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December 12, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-12

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Great Britain Refuses
To Give United Nations
Bombs To Use in Congol

Albanians, Russians!
Cut ipzlomatic Ties
MOSCOW (A)-The Soviet Union last night blamed Albania for
the break in diplomatic relations with Moscow and accused Albanian
diplomats of attempting to stir up anti-Soviet feeling inside Russia.
Albania, in turn, accused Moscow of deliberately provoking the
break with the aim of suppressing Albania. A broadcast from Radio
Tirana declared the day will come when the Soviet people and the So-
viet party will punish Premier Nikita Khrushchev for his "anti-Marx-
ist deeds." Moscow's denunciation!



-AP Wirephoto
TSHOMBE CONDOLES-Katanga President Moise Tshombe chats
with a wounded countryman on a visit to an Elisabethville hospital.
The hospital was reportedly hit by a mortar shell fired during the
heated fighting now going on around the city.
UN Asks Space Exploration;
U Thant Fears Bankruptcy

Takes Back
To Arm Jets
Britons Dissatisfied
With Katanga Fight
By The Associated Press
Britain refused yesterday to
hand over bombs to the United
Nations for use in the Congo un-
til it is satisfied about what is
going on. in Katanga.
The sensational turnabout was
announced in a session of the
House of Commons by Edward
Heath, Lord Privy Seal and Dep-
uty Foreign Minister. Only last
week Britain offered 24 half-ton
bombs to arm UN Indian Canberra
jets. The deal had been made with
the understanding the explosives
would be used only against Ka-
tanga airstrips and planes, not
ground personnel.
"The government is now seri-
ously disturbed by the way the
fighting in Katanga has develop-
ed," Heath said.
He referred to reports that non-
military objectives, such as power
stations, mines, dams, hospitals
and private houses had been at-
tacked and civilians killed.
In Elisabethville, P r e s i d e n t
Moise Tshombe charged that the
UN is out to cut if not to destroy
the copper-based 'economy of se-
cessionist Katanga.
Of the general situation, Tshom-
he said Katanga's secession is not
the UN target. In this he seemed
in agreement with UN authori-
ties, who say there is no political
motive in the drive launched by
the UN Congo command's blue-
helmeted troops last Tuesday. But
he contradicted the UN declara-
tion that it is a defensive action
to restore law and order.
U Thant has said the UN would
keep fighting in Katanga until
guaranteed freedom of movement
to carry out UN policy there.

was in the form of a foreign min-
istry statement.
It was the first official an-
nouncement of the break - the
biggest open split in the Com-
munist bloc since Stalin expelled
Yugoslavia from the cominform
in 1948-and came a full day after
the diplomatic rupture was dis-
The break was revealed Sun-
day by the Albanian news agency
ATA and confirmed by the Alban-
ian embassy here. ATA said Mos-
cow's action began with an ex-
change of notes starting Nov. 25
and ended with notice from the
Soviet Union last Saturday.
Some observers ascribed the de-
lay in Moscow's public announce-
ment to the possibility that the
Kremlin wanted to inform the
other satellites and outline their
course of action before making a
public declaration.
Britain Sells
Jhet Aircraft
To Red China
PARIS (P) - Britain's sale of
four Viscount jets to Red China
was portrayed by British sources
yesterday as a significant politi-
cal breakthrough in the great wall
of Peking's isolation from the
The controversial trade deal on
credit, according to British offi-
cials here, provides that techni-
cians of Vickers-Armstrong Air-
craft Ltd., and Rolls Royce Ltd.,
will accompany the airliners to
help train Chinese crews and
maintain the machines.
It also marks the first time
since the establishment of the
Communist regime that Peking
has turned to a major western
power for aid and has agreed to
admit specialists into Chinese ter-
ritory, these officials said.
Perhaps the most important as-
pect of the transaction, as seen by
the British, is that the Chinese
found themselves unable to count
on Soviet aid.

Attack Foes
Of Balaguer
dent Joaquin Balaguer declared
tonight "intransigent preachings
and negative programs" by the
political opposition could lead this
troubled nation to a military dic-
tatorship or foreign intervention.
He also accused the Organiza-
tion of American States of coer-
cion and seeming intervention in
internal Dominican affairs for not
lifting its political and economic
sanctions against his government.
Meanwhile Guatemala has asked
the Organization of American
States to lift all sanctions against
the Dominican Republic.
The request was made in a note
from Guatemalan ambassador Car-
los Urrutia-Aparicio to ambassa-
dor Alberto Zuleta Angel of Co-
umbia, president of OAS Council.
The Guatemalan note said there
no longer is any reason to consider
the Dominican Republic "a threat
to the peace and security" of the
Sanctions were imposed in Aug-
ust 1960. The Dominican govern-
ment of slain dictator Rafael Tru-
jillo was found to be involved in
an attempt to assassinate Vene-
zuelan President Romulo Betan-
As Balaguer spoke to the nation
over the radio, crowds demon-
strated, calling for his ouster. One
student was gravely wounded in
an incident that caused police to
use tear gas and noise bombs and
finally summon army troops to
help disperse an angry crowd.
However, despite an implied op-
position call for a resumption of
.the crippling anti - government
general strike that was called off
Saturday when agreement seemed
near, Dominicans generally re-
turned to work.
Balaguer said the removal of the
sanctions is now conditional upon
agreement between his govern-
ment and the opposition.
This, he declared, "constitutes
intolerable coercion and has a
likeness to intervention in Domini-
can Affairs."



United Nations' main political
committee approved unanimously
yesterday a comprehensive pro-
gram for international coopera-
tion in exploring outer space.
Details were worked out in pri-
vate negotiations between the
United States and the Soviet Un-
Meanwhile, acting Secretary-
General U Thant announced that
the body faces bankruptcy unless

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it acts quickly to halt its mounting
financial deficit.
The American-Soviet agreement
broke a three-year deadlock on
launching a UN program aimed at
insuring that outer space be used
strictly for peaceful purposes.
Delegates from the United
States, the Soviet Union, Britain
and France all hailed the agree-
ment as .laying the groundwork
for fruitful cooperation in man-
kind's newest scientific field.
Soviet.delegate Valerian A. Zor-
in said unanimity would be im-
portant in ensuring future coop-
eration and peaceful coexistence
between states with different so-
cial systems.
Discussing the UN budget, Thant
said that with an estimated $107.5
million cash deficit at the end of
the year and a bill of $17 million
monthly coming up for the next
six months, speedy Assembly ac-
tion is needed to get $86 million
assessments arrears paid up and
to provide long term financing.
"Otherwise, the United Nations
will be facing imminent bankrupt-
cy," he told the 103-nation As-
sembly budgetary committee.
He said a total of only $40 mil-
lion receipts is expected in the
next six months-plus whatever
the members pay on their overdue
The $17 million a month ex-
penses include $10 million month-
ly needed to keep the UN force
in the Congo functioning.
Connally Quits;
Seeks Texas
retary John B. Connally, Jr. an-
nounced yesterday he is resigning
his federal post and will run for
governor of Texas.
"I have today submitted to the
President my resignation as sec-
retary of the Navy in order to
seek the office of governor of
Texas on the Democratic ticket,"
he said in a written statement
given newsmen.
In Washington the White House
announced that President'John F.
Kennedy has accepted Connally's
resignation, effective Dec. 20, with
deep regret. At the same time,
Kennedy gave a recess appoint-
ment to Fred Korth of Fort Worth
to succeed Connally.

U.S. Re-Indicts Optical Firms

By The Associated Press
MILWAUKEE-Two of the na-
tion's largest optical firms and
vice-presidents of each were re-
indicted in federal court yester-
day on price fixing charges.
Previous indictments brought
against Bausch & Lomb, Inc., of
Rochester and the American Op-
tical Co. of Southbridge, under
the Sherman anti-trust law were
dismissed recently by United
States District Judge Robert E.

NEW YORK-Edward T. Mc-
Cormick resigned as president of
the American Stock Exchange
Michael E. Mooney, general
counsel, also resigned.
* *i *
WASHINGTON-The number of
cities that levy income taxes is
mushrooming, threatening nation-
wide business chaos if a fair meth-
od of "cutting up the melon" is
nat. devised, an Ohio municipal

tax commissioner yesterday told
a House subcommittee.
NEW YORK - Stocks showed
moderate gains in fairly heavy
trading yesterday. Oils and drugs
led the rise with steels slipping
slightly despite optimistic reports
on aircraft production. The Asso-
ciated Press 60 stock average clos-
ed up 1.5, with 30 industrials up
2.01, 15 rails up .2 and 15 utilities
up 1.1.

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