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January 12, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-12

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Union Adopts New Emphasis
(Continued from Page 1)
ects, with guaranteed rental by Using this survey, plus the aid
culty, to take action on the the University." of Prof. Robert Kahn of the Sur-
bions for specific change, Improvements suggested for the vey Research Center, Prof. A. F.
er the more general issues hotel services included an arrange- Conrad of the law school and As-
ien continue to operate as ment for guests to park their cars sistant to the Vice-President for
nning group for future im- in the new Thompson St. garage, Business and Research John Mc-
lents. division of the main desk into Kevitt, the Facilities Committee
ddition to its views on over- separate counters for separate met weekly for almost a year.
on philosophy, the commit- functions and the installation of Prof. Lionel Laing of the poli-
o recommended more "imag- a large floor plan of the Union tical science department was the
x and initiative" in the board in the lobby, chairman of the committee, which
ctors. Plan MUG Changes included five student members of
ough not belittling its past A "more collegiate" atmosphere the Board, Dean of Men Walter
s, the ireport asked that the was recommended for the Union B. Rea, Vice-President for Stu-
become "less of a body for grill, to replace its present "insti- dent Affairs James A. Lewis, sec-
tutional image." retary of the Alumni Association
This change might be accom- John Tirrell and Prof. , James
plished by measures such as more Shortt of the State Services Com-
booths, greater use of wood in ta- mission.
bles and walls, retention of the
juke box and elimination of study-
y ~~~ing. ofrCus
The report also suggested pa ti-
tioning off the MUG fromthe"
cafeteria, to differentiate theirIn L a e s p
functions. In L a e s
Student CenterF
The MUG would be a center for

Cites Effect
Of Baroque
Translation provides a good way
to get to know a poet's work, be-
cause the translator works with
them constantly," Henrietta Ten
Harmsel, Grad, said Monday
Miss Ten Harmsel spoke at the
Women's Research Club on
"Translating Some Poems by the
Dutch Baroque Poet Jacobus Re-
"Baroque poems present some
real difficulties of translation
which only years of re-working
can solve," she added. Among these
difficulties, Miss Ten Harmsel
mentioned elaborate conceits,
images, and paradoxes common to
the flourished Baroque style.
Original Alliteration
"Preservation of the original
alliteration, rhyme, meter and
dialect adds a further problem
for the translator," she noted.
When it becomes impossible for
the translator to preserve all the
elements of the original work, he
must attempt to preserve the feel-
ing of the poem, perhaps through
the addition of a new device of
his own.
"In some cases, the translator
may beat the poet at his own game
by improving on the original," she
asserted. "But the question must
be answered as to whether he is
justified in doing so?"
Miss Ten Harmsel cited Revius']
poetry as "worthy of being wide-
ly published" and hoped to have
her own collection published "after
I have had a few years to live
with it."
Great Versatility
"Revius writes with great ver-
satility of form and appreciation
of humor, though most of his
poetry has a sacred element," she
emphasized. This predilection for
sacred subjects was an expression
of the times in which the Protes-
tant Reformist Church of the
Netherlands struggled against
Spanish domination.
"Revius, a Protestant minister,
was naturally concerned with this
political struggle," she observed.

Peterson Offers Plans
To Change Men's Rush
(Continued from Page 1)

For the second semester of the
1961-62 academic year, the wom-
en's physical education depart-
ment offers a course in recrea-
tional leadership, open to all Uni-
Versity women.
The course will offer experience
which may be required for em-
ployment as camp counselors,
playground directors, or similar
positions. It will teach group par-
ticipation in first aid, nature
study, story telling and story
plays, music, games, hobbies,
campcraft, and handicraft.
In addition, the course requires
volunteer work outside of class
time in various recreation centers
in Ann Arbor, and offers experi-
ence working with children at a
day camp run completely by wom-
en ehrolled in the course. A cer-
tificate is granted on completion
of the course.
Students may enroll in the
course as part of the physical ed-
ucation requirement or as an elec-
tive, and are expected to partici-
pate for the entire semester. Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained
at Barbour Gymnasium, the Wom-
en's Athletic Building, and the
Women's Pool.

greatly altered. Rush will still be
the third week of the semester, it
will still last fourteen days, but
the day by day schedule is differ-
ent. Open houses will begin on
Sunday but now must extend
through Tuesday.
Free Day
Wednesday will now be a free
day with no rushing allowed. The
first day a rushee can be invited
back to a house is Thursday. By
then he must have visited his ten
houses to be eligible to pledge. The
first Sunday will be a rush day
instead of the free day it hashbeen.
he new schedule provides twelve
The new schedule provides twelve
hours of open houses for a rushee
to fulfill his requirements. At pres-
ent it begins going downhill by
the second Monday or Tuesday.
This lengthening of the actual
rush period is due both to the new
scheduling and the third major
change. In the proposed plan bids
cannot be legally extended until
the 'second Tuesday of the rush
period. Bids can now be extended
any time during the two weeks
Limit on Bidding
"We felt the limitation on bid-
ding was necessary because of the
extended number of men who will
be rushing. We want to prevent a
rash of early bidding," Peterson
Members of the Executive Com-
mittee remembered that in the
past the FPA has defeated pro-
posals for a ban on early bidding.
Petersen remarked that he also
was against such proposals when
he was IFC Rush Chairman be-
cause the plans were offered with-
out anything else. He feels that
as part of a comprehensive pro-
gram the rules against early bid-
ding will be more easily enforce-
The two main goals of the new
program, according to both Peter-
son and Rice, are a wider distri-
bution of rushees and a final deci-
sion based on a greater knowledge
of the fraternity system. James
Nette, '62E, who cast the lone vote
against the new measures, was dis-
turbed because, "I think that this

IQC Revises Structure, Powers, Judie


(Continued from Page 1)
Quadrangle to reject the amend-
ments," Walter later warned.
The document tightened the
qualifications for president. It
raised the required class standing
from second semester ;sophomore
junior. As in the present con-
stitution, he must have served a
year in ,quadrangle or interquad-
rangle government.
The treasurer, a newly created
post, must prepare a budget by
the first week in April, according
to the amendments.
Advance Elections
Elections were changed from
late March to within the first
month after the first day of regis-
tration. The IQC can set any day
within that period.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two- days -preceding
General Notices
The Early Registration Pass Commit-
tee will meet in Conference Room 2 of
the League on Feb. 6 and 7 from 8:30
to 12 and 1:30 to 5. No persons work-
(Continued on Page 4)
Baha'i Student Group, Discussion:
"Buddhism-the Religion of the Middle
Path," Jan. 12, 8 p.m., 418 Lawrence.
Call 663-2904 for information & trans-

Officers will be chosen by the
slate method, as presently. Each
candidate for president must pre-
sent a slate to fill the other of-
fices. House presidents will then
vote for the full slate.
The Council voted to delete the
section, "the IQC shall be the only
official forum of student opinion
in the Men's Resident Halls," be-
cause it felt this function was
already delineated under Article
I, "Delegation of Authority."
Regulate Conduct
It also decided to remove Sec-
tion 4 under additional powers,
"The IQC shall have the power to
legislate all regulations on stu-
dent conduct in the men's resi-
dence halls."
"No student government has
this power," Moch explained.
The Council defeated a motion
by Edward Powers, '63, to allow
the IQC to "recommend legisla-
tion regarding student affairs in
the residence halls."
"It might negate IQC's power
to legislate in such areas as the
quadrangle guest policy," Moch
increase Judiciary
The proposed amendments in-
crease the size of the IQC judi-,
ciary from four members to seven.
It would be composed of a chair-
man and two representatives from
each quadrangle judic, one of
which may be the chairman of the
quadrangle judiciary.
Five members are a quorum to
hear any case.
A justice may sit in on a case
which he may have heard at the
quadrangle level, but he may not
vote in making the final decision.
Decide Constitutionality
The judic has power to decide
the constitutionality of any legis-
lation passed by IQC; hear cases
\between houses, houses and quad-
rangles, and their residents and
student government; sustain, re-
verse, or alter a decision of a








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lower judiciary; and to advise
house and quadrangle judiciaries.
The Council added itself and the
house presidents to the impeach-
ment of Council officers pro-
ceedures. This may be initiated by
a three quarters vote of the IQC,
or a petition of two-thirds of
house presidents. The impeach-
ment case would then be tried
at a meeting of the IQC and the
house officers with the chief jus-
tice of the judiciary presiding. A
three-quarters vote of this body
removes the officer.




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