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January 12, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-12

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


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01J6. JA1,No. 83


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* *





Study Committe

e Reports
Rushing, I






Board Votes 'Drastic
Changes' in Program
To Stress Identity as 'U' Facility,
Subordinate Role as 'Private Club'
A report calling for "drastic changes in programs and
philosophy" of the Michigan Union was adopted by the Union
Board of Directors last night.
This step means that the Union will now emphasize its
role as "a University facility," and subordinate its previous
functions as "a private men's club," Union President Paul
Carder, .'62, said.
He called the favorable vote "the most important decision
that the Board has made in the last five years."
Economic Facts
The report, resulting from a year long study by the Union
Facilities Committee, stated that due to the economic "facts of

Rushees To Visit
::}:: Minimum of Houses
To Establish Rush Districts;
Fix Date of First Pledge Bids
A new rushing plan was approved by the Executive Com-
mittee of the Interfraternity Council last night, subject to the
final approval of the Fraternity President's Association.
The plan, if passed by FPA, would not go into effect until
next fall.
The proposals were presented to the Committee by IFC
President Robert Peterson, '62, and Assistant Dean of Men for
Fraternities Louis C. Rice. Peterson and Rice, both members
of the Rush Study Committee, went to great lengths to ex-

IQC Ado ts
Interquadrangle Council approv-
ed amendments to its constitution
last night, but postponed taking
any further action on it until next
The amendments which in effect
are a total revision of the docu-
ment, must be approved by a
majority of two-thirds of the 24,
house , councils and reviewed by
the Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls and Student Govern-
ment Council before they can take
"The constitution was changed
in this manner to avoid cumber-
some ratification probeedures,"
Thomas Moch, '62E, IQC president
Postpone Meeting
Owing to the pressures of final
examinations, a discussed meeting
of house council presidents with
IQC was postponed until the sec-
ond week of the spring semester.
The amendments provide for a
10 member IQC instead of the
present nine by splitting the
secretary-treasurer job into two
The officers, except for the pres-
ident, shall have a vote in ad-'
dition to the president of each
quadrangle and a quadrangle rep-
Contest Vote
"They should have the vote be-
cause they were elected along with
the president by the house presi-
dents," Moch asserted.
This section was approved 5-4
when Moch voted to break a tie.
The representatives from East and
West Quads voted aaginst the pro-
posal while the representatives of
South Quad and the officers voted
for the proposal.
"This provision might cause East
See IQC, Page 2

" life," the Union can'no longer
retain its traditional position
as a private men's club, in
spite of pressures to do so.
"Profit and loss figures reveal
that services now offered to mem-
bers are carried primarily :by ho-
tel and conference business."
But because of increasing com-
petition, and the Union's "lack of
continuous planning, today's oper-
ation is so close to the break-even
point" that the Union must be
prepared to recognize its new role
with constitutional and by-law re-
vision and expansion and im-
provement of its present facilities,
the report stated.
Long Debate
This report was adopted by the
board after approximately three
hours of heated debate.
Board members Richard Nohl,
'62BAd, and Michael Olinick, '63,
objected to the report on the
grounds that it did not contain
a clear definition of "the Univer-.
sity community" nor what the
present or past philosophies of the
Union have been.,
They also questioned whether
implementation of the report
would be in violation of Regents
Suggest Revisions
However, Carder and other
members favoring adoption point-
ed out that the report was intend-
ed only to suggest revisions in Un-
ion philosophy and facilities.
Its recommendations concern-
ing specific physical improvements
would be "99 per cent" binding on
future implementation, but its
ideas concerning basic changes in
philosophy would still be open for
further revision, Carder said.
The vote was 9-1, with Olinick
voting against and Nohl one of
two members abstaining. Charles
Matthews, '62BAd, also abstained.
To Appoint Group
The first move to implement
the report will be the appoint-
ment of a special committee, to
include board members and rep-
resentatives from administration
See UNION, Page 2


-AP wirephoto
CHALLENGES LEGISLATURE-Gov. John B. Swainson called
on the Legislature to "stop putting off decisions on vital matters
and get started on a program to build Michigan in every respect."
Swainson Seeks Action
On Funds for Education
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Education is one of Michigan's vital areas, requiring
"aggressive and responsible action," Governor John B. Swainson told
a joint session of the Legislature yesterday.
His State of the State address urged lawmakers to stop depriving
potential students "of the educational opportunities on which their
future-and our future-depend." He attacked the .necessity of turn-
'ing away college applicants at a
V t f time when educated people are
O fi cials more necessary than ever before.
"Our very democratic order is
" u v y e r i o rsdependent on an inform ed and re-
OM Istic' sponsible citizenry," he said.
Great Pool
Swainson praised the advances
University President Harlan made by Michigan in 1961, citing
Hatcher and Vice-President and reductions in unemployment, an
Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie- increase in military production or-
huss registered "cautious opti- ders, and the state's "great pool
mism" yesterday for added funds of research facilities and brain-
for higher education as the Leg- power."
islature heard Gov. John B. More Coverage
Swainson deliver his state of the He criticized the "inclination
state message, calling for more toward procrastination which has
education funds. developed in the Legislature. Mich-
"Our needs are even greater igan voters might not have hast-
than they were last year," Niehuss ened toward constitutional revi-
said. "They didn't go away and sion if more courage, more vision,
we didn't get any more money. and more determination had been
But the Legislature is more aware exemplified in these capitol cham-
of our needs now, especially since bers," he said.
they have had the opportunity to Speaker of the House Don R.
see the real squeeze we have had Pears (R-Buchanan) found the
financially." message "far too general in sub-
President Hatcher saw a defi- ject matter." He said the only
nite chance for an increased ap- specifics were "undue and unjust
propriation for the universities, criticism of the Legislature."
and said that, should the state Pears hit Swainson's'request for
increase approach $40 million (10 improvement in the state's labor
per cent), the University probably laws, recalling the governor's veto
would get "its proportionate of "just such a bill" last session.
share." As for Swainson's allusion to
"children being deprived of edu-
cation," the speaker said he knew
of "no such children" in Michi-
* Financial Measures
u 1 iuc cut'iu'- Majority Floor Leader Rep. Al-
lison Green (R-Kingston) said
Republicans will support "ade-
quate" financial measures this
The situation in Guatemala was year.
Presented by Theodore Aranda of Swainson "did not use good
the English Language Institute. judgment in describing as 'inade-
Though the Guatemalan govern- quate' measures passed by the
mnent has contained Comniunist Legislature last year," he said.
elements, he said, it is not Coin- Regarding education, Green pre-
munist. dicted "funds relative to what is
It is presently led by Ydigoras now being spent." He called for
Iuentes who is democratic, toler- more concentration on junior col-
antandhlib e ra iatole-leges and smaller state schools.
nt and liberal. Man in GuA The University and other schools

plain that the final plans were
the result of an intensive year
and a half of work on the part
of the committee.
Three Basic Areas
The changes affect three basic
areas of the present rush system.
The greatest change would require
rushees to visit at least ten houses
during formal rush periods before
being eligible to pledge. At present,
the fraternity system imposes
neither a minimum nor a maxi-
mum on the number of houses a
rushee must see before he can
In addition, the new plan creates
five districts, each containing eight
to ten houses.
Of the ten houses a rushee must
visit, one must be in each district.
Thus five open-houses must be
spread throughout the districts,
and five are up to him. Peterson
believes that this distribution will
accomplish two things. It will en-
able the rushee to see more houses
(the average rushee now visits
from three to five houses), and it
will increase the rush for houses in
the outlying district (one such
house usually sees about 35 men
as opposed to 250 men for SAE).
To accommodate the new setup,
the rushing schedule has been
See PETERSON, Page 2

Truman Hit
By Romneoy
Special To The Daily
LANSING--Ex-President Harry
S. Truman refused to speak be-
fore the;oonstitutional convention
in a telegram yesterday and dele-
gate -George Romney (R-Bloom-
field Hills) charged that this ac-
tion was a "cheap political trick."
In a special press conference
after yesterday's session, Con-
vention Vice-President Edward
Hutchinson (R-Fennyille) read a
telegram from Truman to Conven-
tion President Stephen S. Nisbet
stating that "at no time did I
make a commitment, orally or
otherwise, to speak." Truman fur-
ther stated that a forthcoming
letter of regret would clear up
"any confusion on the matter."
Romney, who had announced
Truman's willingness to speak be-
fore the convention, indicated that
Truman was breaking a definite
commitment as "an easy way to
serve narrow partisan ends."
According to potential guberna-
torial candidate Romney, Ameri-
can Motors Vice-President Wil-
liam McGaughey spoke with Tru-
man atIndependence, Mo. on Nov.
25 and received a definite, but
verbal, commitment to speak from
the former president.
Romney charged that some
Democrats had "decided that Tru-
man would have a hard time fol-
lowing Dwight D. Eisenhower in'
a speech before the convention."
Romney indicated his belief that
this decision, plus the fact that
the verbal commitment would be
broken with political embarrass-
ment for Romney, precipitated
Truman's refusal.
He said, First-Truman had def-
initely committed himself to Mc-
Gaughey. Second, Truman again
indicated a willingness to speak
in a letter to Nesbitt.

... rush changes

Views Vary at Panel

Views ranging from optimism to
)mplete pessimism characterized
ie Panel Discussion on Latin
merica last night under the spon-
rship of the International Stu-
ent Association.
Four University students from
fferent Latin American coun-
les were asked to discuss the,
tture direction of their coun-

having powers delegated by the
national constitution.
At the time of World War II,
Guntsche said, Argentina was an
agricultural country with fairly
good income and a high treasury.
After the war, industrialization
came, and the treasury began to
fall. In 1945 Juan Peron was freely
elected and turned against free


Pakistan Makes Amazing Industrial Gain
By ROBERT SELWA Agriculture has been growing at a rate slightly less than that
Pakistan in the past twelve years "has done things that no one of the population, his statistics indicate. Agriculture has, in fact,
thought was possible" by building up its industrial economy, a been stagnating.
Harvard expert told a group of University economists last night. Management of factories is being professionalized, particularly
Prof. Gustav F. Papanek of the Harvard graduate school of in the new enterprises, Prof. Papanek added. Families that used
public administration commented that "the speed with which change to do the supervising themselves are now willing to trust outsiders
has-been mnade is amazing." to do the job, while retaining control of their companies.
Medium and large industry grew nearly four times over from Firms Founded
1949-50 to 1954-55 and almost doubled from 1955 to 1960, he said. "Firms used to be set up by poorly-educated men who feared
Investment Doubles and sought to avoid the government, and were willing to cheat on
Gross investment doubled between 1950 and 1955, then leveled their taxes. Their sons are better, educated and more honest in

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