See Page 2
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Fair and warmer
with light winds
Enrollment Exceeds
Official Predictions
Figures Show 24,939 Students,
Increase of 710 Over Last Fall
University enrollment is unexpectedly higher than had been
predicted this semester, officials announced yesterday.
Total residence credit enrollment is 24,939 students, 710 more
than last fall and about 250 more than had been predicted by Univer-
sity officials, Edward G. Groesbeck, director of the registration and
records office announced.
Although .detailed breakdowns of this total will not be available
until this afternoon, Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
Legisl ator Asks Ban ion
'Sn bversives
Reds Attack,
Burn Capital
In Viet Nam
SAIGON, South Viet Nam P)-
Over 1,060 Communist rebels at-
tacked and burned the capital of
Phuoc Vinh province, 60 miles
north of Saigon yesterday, the
government said early this morn-
It was believed to be the largest
rebel assault so far in South Viet
Nam's civil war.
The province chief, an army
major, and his deputy and a large
number of government c i v 11
guardsmen were killed.
About 50 wounded were rushed
to Saigon hospitals after the rebels
withdrew under attack.
The government announcement
said the Viet Cong guerrillas
stormed the capital at 1 p.m.
yesterday in a move to liberate
rebels taken prisoner.
The Viet Cong held the town for
several hours in predawn dark-
ness, burning and ransacking sev-
eral provincial buildings. One
source estmated 1,500 Viet Cong
took part in the attack, the first
on a provincial capital.
It also marked a new height in
violence in the areas north of
Saigon where the rebels were said
to be building strength.
Phuoc Thanh is a newly created
province in largely upland forest
and rubber growing region. The
small provincial capital's name is
Phuoc Vinh.
The attack marks the second
major assault by Viet Cong this
month. Earlier two government
outposts were overrun in Kontum
province in the northern high-
lands near thehLaotian border.
Senator Says
Service Bas
Strom Thurmond (D-SC) charged
yesterday that two Air Force of-
ficers were disciplined for showing
the film "Operation Abolition" to
reserve officers in Seattle.
An Air Force spokesman dis-
puted Thurmond's statement.
The film deals with demonstra-
tions in San Francisco during a
hearing of the House Committee
on Un-American Activities. A con-
troversy has developed over whe-
ther it presents an accurate pic-
ture of what happened, but Thur-.
mond calls it a valuable film.
Thurmond told the Senate: ;
That Lt. Col. Fred Holbein,
commanding officer of the 2648th
Air Reserve Center, was relieved
of command and that Maj. Bob'
E. Cooper was suspended from
duty as director of training of the
2648th Air Reserve sector, Van-
couver Barracks, Wash.
The Air Force spokesman said
no disciplinary action was in-
reported that the largest part of
the discrepancy from predictions
resulted from more students re-
turning, to the University than
were expected.
Lower Frosh Total
In fact, Lewis pointed out, the
freshman class will probably be
very slightly smaller than last
fall's, with the unexpectedly low
dropout rate and the planned in-
creases in Flint College, the Dear-
born Center and the graduate
school making up the 710 increase.
Another factor contributing to
the large rise is the larger number
of transfer students admitted this
fall than previously, Groesbeck
This year's increase of 710, mak-
ing the total enrollment once
again reach a record high (as it
has each year in the recent past),
is almost 500 larger than the 241
increase between 1959-60 and
No General Increases
But it was still impossible to
havedany kind of an across-the-
board increase in enrollment be-
cause of a lack of funds in the
appropriation from the Legisla-
Instead, added graduate stu-
dents were admitted to study in
those departments which could
accept them without requiring new
faculty or facilities, Lewis re-
And increases were also made in
the number of students at the
Dearborn and Flint branches.
Student Lost
In Germany
The State Department said yes-4
terday that no word has yet been
received concerning the where-
abouts of former University stu-
dent Fred Pryor of Ann Arbor, who
disappeared into Communist East
Berlin some three weeks ago. '
Pryor, in West Berlin on a Ford
Foundation grant, had been study-
ing East Germany's economy as a
faculty member at the Free Uni-
versity of West Berlin. He' had
planned to return to the United
States this month.
State, Department officials said
that the American. embassy is in-
vestigating the disappearance, but
as yet he has not been seen sincet
August 25, when he attended a
rally in East Berlin.1
Pryor reportedly returned to
West Berlin after the rally, but
then went back into the Russian
zone. He has not been heard from
Pryor had planned to return tot
the United' States early this month,
according to his uncle, the Rev.
Dr. Thomas Pryor of Kalamazoo.
Pryor is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Millard H. Pryor of Barton Hills.1
He was a student at Yale Univer-
Would Bar
From Posts
Marshall To Propose
Series of New Laws
A Michigan legislator is drafting
legislation to bar persons affiliat-
ed or identified with "subversive"
groups from teaching in tax-sup-
ported universities and colleges.
Rep. Frederick J. Marshall (R-
Allen) claims the prohibition on
employment will be tied to a
st r in g. of bills designed to
"strengthen oursmethod of in-
struction for our youth in the ten-
ets of Americanism and todevelop
intelligent and aggressive opposi-
tion to communism."
The proposed laws, to be pre-
sented when the Legislature re-
convenes next year, will rely, in
part, on the United States Attor-
ney General's list of subversive
Defeat Purpose
Marshall believes that employ-
ment of questionable persons
would serve only to defeat the
purpose of this package legisla-
tion and "to help destroy the
system of our government."
University employes must al-
ready sign an oath of loyalty to
the 'Michigan and United States
Constitutions before they are al-
lowed to teach, Vice-President
and Dean of Faculties Marvin L.
Niehuss said last night.
Niehuss added that no specific
check is made on the political ac-
tivities of any man under con-
sideration for hiring, but any ac-
cusations of "subversion" are
"checked closely to find out what
is really true."
He stressed that the University
would not "knowingly hire a Com-
munist" or other subversive.
Sees Attack
Prof. George A. Peek Jr., of the
political science department, call-
ed Marshall's proposed legislation
"an attack on freedom of expres-
If the state law already requires
a professor to swear loyalty to
the Constitution, he has therefore'
sworn loyalty to the principle of
free speech, Prof. Peek said.
"The cause of' freedom is not
served by this approach which
only leads to a witch hunt and
guilt by association by pressing'
the panic button."
Foresee Defeat
University officials agreed with
Peek's prediction that Marshall's
plan would not gain enough sup-
port to become law.
"Even if it fails," Prof. Peek
said, "such an attempt makes
faculty men reluctant to speak
out on political ideas. And this
means, they will eventually cease
to think."]
Marshall commended s o m e
Michigan high schools which have
inaugurated anti-Communist pro-
grams but added that "it is im-
perative that an organized and,
comprehensive educational effort1
be promptly undertaken by every
school and educational institutionI
in the state and the nation if the1
lethargy and mass ignorance of(
the true character and dangerous
consequences of Soviet commu-
nism is going to be dispelled." I
Hammarskjold Killed in Crash;
UN Council COnsidering Impact
Katanga Forces Claim
Victory over UN Army,
By The Associated Press
LEOPOLDVILLE-Katanga forces claimed the big United Na-
tions base at Kamina fell yesterday and the 500 Irish and Swedish
defenders surrendered.
The fall of the main UN base in secessionist Katanga was.claimed
in Katanga military radio messges.
A UN spokesmen in Leopoldville Monday night said the United
Nations had received no messages to indicate that Kamina had
fallen. But UN headquarters ear-
C o 1lTJn H . lier received an urgent call from;
the base 260 miles northwest of
Elisabethville for reinforcements,
heavy weapons and ammunition.
The UN force was under attack
from 500 Katangans backed by
BRAZZAVILLE, Congo Republic shellfire from an armored train.
()P)-President Abbe Fulbert You- The reported fall of a second
lou of the former French Congo UN garrison cane amid reports of!
aroused the ire of the neighboring a spread'in the fighting that broke
former Belgian Congo yesterdayaspedithfgtnghtbrk
by saying the UN had no right to out last Wednesday when UN for-
interfere in the Katanga affair. ces, at the request of the Leopold-
The Leopoldville government ville central government, attempt-
shortly afterward suspended al ed to take over the province from
telephone, telegraph and boat President Moise Tshombe's re-
traffic with Brazzaville, its neigh- gime in an effort to unify the
bor across the Congo River. I Congo.
Boats Patrol River Be For the first time central gov-
gian Congo's army and of the UN ernmept troops were reported inf
patrolled the river, turning back North Katanga.
ferry boats and leaving many pas- Britain meanwhile called for
sengers stranded on both sides. swift new efforts to effect a cease
Leopoldville officials said they fire between UN and Katangat
-AP Wirephoto
UNFULFILLED MISSION - United Nations Secretary-General
Dag Hammarskjold was killed on a Congo peace mission early
yesterday when his plane crashed in Northern Rhodesia.
Kennedy Sets UN Address
To Reaffirm U.S. Support
WASHINGTON (AP) - President John F. Kennedy will address
the United Nations this week or next to reaffirm United States
support for the organization plunged into crisis by the death of
its administrative chief.
A White House announcement late yesterday confirmedN rumors
that the President would appear before the UN General Assembly
which is to open its autumn session today: Friday was reported as
the likeliest date but it might be
delayed until early next week.A7 A
consider Youlou an intruder in the
internal affairs of the former Bel-
gian Congo, in which Katanga
province is located.
Cites 'Dupes'
Youlou's statement, made on his
return- from a visit to Paris, said
the UN action in Katanga is not
that of the whole international
organization, but only of "an ad-
ministration and a secretary-gen-
eral who were dupes or accom-
plices of obscure interests and
infantile theories."
He added that "Africans must
settle their affairs themselves."
Russians Test
Nuclear Device
Union exploded its 13th nuclear
device yesterday since its resump-
tion of testing Sept. 1.
It was an atmospheric blast
like the 12 preceding ones. The
Atomic Energy Commission said
yesterday's was "on the order of
a megaton yield." A megaton is
the equivalent of one million tons
of TNT. It was the fifth of this
heavy caliber.
It occurred in the vicinity of
Novaya Zemlya, an island in the
Arctic and closely followed two
other Soviet detonations over the
weekend. The United States has
set off two small-yield devices in
Nevada, both underground.
The British ForeignOffice said
Tshombe and Dag Hammar-
skjold had agreed on a cease fire
Sunday before the UN Secretary-
General was killed. It urged new
talks be set up between Tshombe
and "the senior UN representa-
In Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia,
Tshombe said he would negotiate
peace with any successor to Ham-
marskjold, not with the chief Ka-.
tanga representative, Conor Cruise
O'Brien of Ireland.
"I will talk to anybody of good
faith," Tshombe said. "We should
do everything to stop bloodshed."
Katanga radio messages said
the Katanga troops overwhelmed
the UN Kamina garrison and oc-
cupied all installations on the
former Belgian army base after
two days of fighting around the
main landing strip.
Private radio messages heard in
the Belgian UN trust territory of
Ruanda-Urundi reportd fighting
in a new sector, at Albertville, on
the west shore of Lake Tangan-
The report said fighting broke
out at the Albertville Railway sta-
tion between the Katanga Gen-
dermerie and members of the UN
Indian garrison of 1,400.
The Albertville report said two
Europeans, ,including a Katanga
army chaplain, had been killed in
street fighting incidents.
decision is expected today.
The official news gave no hint
of whether Kennedynwould offer
sweeping disarmament and nu-
clear test-ban proposals 'about
which there has been much specu-
Apparently the plane crash
death of Dag Hammarskjold, UN
Secretary-General, was -a factor
in the timing of the announcement,
if not in the decision itself.
Kennedy has been urged by
some advisors to offer a compre-
hensive disarmament and nu-
clear test-ban program to fore-
stall Russian moves.
One theory is that the Soviet
Union will rush through its pres-
ent series of atmospheric tests and
then offer to sign an immediate
test ban - which would cut off
the just-started United States
series of underground tests and
forestall any atmospheric testing
should that be deemed necessary
Senate, House
To Act on 'Bill
WASHINGTON (IP)-Senate and
House conferees reached agree-
ment last night on a compromise
measure creating the permanent
Peace Corps requested by Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy.
The bill authorizes $40 million
for the first year's operation, and
contemplates having 2,700 corps
volunteers abroad or in training
next June 30.
The compromise bill will be
taken up in the House for adop-
tion today with Senate action to
The Senate agreed to House
language under which no volun-
teers can be sent to Iron Curtain
countries except on a specific find-
ing by the President it is in the
national interest to do so,
The House agreed to Senate lan-,
guage putting a ceiling of 275 on
the number of paid employes the
corps may have in the United
The conferees agreed that no
more than 30 corps officials can be
na.id without regard to Civil Serv-
Bietas Allow
Year To Alter
Rush System
Beta Theta Pi has, in effect,
given its Williams College chapter
one year to attempt to alter Wil-
liams' "total opportunity" rush
system to conform with the Beta
national constitution.
The Betas' national convention
did this by suspending for one year
the injunction which forbade the
Willams chapter to initiate new
members, Gordon Eliker, '62, presi-
dent of the local Beta chapter,
Eliker says Williams Betas with.
whom he talked at the fraternity's
August convention were confident
the system would be changed. The'
'Beta national had objected to
"total opportunity" because this
system could force the Williams
chapter to accept a member not
approved of by every local active.
One hundred per cent chapter
agreement in membership selec-
tion is a basic tenet of the national
constitution, Eliker says.
The total opportunity system,
adopted at Williams last year,
guarantees that every student who
rushes will get a bid' if he lists
all fifteen of the Williams frater-
nities in order of preference and
has visited all of them.
The national convention made
its attitude plain by passing a
general resolution opposing "any
system of guaranteed member-
ship," Eliker says.
He denied that the injunction,
issued originally by the Betas'
executive general secretary at the
order of the Board of Trustees,
was discriminatory. (One of the
Williams pledges, all of whom were
finally initiated early this month
after the injunction was sus-
pended, was a Negro.)
There have been several Negro.
Betas, including men at Connecti-
cut Wesleyan and Kenyon Col-
leges. The Dartmouth College
chapter, which effectively with-
drew fromthe national last, year
after levelling charges of bias,'
has returned to normal status,,
Eliker reports.
The lifting of the injunctinn , i
May Initiate
New Changes
Secretary General
Dies in Air Accident
On Route to Talks
By The Associated Press
marskjold's death in a jungle
plane crash yesterday dropped a
curtain of gloom over the United
Nations General Assembly as it
brought the Security Council into
a closed afternoon session to con-
sider the impact on the world
There was general recognition
that the tragic death of the secre-
tary-general in line of duty could
set offan East-West dispute that
could rock the very foundations of
the UN.
Hammarskjold was found dead
in the fire-blackened wreckage of
a plane that had been flying him
to Ndola on a Congo peace mis-
Near Landing
Hammarskjold was near a land-
ing at this border copper belt
center for cease-fire talks with
secessionist Katanga's President
Molse Tshombe when disaster
struck him and his entourage over
the Ndola forest reserve.
A N spokesman said he could
not definitely rule out sabotage ;
shooting as the cause of the 'crash
of the plane-a four-engine air-
Hammarskjold had been UN sec-
retary-general since 1953. He died
on the eve of a General Assembly '
session due to deal withasuch prob-
lems as Berlin and Red China.
Expect Opening
Delegates expected the 99-na-
tion Assembly would open as
scheduled this afternoon, then
adjourn immediately for at least
24 hours in respect to Hammar-
There is no provision in the UN
charter for anyone succeeding the
secretary-general in the event of
his death while in office.
Hammarskjold's present five-
year term was due to run out in
April, 1963. Thus the Council must
recommend a successor to 'the
General Assembly.
Expect Veto
Diplomats expect that the Soviet
Union would veto any single can-
didate presented.
Fears were expressed on the
Senate floor that Russia would
throw the UN into turmoil over
the choice of a successor to Ham-
Several senators expressed be-
lief that the Soviets would try to
put across their "Troika" scheme
divided among the Communists,
the West and the neutrals, each
with the power of veto. It would
take an amendment to the charter
to effect this change.
Charter amendment requires A
two-thirds vote of the Assembly,
including all five permanent mem-
bers of the council.
This raises the prospect of an
indefinite East-West deadlock.
Schaadt Sees .r
No Fee Hikes
The residence halls will hold
the line on fees and avoid cut-
backs in services this year, Busi-
ness Manager Leonard A. Schaadt
said yesterday.
A frozen wage scale and a
moderate rise in food prices allow
the University to maintain the
same rates and services as last
year, Schaadt said. Sunday night
Leonard Views Causes of Nuclear War
Calling You
The editorial and business
staffs of The Daily will hold
organizational meetings at 4:15
p.m. today and tomorrow and
at 7:15 Thursday at the Stu-
dent Publications Bldg., 420
Maynard Street.
All interested students are
invited to attend. No writing
or previous business experience
is necessary. If you are unable
to come at these times come
"There is a hush in our land
that is disquieting," noted Prof.
L. Larry Leonard of the Duke
University political science depart-
ment last night.
Prof. Leonard, keynote speaker
for the third Challenge lecture
series was exploring the "Causes
and Purposes of War" in the
light of the effects of thermo-
nuclear warfare currently at the
disposal of 23 nations.
"Our power today is more des-
tructive than ever before," he said.
"Our greatest challenge is not
to. despair but to turn to a ser-
ious and creative work on the
problem of achieving peace."
Vall T Vnni ,fs
Although war is a persistent
factor in human history, it has
been regulated in the past by the
force of neutral powers, inter-
national law and self-imposed
rules, Prof. Leonard indicated.
But the nuclear power at our dis-
posal today has made necessary
new strategies and adjustments
on the part of governments and
whole societies.
Although we have witnessed
some protests and demonstra-
tions, Americans have failed to
discover the full implications of
our scientific and technical
achievements. "We act as if we
were dealing with symptoms ra-
ther than real problems."
.'Striking Parallels
Prof. Leonard recommended four
major steps in the hope of easing.
the tense situation existing be-
tween the East and the West.
Suggests Agreement
1) He suggested that the two
great nuclear powers immediately
conclude an agreement that
neither side will be the first to
initiate a nuclear war. "Even a
pronouncement of this sort would
do a good deal to relieve con-
cern," he feels.
2) He advocated an intensified
cultural exchange program be-
tween Russia and the United
3) He urged that both govern-
mental and non-governmental in-
stitutions make shbstantial mon-