, ie-
_ _halfof America's economic growth this summer. ceiving, and processing the com in-
ee Contrlbutions is due to increases in labor and ter s Stephen Blanding, '63. From scholastic records and fac- plaints of persons who reported
isdet nrae nlbrad The cast for "The Gondoliers" ut vlain,1 tdnsw1 violations of membership rules.
capital. The other half comes. ulty evaluations, 16 students will oatns fmebshp ue.
0Ocptl h te afcmsis as follows;ecoe. hywl ehad$0~owever, the committee would p " ' $
or Pu ication through innovation, he said, and L ames Martin, Grad; Marco, be chosen. They will be paid $60
expressed concern that this half Henry J. Naasko, '63SM; Francesco, per week for eight weeks. The pro- also hold the power of Initiation
Voices, a non-profit literary might not be as great as it should Jack Hart, '63; Duke, James Brown, gram consists of full-time study of such proceedings in the ab- -
magazine, is seeking contributions be. Grad; Antonio, Richard Hazzard, '63SM; in some special area of mathe- scence of individual complaints of a
to its spring issue commemorating Most of the research now being Guiseppe, Steven Taylor, '63; Don Al- matics. The topics covered will violation of membership rules.
hambr, John Alen, Grad; Casilda, De- SATURDAYenra Cunelt
"Michigan Week." Photography, done is done for the government, lores Neske, '63; Gianetta, Karen Em- depend on a student's background. However, a General Counsel toSATURDAY
writing and work in the perform- and does not fully benefit the mons, '63; Flametta, Susan Morris, '64 Each participant will have an be appointed by the Membership
ing arts will be accepted until private sector of the economy, he SM; Duchess, Lolis Alt, '63SM; Guila, adviser, with whom he will meet Committee could be empowered by
March 31, at 716 Holland Ave, said. He advocated that more at- rshbe Ner 3; Inez ,Judh rt ane at least once a week. The pro- h m.ps e sK LOMM On
Saginaw. tention be paid to this problem. '63. gram director is Prof. Jack E. The report provides that "once a
McLaughlin of the mathematics case has been turned over to '*id iee ReEICK
At m st the Membership Committee shall 'DAYS
Ao Although most of the studentshF
will be in honors and concentrat- conduct of litigation."e Mrt
D ArL0 F C IA LU e T IAN ing in mathematics, the program The report also notes the needpFREDMACMURRAY a N Os
will be open to others, Prof. Mc-fo
#! !!::, ": .:.,. ..,. ... X.:... X ,. 55: ",:,5^ +" :,: ": r ..i :.,,",,L augh lin said. N Fn rYErm u on osa"ind .
r+.r SS;:h+ ....... ":::: +".on.rules." w hich:w o uld I~ r 1 3Vfke1 C 'tI N

The Daily Official Bulletin is an 8 p.m., Monday, March 4, 1963. Place:
official publication of The Univer- Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Li-
sity of Michigan for which The brary. Speaker: Prof. Franklyn D. Holz-
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial man, Department of Economics, Tufts
responsibility. Notices should be University. Subject: "Soviet Foreign
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Trade Pricing and Exchange Rate Poli-
Room 3564 Administration Building cies"
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
publication. William W. stout Scholarship: Appli-
cations for this scholarship are now
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 available at 2011 Student Activities
Bldg. Undergrad students who have
completed at least 15 hours at the
Univ. with grades of "B" or better and
who need financial assistance may ap-
8:00 a.m.-Advanced Marine Eng. Con- ply. Applications must be completed
cepts for Increased Reliability Confer- by March 1.
ence - Registration: Amphitheater of
Rackham Bldg. Applications for LSA scholarships for
4:15 p.m.-School of Music Doctor of the next academic year 1963-64 are
Musical Arts Piano Series-Joseph Ban- now available in Rm. 1220 Angel Hall.
owetz, guest pianist: Aud. A, Angell All applications must be returned to
Hall. that office by March 15, 1963. Apply
7:30 p.m.-Project -on Computers in only if grade point average is 2.8 or bet-
Eng. Education Introductory Computer ter; funds are severely limited. Appli-
Lecture Series - Brice Carnahan, As- cants must have had at least one sem.
sistant Director, Ford Foundation Pro- of residence in this College.
ject on Computers, "Introduction to
High Speed Digital Computers and the HOPWOOD AWARDS: Petitions to the
MAD Language": Natural Science Aud. Hopwood Committee must be in the
8:30 p.m.-Professional Theater Pro-
gram Shakespeare Festival - Assn. of
Producing Artists Resident Co. of the ON
U-M in "The Tragical History of King R IZ I
Richard the Second": Trueblood Aud.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Concert- NOTICES
Stanley Quartet: Rackham Lecture Hall.
Sociedad Hispanica: Wed., Feb. 27,
8:00 p.m., Frieze Bldg. Dr. Martin Need- Cercle Francais, Baratin, Feb. 28, 3-5
ler of the political science department p.m., 3050 FB. Venez Tous!
speaking on experiences in Peru and * * *
Latin America. Deutscher Verein, Kaffee Stunde, Feb.
27, 2-4 p.m., 4072 FB.
vGe eral Notices Gilbert & Sullivan Society, Cast Meet-
Regents' Meeting: Fri., March 22. ing, Feb. 27, 7:30 p.m., Union.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's Italian Club, "La Strada," Feb. 27, 8
hands not later than March 8. Please p.m., Multipurpose Rm., UGLI.
submit twenty-two copies of each com-* * *
munication.ySociedad Hispanica, Feb. 27, 8 p.m.,
3050 FB. Speaker: Dr. M. Needler, Pol.
Student Government Council Approval Sci. Dept., "Traveling in Peru & Latin
of the following student-sponsored ac- America."
tivities becomes effective 24 hours after * * *
the publication of this notice. All pub- University Lutheran Chapel, Ash Wed-
licity for these events must be with- nesday Communion Services, Feb. 27, 7
held until the approval has become & 10 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw.
effective. * * *
Chritsian Science Organization, lec- U. of M. Rifle Club, Business Meet-
ture by Paul Stark Seeley, March 8, 8:00 ing, Feb. 27, 7:15 p.m., Shooting 8-9:30
p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. p.m., Rifle Range.
Voice and Socialist Club, film and lec- * * *
ture by Frank Wilkinson, March 1, 7:30 Wesleyan Guild, Coffee Hour, 4 p.m.,
p.m., 3R6, Union. Wesley Lounge; Holy Communion, 5:10
Voice, Forum, March 5, 8:00 p.m., p.m., Chapel; Dinner, 6 p.m., Pine
UGLI. Room; Feb. 27.
Women's League, Spring Interview- * * *
ing, Feb. 27-April 3, 3-5:30 and 7-10 Lutheran Student Chapel, Ash Wed-
p.m., League. nesday Service with Holy Communion,
Feb. 27, 7:15 p.m., Hill St. & S. Forest
Meeting of the Economics Club: Time: Ave.
r AoeAoroo
icocccsorrrF Prr rwr GrA cor cs





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