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February 01, 1963 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-01

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Harris ExplainsJunior College Future

.. .'golden years'

Claims City
Helps Aged
The city holds both hope and
frustration for the aged, offering
a mass of organized services, jobs,
recreation and transportation, but
strongly challenging the waning
strength and finances of persons
in the "golden years," Prof. Wilma
Donahue of the psychology depart-
ment recently noted.
Despite the social isolation and
little prospects of employment,
most aged city dwellers want to
remain there, she declared.
Formerly, she indicated, the rur-
al environment was considered
best for such individuals, for they
had the security of family life
and something "useful" to do.
The city seemed for the aged,
she continued; a burden of living
with their children and filled over-
abundant leisure time.
However, Prof. Donahue noted
that the city offered many advan-
tages. Hospitals, doctors' offices,
large shopping centers, sporting
events-although these often are
beyond the declining budget-and
usually, public transportation are
at close hand.
Most needed, she stressed, is
special housing, mainly for older
women. Making it possible for
older persons to live in what might
be termed segregated housing en-
ables them to find similar-age
companionship and conveniently
located special services.

NEW YORK-Some very signifi-
cant changes will have to occur in1
many junior colleges if real prog-
ress is to be made in the field of
semi-professional and technicalc
education, Prof. Norman C. Harrisr
of the Center for the Study of
Higher Education said recently.
Speaking at a graduate seminart
in community college administra-c
tion at Columbia Universityl
Teachers College, Prof. Harris not-
ed that there were seven needed
"The idea of the comprehensivet
community college is going to haver
to grow frm a concept to a prac-
tical reality," he said.
"College presidents, d e a n s,
boards of trustees, and more than
a few parents will have to cease
their efforts to convert the local
community college into a prep,
school for the university, and start
to organize and administer their
institutions for the benefit of all
youth, not just the 25 per cent whot
will be able to go on to a four-yeart
Junior Colleges
"Junior college presidents willl
have to seek personal involvement
in the occupational educational
program, and boast about it downt
at the Rotary Club luncheon just
as enthusiastically as they brag
about the transfer program," Prof.
Harris added.
"Junior college technical curric-
ulums must be planned at several{
levels of rigor, in order that stu-
dents from a rather wide range of
academic abilities may be served."
Rigorous engineering technology
programs are needed, but pro-
grams in other technologies, asI
well as curriculums in business ed-
ucation, nursing, agriculture, home
economics and perhops, the serv-4
ice occupations, are also necessary.
All Things1
"Some will say that such diver-
sity is impossible, that the junior
college is trying to be all things to1
all people. Well that's what makes
communities interesting!" Prof.
Harris remarked.
"Publicly supported community
colleges must provide educational
opportunities to youth and adults
of varying abilities. This means
providing curriculums for transfer
students, certainly, but also for
those who were not college prep
students in high school, and for
many ,whose grade point average
may have been well below the 50th
Acquires Copy
Of Medicine
Entrance Test
Who was Oliver Cromwell? Give
the table of avoirdupois. Name the
chief points of difference between
the principles of the Republican
and Democratic rarties at the
present time. If ce-sixteenth o
a grain of morphiie is equal to
13 drops of laudanum, how much
laudanum does one crachm of
morhpine equal?
You'd hate to have to answer
those questions? You don't have
to. Nobody does-anymore.
But if you had wanted to enter
the Medical School back in 1876,
those are four of the 24 questions
that would have faced you. A
copy of "The Examination of
Candidates for Admission" is now
in the Michigan Historical Col-
It is interesting to note that
the same sort of diversified in-
formation is required of today's
would-be medical students as was
the case back in 1876.
Back in 1876, when Dr. Alonzo
B. Palmer was dean of the Med-
ical School, Michigan gave its
own test to applicants.

tion rates to students," prof. IHar- educational program of the college
ris urged. will determine the success or fail-
"If they are to be, in truth, de- ure of the enterprise.
Middle Class Parents Make
Cil en F Lie es
1hlren Feel Like Fai'us

Middle class parents have a
tendency to make their children
feel like failures when they are
actually pretty good, Prof. Rich-
ard Cutler of the psychology de-
partment recently asserted.
"Parents should let their chil-
dren do what they can, not set
impossible standards and should
set good examples for excellence
in their own work," he said.
"There is an increased national
concern today as to whether a
child's academic achievement is
a sure measure of his capacity,
Prof. Cutler asserted.
.He noted four factors contribut-
ing to this concern:
1) The competition and achieve-
ment-based nature of American
2) America's materialistic suc-
cuss in the post war era;
3) The "beat the Russians at-
titude which has fostered accel-
erated and enriched programs to
maintain the number one posi-
tion;" and
4) T h e accelerated pace of
modern life.
"The demand for excellence is
good in that it teaches the child
to use his gifts to capacity and
gives him the satisfaction of at-
taining a goal," he said.
However, he warned that so-
ciety so scorns the "loser" in the
race of excellence that it loses
track of the "human part of the
LONDON (W) - The com-
manding officer of Eton's
cadet corps has punished his
young soldiers with extra drill
for mistakenly raiding a girl's
school recently instead of a
ruinedr castle.
"I have apologized to the
girl's school," Lt. Col. MW. D.
Neal said, "and the school is
satisfied with my explanation ."
Fifty Eton cadets were out
on a night exercise in rural
County Wiltshire. Compasses
and maps were checked, and
when watches showed zero
hour, the cadets charged with
rifles blazing blank cartridges.
But instead of swooping on old
Wardour Castle, they' attacked
new Wardour Castle, a girl's
school a mile and a half away.
The noise and fury of the at-
tack rudely waked the sleeping
girls. Panic prevailed, and
frightened screams and cries
filled the dormitories.
Somebody finally called the
police. Mistaking the cops for
the "enemy," the c a d e t s
charged them, b u t gaited
abruptly when an oversized
constable shouted:
"What's going on here?"

percentile of their high school mocracy's colleges their tuition
graduating class. rates must be kept low. States, not
"Much more use should be made the local property tax, should as-
of lay advisory committees in plan- sume a greater share of the sup-
ning and operfating occupational port.
education programs. Such commit- "The greatest changes of all may
tees can become a part of consul- have to occur in the attitudes of
tative management in seeking new faculty members themselves." he
directions for educational effort," commented.
he added. "The most significant actions
"Junior colleges must move ag- are the ones they personally make.
gressively for greater financial The individual day-to-day involve-
support, and consequent lower tui- ment of the faculty in the total



On Campus Interviews: February 7 and 8, 1963
Contact University Placement Office for Appointment

A career

...Some notes about you, about
us, and the advertising business
About you. If you are the man we seek: You have an
abiding curiosity about people and the world around you.
You're alert and responsive to new ideas, new ways of doing
things. Youlike to take on new problems ... you see them as
You dig deep into the why of things. And the best answers
you can come up with today are never good enough for you
You're an individualist. Yet you thrive on team spirit.
You have conviction about freedom of choice, consistent
with the rights of others.
You're the kind of man who could be successful in business
for himself, but you see the greater challenge implicit in the
major enterprises of today's world.
About us. The J. Walter Thompson Company was formed
99 years ago. It has for many years been the largest advertis-
ing firm; its stock is owned by more than five hundred active
staff members.
We help over 500 companies in the United States and

In our experience, superior individuals from every graduate and
undergraduate educational discipline find successful careers
in a major agency such as the Thompson Company. Staff
members in our New York Office alone represent nearly 300
colleges and universities here and abroad.
Your career with us. You may be surprised to learn
that while an advertising company must have artistically cre-
ative people, it depends just as much on people who are imagi-
native and inventive in other ways.
Our business is selling. Communicating through the written
and spoken word is how we sell. You must possess the ability
to speak and write well so your ideas may be shared and
We are looking for the kind of men who wish and are able to
assume substantial responsibility early in their business lives.
To such men we offer a remarkable chance to grow and develop
-one seldom found in any firm.
Previous advertising experience is not required. Basically,
our interest is in the nature of a person, and not in his special-
ized knowledge and abilities.
We offer you no standard starting salary, no cut-and-dried
training program. Beginning salaries are individually con-
sidered and compare favorably to those of other national firms.
We help you tailor your own development program, based on
your interests, your abilities, your goals. Your program will
differ from other men's programs just as you differ from
other men.
When you join us you will work side by side with experi-
enced advertising men. Your growth will be based on your own
initiative, your own development. There are no age or senior-
ity requirements to limit the responsibility you can earn.
We encourage you to follow your curiosity into all phases of
advertising, because we want you to become a well-rounded
practitioner as rapidly as possible. Experienced advertising
men are eager to coach you individually in your efforts to
develop your capabilities. Additionally, you are free to delve
into every nook and cranny of advertising through our
annual series of twenty professional seminars, workshops and
classes. You learn from men who are experts in their fields.
About men who join us. Eight out of ten college men
who have joined us in the past decade have remained with us
and are enjoying varied, exciting careers.
Because of our emphasis on early growth, relatively young
men commonly handle major responsibilities in many phases
of our business-in New York and throughout the world.
All initial assignments are in Chicago or New York City.
However, there are many offices throughout the United States
and the world to which you may, if interested, request
assignment later on.
If you wish to be a candidate, you must be in a position to join
us by June 1, 1964. You may obtain further information at
the placement office. Please consult with them regarding the
possibility of a personal interview. We will be on campus
February 12 and 13.

... 'impossible standards'
Two Simulate
Moon Rocket
Heat Transfer.
LOS ANGELES-University en-
gineers have simulated heat trans-
fer problems which will occur in
the upper stage of the Saturn
earth to moon rocket.
Using a 32-foot drop from the
roof to the basement of the heat
transfer and thermodynamics lab-
oratory in the Fluids Engineering
Bldg., Professors John A. Clark and
Herma Merte, Jr. of the mechani-
cal engineering department have
been able to predict heat transfer
conditions under near zero grav-
They reported their findings at
the "Second Symposium on Physi-
cal and Biological Phenomena Un-
der Zero-G Conditions" sponsored
by the American Astronautical So-
ciety here.
Professors Clark and Merte used
liquid nitrogen in their experi-
A container filled with liquid
nitrogen is dropped from the roof
through the second and first floors
of the laboratory onto a cushioned
base in the basement. During the
1.4 second drop, precise measure-
ments of heat transfer are ob-
From the results to date, it ap-
pears that nuclear boiling (as in
teakettles) is not affected by near-
zero gravity although three other
forms-maximum heat flux, tran-
sition and film boiling--are.
The results are important as
the upper stage of the Saturn
rocket will travel through space
under zero gravity and the heat
transfer problems of liquid fuels
must be simulated for use in de-
signing the rocket.


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