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February 26, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-26

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UARY 26, 1963


pop 'z

President May Forego
Tax Revision Program
For .Gradual Cutbacks

U.S. Asks Clarification
Of Inspection Proposal"
GENEVA (MP)-The United States promised yesterday to remain
flexible in nuclear test ban negotiations if the Soviet Union will only
define the type of inspection Moscow will allow on Russian soil.
Neutral delegates at the 17-nation disarmament conference sug-
gested the United States and the Soviet Union may ultimately compro-
mise on five test ban inspections a year on each other's territory.
That figure stands half way between the seven on-site checks
now demanded by the United States and the three inspections the

.°.. possible defeat

Rolvaa Votes
Fall in Recount
ST. PAUL (JP)-The unofficial
recount lead of Karl Rolvaag,
Democratic candidate for gover-
nor of Minnesota, fell from 133 to
12 yesterday as the trial of dis-
puted ballots in the governorship
recount case opened before a
three judge state court.
The Rolvaag loss came without
any action by the court. Rolvaag
started the recount proceedings
after the state canvassing board
ruled that Republican Gov. Elmer
L. Andersen had been reelected by
142 votes in the Nov. 6 election.
The preliminary recount, in-
cluding several thousand disputed
ballots, originally gave Rolvaag a
133 vote lead. This figure is un-
official but its accuracy has been
agreed to by both factions.
C. L. Nelson, attorney for Rol-
vaag, told the court yesterday
that he and attorneys for Gov.
Andersen had agreed that certain
votes originally in dispute be dis-
Gov. Andersen is holding over
as chief executive until the end of
the recount -proceedings, a month
or more in the future.

Russians have offered to al-
Inspection Issue
Sighs of a storm already are
appearing in the United States
Senate over the inspection issue.
Several sources expressed doubt
whether the Senate ever would
ratify a treaty allowing only five
annual inspections within the So-
viet Union. As recently as two
years ago, the minimum American
figure was 20.
Chief United States Negotiator
William C. Foster told conference
delegates the United States is
bending over backward to keep
its bargaining position fluid while
still insisting that a meaningful
treaty must result.
"There is no issue of ours that
we have declared to be immutable
save the fundamental principle
that a test ban agreement must
be adequately verified," he said.
The American figure for on-site
inspections was cut from eight to
seven last week in discussions be-
tween Foster and Vasily V. Kuz-
netsov, Soviet first deputy foreign
minister, who is now back in Mos-
cow for consultations.
But with this came a proviso. In
the strongest possible diplomatic
language, Foster told the confer-
ence the Russians must agree to
thorough and cheat-proof inspec-
"Beyond any shadow of doubt
the Soviet government knows that
-if it wanted them--fair, rapid
and decisive negotiations could
begin today," he said.
Seek To Keep
Kennedy Veto
ed States will want to retain a
veto over the firing of atomic
weapons in any multi-nation
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion force, United States authori-
ties said yesterday during talks
among the NATO partners.
From the United States stand-
point, the main aim of President
John F. Kennedy's proposal for a
NATO nuclear force is political-
to strengthen allied unity by giv-
ing the European allies a voice in
the use of the Western nuclear

Notes Need
For Passage
Of Reforms
Congress May Vote
For Three-Year Cut
WASHINGTON (W - President
John F. Kennedy indicate d
strongly yesterday that he would
not balk at abandonment of pro-
posed tax revisions if Congress
votes this year a $10 billion tax'
cut spaced over a three-year
The President went much fur-
ther than ever before in revealing'
tfe length to which he might go
to win passage of a 1963 tax cut.
Appearing at a symposium on
economic growth, sponsored by the
American Bankers Association,
Kennedy noted that he would say-
the "important thing is to get
the bill this year. Whatever is
necessary to get that bill, I would
Tax Benefits
Kennedy explained the adminis-
tration still believes that three-
year rate cuts of $13.6 billion
should be coupled with changes in
special tax benefits that would
reduce the net tax cut to $10.2
However, if Congress wants to
scrap the proposed benef it
changes, he would like the rate
cuts scaled down to about $10
At the same time, the President
said, Congress might decide to ac-
cept the full $13.6 billion of rate
cuts without taking any offsetting
action. Perhaps significantly, ne
did not couple this statement with
any hint of overriding objections.
"If we are going to err, I would
certainly err on the side of a
large enough tax cut-not to go
through this laborious, painful
procedure . . and then bring
forth a mouse," Kennedy said. He
expressed a fear that Congress
might pass a tax cut of less than
$10 billion and suggested this
would he inadequate.
Constitutional Amendment
Kennedy's clatification of his
position came on the 50th anni-
versary of the income tax amend-
ment to the Constitution. It.coin-
cided with an Associated Press
survey which showed that any
prospective income tax cut already
has been eroded by increased so-
cial security taxes and higher
postal rates. t
Specifically, the new social se-
curity taxes and postal rates are
expected to take $2.7 from the
public's pockets--more than a
quarter of the projected $10.3
billion net income tax reduction.
State tax increases totaling ar.ound
$2.5 billion are up for considera-
tion this year and many munici-
pal increases almost certainly are
in the maling.

House Unit
Adds Fund
For Military
Armed Services Committee ap-
proved a $15.8 billion military
authorization bill yesterday-in-
cluding $336 million to step up
the controversial R70 reconnais-
sance strike plane program.
Chairman Carl Vinson (D-Ga)
said the extra money would pay
for construction of two more RS-
'l0s, which the administration
doesn't want to build.
"We felt it was our duty to put
it in,"' Vinson said. But he said
the committee only authorized the
extra funds and did not order the
Pentagon to spend the money.
Navy Submarines
The committee also voted extra
funds for the Navy to build two
more attack submarines. That in-
creasers the fiscal 1964 program
from the six subs approved by the
Pentagon to the eight sought by
the Navy.
Meanwhile the Army may ask
for an aircraft carrier asa base
for its fleet of helicoptrs in South
Viet Nam, it was reported yester-
The Army's air force has ex-
panded rapidly in recent years
and the service has advocated that
still more planes and helicopters
be added to it.
'Jeep' Carriers
The carrier, of course, would
have to come from the Navy-
probably one of the small "jeep"
carriers. Such a carrier, it was
understood, would be .used as a
floating base to repair and main-
tain Army helicopters operating
in South Viet Nam
A defense department spokes-
man said yesterday that United
States military men in South Viet
Nam and anywhere else "tradi-
tionally have exercised the right
of self defense."
He refused, however, to con-
firm or deny reports from Saigon
that Americans serving as advisers
with the South Vietnamese forces
fighting -gthe Communist Viet
Cong will now be permitted to fire
first instead of waiting to be
fired upon.
Cuba Releases
Incident Denial
nied formally yesterday that its
Jet fighters fired on a United
States shrimp boat. And Sen. Ken-
neth B. Keating (R-NY) charged
that there is no coherent and con-
sistent policy on Cuba worthy of
bipartisan support.
The Cuban denial, delivered
Czech Ambassador Miloslav Ruz-
ek, said the Cuban warplanes were
searching for two small boats stol-
en from a fishing cooperative
when they spotted the shrimp boat
Feb. 20. The United States imme-
diately reJected the Cuban expla-
The Jets approached the shrimp
boat and then flew away, without
firing, the note stated.

... veto boomerangs
Start Crisis
Associated Press Education Writer
PITTSBURGH-Russian schools
are involved in a serious crisis
stemming from 1958 reforms which
stressed vocational training at the
expense of the humanities, an ex-
pert on Russia said recently.
Prof. Nicholas Dewitt of Indiana
University, formerly at the Rus-
sian Research Center at Harvard
University, said, "there is now a
wide outcry among Soviet educa-
tors that preparation in languages
and literature has been under-
mined and should be strengthened
Prof. Dewitt told a national con-
vention of high school principals
that Soviet authorities claim vo-
cational training and academic
schooling are harmonious. But, he
added, "there are many reports
in the Soviet press that such har-
mony is far from reality."
In the pre-reform era, Prof. De-
witt said, the Russian high school
student spent about 50 per cent
of his time on languages, litera-
ture, the humanities and social
science, and about nine per cent on
technological subjects.
Since 1958, the speaker added,
only 20 per cent of the time is
spent on the humanities, and 44
per cent on vocational education.
Prof. Dewitt said it is difficult
to compare the schools inRussia
and the United States. Soviet edu-
cation, he said, is designed to serve
the state; United States education
is designed to serve the individual.

EEC Members Block Trade

SBRUSSELS (P)-The French veto of Britain's entry into the
European Common Market boomeranged yesterday. French President
Charles de Gaulle's people may feel the jolt in a continued drain
of money to former French possessions in Africa.
Resentment among France's five fellow members at exclusion
of the British showed up in the assignment of lower ranking officials
to a two-day meeting of the Common Market's ruling agency, the
Council of Ministers.
The only full-fledged cabinent member on hand at the first ses-
sion was Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Eugene Schaus. It was his

turn to be chairman. The British-
French issue cropped up early.
Delegates emerging from the ses-
sion called the atmosphere glacial.
The key topic scheduled today
is establishment of a date for
signing of a new treaty of trade
and aid with 18 African states, all
but two of them former French
The pact was to have been
signed this week, and the French
want it badly. It provides a six-
nation $730 million development
fund, some of which would go to
replace the subsidies French con-
sumers now pay to African, coffee
and banana growers in the form
of high prices. The fund would
also help to tie the former French
empire closer to Europe.
But both Italy and theNether-
lands made it plain that they,
would not sign at this time. They
are expected to go on record
formally today. The .eremony
seems likely now to be deferred
at least until the end of May,
when both the Italians and the
Dutch will have elected new par-
The question of Britain's par-
ticipation in the Common Mar-
ket came up yesterday because the
European parliament at Stras-
bourg has addressed a resolution
on the case to the' Common Mar-
ket Commission, a nine-man
board with a large voice in com-
munity policy.
Galbraith Sign
.loan to India
NEW DELHI (W--United States
Ambassador John K. Galbraith
signed a $240 million loan to In-
dia yesterday, saying it was "the
largest dollar loan without interest
ever made by the United States."
The loan provides a 40-year per-
iod with no principal due until
after 10 years and no interest ex-
cept a credit charge of three-
fourths of one per cent annually.
Galbraith said the loan will pro-
vide a sizable part of the foreign
exchange needs of India's indus-
try and c6mmerce.
Indian Prime Minister Jawahar-
lal Nehru told parliament yester-
day that India has put civil con-
trol posts into many places vacat-
ed by the Chinese Communists in
the Ladakh area of the dormant
Himalayan frontier conflict.

Admit Loss
WASHINGTON ( M - Liberal
Democrats conceded defeat yester-
day in their challenge tosthe par-
ty's Senate leadership in a row
over committee assignments.
By a vote of 68-17, the Senate
rejected a move by Sen. Joseph S.
Clark (D-Pa) to enlarge the fi-
nance committee to make room
for more liberal members who
would support President John F.
Kennedy's programs.
Then it defeated 70-12 nother
'Clark proposal to enlarge the ap-
propriations committee.
After this second rebuff Clark
withdrew a third proposal to boost
the size of the foreign relations
committee and the Senate went on
to approve the leadership's com-
mittee assignments.
Clark, who was supported by
Sen. Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill), said
he will renew the fight later
against what he called the "sterile
ultar-conservative control" of the
finance committee, headed by Sen.
Harry F. Byrd (D-Va).
Clark contended the present
committee control means that
Kennedy's tax bill, health care for
the aged and other programs "will
be crippled if not destroyed."
Sen. Mike Mansfield of Mon-
tana, the Democratic majority
leader, protested against what he
called "presumptuous and divi-
sive" remarks aimed at the party
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World News Roundup


By The Associated Press
KANSAS CITY-Kansas City,
where boss Tom Pendergast once
called the turn on elections, holds
its municipal primary today after
the most bitter campaign since
e Citi Assn. wrecked the
of a century ago. This time the
Citizens Assn. is fighting against
a coalition of Democratic factions
which booted it out four years
ago after two decades of uninter-
rupted control of the city.
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy told King Savang,
Vathana of Laos yesterday that he
can count on the determination
of the United States to assist his
neutral kingdom in maintaining
its independence.
* * *
NEW YORK-A last ditch ef-
fort to negotiate a settlement of
New York's 80-day newspaper
blackout was agreed upon yester-
New York City Mayor Robert

Wagner announced that publish-
ers and leaders of striking New
York Local Six, AFL-CIO Inter-
national Typographical Union,
agreed to meet today.
* * *i'
SEOU-Strongman Chung Hee
Park has decided to bow out of
the April presidential election. All
major parties have accepted con-
ditions for his withdrawal. Most
important, the military junta said,
is a pledge to continue the pro-
Study in
Guadalajara, Mexico
The Guadalajara Summer School,
a fully accredited University of
Arizona program, conducted in co-
operation with professors from
Stanford University, University of
California, and Guadalajara, will
offer July 1 to August 11, art,
folklore, geography, history, lan-
guage and literature courses. Tui-
tion, board -and room is $240.
Write Prof. Juan B. Rael, P.O. Box
7227, Stanford, Calif.

gram of the 1961 revolution the
general headed.
NEW YORK-Trading was slow-
est in three weeks on the New York
Stock Exchange yesterday. The
Dow-Jones averages were 30 in-
dustrials down 7.03, 20 railroads
down .57, 15 utilities down .21 and
65 stocks down 1.68.

Limited space on
still available.
For details, write:
Dr. R. Stemmeler
409 Waldron Street
West Lafayette, Indiana


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