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December 14, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-14

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14. 1961


UN Committee Urges.
Freedom for Africans
In Southwest Territory

UN Troops Continue
Elisabethville Attack
U.S. Opposes Congo Cease Fire;
Urges Attainment of Objectives
ELISABETHVILLE (A) - UN aerial bombs and rockets blasted
a big hotel in this battered capital yesterday in a possible prelude
to a big push by the United Nations' still growing ground forces.
Katanga also rushed up reinforcements.
Considering Katanga gendarmerie occupation of the Lido hotel
made it a military objective, four UN Swedish SAAB jets teamed

Demonstrators Jailed
In Segregation Protest
ALBANY, Ga. (A')-More than 200 Negroes were arrested last
night as they marched and sang in downtown Albany, protesting the
arrest of nearly 350 other Negroes.
Estimates of the number arrested ranged from 205 to 285. No
official figure was available immediately.
Negro demonstrations started in this southwest Georgia city
'Tuesday during the trial of nine "freedom riders," including former
Daily editor Thomas Hayden, '61, on charges of disorderly conduct
growing out of their efforts to de-

U.S Russia
Propose Talks
Soviet Union and the United
States proposed formally last
night that the UN General As-
sembly ask a new 18-nation com-
mittee to start disarmament ne-
gotiations urgently and report
back by next June 1.
In a rare show of unanimity,
the two joined in submitting a
resolution on the subject.
This followed their agreement
that the old 10-nation East-West
committee that held fruitless dis-
armament talks in Geneva in 1960
should be enlarged to 18 members
by the addition of 8 countries
classified -as neutrals.
The new members will be Bur-
ma, India, the United Arab Re-
public, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Brazil,
Mexico and Sweden. The old mem-
bers are Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia,
Poland, Romania and the Soviet
Union on'the Communist side and
Britain, Canada, France, Italy and
the United States on the Western

needs this

segregate a railroad station lunch
counter Sunday night.
Silent March
The latest of the demonstrations
came shortly after 6 p.m. follow-
ing a brief silent march by an
estimated 250 Negroes who were
not arested.
Police Chief Laurie Pritchett
warned that any further demon-
strations would result in more ar-
rests as the total number jailed
swelled to nearly 400. Charges in-
cluded unlawful assembly and pa-
rading without a permit,
The chief said the second dem-
onstration was allowed under a
permit issued by officials.
Mass Meeting
The third demonstration began
after Negroes held a mass meet-
ing at a church and then march-
ed downtown where they were
herded into an alleyway beside city
hall. They were then taken into
the building and booked.
Yesterday's demonstrations be-
gan with a kneeling-singing pro-
test in front of the city hall dur-
ing which 81 were arrested.
The leader of yesterday's first
demonstration, Slater King, told
Chief Laurie Pritchett "we will
never disperse until you've freed
every one of our people.
Mayor Asa Kelley warned the
kneeling demonstrators that many
white persons from other nearby
counties were coming to Albany
intent on violence. He pleaded for
the group to disperse, saying, "I
am doing this to protect your
A decision in the first freedom
rider case was withheld until
completion of all the trials. Per
Laursen of New York was the
first of the original 11 to be tried.
Senate Considers
Cuban Refugees
WASHINGTON ()-The gov-
ernment is considering setting up
a second Cuban refugee center to
ease the burden on the Miami
area but Congress would have to
provide adequate funds, a Senate
hearing was told yesterday.
The man who runs the federal
Cuban refugee program, William
L. Mitchell, commissioner of so-
cial security, mentioned two loca-
tions-"preferably" New Orleans
and "possibly" New York.
Mitchell said also it depends on
how much money Congress pro-
vides whether the government can
pay more than the present 50 per
cent of the cost of educating Cub-
an refugees in Dade County, Fla.
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Group Votes
To Terminate
SA Control
Afro-Asians, Cubans
Support Proclamation
committee voted overwhelmingly
yesterday to set free the vast ter-
ritory of South West Africa from
rule by South Africa and give its
half million tribesmen their own
The 103-nation trusteeship com-
mittee voted under powerful Afri-
can-Asia pressure to proclaim the
right of South West Africa's peo-
ple to independence and national
sovereignty, and defining steps to
bring it about.
It adopted 86-1 a resolution
sponsored by 37 countries-23 Af-
rican, 12 Asian, plus Cuba and
Yugoslavia-to call on South Af-
rica to work with it in accom-
plishing -the aims.
Sits Silently
South Africa, already condemn-
ed by the UN for its apartheid pol-
icies at home, sat silently during
a month of debate, refusing to
comment on the resolutions be-
fore the committee. Sponsors of
the measure predicted the South
Africans would reject the plan as
it has rejected UN efforts for
eight years to get South Africa to
put the territory under UN trus-
The territory has been admin-
istered by South Africa under
League of Nations mandate. South
African forces seized the vast area
from imperial Germany early in
the First World War.
Explains Silence
South Africa explained its sil-
ence during debate with the argu-
ment that Liberia and Ethiopia
have asked the World Court to
rule on its right to continue its
mandate over the territory. With
the case before the court, South
Africa said, any comment or ac-
tion is out of order.
The South Africans refused to
participate in the committee vot-
Achkar Marof of Guinea, a fre-
quent spokesman for the African
group in the UN, told the commit-
tee, "We shall not be thwarted
in our goal of making our brothers
Definite Move
It was the most definite move in
UN history of trying to force
South Africa out of its 40-year
mandate administration of the
320,000 square miles of bush land
peopled by Hottentots, Bantus,
Hereros and other tribes. Fewer
than 50,000 inhabitants are white.
The proposed steps-certain to
be ratifiednbythe Assembly-are
for a seven-nation special com-
mittee appointed by Assembly
President Mongi Slim of Tunisia
to penetrate South West Africa
before next May 1, with South Af-
rica's approval, and successfully
Release Prisoners
Evacuation of all South African
military forces; release of all poli-
tical prisoners regardless of party
or race; repeal of all racist laws
confining blacks to reserves and
curbing their activity by apartheid
racial segregation policies; a leg-
islative assembly election under
UN supervision; and setting up a
native government to get welfare
aid from UN agencies.
Jonathan B. Bingham, United
States delegate, called the resolu-
tion unrealistic but voted for it.

up for an attack. Part of the roo
Lido, one of Elisabethville's best,4
were shot-up and blackened. De-f
bris toppled into the hotel's swim-
ming pool and shrapnel fragments
pocked its waters.
Meanwhile in Washington, of-
ficials drew a grim picture of the
Congo plunged into civil war and
perhaps taken over by the Com-
munists should Premier Cyrille
Adoula fail to crush the seces-
sionist move of Katanga province.
And in a stand at direct variance
with that of Great Britain, the
State Department opposed an im-
mediate cease-fire in the Congo.
It said a cease-fire can be ne-
gotiated if and when the "mini-
mum objectives" of the United
Nations have been attained.
Ask Cease-Fire
Britain yesterday formally urged
the UN's Acting Secretary-Gen-
eral, U Thant, to obtain a cease-
fire in the mineral-rich Katanga
province of Moise Tshombe. Brit-
ain said peace should be restored
and efforts renewed to effect a
settlement through negotiation.
In other proceedings U Thant
announced that the United Na-
tions had withdrawn its request
to Britain for 24 half-ton aerial1
bombs for use by the UN force in
the Congo.
In a letter to Sir Patrick Dean,
Britain's permanent UN repre-
sentative, U Thant said that since
making the request "I have learn-
ed that considerable anxiety has
been expressed in the United King-
dom at the present time about
the provision of these bombs.
"In those circumstances I have
decided to withdraw the request
which the United Nations have
made for the provision of these
Britain already had announced
she was withholding delivery of
the bombs until satisfied about
UN objectives in the secessionist
province of Katanga.
The United States, authorities
said, is an anxious as anyone else
to have a cease-fire in Katanga.
But they said a cease-fire now-as
the British are seeking-would be
Cuban Exiles
Cite Uprisings
exile group said here yesterday
scattered uprisings have broken
out in Cuba.
The group said the uprisings
started Tuesday and are prelimi-
nary to a full-scale invasion.
There was no immediate con-
firmation from Cuban or other of-
ficial sources.
The Cuban Revolutionary Party
in Exile, led by former Cuban
President Carlos Prio Socarras,
said invasion will come "as soon
as the internal groups have estab-
lished a stronghold."
The organization declined to
say how many fighters were tak-
ing part in the reported outbreaks
or to say where they have occur-
Jose M. Santana, president of
the group in Mexico, told a news
conference the outbreaks were
part of a "master plan" for an
He said the Cuban Revolution-j
ary Council, a dominant anti-
Castro exile organization, "knows
of the invasion plan and does not
oppose it. They will join us after
we have actually landed forces in
The Cuban Revolutionary Coun-
cil took part in the abortive in-
vasion attempt of Cuba last April.

f and second-story rooms of the
World News
By The Associated Press
DAMASCUS - Dr. Moumoun
Kuzbari, first provisional premier
after an army coup broke Syria
away from the United Arab Re-
public two and one half months
ago, was named speaker of the
new parliament Tuesday..
The conservative bloc mustered
114 votes for Kuzbari. Leftist-
backed Jalal El Sayed got 47
Parliament today is expected to
elect moderate Nazem El Kudsi, a
former premier, as Syria's new
president. He will choose the next
* * *
JERUSALEM-Adolf Eichmann
scornfully refused to beg for mer-
cy yesterday and declared his
judges' verdict was based on de-
"I would ask the Jewish peo-
ple for pardon," Eichmann said in
a barking baritone. "I am bowed
down with shame but in the light
of the judgment this would be
construed as hypocrisy."
* * *
monkey with a radio transmitter
and biomedical sensors implanted
in its body will be rocketed 600
miles into space within a few days,
reliable sources reported yester-
* * *
NEW YORK-Grandma Moses,
well-known primitive painter, died
here yesterday at the age of 100.
* * *
TOKYO-The Chinese Commu-
nist party has strengthened its
control of the Red Army through
new regulations giving wide-pow-
er to political commissars at the
company level.
liam Fulbright (D-Ark) said yes-
terday what political observers
have felt all along-that he would
run for renomination in next
year's Democratic primary.
* * *
WASHINGTON - A Methodist
minister arrested while demon-
strating in front of the White
House has been freed by a judge
who said that "at most, he was
guilty of poor judgment."
* * *
NEW YORK - Morning stock
market strength was swallowed up
by a sea of small changes yester-
day, leaving the list thoroughly
mixed at the close. The closing
Dow-Jones averages were down
.43 for 65 stocks.

Rusk Works
To Remove
NATO Fears
PARIS )-Secretary of State
Dean Rusk campaigned yesterday
to erase fears that negotiations
with the Russians on Berlin might
lead to disastrous Western con-
But he failed to remove French
reservations to the East-West
Speaking at the opening of a
three-day NATO ministerial con-
ference, Rusk told America's 14
allies that the United States never
would barter away the war-won
right of Western troops to garri-
son Berlin, weaken free access to
the isolated city or permit damage
to its political and economic free-
dom, conference sources said.
The Western powers must ex-
haust every chance of a peaceful
solution to avoid a possible world
holocaust, Rusk told ministers of
the alliance.
Conference sources said French
Foreign Minister Maurice Couve
de Murville reiterated that further
diplomatic contacts with the Rus-
sians on Berlin in the immediate
future might trap the West into
an accidental backward step.
But other conference ministers,
including West Germany, were re-
ported lining up with Rusk, leav-
ing France more and more in an
isolated position, informed sources
In another allied meeting in
Paris, Mayor Willy Brandt of West
Berlin warned against any "foul
compromise" over Berlin.
Ball Expects
Lower Tariffs
partment officials expressed hope
yesterday that agreements will
be reached soon with the Euro-
pean Common Market on tariff
cuts by both sides.
They said Undersecretary George
W. Ball expects negotiations un-
derway in Paris to be successfully
completed by the end of this year.
The Common Market has offer-
ed a 20 per cent tariff reduction
on most industrial products, the
officials reported. The United
States in turn has offered reduc-
tions on many goods ranging up
to 20 per cent. Its offer was de-
scribed as more limited because
no more is possible under the 1958
United States trade law now on
the books.
President John F. Kennedy has
served notice that he will ask ex-
panded tariff-reducing powers
from Congress next year.
Agricultural goods, a major
United States export to Europe,
are a big stumbling block in the
United States-Common Market
talks. The Common Market coun-
tries have yet to form a unified
agriculturalprogram internally
and say they cannot include a
firm tariff commitment on farm
items now.
United States authorities said
the United States prefers to nail
down a tariff agreement with the
Common Market at this time even
if the specific future duty rates
on Common Market farm imports
cannot be specified now.

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