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February 27, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-27

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Seb Editorial Page


S i6Fr

& tit461p

Light snow
later in the day

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Pierpont To Request
Medical Unit Funds
'U' To Urge Committee To Include
Building in Capital Outlay Planning
"We intend to work as diligently as we can to get the Medical
Science Unit II recognized by the Legislature," Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said last night.
"We hope to have the Senate Appropriations Committee review
the entire building program in detail," he continued, "and we will
stress the urgency of the need for the building to the committee."
Vice-President Pierpont stressed the fact that the medical program at
the University is so large as to be given consideration "in its own
light," and not "at the expense of the other projects."
All Important
Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss agreed the Archi-
tecture and Design Bldg. was also "very badly needed." "The first

...lobby for funds

ledges Adid
To Research
Gov. George Romney, appearing
in Ann Arbor yesterday for the
dedication of a new laboratory at
the Research Park, pledged Lans-
ing support for increased research
at the University.
Later that evening, at a banquet
sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Chamber of Commerce, the gover-
nor explained the "gap between
appropriations requested by the
University and the amount recom-
mended in my budget."
"We have suggested this year a
$750,000 fund for the support of
college research programs
throughout the state. Although
this sum is not large, the way we
can offset a lack of funds is to
make every dollar count," Rom-
pey said.
'Snowball' Effect,
"Everything of real consequence
is small at the beginning and I'm
hoping this program can snowball
Into something of real signifi-
cance," the governor continued.
"We must learn to develop our
own potential without running to
Washington for aid."
Romney noted that the only
way to support a "great institu-
tion like the University is to first
boost Michigan's sagging
The governor told leading fig--
ures from the University and the
community that Michigan industry
has been lax in utilizing the facil-
ities of the University for research
programs. "We will study this
problem and perhaps even invite
industries from elsewhere to make
use of these facilities," he said.
'U' Research
Romney said that before a good.
workable state-wide research pro-
gram can be recognized, the work
of developing some fundamental
research processes must be done
by institutions like the University.
"We must strive in the area of
basic research," Romney asserted.
"Most research contracts from the
federal government are going to
the eastern states like Massachu-
setts, while only 14 per cent of
these contracts are awarded to
Romnev dedicated the research
facility of the Federal Mogul Corp.,
the first built in the park, by silver
plating two medalions with a spe-
cial instrument triggered from the
Crab Nebula by a radio-telescope
The governor had praise for the
cooperation between the Univer-
sity and the town in making Ann
Arbor one of the most respected
research centers in the country.
"President Hatcher, Mayor Cecil
0. Creal and many of this com-
munity's businessmen have all
contributed unselfishly toward
making this project a project we

'several items on the list are all
extremely important," he said.
However, he said that "the med-
ical unit was placed first on the
priority list," because it is "very
"We are going to urge the com-
mittee to add it to the list," but
we do not know how good the
chances are for this, Vice-Presi-
dent Niehuss indicated. "They are
certainly not as good as they would
have I been if Governor George
Romney had recommended the
Possible Change
"Our understanding with State
Controller Glenn Allen is that it
"may be possible for the commit-
tee to do something about it, and
that he will not oppose the
change," he explained.
Allen said Monday that the med-
ical unit was not a totally lost
cause, because the Legislature is
"accustomed to making switches
and changes." However, he saw
the main possibility in substitut-
ing Medical Science Unit II for
the A & D building.
Vice-President Pierpont said last
night, that "The state should rec-
ognize each of the University's re-
quests separately." Our main in-
terest right now is in "getting the
buildings that we need so badly."
The University has been at-
tempting to get the medical unit
for the past 10 years. The reason
the Legislature gave for the
switching of funds was that the
total construction cost for the
medical building was more than
the state would be able to approp-
riate in the near future.
M1SU Official
Opposes Stand
'Of 'U' Chief-
University President H a r I a n
Hatcher's recent statement that
the nation's graduate and profes-
sional "leadership universities"
must not be neglected amidst the
flood of incoming freshmen has
been greeted with some disfavor
by a Michigan State University
"If he meant the development of
only 10 or 15 institutions, he stands
alone in encouraging such concen-
tration," Milton Muelder, MSU
vice-president for research and
dean of advanced graduate studies,
Muelder claimed ;hat President
Hatcher's comments ignored cur-
rent trends in higher education,
such as raising the standards of
secondary school teaching.
"In order to make further prog-
ress, we have to accelerate the un-,
dergraduate program in order to
improve the graduate program,"
Muelder commented.

To Decide
On Ruling
Members of Assembly House
Council approved a motion to al-
low the residents of Alice Lloyd
Hall to formulate their own dress
regulations at their weekly meet-
ing Monday.
In regard to the motion, Assem-
bly President Mary Beth Norton,
'64, said, "I think we can safely
say this will set a precedent."
Dean's Power
Previously, the power to'approve
dress regulations in the women's
residence halls lay in the now-
defunct Dean of Women's Office.
When the office was abolished,
the power was transferred to the
Office of Student Affairs.
Recently, there has been con-
troversy over whether this power
should remain in the hands of
the OSA or should belong to the
Assembly House Council, she
View Power
Miss Norton said, "At present
no one knows where the power
lies." She said that she thought
Assembly should take the power.
Vice-President for Student Af-,
fairs James A. Lewis is looking
into the matter or Assembly
power and will make a policy
statement in the near future.
Miss Norton said, "My philos-
ophy of student government is
that I think that students should
be able to decide things for them-
To :demolish'
The University will tear down
the Observatory Bldg. after the
astronomy department moves out
of the building and its telescopes
are relocated, but the date of the
building's demise is indefinite.
The 109-year old building is to
be torn down as part of the Med-
ical Center master expansion plan,
assistant to the vice-president for
business and finance John G. Mc-
Kevitt explained yesterday.
No Plans
Prof. .Orren C. Mohler, chair-
man of the astronomy department,
said that his department did not
have definite plans for moving
the telescopes, but indicated that
they would probably be placed on
Peach Mt. where the University
has its radio and some optical
However, this plan is stymied by
a lack of funds.
Cost Studies
Prof. Mohler said some prelim-
inary cost studies had been made
and that they show that the cost
of moving the telescopes and
building adequate housing for
them on Peach Mt. are "quite
h ig h," possibly reaching six
Prof. Mohler noted that there
is no money available for such a
To Open
Meanwhile, the Physics-Astron-
omy Bldg., to open this summer.
will provide classroom and office
space for the department, Prof.
Mohler said. There is no provisionI
for telescopes in the building, he
The University does not plan to
use the Observatory Bldg. as part
of the Medical Center as "the
building is ancient and does not
lend itself to reconversion," Mc-[
Kevitt said.



Report Studies Policy Code


A recently completed report
on Soviet and American foreign
policy seeks to produce certain
information which will help to
generate as accurate a picture
as possible of the Russian and
American foreign policy opera-
tional codes.
The report, done by Profes-
sors Robert Angell of the so-
ciology department and J.
David Singer of the Mental
Health Research Institute,
chose to study the articulations
of those elites who most ac-
curately make or reflect their
country's operational code.
It studied, for a three year
period beginning May, 1957, and
ending coincidentally, just prior
to the U-2 incident, those
"written materials which would
most faithfully reflect the as-
sumptions, expectations and as-
pirations of those elites."
Studies Periodicals
Prof. Singer's section of the
report dealt with three periodi-
cals from each country, includ-
ing Pravda, Kommunist and
International Affairs from Rus-
sia. and the New York Times,
Department of State Bulletin
and Foreign Affairs from the
United States.
One finding of Prof. Singer's
section which deals with elite
images of the international .ys-
tem said that "we find that
neither side expresses a par-
ticularly objective or even
realistic view. The Soviets never,
saw the system as one charac-
terized by or contributing to.
incessant .conflict, and Ameri-
cans only did so in seven per
cent of the cases."
On origins or causes of ini-
tiating conflict, both sides con-
verged sharply. "For the United
States, war was seen as the re-
sult, of 'one state's aggressive-
ness' 63 per cent of the time
and for the Soviets it was 88
per cent."
'Inevitable Clash'
Neither side gave frequent ex-
pression to the "must inevit-
ably clash" position, with scores
of seven per cent for the United
States and one per cent for the

Soviet Union, the report indi-
Viewing progress in develop-
ment and production of ad-
vanced weapons systems, "al-
most every reference to this
dimension in the Soviet press
termed its own technological
progress as 'faster' than the
United States (98 per cent),
whereas the American press-
reflecting the image of Sputnik
I and II-scored their own
weapons technology as develop-
ing more slowly than that of
their opponent 45 per cent of
the time."
Military Advantages
In evaluating relative "pres-
ent military advantage," the
Soviets viewed it in their own
favor 95 per cent of the time
as comparedrto "the. remarkably
low figure" of 52 per cent for
the Americans, the study re-
"The Soviets anticipate a
'victory for us' 37 per cent of
the time compared to only four
per cent for the United States."
In terms of limitation of a pos-
sible war, the report said that
Americans (19 per cent)
thought it would "probably es-
calate into general war" and
those in the USSR predicted
this 75 per cent of the time.
In interpreting relative power,
the USSR claimed to see a shift
in their favor almost every
time (99 per cent) and predict-
ed an American collapse, result-
ing from Communist "successes
elsewhere" (45 per cent) an-d
from the "weakness and con-
tradictions of the American
system" (53 per cent).
Degree of Confidence
United States elites tended
to reflect a much more modest
degree of self-confidence. They
scored the power balance as
"static" 42 per cent of the
time and 29 per cent as "shiftL-
ing in their favor," the report
"Neither side admits that the
other's dominant goal is "eIf-
preservation, yet each says with
a very high frequency (United
States-80 per cent and USSR
-100 per cent) that the other
would choose 'security' over

ideological considerations :n
making policy decisions."
The report indicated that
there were few tendencies to
admit the other's military doe-
trine was a retaliatory one and
was more often seen as pre-
ventive or pre-emptive.
Role of Force
Looking at political instru-
ments, "the Soviets allege that
the major instrument of United
States' policy is military force
(59 per cent) with political sub-
version and socio - economic
penetration scored at 24 and
17 per cent levels."
Conversely, United States
elites score only 27 per cent for
Soviet military force with 36
and 37 per cent for "the less
for violent techniques."
"By a ratio of two to one,
each claims that disarmament
negotiations are more likely to
be successful when they -iie
stronger than when there is
approximate parity," the report
International Organization
"The most discouraging ele-
ment, however, is the extreme-
ly low frequency with which
each looks to 'effective inter-
national organization' (JJSSR
-15 per cent and .he United
States 20 per cent)" as a means
by which the non-military con-
flict may be carried on.
The study indicated that, on
the one hand, both 'counrties
not only have an impressive
range of incompatible goals and
clashes, but that each nation's
foreign policy elite is aware of
this. "On the other hand, each
reveals a powerful tendency to
act and speak in such a way as
to exacerbate the differences."
The inquiry into the opera-
tional codes confirms. that
neither side has yet discovered
those strategies which may en-
able it to survive he present
while shaping the future, the
study stated.
"Until they are discovered-
and utilized-it is safe to pre-
dict that no major changes in
Soviet-American relations will
occur, short of a strategic war
which neither side desires or



A report on implementation of
the non-discrimination policy of
Regents Bylaw 2.14 will be-consid-
STEVEN STOCKMEYER ered by Student Government
.. . Harris report Council at its regular meeting to-
H rnight.
Acceptance of the report would
COPELAND: clarify SGC's authority relative to
demands for membership state-
ments from recognized student or-
R eadies.ganizations andmprobably lead to
renewed SGC demands for those
17/ 1 Drafted by Prof. Robert J. Har-
F~e SO t qa Iris of the Law School, the report
suggests Council's formulation of
membership rules pertaining to
Aaron Copeland, distinguished recognition of student organiza-
American composer, will be a fea- eogns, and the appointment of a
tured guest lecturer at one session membership judge, who would
of the Festival of Contemporary have the sole power to'hear cases
Music, presented March 20, 23, 25, involving alleged violations of
27 and 29, by the School of Music.membership rules and a member-
ship committee which would aid in
....;.. ipreparation of cases to be heard by
the judge.
Begin Discussion
Council will begin discussion of
the Harris proposals tonight, with
.: <extended consideration slated for
. the Council meeting a week later.
" Council hopes to submit the rec-
{ ommendations to the Regents at
... their March 22 meeting, along with
comment and possible alterations.
SGC President Steven Stock-
''>.vmeyer, '63, noted that Council does
not now expect a new Regents' by-
law to clarify SGC authority rela-
tive to demands for membership
zw ' *statements from student organiza-
tions. However, Council hopes the
Regents will accept the recoi-
recom-mendations as part of their offi-
..'.cial proceedings, which would be
ksufficient to clarify SGC author-
ity in this area.
AARON COPELAND Specifically, the Harris report
... featured composer , recognizes the right of Council to
make rules implementing Bylaw
The Festival is the third to be 2.14.
held at the University. It will in- Provide Autonomy?
clude five 8:30 p.m. concerts, open Council may also include pro-
to the public and free of charge.visons hic wy ass ureaudo-
Prof. William D. Revelli and the visionmwhic hiudsr sato
University Symphony Bandwill the members of the local chapter
open the Festival series on March of a recognized student group.
20, in Hill Aud. Stravinsky, This proposal would pave the way
Schoenberg, and Gianni will be for Council demands that student
the featured composers, organizations claiming ntoa
On March 23, in Rackham Lec- affiliation must comply with by-
ture Hall, the Festival will feature law 2.14.
the first United States perform- According to the recommenda-
ance of Harris's "Fantasy for tions, violations of the rules of
Violin and Piano." membership would be considered
The third program, March 25, by a membership judge to be se-
also at Rackham, will feature fac-
ultyan stdnsoth mui lected by SGC.
school. nd students of the music prof. Harris has suggested that
Copeland and his music will be "the membership judge and not
the attraction of the program on SGC shall have the power to im-
March 27 at Rackham. Copeland pose appropriate sanctions upon
will speak on "Composingrpec recognized student groups found
isPerspec- in violation of rules" formulated
t 'e. by Council.
Following the talk the followingbyCucl
Copeland compositions will be per- The judge, according to current
formed: "Piano Variations," "Dan- proposals which are subject to
zon Cubano" and "Nonet for change during Council consider-
Strings." ation of the Harris report, would
The final program of the Fes- serve for a two year term, hold a
tival will be March 29, at Hill law degree, and be associated with
Aud. See TO CONSIDER, Page 2
deal Theatre Models

On 1Membership

Harris Draft
SOpens Way
t For Hearings
SGC To Examine
= Possibility of Action
. Inplenenting By-Law



Caution Greets Romney Bills

Legislators reacted with cautious
optimism yesterday to bills for a
replacement for Rule Nine and a
$1 an hour minimum wage-the
first two pieces of legislation to
be drafted by Gov. George Rom-
ney's administration.
In another Lansing development,
Rep. Richard A. Guzowski (D-
Detroit) was squelched by a 75-7
vote in his attempt to discharge
a House committee from further
consideration of his subversive

speaker amendment to the con-
Sen. John Fitzgerald (R-Grand
Ledge), who is sponsoring the
"open occupancy" measure to pro-
hibit real estate brokers from dis-
crimination in showing property
listings, said "the ultimate chances
of its passing are good."
Bipartisan Issue
Democratic leaders withheld
comment, although Sen. Basil
Brown (D-Detroit) and Rep.
George H. Edwards (D-Detroit)
have indicated their support. Fitz-
gerald predicted there will be sup-
port and opposition in both par-

Communist speakers from state-
supported universities will prob-
ably stay right in committee until
after the April 1 election.
"You just don't discharge com-
mittees indiscriminately around
here," Arnett said.
Rep. William A. Boos (D-De-
troit) charged that such an
amendment would imply that col-
lege students are "intellectually
inept, easily duped and not cap-
able of determining right from
Guzowski, however, remains ad-
amant. He said the rejection
amounts to "welcoming the Com-
.... v..e~f ].. .4. -e 1 i hi~r "

APA Presents Richard II

This bill reinstates the sub- munist Party to Michigan.
stance of Rule Nine, an adminis-
trative statute which was recentlyN RC
declared invalid on a technicalityA
by the state supreme court.
The bill prohibits brokers or "
salesmen from "encouraging, sug- I
gesting or recommending" bias Dp
towards prospective buyers, from
mutual agreement of brokers to
discriminate and from "panic sell-' Sixteen three-dimensional mod-
ing" based on prejudice. els of ideal theatres of the future

Onus on Seller

are on display in Alumni Memor-

It also requires brokers to chan- ial Hall through March 31 in hon-
nel promptly any buying offers, or of the Ann Arbor Conference,
thus placing any decision of dis- "Theatre and Main Street," to be
crimination directly on the seller. held March 21-22.
However, sanctions are placed only Designed by eight teams of pro-
on the broker. fessional architects and stage de-
On the Romney-backed wage- signers commissioned by the Ford
hour bill, Rep. Riemer Van Til Foundation, the models "explore
(R-Holland), chairman of the variations of different kinds of
House Commitee on Labor, assert- theatre, trying to allow flexibility
ed that if any minimum wage bill in theatre arts," Charles Sawyer,
has nchance. "this will rnhably Alimni Mmnrial TTall diprectnr



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