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Warmer with increasing
cloudiness; some snow tonight.
See Page 4
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Clause N
U.S. Backs
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Otto E. Eckert, Retiring Regent
Eckert squared around in
his chair and stroked his mus-
After 16 years of guiding the
University, he is "bowing out to
younger men," and he was con-
sidering what has been accom-
plished in the last decade and
a half.
"The question is," he mused,
"in what direction is the Uni-
versity going?
"I see a trend toward more
graduate study, but I hope we
will always continue to have
undergraduates as well."
ECKERT, a Lansing Republi-
can, has been general manager
of the Lansing Board of Water
and Electric Light Commission-
ers since 1927 and received his
bachelor of chemical engineer-
ing degree from the University
in 1913.
He and Regent Charles S.
Kennedy, who is also retiring,
both won their seats in 1945,
ousting the only two remaining
Democrats then on the board.
"We've been quite a team,"
Eckert recalled. "We both at-
tended the University at the
same time, but we never knew
each other until the night be-
fore the convention when we
were both nominated."
Stepping down on the eve of
his 72nd birthday, he says the
greatest accomplishment the
University has made. during his
tenure has been its expansion.
He cited the rapid growth of
North Campus where "we have
saved Michigan taxpayers a lot
of money by building on farm
land across the Huron River.
"Until we decided to expand
in that direction, the University
had been condemning property
near Central Campus--a costly
* * *
NORTH CAMPUS has indeed
grown.. Much of the University's
future is there. It is the loca-
tion of the Phoenix Memorial
Project for the peaceful uses of
atomic energy, a wind tunnel
for aeronautical engineering.
studies, the Cooley Engineering
"In many cases this is good;
in some, however, it's not."
Student conduct is a highly
important factor, even in seek-
ing added funds for the Univer-
sity, Eckert says. "If the stu-
dent body and the University
conduct themselves in the right
and proper manner, the alumni
will feel they want to be help-
He said the University is cur-
rently trying every source to
get more money.u"I think the
statewill contribute more. ,The
federal government, private in-
dividuals, and corporations are
already contributing a good
* * *
need for funds, Eckert expressed
the hope that the University
can keep the tuition as low as
possible. "We won't want to
make it difficult for those stu-
dents whose parents are finan-
cially unable to send them to
college," he said. But he stressed
that more students should make
a real effort to help themselves.
Before his graduation, he
served as assistant city engineer
of Saginaw from 1912-1917, and
he was city engineer of Lansing
from 1919-1921 and 1923-1927.
He has served as president of
the Michigan Engineering Soci-
ety and the American Public
Power Association.
During his term on the Re-
gents he served on the Michi-
gan Union Board of Directors.
Otto Eckert will leave the
Regents tomorrow, but he will
not leave the University behind.
His 16 years of service and con-
cern have helped to mold a
great academy, and it will still
continue to turn to him to ben-
efit by his experience.
Laboratories, the Fluids Engi-
neering Building, Unit I, and
the new cyclotron building.
But Eckert is also concerned
about the students. Viewing the
recent questioning of the poli-
cies and structure of the Office
of Student Affairs, he says
"many parents feel that the
University should take their
opinions into consideration.
Request Due
To Campus
Local Here To Await
SGC Group's Contact
Before Taking Action
The Lambda Chi Alpha chapter
at Brown University has applied
for a waiver from racial and re-
ligious restrictions imposed by its
national in membership selection.
Blasting the national for "the
most blatant hypocrisy in exclud-
ing from membership those of
non-Caucasian and Semitic orig-
in," the Brown chapter requested
the release due to "pressures by
responsibile student organizations"
to abolish bias clauses, which it
"has long resented."
These pressures "have injured
our prestige" and become an ob-
stacle to rushing, the chapter
statement said.
Will Wait
Local Lambda Chi president
James Nette, '62E, said yesterday
that the chapter here will wait
until the Student Government
Council Committee on Member-
ship in Student Organizations
"contacts us" before deciding
whether to apply for a waiver.
He explained that the committee
had not yet contacted his fra-
ternity, although the group's state-
ment concerning membership se-
lection criteria was handed in to
the Office of Student Affairs al-
most a year ago.
Nette said the local could not
know if the bias clause, contained
in the ritual was in violation of
Regents Bylaw 2.14 unless te
committee indicated that it was.
Fraternity Responsibility
Jesse McCorry, Grad, chairman
of the SGC group, commented
that "responsibility for compliance
with the bylaw rests primarily
with the fraternity, and not with
the committee."
He said that the committee is
aware of the restriction, but has
been unable to act because it is
involved in the investigation of
several complaints.
"The nature of these com-
plaints," McCorry said, "has caus-
ed the committee to work almost
exclusively with them."
"If a group feels it may have
trouble complying with the by-
law, it ahould feel free to come
to us and discuss the problem," he
Constant Problem
National Lambda Chi president
Tozier Brown was reported as
saying that the problem of bias
clauses is constantly before the
undergraduate governingbodies of
the fraternity.
He said that, if the 156 Lambda
Chi chapters have agreed in a
referendum, the national will
grant waivers if the chapters in-
volved were under a threat of
However, the president o the
Brown local said that this refer-
endum, but thai, the national has
not yet tabulated the results of
the chapters' balloting.
He said that the University local
in the past has not brought up
motions at the biannual national
conventions to abolish the clause,
but has given support to such pro-
New Claim
For Islands
States strongly backed Japan yes-
terday in its claims against the
Soviet Union for return of the is-
lands of Kunashiri and Etorofu.
In a 21-word statement, the
state department declared:
"We believe the Japanese posi-
tion as enunciated in an exchange
of letters is soundly based on fact
and is legally correct."
The exchange to which the state-
ment referred consisted of a note
sent by Japanese Prime Minister
Hayato Ikeda Nov. 15 to Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khruschchev
and Khrushchev's reply Dec. 12.
Ikeda said in his note that the
Japanese government has never
renounced any right to Kunashiri
and Etorofu, which are part of
Japan proper and have never been
included in the Kuriles chain of
islands turned over to the Soviet
Union by Allied agreement, after
World War II.
Khrushchev, however, took the
position that the territorial issue
is a settled matter as the result
of the war. He referred to the
United States as having no "dif-
ference of view" from the Soviet
Union on this question.
U.S., Soviets
Renew Talks
main political committee approved
unanimously last night a joint
Soviet-United States proposal set-
ting up a new 18-nation body to
resume long-deadlocked disarma-
ment negotiations.
But immediately after that ac-
tion the Soviet Union and the
United States tangled on the issue
of suspension of nuclear weapons
After the vote, Soviet Delegate
Valerian A. Zorin read out an
official statement from his govern-
ment accusing the western powers
of seeking to wreck resumed nego-
tiations in Geneva on a testban
Rightist Group
Backs Katanga
NEW YORK (')-A committee
was formed yesterday to aid Ka-
Senate Republican Leader Ever-
ett Dirksen was listed as one of
the sponsors.
Calling itself an American
committee for aid to Katangan
freedom fighters, the organization
said it intended:
"To support the Katangan
fight" for self-determination.
"To vigorously protest illegal
United Nationsaction against Ka-
tanga, the United States logisti-
cal support of this action and
"To supply the freedom fight-
ers in Katanga with all aid-poli-
tical, material, relief and other-
In addition to Sen. Dirksen of
Illinois, the list of 18 sponsors in-
cluded former Govs. Charles Edi-
son of New Jersey and J. Bract-
en Lee of Utah, retired Gen. Al-
bert C. Wedemeyer, former Amer-
ican Legion commander Marvin
B. McNeally, and William F.
Buckley Jr., editor of the right-
wing National Review.
Dr. Max Yergen, a Negro edu-
cator and author, is chairman of
the committee.
SAC Requests
Bylaw Change
The University Senate this week
adopted a recommendation for a
change in bylaw which would per-
mit representatives of Flint Col-
lege and Dearborn Center to be
elected to the Senate Advisory
This change will be submitted
to the Regents and calls for an
increase in membership of the
committee from 17 to 19.
Prof. Charles H. Sawyer, di,
rector of the art museum and'
SAC chairman, said this change
would not guarantee Flint and
Dearborn automatic representa-
Prospective SAC members are'
nominated from the general fac-
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Eisenhower Stresses
Right of Opportunity
City Editor
Special To The Daily
EAST LANSING-Taking his text from the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, former President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday challenged
Michigan State University students to better themselves and, in doing
so, to make the nation stronger.
Speaking to a standing room only crowd of 6,000 in the MSU audi-
torium, Eisenhower interpreted the God-given right to "the pursuit of
happiness" as a guarantee of individual opportunity and reminded the
students they must make the most of their opportunities if they wish
to gain security. Opportunity precedes security, he said.
Eisenhower appeared at MSU after addressing the constitutional
convention in Lansing, where he laid the blame for increased use of
f-4- rrtrowima t Twn n M+ hC6
Pacifist Lives in Present, Tries
To Build Peace, Kneen Notes
federal government power at the
door of states which have not lived
up to their own obligations. He
urged the convention to lead the
way in a drive for more state power
and authority by defining state
responsibilities and "forthrightly"
assuming and exercising the, au-
thority necessary to carry them
out, the Associated Press reported.
Siphoned Away
"Never under our constitutional
system could the national govern-
ment have siphoned away so much
state responsibility and authority
without the neglect, acquiesence or
unthinking cooperation of the
states themselves," Eisenhower
"Every state failure to meet a
pressing public need has created
the opportunity, developed the ex-
cuse and fed the temptation for
the national government to poach
on the state's preserve."
Vigorous state government is es-
sential for permanent individual
freedom and national growth, he
Hits Theme
Eisenhower also hit on the theme
he was later to stress at MSU.
when he said he hoped the consti-
tution would somewhere contain a
greater emphasis on the oppor-
tunities before young people,
"rather than merely upon the
problems and fears of our age.
"The hope of life-long individual
security is a natural one," he said,
"but it is not an inspirational im-
pulse. It does not encourage ex-
ploration, venturesomeness, ambi-
"I pray that the-language of your
new constitution will bring to its
people a message of hope, a feeling
of greater courage and confidence,
a pioneering urge to sustain and
enjoy freedom to the full"
Vast Advances
At MSU, Eisenhower denied that
opportunity is "drying up" by cit-
ing the vast advances of knowledge
which open up new opportunities
"for the advantage of self and
society." Throughout his MSU
talk, the former chief executive
stressed that individuals striving
to better themselves are also bet-
tering society.
He said individual happiness is
achieved "when you've convinced
yourself that you've done the best."
Education aids in the process.
If every man does his own part
with "courage, determination and
purpose" soon there will be no
reason for fear, he added.
Riots Causedl
By Failure
A failure to use student govern-
ment channels was the cause of
rioting at Bowling Green State
University last spring, Clark Tib-
bits, president of the school's Stu-
dent Council explained last night.
In Ann Arbor to watch Bowling
Green play Michigan in basketball
and to visit Student Government
Council President Richard Nohl,
'62BAd, who is his personal friend,
Tibbits said that building confi-
dence in student government was
his most immediate concern.
"The purpose of student govern-
ment is to improve the entire uni-
versity community. In my opinion
student government should be
more concerned about student af-
fairs than matters of national sig-
nificance," he declared.
Blames Grievances
He blamed the riots on "minor
grievances" and felt they should
have used other means of settling
Tibbits cited a liberalized class
attendance policy and an added
day of vacation this Christmas as
results of attemting to solve
grievances through student gov-
Despite these difficulties in stu-
dent relations, Tibbits finds the
relationship of student government
to the campus much closer tharft
... 'pursuit of happiness'
Sets Rules
CIO convention yesterday wrote
into the federation's constitution
a strict new system for policing
and settling the inter -union
squabbles that have long plagued
organized labor.
The pact was reached early yes-
terday at an eight-hour showdown
session in which AFL-CIO Presi-
dent George Meany wrung a sur-
prise okay from rival building
trades and industrial union chiefs.
Convention delegates unani-
mously re-elected Meany and oth-
er AFL-CIO officers to two-year
terms without opposition.
Shortly before the convention
adjourned its five-day meeting,
delegates approved a parliamen-
tary procedure that shunted out
of the convention a censure state-
ment against Negro union leader
A. Philip Randolph.
Randolph, in return, agreed to
withdraw his earlier convention
comments that the censure move
against him had been "dishonor-
able, disgraceful, petty and cheap."
A feud between Randolph and
fellow AFL-CIO leaders over la-
bor union racial policies thus
seemed resolved, at least for the
time being.
The vote to insert into the fed-
eration's constitution the pact to
end inter-union squabbles passed
with only about a dozen negative
votes in a show of hands. These
were mainly delegates of the In-
ternational Typographical Union.
Meany looked on the agreement
as a major achievement and one
that could help unify the federa-
tion and clear away labor's in-
ternal troubles for more effective
thrusts in the organizing and poli-
tical fields.
New Plan
Drawn Up
A new residence hall application
form has been drawn up by
members of the administration of
Eastern Michigan University at
A result of student complaints
against the old application, the
new form eliminates the requests
for information on race, religion
and national origin that were on
the old application form. It also
does not require a picture to be
submitted with it.
The application form was pre-
sented to the Faculty Senate yes-
terday. The body voted to accept
it for discussion and will make a
report on it in the near future.
New Form
The new application was drawn
up by the office of Student Affairs
under University Vice - President
William C. Lawrence, and the resi-
dence hall administration under
David Stockham, director of hous-
Bonnie Blue, who holds the office
of State Representative of the
Student Action for Better Human
Relations Committee, said that her
group has not yet been shown a
copy of the new application form.
"If it turns out to be what the
Director of Housing has an-
nounced, we will be pretty happy
with it," she said.
"As far as we know they have
also come up with a policy state-
ment on room assignments but we
have not been shown a copy of this
either," she said.
The form will be submitted to
the Student Council after the
Christmas vacation.
Result of Petition
The action is the result of a
petition which was submitted by
EMU President Eugene B. Elliott
calling for non - discrimination
with respect to roommate assign-
ment by the residence hall admin-
About 1000 students out of a
total enrollment of 5500 had signed
the petition. It had been circu-
lated by the Student Action group.
A "supplement" issued with the
petition explained that "members
of the administration have stated
that students are assigned room-
mates on the basis of race. Appar-
ently religion and nationality are
also considered."
Cites Case
It cited the case of a white girl
who reported that the residence
hall administration had objected
when she wanted to room with
friends of another race.
IPuis Williams, editor of the
"Eastern 'Echo" said that some
students had wanted the elimina-
tion of all preference statements,
including those asking hobbies, in-
terests and type of person desired.
Miss Blue said that while these
have not been eliminated in the
future these might be contained
on a separate form.
Swainson Parley
Set by Cavanaugh
Gov. John B. Swainson and
Detroit Mayor - Elect Jerome P.
Cavanaugh will meet today in
Lansing to discuss the possibility
of a city income tax.
Swainson has already tried and
failed at getting the Legislature
to pass a statewide income tax, and
Cavanaugh has said that a city-
wide income tax is Detroit's only
hope for financial relief.
The conscientious objector is
involved with the present, Brew-
ster Kneen, student secretary for
the Fellowship of Reconciliation,
said last night.
"Regardless of the conditions,
he has the same problem of build-
ing peace; he lives in the present
but thinks in terms of a con-
structive future,"Kneen noted in
a Political Issues Club-sponsored
SGC Chang es
Selection Plan.
Student Government Council
voted last night to add new screen-
ing and public interview steps to
its procedure for selecting interim
Council members.
Under this change, moved by
Thomas Brown, '63, and John Vos,
'63, a special nominating com-
mittee will recommend up to four
persons for each vacancy. These,
candidates will be interviewed in
public session by the Council-and
the vacancy then will be filled.
discussion on "The Conscientious
Objector in War and Peace."
The C.O. defines freedom as a
substance based on order. Hence,
people know the relative conse-
quences of their actions and will
not be afraid to act. "The C.O.,
having taken a position, allows
others to have some idea of what
their alternativesmare," he ex-
The pragmatist tries to leave all
doors open, Kneen continued.
Thus we cannot trust him-he de-
nies the very freedom he thinks
he is affirming and confines him-
self to the past. He is not willing
to explore and so he stagnates.
Non-violence is not a religion,
although this is a popular miscon-
ception. "It is deplorable when
people think this-it is a complete
misinterpretation of our basic
standings. How can one live a
Christian life and not be a C.O.?"
Kneen asked.
However, if one's commitment
to the bases of non-violence are
a matter of faith, then in this
sense it is religious, he qualified.
The term C.O. is synonomous
with pacifist. "These terms have
negative connotations intour so-
ciety, because we tend to place
things in absolute values," Kneen
Actually, the C.O. reflects a pos-
itive ideal to which he is com-
mitted. This forces him to take
a negative stand. "He is the pro-
phetic type who denounces the
vices of his people and society. He
stands in his loneliness because
of his deep concern for his fel-
low man," he explained.
"He places the weight of his
whole existence behind his views.
He speaks out loudly in a society
of dilettantes who are afraid to
speak out themselves," he contin-
Although non-violence is not a
political movement, it does have
political implications. "There are
conditions which create war such
as hunger, disease, etc. These are
the real dangers against which we
must work," Kneen noted.
"Americans are willing to, kill
freedom in the name of defending
it," he said.
Campus 'Talkathon' Ends
After 233 Grueling Hours
Power Paucity Produces ,Pandemonium
Dark pandemonium hit the corridor between the lecture rooms
of Angell Hall yesterday morning when a power failure hit central
Seeking in the darkness, a thick mass of students tried to extri-
cate themselves from the asphixiating atmosphere of cigarette smoke
and intimate humanity.
In Vain
But all was in vain. The students that had just been released
from the four pitch black auditoriums were caught in a human
blockade that refused to budge in spite of the valiant efforts of many
gasping students.
Click !
After 233 and one half hours of
constant talking the University's
longest free telephone call ended
at 5:55 a.m. Tuesday morning.
The "talkathon" originated at
12:25 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 2 with
the placing of a telephone call
from the main hall of West Quad-
rangle to Hunt House of Markley
Hall. The call was rerouted by the
phone company on Saturday night
via direct wire, insuring that the
connection could not be broken by
During the talkathon the con-
versations were broadcast on
---.4. -.-