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February 26, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-26

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Asian Sequence Gives Variety

Group Asks Fewer Interstate Barriers

ready to accept some out-of-state
The authors (13 civic leaders
from the 13 Western member
states) assert that "a free flow of
well-qualified students among col-
leges and universities of our states
is a valuable part of the stimulat-
ing, truly maturing education ...
The opportunity for a well-quali-
fied young person to attend the
college of his choice is an im-
portant part of our American ed-
ucational heritage."
Asset to State
The report comments that the
out-of-state student is an eco-

nomic and educational asset to
the state which gives him his edu-
It notes that if students travel
between states, the state where
they go to school benefits eco-
nomically. The out-of-state stu-
dents spend many thousands of
dollars in the state and "frequent-
ly become permanent residents ..."'
Although the report states that
no solution to the problem of out-
of-state residents is ideal, there
are alternatives which must be
considered in order to insure both
residents and non-residents the
best educational opportunities.

NCATE To Evaluate Education School


(Continued from Page 1),

Whereas James D. Koerner,
president of the Council for Basic
Education, claims that the separa-
tion of the visiting panel and the
accreditation council is detrimen-
tal to the accreditation process,
Dean Lehmann sees the central
body as producing continuity
within the organization.
He explained that the institu-
tion being evaluated also has some
opportunity to choose the visiting
Dean Lehmann questioned the
value of the reports required by
NCATE in an institution like the
University. Self - evaluation, he
said, is a part of the continuing
program of the education school.
He stressed that one of the
strengths of the University pro-
gram was the good relationship
between the education school, the
literary college, the music school
and the architecture school.

Assistant Dean Allen P. Brit-
ton of the music school noted that
although the teacher training pro-
gram is entirely under the direc-
tion of the education school, the
music school operates in coopera-
tion with it.
"The strength of the University
teacher education is the centrali-
zation of authority but decen-
tralization of practice," Dean
Britton said.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns said "teach-
er education is a University-wide
He noted that in recent years,
interest has been growing among
the departments of the literary
college, of which he used to be
dean, in the training of future
teachers. This interest has mani-
fested itself in the form of in-
dividual faculty members working
in teacher-training and of a gen-
eral consciousness of departmental
responsibility in this area.
One device increasingly used to
aid in the preparation of teachers
is the joint appointment. Under
this system, individuals have an
appointment in their own aca-
demic specialty and one in the
education school. They then teach
the subject matter with a special
orientation toward teachers, Vice-
President Heyns said.
The University may be accredit-
ed by NCATE at the undergradu-
ate and graduate levels for the
training of elementary school
teachers, secondary school teach-
ers and school service personnel
such as administrators, super-
visors and guidance counsellors.
One of the major questions re-
garding NCATE's visit and stan-
dards is whether or not conform-
ing to them stifles creativity and
experimentation in the training of
teachers, Dean Lehmann said.

What the authors call an "ex-
treme measure" is the suggestion
to set up a regional or national
placement bureau. This agency
would equalize student migration
among public colleges of the dif-
ferent states. The report main-
tains that this solution is cum-
bersome, expensive and restrictive
of student opportunities.
Reciprocity Inadequate
Reciprocity between two states
is not an adequate answer either,
the authors claim. If states will
agree among themselves to lower
out-of-state restrictions for each
others' residents these plans "are
minor exceptions to a basically
restrictive policy" and "would
contribute very little to the solu-
tion of the problem."
A clearinghouse to keep track
of student migration throughout
the states has been suggested. But,
the report says, this would be "ad-
ministratively elaborate," expens-
ive and politically difficult to es-
Two plans which are more eas-
ily adaptable to the present sys-
tems are the "high fees, liberal
scholarships" and "displacement"
ideas. Under the first, the public,
college would maintain its high
fees but provide liberal scholar-
ships for the out-of-state stu-
dents. "But it would not settle the
question of how many non-resi-
dents should be admitted," the re-
port points out.
The displacement plan calls for
the displacement of non-residents
in the student body as the number
of well-qualified resident appli-
cants increases. "This policy has
the virtue of flexibility" but "may
encourage state leaders to delay
needed expansions of academic
facilities, but making the ouster
of non-residents seem an attrac-
tive alternative," the report notes.
The final two plans call for 1)
the admission of all qualified stu-
dents and 2) a flexible balance of
in- and out-of-state residents.
In admitting all qualified stu-
dents, the report says, the edu-
cational problems are minimized.
But it points out that a balance
of student migrations between
states would have to be set up.
Party Chairman
To Address YD's
Democratic State Chairman
Zolton A. Ferency will address a
Joint meeting of the University
and Eastern Michigan University
Young Democrats tonight at 7:30
in Rm. 3-M of the Michigan Union.

... co-lecturer
Add Courses
In English
Honors freshmen can now take
a course which fulfills their Eng-
lish composition requirement and
at the same time gives them eight
hours of credit for their humani-
ties distribution.
The new sequence, Great Books
191 and 192, fulfills the composi-
tion requirement on the basis of
the principle that "any course
which has a lot of writing and
whose grade is dependent on the
quality of the writing should ful-
fill the English requirement," Prof.
Henry Ogden of the English de-
partment, one of the originators
of the course, said recently.
The class is based on experi-
mentation which has for the last
five years combined English 123
and 124 with other subjects .such
as history, psychology and Great
Books. One advantage of the
course is that it gives the student
an introduction to the great works
of Greece and Rome, he noted. It
introduces him to humanistic con-
cerns and gives him proven works
of literature as a basis for criti-
cism of other writings and of life.
The readings are divided into
three categories of Graeco-Roman
literature: the imaginative, the
historical and the philosophical.
Each group presents value judg-
ments for the individual and his
place in society.
Profs. Ogden and Morris Green-
hut, also of the English depart-
ment, are the course lecturers. The
lectures focus on the works them-
selves rather than on their histor-
ical backgrounds. The lectures arem
meant to "get the students to ask
the right questions about the works
and give them topics to write
about," Prof. Ogden said..

The two courses offered as the
Asian Studies 101 and 102. se-
qunce are unique in that they
are considered as ends in them-
selves, while most introductory
courses conceive of themselves as
merely a tickling of the intellec-
tual tastebuds.
In order to make this fairly
proud boast of being "an end in
itself," the program must have
certain characteristics which set
it apart from the usual course in
the literary college.
One of these characteristics is
the quality of objectives mention-
ed in the catalog-"to introduce
the student to the major cultures
of Asia as a background to an
understanding of the contempor-{
ary Asian scene" and "to intro-
duce the student to the various
disciplines which are used in
studying the cultures of Asia."
Course Scope
These indicate the scope of the
More than 5000 years of Chinese
history , alone are but a small
facet of the first semester course,
Asian Studies 101, which covers'
the great civilizations of Asia. In
addition to including the geogra-
phy, history and general culture
of China, the course also touches
on similar aspects of India, Japan,
the Middle East and Southeast
The second semester course is
concerned with Modern Asia and
the West. It discusses the impact
of the Western world on the tra-
ditional Asian cultures, which, in
many cases, barred contact with
the Occident until the late 19th
Twenty different lecturers are
used for the semester. They range
from the members of the anthro-
pology department to those from
the music literature department.
Few other courses offer to the
freshman and sophomore student
the contact with these men, some
of whom teach no other under-
graduate courses. The student has
the opportunity to hear lectures
from men in many divergent
Varied Approaches
This range is intended in part
to show the student the many
possible approaches to the study
of. the Asian world. He can look
at it through the eyes of a lin-
guist, a historian, a geographer,
an anthropologist, a political
scientist or economist. The lec-
tures range in topic matter from
"The British Empire in India" to
"The Sanskrit Sphere of Writing
and Languages."
The coordination of a program
of this scope is the major admin-
istrative problem. In the past there
generally has been a different
coordinator for each semester. But

beginning this spring term, Prof.
James Stewart-Robinson of the
Near Eastern studies department
has taken over the job of co-
ordination and will retain it for
threeyyears for the sake of con-
"Everyone is very pleased with
the success of the program," Prof.
Stewart-Robinson said recently.
"The general impression is that
this is the type of course which
ought to be encouraged."
"It is now completely integrated
into the literary college curricu-
lum. It is something which is nere
to stay," he continued.
The frequent changes in the
course's coordinator are a result
of professorial discontent with

NSF Details Fellowships
For Natowd plcto

dealing with administrative de-
tails, Prof. Stewart-Robinson said.
"The job of assimilating ma-
terial for coherent examinations
is the duty of the coordinator in
cooperation, with the teaching fel-
lows and graduate students. The
various professors involved in the
program only lecture," he continu-
No basic changes in the course
are planned for the immediate
future. "The only changes will be
the normal ones in reading .mat-
ter to keep them up to date and
occasional topical switches to fit
the available personnel.
"The only long term change will
be to make the course better and
better," Prof. Stewart-Robinson

More than 10,602 National
Science Foundation fellowships
available this year were detailed
by the Office of Research Admin-
istration inits Feb. 15 issue of the
Research Reporters.
The "Schedule of NSF Program
for Education in the Sciences-
Calendar Year 1963" listed fellow-
ships, institutes, special projects
in science education and course
content improvement grants avail-
able on the basis of nationwide
applications and their application
Four thousand graduate and
graduate cooperation fellowships'
are available next year. The appli-
Fusf eld To Talk
In Voice Series
Prof. Daniel Fusfeld of the eco-
nomics department will discuss
"The Economy" tonight at 8 in
the Multipurpose Rm., UGLI. His
talk is the fourth in a nine-part
Voice Political Party series.

cation deadlines are Jan. 3, 1964
and Nov. 1, 1963 respectively.
Postdoctoral, senior doctoral,
science faculty and secondary
school teacher NSF fellowships
number 750. The application dead-
lines are Sept. 3, 1963, Dec. 16,
1963, Oct. 7, 1963 and Jan. 3, 1964
One-hundred twenty grants for
college teacher institutes in 1964-
65 are available. Academic year
institute applications are due July
1 ds are summer, 1964 institutes.
Conference applications for the
1964-65 academic year are due
Sept. 1.
Available to secondary school
teachers are 765 institute grants.
Deadlines for application vary
from July 1 to Dec. 15, 1963.
Two thousand, three hundred
and seven grants are available for
special projects in science educa-
tion. Deadlines vary, according to
the program, from March 1 to
Dec. 15, 1963.
Details on specific projects and
applications may be obtained from
the Office of Research Adminis-

Fraternity Leaders Quarrel

stimulates conversations. The only
criterion is 'livability.' What can
I gain from him, what can he
gain from me?"
"Freshmen coming to Stanford
now just won't accept rituals full
of Civil War-era melodrama," a
Stanford University Sigma Nu was
quoted by Look.
Defending ritual, Rutherford
said that "the typicial fraternity
is based on 160-60-years of tradi-
tion of which it is justly proud.
But this is not a stagnant ante-
bellum tradition. It changes as
house membership changes."

8:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 27
Multi Purpose Room-U.G.L.I.
Membership Cards Available at Door

'U' Accepts Gifts, Grants Totalling $332,000

Gifts, grants and bequests of
$332,000 were accepted by the Re-
gents at their regular monthly
meeting Friday.
The largest gift was $100,000
from the Ford Foundation, for the
F o r d Foundation Engineering
Doctoral Student Loan Fund.
Second largest gift was from
Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann
Arbor, consisting of microfilms,
copyflo books and other materials
having a total value of $31,000
given during 1962 to the Univer-
'12 Pharm, filed for probate in,
other units.
Anonymous Gift
An anonymous donor presented
$23,650 for the Obstetrics and
Gynecology Research and Teach-
ing Fund.
From the Parke, Davis and Co.
of Detroit came $23,250 for the
Parke, Davis and Co. Burn Infec-
tion Research Fund and $500 for
the Parke, Davis and Co. Chem-
istry Lectures Fund.
A total of $22,300 was received
from the estate of Nell B. Stock-

well of Ann Arbor, to establish
the Nell B. Stockwell Research in
Astronomy Fund.
Kellogg Research
From the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation of Battle Creek came $17,-
700 for the Kellogg Foundation
Research in Public Health Prac-
tice Fund. This is the fourth pay-
ment on a five-year commitment.
The Edward H. Jewetts of La-
peer gave $16,470 for the Barbara
Backus and Edward H. Jewett II
Scholarship Fund in Science and
From the Elsa U. Pardee Foun-
dation of Midland came $12,600
for three projects: $3600 for the
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Cancer
Research Fund, $3000 for the Elsa
U. Pardee Foundation Fellowship
for Cancer Research and $6000 to
establish the Elsa U. Pardee Foun-
dation Postdoctoral Cancer Re-
search Fellowship.
Memorial Fund
The Forney W. Clement Memor-
ial Foundation of Detroit present-
ed $8000 for the Forney Clement
Memorial Fund. The foundation is
supported by the Kiwanis Clubs
of Michigan and the funds to the
University are used to help sup-
port t h e University Hospital
There were two $6000 gifts: One
was from Edith B. Daudt of La-

Salle for the Edith B. Daudt Con-
vulsive Disorder Clinic, and the
second came from James Decker
Munson Hospital of Traverse City,
for the James Decker Munson
Hospital Fund.
George H. Brown of Ann Arbor
gave $5,250 for the Catherine
Smith Brown Memorial Fund.
From Nell Carneal Drew of Old
Saybrook, Conn., came $5,100 to
establish t h e Symposium on
Stockholders Role.
From the estate of Jennie E. Ely
of Detroit came $5000 to establish
the Herbert C. Ely Memorial Fund.
From the Upjohn Co. of Kala-
mazoo came $4,250 for three pro-
jects: $1000 for the Upjohn Co.
Adrenal Cortical Response Fund,
$2500 for the Upjohn-Simpson
Memorial Institute Fund and $750
to establish the Multiple Sclerosis
Research in the Department of
Neurology Fund.
Liberal Arts
The North Central Association
of Colleges and Secondary Schools
of Fort Wayne gave $4,160 for the
Study on Liberal Arts Education
The Minnesota Mining and
Manufacturing Co. of St. Paul
gave $2700 for the Minnesota
Mining and Manufacturing Co.
Fellowship in Chemistry.
From the Borden Co. Founda-
tion, Inc. of New York City came
$2500 for the Borden Undergrad-
uate Research Award in Medicine.
Donald B. Benedict of New
York City gave $2100 for the Har-
lan Hatcher Fund.
Emma W. Alexander of Ann Ar-

bor gave $2000 for the Thoracic
Surgery Research Fund. Another
$2000 came . from the Wolverine
Tube Division of Allen Park for
the Wolverine Trufin Fellowship.
Miscellaneous donors gave $1,-
850 for the Simpson Memorial In-
stitute Special Fund.
The American Foundation for
Pharmaceutical E d u c a t i o n of
Washington gave $1500 for the
Pharmaceutical Education Fellow-
The Scott Paper Co. Foundation
of Philadelphia presented $500 for
the Engineering College Special
Fund and $1000 for the Scott
Paper Co. Foundation Scholarship.
India Fund
Educational Services, Inc. of
Watertown, Mass., gave $1,225 for
the Educational Services, Inc.
AID India Fund.
From the Andrew A. Kucher
Trust of Dearborn came $1,076
for the Phoenix Atomic Research
Miscellaneous donors gave $1,-
050 through the Development
Council for the Actuarial Science
Program and $1,030 to establish
the Chronic Pulmonary Disease
Smaller Gifts
There were four gifts of $1000
The Ameircan Society for Test-
ing and Materials of Philadelphia
to establish the American Society
for Testing and Materials Grant.
The John Hancock Mutual Life
Insurance Co. of Boston and the
Northwestern Mutual Life Insur-
ance Co. of Milwaukee, both for
the Actuarial Science Program.

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