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September 15, 1961 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-15

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E SAYS: To Present SGC Reorganization Begins
ight the electric razor his ga gave Beginning this fall, a new plan
for the reorganization of the ad- The committee will advise the to University committees and to
Jw the guy won't stop talking, he ministrative wing of the Student Council on recognition of all new hear reports from student repre-
great. The five fraternities located on Government Council will go into organizations It will also advise sentatives on University and oth-
n effectthe body of any dangers it sees er committees. The Committee on
State Street will hold anen ,eftect

in recogpnition status of organi-'
zations already in existence.
Receive Reports
Another of the committee's
tasks will be to advise the Coun-
cil on changes in University reg-
ulations for student organizations
and to receive reports from exist-
ing organs concerned with student
The committee will recommend
approval of student sponsored ac-
tivities to the Council and will
coordinate existing activities.
Originating and delegating new
activities to existing and proposed
student organizations and prep-
aration of a calendar of student
events at the end of each year
will complete the committee's ob-
The Committee on Student
Concerns will be composed of the
same number of students as the
Committee on Student Activities.
This committee will advise the
Council on expression of student
opinion and promote such pro-
grams as will meet specific stu-
dent concerns.
University Committee
The Committee on the Univer-
sity will have the same composi-
tion as the two other committees.
Its functions will be to recom-
mend on appointments of students
University Choirs
Schedule Meeting
The University choirs will hold
a "First Rehearsal" meeting for
al new and interested students at
3 p.m. Sunday,, in Lane Hall Aud.
1000 HEADS
be they square, flat or rounded
for that collegiate cut
The Dasedla Barbers
Near Michigan Theatre

the University will also promote
programs which deal with the
University in general.
The SGC president and execu-
tive vice-president are authorized
to sit as ex-officio members of
all three committees. They are
entitled to full speaking privileges
but they may not vote.
A research pool, recruited and
maintained by SGC, will consist of
students who come into the or-
ganization through the introduc-
tion programs each fall and
spring, or who had expressed in-
terest in working in some area of
concern to SGC.
No particular number of credit
hours is required for students in-
terested in working for the re-
search pool. Freshmen are en-
couraged to Join.
Assists CouncilJ
The pool will assist both the in-
dividual Council members and the
internal committees in finding in-
formation necessary for motions
to be introduced or pending on
the Council floor.r
It is also designed to form aT
ready pool from which memberst
for internal structure ad hoc
committees, as well as regular
committees may be selected.
The committees will neet at
least once each week. Each will
elect- a chairman and any other
officers it considers necessaxy.t
Written motions which the
committee pass require no seconds
on the Council floor and may be
presented at the time of the par-r
ticular committee's report.'
Regular Reports
The committees will be allotted.
time at each regular SGC meeting
for their reports. The reports,
which may either be given orally
by the chairman or ,presented inf
written form, will yary in order
from week to week. 1
The four Council officers andr
the four committee .chairmen will
comprise the Committee on Com-
mittees which will recommend to1
the Council the persons to be ap-
pointed to each committee.

Harold F. Robinson, technical manager of a ship building com.-
pany, Dean Stephen S. Attwood, of the engineering college, and
Prof. Richard Couch, of the naval archetecture department,
inspect the controls of the new Model ship towing carier in-
stalled last summer.
Department Uses. Model Ship
While Congress Considers Bill

The naval architecture depart-
ment is using a new German-made
model ship towing carriage in its
test tank, while Congress con-

City Planners
Call for New .
Fire Stations
At its regular meeting Tuesday
night, the Ann Arbor City Plan-
ning Commission recommended a
$325,000 program for new fire
stations, which involves abandon-
ing two and building three more.
The report called for:
1) Early use of the Civil De-
fense Training Center on North
Campus, since further delay would
hamper the protection of "this
rapidly expanding area."
2) The first new station to be
located in the area of Community
Park in former East Ann Arbor
(replacing the existing station at
St. Aubin Street and Platt Road).
3) The second new station to
be located at 'South Seventh and
West Washington Streets (re-
placing the central station at East
Huron and North Fifth Avenue).
4) A new station to be located
in the vicinity of Main Campus,
preferably east of State and north
of Huron Streets.
The .existing station .ion East
Stadium Blvd. near Packard Road
would remain.
Huge stock for all classes
On Special Orders

siders a bill to exempt the Uni-
versity from customs duties' on
the instrument.
The carriage, a replacement for
one which' had been used since
1904, was installed last summer
in the naval architecture testing
tank under the West Engineering
The device measures the resis-
tance to water of a ship model,
and helps determine the speed
and horsepower required by the
full-sized ship.
"This carriage will have more
speed control with less vibration
as a result of its modern electric
motors and instruments," Prof.
Richard Couch k of the naval
architecture department said.
The German-made model was
delayed three months in Detroit
while the University awaited a
Congressional exemption from a
$9,500.duty on the carriage. The
University posted bond with the
Detroit customs office to obtain
the devise.
A bill, sponsored by Rep. George
Meader (R-Mich), has passed both
houses. However, a rider by Sen.
Jacob Javitz (R-NY) raising the
amount of gifts a foreign visitor
may bring to thei United States,
was added to the bill.
The House is now reconsidering
the amended bill.
"The law is not intended to
cover the carriage," Prof. Couch
"The only company in the world
that builds this type of equip-
ment is in Hamburg, Germany
and it is not the intent of the
law to impose a high duty on
equipment .not obtainable here for
research and teaching," he noted.






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