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December 14, 1961 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-14

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Horn Players Aim for Natural Sound

, U


"The natural horn sound is the
purest type of 'F' horn sound you
will hear; it is the velvety sound
that horn-players try to emulate,"
said Prof. Louis J. Stout of the
music school.
Prof. Stout, a French horn in-
structor, spoke yesterday after-
noon to a group at Lane hall on
the history of the French horn.
Tracing the development of the
horn from its earliest origins to
the modern French horn, Prof.
Stout played the various instru-
ments that marked each stage of
its progress.,
A seashell, a 12 foot long natur-
al horn, a hunting horn, and a
Award Posts
To 'U' Students
Three University students have
won the Constitutional Convention
Internships in state-wide compe-
tition. They are: Marc Blucher,
'62, Ira Jaffe, '64L, and Richard
Reiman, '63L.
The program, sponsored by the
Michigan Citizenship Clearing
House, will provide each with a
two-week period serving as per-
sonal aide to one of the committee
chairmen at the Convention.
Blucher will serve with the Leg-
islative Organization Committee.
Jaffee with the Local Government
Committee; and Reiman with the
Committee on the Executive.

modern French horn were all dem-
onstrated as part of this succes-
sive series.
Animal Horns
"Animal's horns were the pre-
decessors of the French horn,"
Prof. Stout reported. "The horns
of rams, steers and even elephant
tusks were used as instruments
chiefly for the purpose of signal-
In the Jewish religion, the ram's
horn is still used in certain cere-
monies for special feasts and holi-
days. "This instrument, called a
shofar, is passed from generation
to generation and is almost im-
possible to acquire," Prof. Stout
"Hornmakers, in an effort to
improve upon the quality of the
instrument tried various mater-
ials in its construction. Wood,
clay, and glass were all tried, but
the most successful material found
for this use was metal," he said.
Natural Sound
It was a straight metal horn
that produced the natural sound
that horn players try to produce
"The 12-foot horn that best
produced this sound was too cum-
bersome to be put to practical use,
so it was necessary to 'wrap it
up' in a coiled tube to facilitate
movement," Prof. Stout stated.
This gave rise to the hunting
horn of the 17th and 18th centur-
ies. "Although it was still used as
a signal, the horn had become
more refined and it was in this

The preliminary prospectus for,
students interested in the Univer-
sity's junior year abroad programi
at the University of Aix-Marseille3
is now available.
The prospectus contains infor-
mation on the location, program,
living arrangements, transporta-
tion, expenses, academic credit,
admission and application for thei
program beginning next fall. ;
It also announces that the pro-;
gram's first resident faculty di-
rector will be Prof. Jean Carduner
of. the French department. Prof.
Carduner will act as administra-
tive and academic advisor while
in residence in Aix.
The program for approximately
40 honors calibre students, will of-
fer courses in such fields as his-
tory, literature, philosophy, his-
tory of art and geography. Math-
ematics and science courses will
be offered at the university's
branch in nearby Marseille.
It is estimated that the expenses
including trans-Atlantic transpor-
taticn will not be more than $1,-
650 for in-state students and $2,-
100 for out-of-state students. Per-
sonal expenses and books are not
included in this estimate.
Applications for interested stu-
dents who will have junior stand-
ing with an overall "B" or "B-
plus" average will be available in
the counseling offices sometime in
the middle of January.

One major function of a Unit-
ed Nations University is to col-
lect and disseminate information
which would be useful in working
towards economic and social prog-
ress, J. David Singer, of the Men-
tal Health Research Institute, said
Tuesday night.
He spoke at the second seminar
in a series of nineteen, entitled,
"The Concept of a United Nations
University." The seminars are
sponsored by the department of
studies on the United Nations, a
part of Americans Committed to
World Responsibility.
Contributions towards peace,
Singer continued, would be a by-
product of and the second major
function of the activities of a
United Nations University.
There would be a strong "like-
lihood of good results from intel-
lectual inbreeding" which would
tend to occur at a university with
an international atmosphere. How-
ever, certain variables, such as en-
vironment, could have a profound
effect on the success of intercul-
tural contact, Singer stressed.
Ayer To Present
Philosophy Talk
Prof. A. J. Ayer, Wykeham pro-
fessor of logic at Oxford, will pre-
sent a philosophy lecture on "The
Concept of a Person" at 4:15 p.m.
today in Aud. C.

Singer Says UN University
To Aim for Social Progress

In considering the relation of
a United Nations University to
the UN, it was suggested that the
university be set up as a separate
specialized agency rather than as
part of already existing bodies.
The teaching of religion from a
theological point of view or "on
the basis of rational inquiry was
also discussed.
Singer said he definitely was in
favor of starting a United Nations
University; however, he emphasiz-
ed that one should not expect it
to be able to change the world.
Although many difficulties must
be met before such an idea be-
comes a reality, and many people
must be convinced that the uni-
versity would be a feasible, bene-
ficial organization, it will not be

U of M Folklore Society
Christmas-Hanukkah Folk Sing
Michigan Union Ballroom
TONIGHT of 8:00 Admission Free

... velvety sound
form that the horn was first in-
troduced into the orchestra," he
"Wrapping the horn in a tight
circle preserved the natural sound
but added a darker tone to the
instrument that blends well with
the orchestra."
This early form of the horn did
not facilitate key change except
by changing the slides on the in-
strument. Prof. Stout hypothesiz-
ed that the idea for using a hand-
muting technique to change keys
first originated when someone
threw an object into the bell of
a horn that a musician was play-
ing in an orchestra.


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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Corrected ID Cards: Replacement ID



sebuce 2

cards have been made for all those
students who iwere enrolled Spring 1961
and whose ID card has the given name
printed before the surname (family
name), e.g., Gloria Ann Smith rather
than Smith, Gloria Ann. Exchange may
be made Dec. 11-14 between 8:30 and 12
noon and 1 and 4:30 p.m. in 1510
Admin. Bldg. No charge will be made
for the exchange. All cards, to be valid
Spring Semester, must have the sur-
name precede the given name.
The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire-
land, again offers an exchange schol-
arship for a University of Michigan
graduate. The scholarship will provide
fees, board and lodging for the aca-
demic year 1962-63. A married student
receives 170 pounds in lieu of board
and lodging. A grant of $400 will be
made by the Graduate School to par-
tially defray the cost of travel if an
application for a Fulbright Travel Grant
is unsuccessful. Study may be carried
on in any of the academic disciplines
offered at The Queen's University. Fur-
ther information and application forms
are available at the Fellowship Office,
110 Rackham Bldg. Deadline for re-
ceipt of applications is Feb. 15, 1962.
The University Libraries will be open
on regularly scheduled hours until noon
on Sat., Dec. 16, when the Christmas
recess officially begins. Full sched-
ules will be resumed on Wed., Jan. 3,
The General Library and the Under-
graduate Library will observe the fol-
lowing schedule during the holiday
period :
DIAL- 2-6264

shoulb avait
himself of:
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Sat., Dec. 16-8 a.m.-12 noon.2
Mon., Dec. 18 through Fri., Dec. 22-
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tues., Dec. 26 through Fri., Dec. 29-
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tues., Jan. 2-8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sat., Dec. 16, from 12 noon through1
Sun., Dec. 17.
Sat., Dec. 23 through Mon., Dec. 25.
Sat., Dec. 30 through Mon., Jan. 1.
Divisional libraries will be open on
vacation schedules beginning Mon.,
Dec. 18. Hours of opening will be post-
ed on the doors of each library.
Approval for the following student-
sponsored activities becomes effective
24 hours after the publication of this
notice. All publicity for these events
must be withheld until the approval
has become effective.
Jan. 11-International Students Asso-
ciation, Discussion, Multipurpose Room,
UGLI, 7:30 p.m.
Jan. 13-Young Democrats, Discus-
sion, Union, 7:30 p.m.
A Joint Faculty Letter to President
Kennedy advising against the present
fallout shelter program is currently
being circulated. The letter is similar
to one which was sent to the President
by faculty members from the Boston
area and published in the New York
Times a few weeks ago. Copies are on
display on bulletin boards of the Fac-
ulty Club, in the Commons Room, De-
partment of Mathematics, 3212 Angell
Hall, and at the Centerfor Research
on Conflict Resolution, 820 E. Washing-
ton St. (opposite Rackham Bldg.). Fac-
ulty members who wish to endorse the
letter are invited to sign it at the
locations indicated or by calling Ext.
Events Thursday
Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. H. J.
Keisler, Institute of Defense Analysis,
Princeton, N.J., will speak on "Ultra
Products and Elementary Classes" on
Thurs., Dec. 14 at 4 p.m. in 3209 Angell
Refreshments in 3212 Angell Hall at
3:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Ward Da-
vid Bouwsma, Mathematics; thesis:
"The Zeros of Certain Classes of Func-
tions," Thurs., Dec. 14, E. Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Co-
Chairmen, A. L. Shields and W. Kap-
Doctoral Examination for John Ar-
thur Faulkner, Education; thesis: "The
Effect of Cardiac Conditioning on the
Anticipatory Exercise and Recovery
Heart Rates of Young Men," Thurs.,
Dec. 14, 111 PEM Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker.
Doctoral Examination for Gordon Hol-
man Miller, Nuclear Engineering; thes-
is: "Radiation Measurements-Compari-
son of Radiolysis Effects of Cobalt-60
Gamma Rays and 3-6 Mev Electrons on
Nitrile Systems," Thurs., Dec. 14, 1072
East Engineering Bldg., at 2 p.m.
Chairman: J. J. Martin.
Events Friday
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. George
A. Miller, Harvard University, will speak
Fri., Dec. 15 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B,
Angell Hall. The title of his talk will
be "Some Psychological Studies of
Meteorology Seminar: Fri., Dec. 15, 4
p.m., 311 West Engineering. Prof. E.
K. Webb, Australian Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Or-
ganization, will speak on "Transfer
over Water Surfaces."

Doctoral Examination for Irwin Sam-
uel Butensky, Pharmaceutical Chemis-
try; thesis: "Automatic Coating of Tab-
lets," Fri., Dec. 15, 3002 Pharm. Re-
search Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman,
A. M. Mattocks.
Doctoral Examination for Ellis Royal
Kerley, Anthropology; thesis: "The Mi-
croscopic Determination of Age in Hu-
man Bone," Fri., Dec. 15, 301 Special
Projects Research Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, J. N. Spuhler.
Beginning the week of Mon., Jan. 6,
the following schools will be at the
Bureau to interview candidates.
MON., JAN. 8-
Mt. Clemens, Mich.-Elem., Elem. Vo-
cal; Jr. HS Slow Learners-February
candidates only.
Southgate, Mich. (Heintzen Pub.
Schs.)-Early Elem.; Jr. HS Engi/Math
-February candidates only.
TUES., JAN. 9-
Detroit, Mich.-All fields.
WED., JAN. 10-
San Diego, Calif.-Al fieldse
THURS., JAN. 11--
San Diego, Calif.-Ali fields.
For appointments and additional in-
formation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext.
Overseas Teaching Interviews-A rep-
resentative of the Air Force will be
in Ann Arbor to interview teachers for
the Dependents' Schools overseas on
Jan. 5 and 6. Requirements for teach-
ers include United States citizenship,
a bachelor's degree from an accredited
college, two years teaching experience
in the field for which application is
being made, a valid teaching certificate
and satisfactory recommendations. For
appointments contact Miss Marjorie
Fuller, Overseas Placement Officer,
Civilian Personnel Office, Selfridge Air
Force Base, Michigan. For additional
information contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext.

VIEW-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg. Bldg.
DEC. 15 (a.mj-
Northern Indiana Public Service Co.,
Northern % of Ind.-BS: EE, Power,
Electronics of Communications, Micro-
wave & shortwave radio. BS: ME, Pow-
er Prod., Electric generator & gas engrg.
& district work. BS: ChE (one spot).
R. & D.
Management Intern Exam. Last Date
for Filing is Dec. 21 for Jan. Exam.
United States Information Agency-
Radio Intern Program-Apply for Fed-
eral Service Entrance Exam no later
than March 1, 1962. Recent degree in
Communications, Journalism, Foreign
Affairs, Govt., Foreign Lang. or Area
Studies. Good working knowledge of
foreign lang. Also Summer Radio
Trainee Program. Must apply for exam
by Dec. 21. Juniors & Seniors taking
courses same as above.
Education Magazine in Lansing, Mich.
-Recent grad for Staff Writer to write
articles based on research findings;
re-write articles, etc. BA degree. Exper.
not required.
Continental Can Co., Chicago, Ill.-
Analytical Chemist with PhD Chem. or
MS plus some exper. Will consider Feb.
grad. Will do instrumentation analyses,
especially infra-red.
Insurance Co. in Downtown Detroit
-Personnel Trainees for Employment
Office. Must have typing & shorthand
skills. Also Personnel Ass't. for Educ.
Dept. Typing needed. General Liberal
(Continued on Page 4)


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