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January 12, 1962 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-12

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Gizenga Agrees
To Face Charges
Of ..Secession ism
LEOPOLDVILLE (P)--A humbled Antoine Gizenga reversed him-
self yesterday and promised to heed a parliamentary summons to
answer charges of secessionism.
An authoritative source said the Communist-backed deputy pre-
inier knuckled under only after trying and failing Wednesday to get
his Stanleyville police to arrest Congolese Gen. Victor Lundula and
members of a United Nations commission investigating the Kindu'
Official reports from Stanleyville said the police were confused
and divided and returned to their barracks without carrying out
his orders. The commissioners
e l d I were not molested.
GUP Convenes Involves Slaughter
The Kindu case involves the
For Strategy slaughter of 13 Italian United
Nations airmen last November by
OKLAHOMA CITY (M)-Strate- drunken soldiers of a regiment
gy seeking to win control of Con- nominally loyal to Gizenga. So far
gress and rout Democrats on oth- all have gone unpunished.
er fronts was mapped yesterday Lundula, once a supporter of
by Republican leaders. Gizenga, has pledged loyalty to
SOhio State Chairman Ray C the central government of Pre-
lBss said party leaders received mier Cyrille Adoula.
ideas and instructions which By a vote of 66-10, Parliament
could help to bring Republican ordered Gizenga Monday to re-
victories in congressional and turn within 48 hours to take up
state races this fall, the Leopoldville post he abandon-
Bliss said there is an atmos- ed last fall. In heated debate, dep-
phere of cautious optimism among uties accused the political heir of
Republican leaders that the party the late Patrice Lumumba of pur-
can win control of Congress this suing in Stanleyville the secession-
year. ist line that Gizenga has con-
demned in President M o is e
Republican state chairmen, Tshombe's Katanga regime.
principally from the midwest andr
west, held a work session yester- Telegraphs Adoula
day to prepare for the 1962 cam- Gizenga telegraphed Adoula
paigns. Wednesday a sarcastic declaration
that he would not return until
T!'n n fie_---_;___+__1-_,4-4


Russell Op]
WASHINGTON () President
John F. Kennedy called on Con-
gress yesterday for new civil rights
It was a surprise move that
immediately brought criticism
from both sides in the controver-
sy. Kennedy asked for the elimi-
nation of poll taxes and literacy
tests. He did not elaborate as to
the ,method to be used.
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-
Ga), long a leading spokesman for
Southern foes of civil rights meas-
ures, said he is opposed to both
Comments of other Southern
senators indicated strong opposi-
tion to elimination of literacy
tests for voters, regardless of the
method used.
However, many Southern sena-
tors have supported a constitu-
tional amendment to wipe out poll
tax payments as a requirement
for voting in federal elections.
Sen. Spessard Holland (D-Fla)
is the chief sponsor of an anti-
poll tax amendment. He told a
reporter he is glad the President
asked for action in this field.
But Holland said the use of lit-
eracy tests for determining the
qualification of voters is a mat-
ter that should be left to the
The Dixie forces drew some sup-
port from Sen. Everett M. Dirksen
(R-Ill), the Senate Republican
leader, in their stand against Fed-
eral action to eliminate literacy
Dirksen told newsmen he didn't
think it could be done except by
constitutional amendment-which
he doubts could pass.
Partisan tradition prevailed for
the most part yesterday in con-
gressional reaction to the State of
the Union report.
By and large, Democrats point-
ed with pride at the message as a
whole and described it in such
terms as "wise and sensible,"
"tremendous a n d eloquent,"
"strong and forceful."

poses Election Proposals

Republicans, in the main, view-
ed with alarm what they saw as a
continued drive toward more cen-
tralized government and excessive
Sen. John J. Williams (R-Del)
saw political dynamite in the tax-
cut proposal. "Any President could
use that in the middle of a politi-
cal campaign . . . then Congress
would be made the goat if it had
to raise them later," he said.
Sen. Homer E. Capehart (R-'
Ind) expressed belief the granting
of such power to the President'
would be unconstitutional and
said "I think Congress ought to
cut them itself."
The Republicans were support-.
ed on this point by Sen. Harry F.'
Byrd (D-Va). Byrd, chairman of
the tax-handling Senate Finance
Committee, said he would fight
the tax-cut authority.

... opposes legislation

Raps Clause
On Seizure
LANSING (P) - The Constitu-
tional Convention, after a four-
hour - debate, put its tentative
stamp of approval yesterday on a
search and seizure provision that
some authorities believe is uncon-
The debate was a continuation
of arguments on the "Declaration
of Rights" article submitted by
the committee on rights, suffrage
and elections, headed by Prof.
James Pollock (R-Ann Arbor) of
the political science department.
Prof. Pollock's committee rec-
ommended that the new constitu-
tion omit mention of specific evi-
dence -because of a recent United
States Supreme Court decision
which said illegally seized evidence
could not be admitted. Some mem-
bers said they felt the Federal
opinion made the Michigan clause
Convention delegates declined to
accept the committee suggestion,
and, restored most of the stricken
language by adopting an amend-
ment sponsored by Kenneth G.
Prettie (R-Hillsdale).
Michigan's search and seizure
provision is unique among the
states. It allows the use in court
of certain types of evidence seiz-
ed illegally in a search of an auto-
mobile, and specifically mentions
narcotics, firearms, bombs, explo-
sives and other dangerous weap-
During the course of the dis-
cussion, several delegates disclos-
ed they personally had been sub-
ject to what they said were illegal
searches. They told of being stop-
ped on the streets or in their auto-
mobiles and forced to undergo
searches which they called ille-

Kennedy Asks To Establish
New Urban Housing Post
(Continued from Page 1) 1

Critics quickly complained that
the President was seeking to sur-
round himself with power that
Congress ought to retain for it-
self. Few stepped forward with
outright praise for the tariff and
tax recommendations.
In addition to these two points
there were other new ideas of a
less controversial nature. Nobody
complained about the unveiling of
a suggestion for a "massive at-
tack" on adult illiteracy. There
was even a bit of applause when
Kennedy proposed taking advan-
tage of modern advances in vac-
cination to launch "a mass im-
munization program" aimed at
wiping out polio, diphtheria,
whooping cough and tetanus.
In addition to the six-point plan


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Katanga's secession-to be wiped
out under the Kitona agreement--
is finally ended.
The parliament scheduled a de-
bate on Gizenga's case today.
In his about face, Gizenga did
not specify a date, but indicated
he will show up here soon.
"He seems afraid to stay any
longer in Stanleyville and just as
afraid to come to Leopoldville," a
diplomat commented.
The central government, mean-
while, cut all communications be-
tween Stanleyville and foreign
countries to prevent Gizenga from
asking help from Communist pow-
ers which once supported him.
costs too much to take just
the first tour heard of.
Spend 4c and learn about a
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Reduction for three or more.
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world News Roundup





By The Associated Press
MADRID-The United States
Air Force smashed a world dis-
tance record yesterday in a dem-
onstration of its latest flying mis-
sile launcher, a B-52H super-
bomber that flew nonstop 12,519
miles from Okinawa to Madrid
without refueling.
'* * *4
LIMA-A twelve-yard-deep mass
of mud, rock and melting ice,
sluiged down a towering moun-
tainside by an enormous ava-
Ianche, entombed the Andean vil-
lige of Ranrahirca and most of
its 500 people yesterday. Peruv-
ian officials feared hundreds
more in the area may have died
in one of the worst disasters of
its kind. Their fears were based
on fragmentary reports, however.
BELGRADE --' Yugoslavia's
coastal area was rocked yester-
day by a series of strong earth-
quakes which caused heavy dam-
age and the loss of one life.
* * *
nounced yesterday it will try out
a program under which men may
enlist in the Navy for three years
-one year less than the present
minimum. At the same time, the
Navy said it will allow mten who
had been released from duty or
discharged for more than three
months to re-enlist for either two
or three years. Until now they
could re-enlist only for four or,
six years.
Bennett of Guatemala is to be-
come United Nations representa-
tive in Elisabethville. The last
regular chief United Nations rep-
resentative in Elisabethville, Con-9

or Cruise O'Brien of Ireland,
found that President M o i s e
Tshombe quit talking to him.
* * *
ed States and the Dominican Re-
public signed a bilateral techni-
cal economic agreement here yes-
terday. No details were made pub-
* * *
STOCKHOLM - King Gustaf
told Parliament yesterday that,
with deep-seated differences per-
sisting between the big powers,
certain measures have been taken
to increase Sweden's defense pre-
paredness. He did not go into de-
V 4
GLASGOW-A group of nuclear
disarmers picketed the United
States consulate yesterday in pro-
test against the basing of Polaris
submarines in nearby Holy Loch.
* * *
SALISBURY, Southern Rhodes-
ia-A three-man Rhodesian fed-
eral government commission ap-
pointed to investigate the air
crash that killed United Nations
Secretary-General Dag Hammars-
kjold and others near Ndola last
September was sworn in yester-
* * *
BEIRUT-Shawki Kairala, one
of two army captains who at-
tempted a coup in collaboration
with the righ-wing Popular So-
cialist Party, was arrested yester-
* * *
NEW YORK-The stock mar-1
ket rebounded yesterday after
President John F. Kennedy pro-4
posed greater defense spending
and action to bolster the econo-4
my. The Dow-Jones average of 30
industrials climbed 4.7.

to encourage economic growth and
head off recessions, Kennedy had
key suggestions for:
Higher postal rates, a plugging
of tax loopholes and another ex-
tension of present excise and bus-
iness taxes-all of which he said
are essential to the balanced budg-
et he promised for the fiscal year
starting next July 1.
A new federal department of
urban affairs and housing to give
these areas a seat of equality at
the cabinet table; legislation on
mass transportation and against
crime and air pollution.
A new public welfare program
to get away from the dole and
put the emphasis on training and
rehabilitation of the needy; tough-
er food and drug laws and a
crackdown on the sale of narcot-
Health Insurance
Health insurance for the elderly
financed through social security.
Kennedy failed to get it last year
and the chances still are dim.
A "common sense" farm pro-
gram to be covered in a separate
special message. Kennedy said it
is designed to prevent either "a
national scandal or a farm de-
A special long-term $3-billion
fund to step up financial backing
for the Alliance for Progress-the
huge, $20-billion, 10-year program
Kennedy has sponsored for eco-
nomic and social improvement in
the neighboring Latin American
The purchase of $100 million-
Kennedy omitted the figure-of
bonds in order to "keep the Unit-
ed Nations solvent."
Senator Sets
Medical Plan
K. Javits (R-NY) introduced in
the Senate yesterday a medical
care plan for the aged he said
could be a rallying point for ac-
tion by Congress this year.
The bill would offer three al-
ternate health care plans for 12.3
million of the approximate 16 mil-
lion persons in this country 65
and over. President John F. Ken-
nedy has proposed that medical
care for the aged be provided with-
in the Social Security system.
It would be financed partly
through Social Security and part-
ly from general government reve-
nues. Javits estimated the cost of
the plan at about $1.23 billion
Javits said the bill would set
up three alternate programs: pre-
ventive and short-term illness ben-
efits; long-term illness benefits;
and private insurance benefits un-
der which the federal government
would pay up to $100 yearly in

. .I;.


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