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January 19, 1962 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-19

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.&. ., , .

the annual
The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Back, Roger-Ducasse, J. C. F. Bach dhe an n
will present Arthur Miller's play and Reubke.
"The Crucible" tonight and to- concert
morrow. Directed by Donald Lovell, Piano Concerts . . .
the play will begin at 8 p.m. in Reatures
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Rosemary Coman, pianist, will
partially fulfill the requirements ftle hottestvocal group in jazz.
History Lecture . . , for the degree of Bachelor of Mu-
sic, when she offers her piano
Prof. John K. Fairbank of the recital Sunday, January 28, at
history department of Harvard 4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall Aud.
Viesit ofllModekhies "ewHis-LAMB ERT, HENDRICKS & ROSS
University will speak on "New Mrs. Coman has chosen selec-
tions by Bach, Debussy, Hinde-
tory," tonight in the Rackham mith and Beethoven.
Amphitheatre. The speech will be Pianist Karen Legome, Grad,
the inaugural lecture of the Cen- will give a concert at 8:30 p.m.,
ter for Chinese Studies. Prof. Fair- Friday, Feb. 2, in Lane Hall Audi-
bank is also the director of the torium. Works by Bach, Handel,lAdi-:'
East Asian Research Center. Beethoven, Guarnieri and De- n il a ud torI u m
Graduation Address bussy will be played.
Right Reverend Richard S. Em- block ticket orders due tomorrow
rich, Episcopal Bishop of the Dio-
cese of Michigan will present the Ija J Success in Union Student offices
midyear graduation address,
"Some Aspects of a Philosophy of *,.a 2' { f.. v
History as Revealed in a Form of ueHe , .....
Popular Modern Literature," at .
2 p.m. Saturday in Hill Auditor-I
ium. Success with laboratory animals
raises hopes that artificial immun-:
Soprano . . . ization may lie ahead for schisto-
somiasis, a debilitating disease
Germaine Ludwig, Grad., so- which affects from 100 million to
p.m., Friday January 26, in Lane LmSdTAdTmEmh
Hall Auditorium. Miss Ludwig has Limited immunity to the dread
HallAudtorum.Mis Luwighastropical disease has been demon-a
selected works by Arne, Debussy, trialdnise y ha bendemon-
Menelsohn Repigi ad Bit-strated in mice by a University
Mendelssohn, Respighi and Brit- research project with the use of
ten.Constance Cowan, radiation.SR
The larval forms of the schisto-
Luch of the School of Music will sm womtaineshu ns.
accopan he wih futeandsome worm that infects humansz
adcompany her with flute and are irradiated and injured by the
plete their life cycle. The doses ofS TR
Organ Concerts . - - radiation, however, are lowca
Organist, Audrey Bartlett will enough, that the larvae, when in-
play works of Bohm, Kerll, Bach jected as a "vaccine," can still
and Nielsen for her recital Satur- migrate through the tissues of thelig
host (in this case the mice) and <
day, Jan. 27, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill podc n tigen ic e) i ne
Aud.produce an antigenic or immune
Frank L. Kuhlmann, Grad, will reaction. .esisp enntillo8 :3 0 -o n d ay
present an organ concert at 8:30vRss neto
pm.,aturdra Feb. 3, inHil The experiments, conducted over
Aud. He will play compositions by a two-year period show that sig-.+ r
Arnot Sclic Bac, Fanckandnificant numbers of mice injected ;F rY u h ' nC t' e c
hnk a with the newly developed larvae For Your Shopping Convenience
Charles Tournemire. "vaccine" are capable of resisting
Kenneth Wilmot, '62SM, will t
gve an orn reilt 302m, later infections of schistosomiasis.
give an organ recital at 8:30 p.m., The schistosome worm causes
Saturday, in Hill Auditorium. Wil- the disease by living within hu-Y-i
mot will play works by Bruhns, mans and laying millions of eggs CheCkmate Mor is
many of which become embedded
with various tissues of the body. Jacobson'S Randall's
The internal tissues in which the
YS SPECIAL eggs become encysted, thicken and Kresge Saks Fifth Ave.
Cancerous growths often result . (Main & State) Van Boven Clothes
95; as well as lesions of the lungs and
heart and even of the brain.rMart Walker Wild's Men's Store
"Eventually the disease kills, if notMre
du rO S I Sdirectly, by drastically shortening
cl r y S isthe life span. Egpy+ . .-S .~...,
Forty Per Cent of Egypt I. ..
It is estimated that in Egypt
o,8 8 .' alonelthere are approximately nineUli
ns at cost) million cases-almost 40 per cent
of the population. In endemic
H areas, the infection ra+te is close
SS Oto 100 per cent of the population.
Intermediate carriers of the di-
sease are particular species of
:ross from the A.A. Bank snails found in great numbers in
is Village the areas of the world in which
the disease is prevalent. Eradica-
tion of the disease by eliminating . 0
the snail host has not proved ef-
fective to date. Cures, at best, are
Ending Saturday often as severe as the disease, AVNUE, ERP
though new methods are being
THE TERNATINAL sought. for Uniersity students
PRIZE WINNER _________ o nv riy S u e t
tir touched witk Baha'.i Student Group, Weekly Meet- 59 DAYS - DEPARTURE FROM NEW YORK - JUNE 29-AUG. 27
ptefre.thee i.. ing, Open to All. Jan. 19. 8 p.m., 418
th ie.the genius... & trornsnooration JET ECONOMY CLASS VIA ALITALIA. ALL INCLUSI VE CO7ST $1495

e lover...the man Graduate Outing Club, Hike or to-
* boganning, Every Sunday Through
. Exams, 2 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Huron'
4014St. Entrance. Conducted by Lawrence Gusman, a
card PhilipeiIi Palmer graduate student at Michigan, who is
AGontinenTalDistutingReeas. multi-lingual and has traveled exten-
COMING sively in Europe. He has many friends
"Ashes And Diamonds" R I BLE who will meet the tour to share with you
the local interest and color of their
"home towns." This is a special kind
COMING ARTHUR MILLER of tour based on Mr. Gusman's per-
JANUARY 26th sonal travel experiences. Included are
E January 19, 20 many off-the-beaten-path spots as well
*IT 11!Ias the major centers of theOld World.
FSu $Write or phone for information and detailed brochure
Friday & Saturday $1.75
Eight O'clock in the Evening 1115 Norman Place A RE USMAN NO 2-0592
Ann Arbor L W EN E i tM r
Telephone: NO 8-6300
Thursday and Friday Thursday and Friday
January 18 and 19 at 7 and 9 January 25 and 26 at 7 and 9
Marie Dressler, John Barrymore, Wallace Berry, with Betsy Blair, Jose Suarez, Yves Massard
Jean Harlow, Lionel Barrymore, Lee Tracy, A Spanish "Main Street"
' ~ +~ Billie Burke, Jean Hersholt SHORT: LAUGHING GRAVY with Laurel and Hardy






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