"Same To You, Fella"
W1jt 3ihi gun &ziai
Seventy-Second Year
ere Opinions Are FreeS TUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Y, DECEMBER 14, 1961
Faculty and Students
Are Natural Allies
'Adas Depression:
Perverse Good Wins
"A DA," a film set in the South during the depression, creates a
devastating cinematic depression all its own.
Dean Martin portrays a gullible, guitar-strumming people's choice
who is swept into the governorship by the foul schemes of his
manager, a slithering old campaigner played by Wilfrid Hyde White.
Susan Hayward portrays a cynical, veteran prostitute who rises
from her sordid profession to first lady of the state to lieutenant
governor, proving once more Hollywood's old adage that trollops can
be wonderful.
The theme of the film is sickening in its simplicity. Good (that's
the special kind of perverse good reflected most recently in "Butter-
field '8'," "Never on Sunday" and "Elmer Gantry.") triumphs over
the evil ways of nasty old politics. In less than two weeks' work,
shrewd Susan cleans up the state left in such amess by her husband
(in the hospital after suffering severe scratches when his car is
bombed). In the process she regains old Dino's respect and sends the
double-crossing politicians back to their burrows.
MARTIN HAS LITTLE difficulty in playing the innocent singing
candidate, but as the plot thickens he gradually: drops his hillbilly
accents and mouths his inane lines in' flawless English. Hayward, on
the other hand, is a passable prostitute, but her political crusade
has the dramatic impact of a PTA protest meeting.
At the end of the movie, White, as the defeated old politician,
desolately maneuvers his wheel chair from the congressional chatnber.
Since his performance is the film's only redeeming feature, the exit
serves as a good cue for the viewer to make his own departure and
save himself the agony of a sugar-sweet finishing scene.
--Ralph Stingel
G & SFreshness
'More Ta tl
LAST SPRING, concerned students and fac-
ulty members joined in a remarkable effort
to revamp the Office of Student Affairs. There
had been rumors for years that the Dean of
Women's Office interfered with the personal
lives of women in unwarranted and sometimes
arbitrary ways. A group of students, composed
mainly of last year's Daily senior editors,
began to document these rumors. They preselt-
ed their findings to the faculty sub-committee
on student relations, which conducted a three-
month investigation and wrote a report recom-
mending "re-assignment of ... personnel" and
"sweeping structural changes" in the OSA.
In the flux and confusion which has pre-
vailed since Vie-President Lewis received that
report, a committee has been established to
formulate concrete proposals for restructuring
OSA and three top officials in the Dean of
Women's Office have resigned.
The students who initiated the project claim-
ed a right to privacy and personal freedom.
The faculty who joined them recognized the
legitimacy 'of that clgim, and acknowledged
their own responsibility for the educational
leadership of the community. The joint effort
achieved much, and a Daily senior editorial
hoped that this marked the " birth of pa rela-
tionship between two groups too often un-
Since then, there has been a series of events
which, though less spectacular than last
spring's upheaval, have had similar causes.
Assembly this fali condemned non-academic
evaluations and set up a committee to study
the theoretical and actual functions of house-
mothers. Interquadrangle Council proposed a
controversial rule-change which would allow
women to visit the men's quadrangles. In-
terfraternity Council began considering a
similar proposal for the fraternity system.
Panhellenic voted against requiring senior
sorority girls to live in their houses, despite
the obvious opposition of Asst. Dean of Women
Leslie. Even doddering and conservative SGC
showed flickers of malcontent, denouncing
Vic President Lewis' handling of the Student
Relations committee report on OSA and back-
ing the IQC motion on women in the quads.
from the same dissatisfaction which pro-
'duced last spring's attack on the Dean of
Women's Office. Students, in increasing num-
bers, are protesting the University attitude
which justifies authoritarian interference in
their lives with a paternalistic philosophy. But
the events of this fall have differed from those
of last spring in one crucial way-there has
been no faculty support and cooperation.
There may be several reasons for this. To
begin with, much of the present movement has
been sparked by students who are, in tradi-
tianal terms, the "conservatives"-students who
would recoil at being called rebels or prophets
and who therefore may have hesitated to "make
an issue" of a given proposal even though
they felt strongly about it. Or they may simply
not have realized that nothing can be ac-
complished in this university without broad
faculty support to balance the pressures from
the legislature and public.
Another reason may be that the present
movement is not really aware of itself. Its
leaders have been one-issue men who have
failed to put their personal causes in a larger
context, or point out the consistency of these
isolated issues. The faculty, for its part, has
been too ready to attribute them to adolescent
unruliness or loose morals. As a result, few
may actually realize that this massive con-
frontation of student and university is taking
place, and that the issues are important enough
to warrant a broad cooperative effort.
BUT THERE ARE more ominous reasons why
students and faculty have not joined forces
this fall. Despite the example of last spring's
action, it may simply never have occurred to
anyone' that the two groups ought to co-
operate. Students and faculty do not seem
generally aware that their common scholarly
objectives make them natural allies. Because
they do not realize it, there is student distrust
and faculty disinterest.
The true scholar wants, above all else, to
advance knowledge. He thus insists on freedom
of t.hought and speech, and chafes at schedules
or regulations which inhibit his learning. He
puts a premium on original ideas, however
controversial or bizzare they may seem. And,
because truth cannot be decreed, he is neces-
sarily a libertarian. Both students and teach-
ers-if they are good scholars-hold these
values. The student-teacher relation-if it is
scholarly-is not an authoritarian one.
These principles apply to the students' non-
academic life as well for enforced adherance
to arbitrary standards of behavior outside the
classroom is likely to be reflected in an un-
critical and rote performance in the class-
rooms. Some faculty are disturbed when stu-
dents write term papers which are deliberately
in line with the teacher's bias. Some are afraid
that this generation of teaching fellows has
no real commitment to academic freedom.
Some get weary of seeing their lectures repro-
duced idea for idea on examinations. But
academic weaknesses like these may be in-
evitable unless the principles of scholarship
extend to all aspects of a student's life.
HE ADMINISTRATOR has different ob-
jectives than the scholar. He aims primarily
at maintaining order and efficency. He tends
to be conservative. He wants learning to ad-
vance, but more in some fields than others
and always with a minimum of waste motion;
he wants students to be happy, but not at the
expense of the University's relationship with
the legislature. He is not a democrat, because
he is part of an authoritarian corporate heir-
archy, and though he prefers not to use it,
he always has a mailed fist behind his back.
Both students and faculty may well distrust
the administration, for an agency that governs
without the consent of the governed is quite
properly kept under surveill'ance. Students
should not forget the Lubin-Hall suspensions,
and the faculty should not forget the Nicker-
son-Davis suspensions.
NO REAL sense of community can ever grow
up between the students and faculty on
the one hand and-the administration on the
other because their value systems are too
different. But students and faculty should
recognize that they have so much in common
that a community of scholars is entirely pos-
It does not exist at present, and students and
faculty seem more willing to work with the
administration than with each other. But if it
can be created, there will be no reason for
students to distrust the faculty, or for the
faculty to be disinterested in students' efforts
to improve their non-academic situation. And
from this feeling of community might well
grow a new approach to educational philos-
ophy and the operation of the University.
What Happens to Heretics?
Daily Staff Writer
off diplomatic ties with Al-
bania is significant in only one
respect. It demonstrates once
again to the free world that few
nations can oppose Khrushchev
for very long and get away with
it. Unless, of course, that nation
happens to be Red China.
That the Kremlin would even-
tually move to punish Albania and
Enver Hoxha, first secretary of
the Albanian Communist Party,
has been the subject of no de-
bate. Punishment for deviations
from party policy are only con-
sistent with Moscow's present
The question has been how,
rather than whether, Albania will
be disciplined. Khrushchev's ap-
parent solution is to relegate Al-
bania to a position of obscurity.
This may not work out as ef-
fectively as he hopes.
*'. *
ALBANIA'S militant support of
Stalinism and opposition to
Khrushchevism at the 22nd Com-
munist Party Congress placed
Moscow in a somewhat awkward
position. Very adroitly Krrushchev
did manage to make it appear as
if he welcomed the opportunity to
denounce heretics in the party,
Moscow, engaged in an active
attempt to wipe out persistent
remains of Stalin's world revolu-
tionary theory, makes coexistence
seem very much closer. This, how-
ever, is important to the West
only. Khrushchev still faces 'the
fact that tiny Albania, aided and
abetted, by Red China, blatantly
defied the Soviet Union. Granted,
without the 'suport she received
from China, such opposition would
have been suicidal. But she did
receive the support, and both Mos-
cow and Albania will have to suf-
fer the consequences.
* * *
THE PROSPECT of obtaining
willing help from China in the im-
mediate future is slim. China's
primary purpose for backing Al-
bainia has been satisfied. Both the
Manchester Guardian and the
New Republic say Peking never
has looked upon Albania as a na-
tion she is permanently committed
to support, but rather as a pawn
to guage Soviet reaction to ag-
gressive anti-Khrushchevism.
Furthermore, it is not yet poli-
tically or economically practical
for China to estrange herself ir-
revocably from Khrushchev. China
needs Russian trade. She will not
be sufficiently strong enough to
stand on her, own feet for a num-
ber of years. Mao is no fool.
China is in a far better position
to influence Soviet policy as a
potential belligerent than as an
active one. According to the New
York Times there is strong specu-
lation that megaton bombs were
an attempt to placate Stalinists
in Peking.
likely that China will rally to Al-
bania's support and demand the
Soviet Union recognize her. She
has too many problems of her
own at stake. China is tied to Al-
bania in some way which may be
difficult to break, however, and
Mao may be forced to at least
make overt gestures of approval
to Tirana.
In 1960 Albania's harvest failed.
She appealed to Moscow for aid
and got no answer. China respond-
ed with wheat shipments and $225
million in convertable currencies.
It will not particularly enhance
China's position in the eyes of
presently non-aligned nations if
Peking suddenly abandons all
economic aid to Albania.
On the other hand, if she con-
tinues this aid, she will in effect
be 'the sole outside support of a
country Moscow does not recog-
nize. The situation is uncomfort-
* *
RUSSIA TOO faces a dilemma.
Can she be certain she has ef-
fectively silenced Albania? It is
doubtful. Hoxha has led his coun-
try a long way from obscurity and
he obviously has little desire to
be pushed back into this position
by Khrushchev, Mao, or anyone.
His country's future is precar-
ious at best and the advantages
to be obtained from submission to
Moscow are doubtful. Militancy
has been the key word so far and
there seems to be no reasonable
cause to change, from Hoxha's
point of view at least.
* * *
THUS MOSCOW may have to
speed up her program to suppress
Albania. A break in diplomacy is
in all probability merely the first
Ultimately there is little hope
that Albania will be able to assert
herself in the face of both Russian
and Chinese opposition. Eventu-
ally, through coercion, she will
probably become another cowed
Soviet satellite.
To the Editor:
FEAR that I must take issue
with my good friend David
Schwartz regarding his review of
the Gilbert and Sullivan Society
performance of H.M.S. Pinafore.
The first paragraph of this re-
view is virtually without mean-
ing. The assumption is made quite
incorrectly that Gilbert, in this
work, is lampooning conventions of
the Victorian Era. This, of course,
is nonsense. Expanded self -import-
ance and incompetence, these are
the stuff of which this opera is
made and they are universals, as
readily understood today as they
were in 18% when Gilbert first
held them up to the mirror of his
topsy-turvy world of preposterous
fantasy. It is the very fact that
Gilbert dealt with, universals
which gives the Gilbert and Sul-
livan operas their perpetual fresh-
laughter of the audience at Lydia
M&endelssohn Theater was one
whit less intense or differed in
any qualitative way from that at
the old Gaiety Theatre in London.
Gilbert's wit has transcended the
barriers of time and has lost little
of its original sparkle and im-
mediacy; therefore to say ".
the only salvation for the works
of Gilbert and Sullivan today is
style . . ." is absurd.
At one point the reviewer and
I are agreed: the music of Sir
Aurthur Sullivan should not be
tampered with by young inexper-
ienced vocalists. The degree of
sophistication required in inter-
preting the songs from any of the
Gilbert and Sullivan operas is so'
great that only the most !mature
performers should attempt them
in a public performance.
The Gilbert and Sullivan operas
are among the finest pieces of
literary and musical satire wtich
exist today. Perhaps this is why
our hearts bleed when we view a
performance of them which is less
than superb.
--Gershom C. Morningstar
(Letters to the Editor should be
limited to 300 words, typewritten
and double spaced. The Daily re-
servesetherright to edit or withhold
any letter. Only signed letters Will
be printed.)
(Continued from Page 2)
Arts bkgd. Exper. not required.
For further information please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
National Music Camp, Interlochen,
Mich.-Has openings for men and wom-
en in the following positions: 150
Counselors, 130 Food Service, 16 Stage
Crew, 16 Music Librarians, 2 Student
Center Desk, 6 Registered Nurses, 6 Ra-
dio Engineers, 7 Secretaries, 2 Switch-
board Operators, 3 Photographers, 5
Waterfront Directors.
Students from Royal Oak Township
-Therecare openings at the Detroit
Zoological Park for Assistant Public
Service Attendants and Public Serv-
ice Attendants (merchandising).
Sheraton Corporation of America,
Boston, Mass. - Has a few positions
available at the Park-Sheraton Hotel
in New York City.
Girl Guide, Western Girl, Inc., New
York City-Has a new personalized
guide service for visitors from both
outside the city and outside the coun-
try. Would involve knowledge of New
York City. Helpful but not essential
for applicants to have knowledge of a
foreign language.
Come to Summer Placement for fur-,
ther information.
Radcliffe College's Publishing Pro-
cedures Course - A 6-week summer
course on theory techniques of pub-
lishing. Enrollment open to both MEN
& WOMEN interested in publishing as
career. Placement & job counselling
procided. Must be recent graduate of
four-year college, unless is presently
employed in some branch of publish-
Kaufmann's, Pittsburgh, Pa. - Urge
Seniors interested in career in retail-
fug to contact personnel manager for'
definite interview appointment if plan
to be in Pittsburgh during vacation
period. Primarily interested in pros-
pective graduates from Pittsburgh area
as well as any alumni who are con-
templating a change.
New York State Civil Service-More
than 200 full-time permanent positions
as Caseworker open in various juris-
dictions of N.Y. State. MEN or WOMEN
grads in any field, preferably with some
credit hours in the social sciences. Ap-
ply for February 3,Exam by January 2,
1962. New York State residence not re-
City of Chicago Welfare Council -
MEN & WOMEN, planning careers, in
Social Work for Summer Work Pro-
gram. Paid positions of approximately
8 weeks duration in a selected social
:agency available beginning in late
June, 1962. Must be 19 years of age.
Prefer students completing sophomore
or junior year by June.
Bureau on Jewish Employment Prob-.
lems, Chicago, Ill.-Opening as Assist-
ant Director. Prefer major in Psych.,
Soc., Industrial Rels., Social Work or
related field. Experience in Industrial.
Rels., Personnel Admin., Vocational
counseling & Placement, Mgmt. Con-
suiting or related work. Age flexible.
Management Intern Examination -
This is additional 3-hour exam given
on same day as Federal Service Entrance
Exam in Oct., Nov., Jan. & Feb. only. It
is used to recruit people with manage-
ment potential for special training as
management interns. Exam will be giv-
en only two more times this year. Apply
by Dec. 21, 1961 for the Jan. 13, 1962
exam. File by Jan. 25, 1962 for the
Feb. 10 exam. Those who pass the
written M. I. exam will be given oral
exams at a later late.
For further information on the above
listings, please contact the Bureau of
Appointments, General Division.
The following- part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 ,SAB: Mopday thru
Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 to
5 pm.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Jack Lardie, at
NO 3-1511 ext. 3553.,
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
--Several salesmen to sell magazine
-Salesmen to se college sportswear
for men.
1-Experienced typesetter, 20, hours per
week or more.
1-Experienced telephone operator,
Wed. 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sat. 6'p.m.
to 12 p.m. and Sun. 10 a.m. to 4
Military Stifles Criticism
BY PUNISHING reservist Willard M. Miller
for writing a complaining letter, the United
States Army has made a national example of
its institutional tyranny over the expression of
public opinion by soldiers.
Miller wrote in a letter to the editor of the
Boston Herald that he had been recalled after
having served more than four years active
duty. He complained that although the recall
had been made supposedly because of "a critical
military skill," all indications are that he will
not be called upon to use that skill for -the
rest of his active duty.
Capt. Paul A. Teehan, Army Public Informa-
tion officer, said that Miller had been given
two weeks' restriction and extra duty as punish-
ment for violating a regulation requiring clear-
ance of anything written by service personnel
for publication. Capt. Teehan commented that
the rule is aimed at preventing "inaccuracies"
and 'misstatements."
IT IS OBVIOUS that this sweeping prohibi-
tion can be applied to anything the Army
would not want to see published-and has
been. It censors criticism like Miller's as easily
as classifed material.
Ehg £irhinau Biaila
The failure to distinguish between criticism
and classified material is. as clearly unjust
in the military establishment as it is in the
There is a second distinction to be made:
between the reservist who exercises his rights
as a citizen in the realm of the civil without
actually imperiling security, and the General
who wrongly indoctrinates his troops with
a particular brand of politics. The General
and the reservist both have the right to express
their opinions in a'civilian newspaper.
In the case of reservist Miller, the mandate
of security, a legitimate one, is being illegiti-
mately used to crush freedom.
The classifying of material, while a limita-
tion on,the freedom of information, is justi-
fiable for security when not carried too far.
When over-extended, it endangers security by
creating a monolithic system which centralizes
the ability to know and to make decisions.
The citizenry of a democratic society needs
to have available as much information as pos-
sible if it is to govern itself with assurance of
validity. Open criticism is essential to the
democratic process. Dissent not exercised and
criticism held back stagnate society.
THE RESERVIST does not give up his
citizenship when he is called upon to serve
1-Waitress, work lunches, Monday
thru Friday.
1-Babysitter, housekeeper, live in,
weekends off.
1-Rent room in private home, act as
secretary approximately 3 evenings
per week thru 2nd semester. Pay
rate to be arranged.
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