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September 19, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-19

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Davis Views Recent Trends

take the initiative and "go more
than halfway," he said, "or else
the situation will continue."
The survey also found that 43
per cent of the foreign students
felt a less favorable social status
at the University in comparison
to their home country.
Accept 'Descent'

Gordon Cites
Paths Open
To Freshmen
"The first thing that you should
not believe at the University is
that we know what we are doing,"
Prof. Jesse E. Gordon of the psy-
chology department told a group


This, however, is due to the of freshmen after he had been
fact that some foreign students called five minutes earlier by ori-
were public officials or economi- ( entation leaders to fill in for an-
cally well-to-do back home. "They other professor who was unex-
willingly accept the 'descent' to pectedly delayed out of town.

the status of a student here,"
Davis explained.
There will therefore be very
little change in the practices of
the International Center, except
to emphasize even more to for-
eign students the opportunities
available for meeting Americans
PROF. JAMES DAMS through activities and inter-
... views report personal relationships.
. rThe subject matter of the sur-
"What is needed is simply a vey was the choice of the class
more intensive effort on the part involved. The International Cen-
of American students and faculty ter did not request to have the
members to befriend foreign stu- survey made, but gladly provided
dents," Davis said. files and other information, Davis
American students will have to said.
Fallout Increases at'-'
Radation Rate Hits.Peak

'U' Grants 351 Doctorates

j t+vvvvua 7 .avawJ v + vu v.. vv e. aa"

from the body, food and water,
and to devise antidotes.
Immediate radiation, mainly in'
the form of neutrons, can kill
persons close enough to the bomb
Cites Solution
Other persons, exposed to radi-
ation, should be helped. Contam-
inated clothing should be removed
and treatment started. These per-
sons, Teller stated, should not be
denied admissions to bomb shel-
ters as radiation is not contagious
like diseases.
Teller explained that the. pres-
ent amounts of radioactivity are
so small that animal experiments
show no effects.
He said that persons are con-
cerned about the small, amount of
Strontium-90 found in milk. But,
he explained, people could still
consume safely 100 times more.
Lethal Limit
Donald P. Van Farrowe, Michi-
gan public health- official, said
that a reading of 1,000 micro-
microcuries of radiation in each
meter of atmosphere is considered
the limit for human beings.
But, he added, that authorities
would be worried long before any
such level were reached. Previous.
readings as high as 50 were record-
ed during periods of extensive nu-
clear testing.
For years, Teller said, radioac-
tivity can rain down around the
earth in the form of long lasting
radioactive atoms, such as Stron-
Radiation added from increased
tests has only increased this.
shower about two per cent.

Speaking off the cuff, Prof.
Gordon told the freshmen to en-
joy their life at Michigan and not
be overwhelmed by the thought
that Michigan is an "academic"
institution. The University is con-
cerned with solving the problem
of boredom through work and ro-
mance, he said.
"Classes and lectures serve as
an excuse for the other side of
University life. The administra-
tion and the Deans Offices are
just as involved in non-academic
affairs as the faculty is in spread-
ing knowledge. Most students,"
Prof. Gordon said, 'major in onte
or the other. of these areas."
Work Majors
"People who major in work have
no problems in lectures and class-
es, though they may find the
weekends tedious. The romance
majors, on the other hand, are
on the losing end because Week-
ends are so far apart.
Prof. Gordon then initiated the
freshmen into the hub of campus
lore-the Fishbowl: "that all
glass enclosure between Haven
and Mason Halls with the palm
Fishbowl Submersion
"Stand by the wall of the Fish-
bowl after Christmas vacation
and watch all the girls go by with
that Michigan look-tan raccoon.
coats, yellow slickers, tennis shoes
and white socks. You can sub-
merge yourself very easily," he
"But if you buy this conformity
you have no one to blame but
Open Graduate
'Math Course
The business administration
school is offering a new course
this semester to help graduate
students, deficient in mathemat-
ics prepare for the school's mas-
ter's degree, Dean Samuel R. An-
derson has announced.
The course, "Fundamentals of
Quantitative Methods, Statistics
490," aims to raise graduate stu-
dents' mathematical proficiency to
a level equalling Mathematics
241, "College Algebra and Plane
Analyne Geometry."
Oriented toward the solving of
business problems, the course deals
with the theory and practical ap-
plication of college algebra and
analytical geometry.

The University awarded 351 of
the 10,500 doctorates which the'
United States Department of
Health, Education and Welfare
estimates were granted during the
1960-61 academic year.
This represented an increase of
70 over the 281 doctorates granted
by {the University during the 1959-
60 academic year. During that
time the nation's schools awarded
a total of 9,800 doctorates.
The 281 doctorates awarded dur-
ing the 1959-60 academic year put
the University in fifth place among
the nation's colleges. Columbia
University was first, followed by]
Harvard, the University of Illi-
nois and the University of Cali-
fornia at Berkeley.
Most in Education
At the University during the
1960-61 year education led the
fields in which doctorates were
awarded with a total of 40. It was
followed by psychology with 27.
Chemical and metalurgical en-
gineering awarded 21 doctorates;
chemistry, 21; social psychology,
14; English language and litera-
ture, 13; electrical engineering, 12;
physics, 11; speech, 11; zoology,
11; pharmacology, 11; and history,
During the second semester of
1960 1,725 people were working to-
wards graduate degrees in educa-
tion making it the field with the
largest graduate enrollment. It
was also the largest during the
second semester of last year al-
though the number enrolled had
dropped slightly to 1,713. How-
ever, 40 education doctorates were
awarded during the 1960-61 aca-

demic year as opposed to 21 dur- during the 1959-1960 academic
ing 1959-60. year, education ranked first with
'.nglish Second 94,993 enrolled towards a graduate
English language and literature degree. Following were the social
held second place with 278, eii- sciences with 37,317, engineering
rolled during the second semester with 36,636 and the physical
1961 as opposed to 272 during the sciences with 25,707.
same period of 1960. However the Business and commerce had 25,-
number of doctorates awarded de- 342, the biological sciences, 14,775,
clined from 15 in the 1959-60 English and journalism, 13,463,
academic year to 13 for 1960-61. mathematics, 11,770 and foreign
While retaining third place, 11- language and literature, 6,310.
brary sciences dropped from 270 To help finance graduate study
enrolled in the second semester the University awarded 900 fellow-
1960 to 255 enrolled in the cor- ships and scholarships during the
responding period of 1961. Doc- 1960-61 academic year. Of these
torates awarded followed the pat- 336 were for one semester or less.
tern going from 9 to 5. They represented a total monetary
In the United States as a whole value of $1,513,741.

r --


-y 1




ISA To Begin
Fall Campaign
For Members
The International Students As-
sociation is having its fall mem-
bership drive, Vdice-President John
L. Maier, '62, announced yester-
The primary aim of this for-
eign and American student group
is the formation of international
friendships and mutual under-
standing and respect for the ideas
of representatives of all parts of
the world, Maler said.
The fee for one semester mem-
bership is $1.00. Cards are obtain-
able in the International Center
and the ISA office, 2125 SAB.
Membership cards will also be sold
at the first International Mixer,
at 8 p.m. Sept. 29, in the Women's
Athletic Building.

Against Flu
Health Service will give influ-
enza immunization shots Thurs-
day, Dr. Morley Beckett, Health
Service chief, has announced.
Dr. Beckett stressed that there
is no epidemic in sight, but the
United States Public Health Serv-
ice said two weeks ago that influ-
enza may be more prevalent this
Because of "considerable inter-
est," Health Service will admin-
ister shots between 8 and 11:30
a.m. and 1 and 4:30 p.m., Thurs-
day. Two shots are required for
immunization, Dr. Beckett said, so
another session will be scheduled
later. If there is enough interest,
other times also will be arranged.

Music Students'S Nuplies
Text and Repertoire
A complete line
Play our fine Imported Recorders



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Music Services, In'c.

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fbi h/ore Societj
Membership Meeting
and Folksing

Thursday, Sept. 21
8:00 P.M.

Room 3R-S



_ '1






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