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December 12, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-12

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If Elfligatt 919
Seventy-Second Year

"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Student Should Press Con-Con
On 18-Year-Old Vote
AS THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION it is certainly better than a blanket welcome
A plays with the state constitution, it is ex- into the voting ranks on the magic night of the
tremely important that a long-overdue revi- 21st birthday. It is also probable that many of
sion in voting requirements be considered. Since the sub-21ers are just as qualified mentally to
1837, Michigan has refused suffrage to prob- vote as some of the adults who now maneuver
ably the most important disenfranchised seg- to the polls.
ment of the population-the 18 to 21-year-olds. For individuals who do not avail themselves
Recognizing this void, Student Government of a high school diploma, some sort of mechan-
Council members Robert Ross and Sharon Jef- ism could surely bet set up by the Convention
frey moved two meetings ago that the Commit- whereby the voting applicants would be test-
tee on Student Concerns investigate possibili- ed on virtually the same requirements that 'are
ties of requesting the convention to endorse the contained for passing questions on voting meth-
eo standard. ods and state institutions in the civic courses.
Some sort of communication between SGC
and Con-Con on this issue might prove useful AND FOR THOSE who would be unable to
to both parties. For the lawmakers, a presen- meet these first two standards, suffrage at
tation of clear reasoning for the extension of 21 is entirely justifiable. This is probably the
suffrage could provide a sound basis for their only age limit that has even a token rationale.
discussions on voting requirement revisions. This particular standard is rooted in histori-
For the Council members, it would certainly be cal tradition as the basic requirement for adult
beneficial to debate a matter of utmost im- membership in society. In Michigan, one must
portance to many of their constituents. be 21 to legally sign a contract or to own prop-
However, if the council' does decide to send erty. It, should be obvious that people to per-
a proposal to the convention, it should not em- form either of these two functions have the,
body the basic concept of the Ross-Jeffrey right to help determine policies governing
idea. This motion, while excellent in intent, these areas.
does not supply an adequate standard for re- Although it is true that under the diploma
vision, as it would merely remove a semi-arbi- standards, voters who do not have a direct stake
trary basis for voting (the 21-year-old qualifi- in certain economic questions (i.e., they do not
cation) to substitute a completely arbitrary own property) would be partially deciding the
one. policies in these issues, it is also true that most
of these voters would have a strong indirect tie
THE PRIMARY REQUIREMENT for voting to the problem. Most of these individuals would
should instead be a high school diploma, have this through family or job relationships,
Graduation from high school is a significant which pass down the effects of the decision-
event, while age does not reflect personality making to these voters.
variables. Graduation signals the sudden en-
trance into a more adult world of higher edit-- ONE MORE DEVELOPMENT, peculiar to the
cation, the armed forces or a job. These new University, needs to be pointed out if the
burdens enforce a greater maturity, and a diploma-standard were enacted. As Ross has
heavier sense of responsibility upon the indi- correctly explained, under this system students
vidual. As he becomes more of a part of the here would finally have some measure of direct
serious world, the political machinations in control over the people who rule them. The two-
Lansing and in his home town become relevant thirds of the students on this campus who are
to his added functions as a citizen. He thus from Michigan could comprise a power factor
has acquired a legitimate right to take part in in voting in the elections for Regents. These
these political processes. men in turn would be forced for a change to
To expressly prepare the high school student be more sensitive to the wishes and needs of
for this new threshhold, a Michigan state University students.
law requires all seniors to take and pass a In view of the shortcomings in the voting
course in civics. This course is designed to process at the state level, and the tremendous
provide an introduction to governmental orga- improvement which could be accorded at the
nizations and political structures and process- University by suffrage revision, Student Gov-
es, and in part centers on different standards ernment Council could provide a great service
and methods of voting. to both institutions by beginning earnest and
Although it would be folly to claim that this meaningful communication with the Conven-
background provides a foolproof indoctrination tion.
into the political process and pressing issues, -GERALD STORCH

"And Here's More Communist Propaganda, Gertrude
-Santa In A Red Suit!"
NohivWantedFull Debat
ti A N
\ eo i
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No. 1 subtitled "Communique
1943" and an orchestral suite by
Prof. Hans T. David extracted
from Claudio Monteverdi's 1607
opera "Orfeo," should prove to
be interesting highlights from to-
night's University Symphony con-
cert at Hill Auditorium.
Prof. Finney's symphony is an
early work by the University's
composer in residence. This pro-
duct of Mr. Finney's thirties is an
expression of his personal feelings
and emotions, arising from the
tragedy of Pearl Harbor, 1941.
He has imbued this work with
the strong feeling he has for
folk music, although he has made
no quotations of folk material
here. Basically the symphony ex-
hibits a songful, darkly lyrical
mood, a portentious lyricism that
pervades even the grimly humor-
ous Scherzo movement.
one of those extradordinary in-
dividuals who applied great per-
serverence in the pursuit of his
ideals, and was instrumental in
leading vocal music from the poly-
phonic labyrinth of the Renais-
sance, to the terse, dramatic ex-
pression of early Baroque opera.
It is from Monteverdi's first
opera "Orfeo" that Prof. David
has extracted a suite, utilizing
only the instrumental interludes
or ritornels of the opera. Prof.

David has attempted to keep the
color, and rich musical invention
of the work alive, while bringing
it to the understanding and en-
joyment of the layman, through
the medium of the modern sym-
phony orchestra.
* * *
sketches, Prof. David also furnish-
es a Scherzo movement for the
Symphony No. 8 ("Unfinished").
Schubert completed the first part
of the Scherzo, but only one un-
orchestrated theme of the Trio
section. Prof. David has orches-
trated that first theme and has
provided a second, this being es-
sentially the only original section
of the movement.
It will be most interesting to see
how successful this effort proves
to be, and it is to be hoped that
the '"purists" in the audience re-
strain themselves during the per-
ROUNDING OUT the program
will be a performance of Modest
Moussorgsky's Orchestral Fantasy,
"A Night on Bald Mountain." This
work, which was revised and or-
chestrated by Rimsky-Korsakov,
is a product of the vivid and drug-
stimulated imagination of an un-
questionably great, though un-
trained musician.
It is a wild, orgiastic tonal im-
pression of the mediaeval Black
Mass and the Witches Sabbath.
-Alan Gillmor

336 Years of Music

'Eye' Sees Humanity

To the Editor:
FIRST LET ME correct a quota-
tion attributed to me that ap-
peared in a Friday, December 8th,
Daily editorial. I did not say "Why
should we debate this . .. when
we probably know what the out-
come would be." This statement
would imply that I am opposed to
debate of the Glick-Roberts mo-
However, one of the chief rea-
sons I argued against having a
special meeting to consider the
motion is that from all indications
(Continued from Page 2)
Appointments to Related Boards; Treas-
Standing Committees: Driving Code
Revision Committee, Progress Report.
Ad Hoc Committees and Related
Boards: Reading and Discussion Com-
Special Business.
Old ,Business: Freshman Orientation
New Business: Course on Problems of
Peace in the Nuclear Age, Authority
over Student Rules and Conduct, Pro-
cedure for Appointment to Council
Constituents and Members Time.
Foreign Visitors
T. B. Lam, Head of Dept. of His-
tory & Geography, Univ. of Saigon,
Saigon, Vietnam, Dec. 10-13.
T. Etemadi, Educational Attache,
Royal Afghan Embassy, Washington,
D.C., Afghanistan, Dec. 10-13.
Marijan Horvat (accompanied by Mrs.
Horvat), Pro-Rector, Univ. of Zagreb;
Professor of Law, Zagreb, Yugoslavia,
Dec. .10-17.
Harry Girling, Prof. of English, Wit-
watersrand University, Johanessburg,
Republic of So. Africa, Dec. 10-17,
Dr. Toshiyuki Sakai, Prof. of Engi-
neering, Kyoto University, Japan, Dec.
Toru Midorikawa, Member of Edi-
torial Staff, Segai Magazine, Tokyo, Ja-
pan, Dec. 11-13.
Dr. Jan Tauc (programmed by Prof.
Donald R. Mason, School of Engineer-
ing, U of M), Head, Semi Conductor
Lab (UNESCO scholar at Harvard Univ.,
Cambridge, Mass.), Czechoslovakia, Dec.
B. H. McGowan, Headmaster, De As-
ton School, Lincolnshire, England, Dec..
Zdenko Rajh, Senior Adviser, Inter-
national Relations, Institute of Inter-
national Politics and Economics, Bel-
grade, Yugoslavia, Dec. 13-17.
F. V. Jevoor, Deputy Director of Pub-
lic Instruction, Dharwar Division, In-
dia, Dec. 20.
J. D. Raulkar, District Inspector of
(Continued on Page 5)

the motion (8 pages long) would
have been ill-considered in the
rush to get it to the OSA Study
Committee by Tuesday, December
12th, as desired by the makers
of the motion. It is therefore ex-
tensive debate, and not limited or
no debate at all that I argue in
favor of.
Second, what I did say was that
I think I know what the outcome
(of debating the Glick-Roberts
motion) will be.
* * *
THIRD, let me protest the
Daily's handling of this quotation.
In talking with Philip Sutin and
Ronald Wilton, authors of the
editorial in question, I ascertained
the following:
1) They had not written down
in their notes the quotation they
attributed to me; in fact they
were unable to relate to me the
portion of the sentence excluded
by the ellipsis.
2) They made no effort to check
back the quotation with me, even
though a whole day elapsed be-
tween the writing of the editorial
and its publication. It is the policy
of the Daily, they admitted, to
check back such quotations.
It is understandable why my
statement was printed out of con-
text and also misquoted.
-Richard Nohl, 62BAd.
OVA and Qwads . .
To the Editor:
I HAVE READ Richard Ostling's
three articles dealing with the
Men's Residence Halls. As a for-
mer president of the South Quad-
rangle (1958-59) and member of
several boards, including the South
Quadrangle Judiciary Council and
the then Inter-House Council
Executive Board, I should like to
comment that I consider these
articles to have been an extremely
fair and objective presentation.
Mr. Ostling has shown genuine
insight and understanding, ob-
viously having given considerable
thought in research and writing.
Thus, his observations, on the
basis of my experience at Ann Ar-
bor, are, by and large, accurate
and well-founded.
* * *
IF THIS IS an indication of the
overall approach being taken to-
ward the entire OSA evaluation
then constructive results are
bound to emerge. As a very loyal
alumnus of South Quadrangle and

Van Tyne House, I am grateful
that proper attention is being
given, at least by The Daily,
toward the solution of problems.
The men's residence program at
Michigan has a wealth of potential
which can, with some imagination,
be fully explointed. Hopefully the
knowledge and ideas of the widest
possible segment will be explored.
That segment should include, in
addition to the membersof the
student affairs and business of-
fices, faculty, student leaders-
past and present- and the stu-
dents themselves.
-Peter L. Wolff, '59
Cornell Law School
Markley Decor .. .
To the Editor:
IN THIS SEASON of holiday
cheer, Miss D. Wacker should
not be allowed to continue in her
disillusioned state. I feel that an
explanation is due for certain
rulings which have been asked of
Markley girls for our own protec-
tion, and have been misunder-
stood by Miss Wacker or poorly
presented to her.
Markley girls certainly are per-
mitted to decorate their windows
for the holidays, with the stipu-
lations only that the decorations
be in good taste and be removed
before the vacation period. Girls
have been asked not to use live
greens because heat in the rooms
will cause them to dry quickly and
become a fire hazard. Lighted
candles are obviously also fire
hazards and for this reason are
not permitted in rooms. Liquid
snow may be used it sprayed on
paper or other material before
being placed on the door or in
the room.
MISS WACKER, herself, I am
sure, would find the job of clean-
ing spray from walls and linoleum
a little difficult. And most likely,
if she were to try hanging some-
thing from the ceiling of a Mark-
ley room she would find that the
paper covering of the soundproof-
ing tiles would come off with the
removal of the object, which is a
fairly good reason for the rule.
I know that despite these rulings
which are necessary, Markley girls
will use their abundance of imag-
inative powers as so exemplified by
Miss Wacker to bring the holiday
spirit to their rooms.
-Myrna Oppenheim, '63

comedy, "The Devil's Eye," is
put together with greater econo-
my than the earlier motion pic-
tures he has made. In contrast
with a film like "Wild Strawber-
ries" which creates through the
use of dense symbolism an airless,
highly subjective mood, this more
recent work employs familiar fig-
ures (the Devil, Don Juan, the
black cat) in the telling of an
old tale.
The plot revolves around the
stock fable of the Devil sending
Don Juan to earth to take a
young girl's virginity. Don Juan
accomplishes his mission (albeit
symbolically) and returns to hell.
. * *
HOWEVER, it is in the inter-
pretation of these facts that
Bergman achieves his unique tone
and relates his modern theme.
Don Juan, who styles himself at
first as a man whose "principle
is lack of principle," and who
claims that he has never loved
anyone, ends up by loving the girl
he has seduced. The girl, who be-
gins by resisting his advances in
order to keep "her love safe" for

her fiance, finally gives herself
to Don Juan after realizing that
her love will not be touched by
submitting to the Devil's envoy.
Furthermore, she recognizes that
only by giving herself to him will
she relieve Don Juan's suffering.
Thus her abandonment of chast-
ity becomes an act of mercy. And
hence a victory for heaven.
Yet heaven's victory and hell's
loss is not the point of the drama.
As Don Juan tells his master in
the concluding scene, this squab-
bling between the forces of the
supernatural world, this score
keeping, is trivial and odious when
examined alongside human values.,
* * *
what Bergman is studying in this
comedy. He underlines his exist-
entialist subject by setting it in a
framework of conventional gew-
Juxtaposed against the aridity
of these games are the more fluid
rhythms of human experience. For
human beings things are not so
settled as they are for God and the
Devil. Their solutions have little
meaning for us.
-Edmund White

'Season' vs. Sexy Ads

UN in Katanga

BLOODY BUSINESS in Katanga dram-
atizes the grave issue which is now before
the United Nations. The issue is whether it
shall revert to being merely "a conference
machinery," as Dag Hammarskjold put it, or
shall be also a tentative venture in inter-
national government.
The intervention of the UN as law and order
collapsed in the newly independent Belgian
Congo was a bold attempt to fill a danger-
ous vacuum. When the intervention was de-
cided upon, there was no visible alternative
to multiple intervention by the various powers
concerned, which included not only Belgium,
France and Great Britain but also the Soviet
Union and the United States. However badly
the UN intervention has gone, it can be said,
it probably will be said in retrospect, that the
alternative would have been much worse.
NEVERTHELESS, the intervention has
worked badly, and the reason is that it
has never had the support of the great powers.
The UN is not a world government. It is and
always has been an association of national
governments in which the most powerful ones
have a veto on action. They have a recognized
and legalized veto because in fact they have
the power to obstruct decisively. This veto,
which means that the UN can act only with the
unanimous consent of the great powers, is
the inner principle of the UN. This principle
distinguishes the UN from a world government.
Dag Hammarskjold's bold experiment, which
Editorial Staff

worked successfully enough on a small and un-
obtrusive scale in Palestine and in Laos,
never had the full support of any government
except to a considerable degree that of the
United States. The UN action in the Congo
aroused the implacable hostility of the Soviet
Union. For all practical purposes, also, the
UN has been opposed, not supported, by France,
Great Britain and Belgium. It is the division
of the great powers in the Congo affairs which
underlies the conflicts in the Congo. For were
the great powers united, the UN could impose
law and order instead of having to fight a
series of indecisive skirmishes.
skjold experiment took the form of an
attack on the person of the Secretary General
and on the structure of his office. In the Soviet
eyes Hammarskjold had circumvented the veto
by administrative action in the Congo, and the
celebrated troika proposal was put forward
as a device to introduce the veto into the office
of the Secretary General. But that was not
all. The Soviet Union took the position that,
since it disapproved of the Congo operation,
it would not pay its share of the cost. This
was a demonstration that a great power,
whether or not it openly exercises a veto, has
the inherent power to frustrate actions which
it disapproves of.
In the budgetary discussions in the UN the
French government has taken ahe same posi-
tion as the Soviet Union. It does not approve of
the Congo operation, therefore it will not help
to pay for it. If this became the general rule
of the UN, no government would ever vote
for anything unless It was prepared to pay not
only its share but also the share of those
who vote against the proposition.
.HE COMBINED EFFECT of the UN policies
of Mr. Khrushchev and Gen. de Gaulle is
substance to eliminate from the competence of
the UN all executive action to pacify areas of
disorder. The UN would remain as a grand
piece of conference machinery capable of
debating and mediating for peace but, except

petent motion picture which
will be seen by few people who
will appreciate it because of a mis-
leading advertising campaign.
This year seems to have been
marked by an unusual number of
fine American films which were
falsely advertised. In spite of a
publicity picture to the effect,
Paul Newman did not kiss Piper
Laurie's breast in The Hustler.
Likewise, the lurid "Season" post-
ers boast, "'ihese men took it .. .
these women gave it!" (The mys-
terious antecedent of "it" is not
mentioned in the movie.)
* * *
leading. Splendor in the Grass was
not a "nudie" filmed in a meadow.
Season of Passion is the filmed
version of Ray Lawlor's delicate
play, Summer of the Seventeenth
Doll; the new "box-office" title
neither intrigues as the original
or suggests that the movie is about
facing middle-age.
Therefore, sensation - seekers
lured into theatres across the

country will only find sensitive
acting and writing of tragic human
Ernest Borgnine, Anne Baxter
and Angela Lansbury not only
manage the Australian accent be-
lievably but show a genuine ability
to play more than their usual fare
of tough guy, pretty girl and comic
lightful situation comedy to in-
tense drama is handled with ease
by the producer-director, Leslie
Norman, who should also be laud-
ed for his excellent use of detail
which lends a reality that is us-
ually associated with foreign
movies (with the exception of that
darn bridge in the background of
every scene to remind one that
this is "on location.")
Also on the bill is a dull semi-
documentary on the X-15 which
ends without a resolution other
than a soap-opera voice coming
from a cloud saying something as
profound as "Man was meant to
conquor space, and he'll do it."
-Milan Stitt



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City Editor

Editorial Director

SUSAN FARRELL ................ Personnel Director
PETER STUART ................... Magazine Editor
MICHAEL BURNS....................Sports Editor
PAT GOLDEN ................ Associate City Editor
ZICHARD OSTLING ......Associate Editorial Director
DAVID ANDREWS..........Associate Sports Editor
CLIFF MARKS ............... Associate Snorts Editor

ONLY 0f 6 HGRE 10s

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