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December 09, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-12-09

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U.S. Resumes Moving
Supplies as UN Army
Fires on Elisabetlville

-AP Wirephoto
WAR--Katangese troops disembark from a camouflaged vehicle
in the midst of Elisabethville to prepare for action against United
Nations forces threatening the capital.
Britain To Supply Bombs
For UN Force in Katanga
LONDON (P)-Britain announced last night that its terms for
supplying 24 half-ton bombs to- the United Nations force in Ka-
tanga have been met and arrangements made for their delivery.
The British government specified it would make the delivery
only on condition the bombs were used strictly for defensive pur-
poses, which include bombing the planes and air strips maintained
by the air arm of President Moise Tshombe's Katanga forces,-but not
ground troops. Acting UN Secretary-General U Thant was described as

World News


By The Associated Press
PARIS-United States officials
yesterday expressed hope-appar-
ently shorn of any real conviction
-that the Western allies may be
able to weld a solid front on Ber-
lin in the coming week.
On the eve of an intense round
of diplomatic activity in the
French capital, the big problem
coming clearly into focus is "what
to do about President Charles de
De Gaulle has remained adam-
ant to pressure by Britain, and to
a lesser degree by the United
States and West Germany, for an
early Western initiative on Ber-
lin talks with Russia.
LANSING-Gov. John B. Swain-
son yesterday announced the con-
tract for the first community
fallout shelter survey in Michi-
gan has been awarded to a Detroit
engineering firm.
The contract calls for a prelim-
inary survey of the Detroit metro-
politan area, including Wayne,
Oakland and Macomb Counties.
* s
WASHINGTON - The Defense
Department continued to taper off
its draft calls yesterday as the
Berlin tension eased.
The January draft call was set
at 15,000 men, lowest since the
military buildup began last Au-
gust. The peak call was for 25,000
men in September. In December'
it was 16,000.
* * *
LANSING - Michigan's Youth
Legislature yesterday killed a pro-
posal to lower the voting age from
21 to 18.
The proposal was killed in Ju-
diciary Committee by the young
people participating in the exer-
cise in legislative government
sponsored by the YMCA.
BONN-The West German cab-
inet yesterday decided to ask par-
liament to extend military draft
service from 12 to 18 months.
Reporting the cabinet decision
at a news conference, Defense
Minister Franz Josef Strauss said
stepped-up military service time is
necessary so that West Germany
can.meet its NATO commitments
and also boost home defense forces
outside NATO to 100,000 men.
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"very pleased" with this arrange-
ment for strengthening the UN
arsenal in the Congo.
The UN had asked Britain for
the bombs to broaden the use of
Indian Canberra jets flying com-
bat missions in the Congo. The
British bombs fit the Canberra
But the British Foreign Office
said its assent does not modify its
view that the UN has made no
mandate to impose a political so-
lution by force-that is to end
Katanga's secession with bombs
and bullets.
A United States spokesman said
no request for bombs had been re-
ceived from the UN, and that he
knew of no United States arms
being supplied to the UN forces
He said all that had been request-
ed thus far are the transport
planes being used to ferry troops
and supplies to Elisabethville.
NATO Forms
Baltic Group
For Defense
PARIS (P) - Formation of a
joint West German-Danish Baltic
command within NATO was an-
nounced last night, clearing up a
military problem with political
overtones that long has rankled
allied relations.
Plans for the command had
aroused Soviet anger.
The new Baltic Approaches
Command will closely supervise
NATO d e f e n s e preparations
against an attack through the
Negotiations for establishing the
command were part of the "alarm-
ing news" cited by Moscow last
month in pressing a demand for
defense consultations between
Finland and the Soviet Union. The
demand was dropped, however.

Task Force Remains
At Outskirts of City
American transports resumed fly-
ing hundreds of men and fighting
equipment yesterday- to a growing
United Nations army as mortar'
blasts and sniper fire continued to
rip the outskirts of this capital of
Brian Urquhart, UN political
advisor, reported to his New York
headquarters that Swedish, Irish
and Indian troops were making
good progress in "cleaning up the
outskirts" of the city and had
eliminated all Katangan road-4
Hold PalaceJ
Inside the city, however, the
Katangans still held several small
and two main military'strongholds;
-President Moise Tshombe's pal-
ace and the Lido Hotel.
So far the UN forces have made
no effort to penetrate the center
of the city.
The American airlift from Leo-'
poldville was resumed at dawn
after gunfire from Tshombe's res-
idence damaged a Globemaster as
it was coming in for a landing
Thursday and caused a temporary
halt to the operation.
Decadent Americans
The operation drew a violent at-
tack from Tshombe who returned
Thursday from a visit to Paris.
"The Americans send to the
Congo their dollars, their planes
and their diplomats-everything
except their soldiers, because the
American man is too cowardly and
decadent to execute these danger-
ous tasks while he can use the
skin and blood of the men of Mr.
Nehru, who has more than he
needs," he said.
Meanwhile, Congolese students
in Leopoldville shouted "Vive
Kennedy" in a pro-American dem-
onstration after they had shov-
ered bricks, beat up automobiles,
tore down embassy insignia and
shouted anti-Tshombe jeers at the
British, French and Portuguese
Soviet Payments
In another aspect of the Con-
go situation, the United States
and six other nations proposed
that the World Court be asked to
rule on whether the Soviet Union
and other countries have a right
to refuse to pay UN Congo costs
but Soviet Delegate A. A. Rosh-
chin asserted his country did not
recognize the court as competent
to deal with the matter.
Rusk Backs UN
Congo Operation
WASHINGTON VP) - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk strongly back-
ed the UN Katanga operation. He
told a news conference the Unit-
ed Nations is not trying to con-
quer Katanga but to secure the
UN position against Katangan
harassment. He said continued se-
cession by Katanga could plunge
the Congo into anarchy and open
doors to the Communists.

Visit Set;
Ignores Riot:
PALM BEACH, Fla. (P)-Presi-'
dent John F. Kennedy stuck yes-
terday with his promise to make'
a goodwill trip to Venezuela next
weekend despite anti-American
demonstrations in Caracas.
But meanwhile violence erupt-
ed again yesterday in Caracas a
few hours after police broke up a
leftist demonstration against the
President's planned visit. Leaflets
calling for demonstrations against
the President on his arrival were
passed around in the streets.
Unsigned Leaflets
The unsigned leaflets said
"Caracas cannot receive Kennedy
peacefully. Caracas must receive
Kennedy as it received Nixon."
Former r Vice-President Richard
M. Nixon was stoned on a visit
here some time ago.
The pamphlets also urged
painting of walls with signs say-
ing "Kennedy no," to strew the
streets with tacks and hang black
Ike Stays Home
Former. President Dwight D.
Eisenhower canceled a scheduled
trip to Tokyo last year after an
outbreak of riots against the Jap-
anese government as well as the
United States.
Kennedy is known to have tak-
en the anti-Nixon demonstration
at Caracas into consideration be-
fore deciding to make his first
goodwill trip to Latin America.
Venezuelan President Romulo Bet-
ancourt has been friendly to the
United States.
An advance party of White
House aides making security ar-
rangements for the Kennedy visit
arrived in Caracas yesterday. They
were headed by Presidential News
Chief Pierre Salinger.
Several persons were hurt and
more than 20 antigovernment
demonstrators were arrested' in
Thursday's disorder. High school
students and othershurled stones,
set fire to cars and distributed
pro-Castro and anti-Kennedy
leaflets before riot police arrived.
Earlier this week a party of U.S.
senators was stoned on the way
from the airport into Caracas.
Check British
LONDON M)-The British gov-
ernment turned tough yesterday
in an effort to check Britain's nu-
clear disarmers on the eve of a
widely publicized attempt to im-
mobilize three American air force
bases to promote their cause.
Scotland Yard men pounced on
five officials of Earl Bertrand
Russell's organizing committee of
100 and promptly halted them be-
fore a magistrate on charges of
conspiring against state security.
They were released on bail.
Bus companies which had agreed
to transport hundreds of demon-
strators to the remote bases, got
official word they could not do so.
Troops continued ringing the
threatened fields with barbed wire
entanglements and police readied
tear gas to repel the demonstra-
The committee has called for
50,000 volunteers to turn out to-
day to back its antinuclear pro-
test at the bases and for simultan-
eous mass rallies in the provincial

cities of Bristol, Manchester, Car-
diff and York.
The arrests came as finishing
touches were being put to the
committee of 100 plans to march
on the U.S. H-bomb base at Weth-
ersfield, the U.S. Air Force head-
quarters at Ruislip, and the Amer-
ican base at Brize Norton.

framework there is considerable
"The administration believes in
advancing wages and standards,"
the secretary said. "We do not
believe in a status quo situation.
We also believe we can earn these
advances without resort to any
kind of control over the freedom
of unions and management, and
with price stability."
Goldberg in fact urged unions
to concentrate on raising pay rates
in low-wage industries so "we can
help restore buying power and
contribute to the general welfare
and the business welfare as well,"
he said.
The secretary said wage gains
over the past year have remained
as a whole within the administra-
tion wage restraint formula and
"have been earned by the great
productivity of the American
worker." This, he said, included
wage gains recently negotiated in
the auto industry.
Goldberg made a bid in his
speech to heal the breach between
George Meany, AFL-CIO presi-
dent, and Walter Reuther, head
of the Auto Workers Union. They
have been differing over federa-
tion policies.
Goldberg, saying both were
equally loyal to trade union prin-
ciples, indicated they should bury
the hatchet and concentrate on
solving labor's problems.

Ti ghten Circle
On West Berlin
BERLIN (P) - East Germany
narrowed yesterday the gaps in
its wall around West Berlin
but avoided forcing any new show-
down over Western access rights
in the isolated city.
The East Germans built metal
crossing gates on the seven re-
maining street crossings between
East and West Berlin. But they
announced military cars would be
passed automatically.
The Communists also limited
themselves to threats and warn-
ings against movement of Ameri-
can combat troops between Berlin
and West Germany. Contingents
of about 200 soldiers moved with-
out incident yesterday in both di-
rections over the 110-mile lifeline
highway crossing East Germany.
Similar American convoys are
due to roll both ways today in
the troop exchange which East
German and Soviet commentators
have called a military provoca-
The Western allies contend all
of Berlin is still under four-power

WASHIN xTON 'VR) -Prensa
Latina, Cuban News Wire Service,
and its chief American correspon-
dent were indicted by a Federal
Grand Jury here yesterday on
charges of failing to register as
agents of a foreign power.
In another case the Communist
Party of the United States plead-
ed innocent to charges of failing
to register as an agent of the So-
viet Union. It will go to trial Feb.
Arrest Correspondent
The Prensa Latina correspon-
dent, Francisco V. Portela, born in

'Agents of Foreign Powers' Indicted

GoldbergAssures .Labor
Of Wage Plan Flexibility
BAL HARBOUR, Fla. M)-Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg
assured labor union leaders yesterday the Kennedy administration
wage restraint formula is flexible enough to allow them plenty of
room to negotiate wage boosts.
Goldberg said in an address to the AFL-CIO convention the ad-
ministration aim is to keep wages and prices within the over-all rise
in the nation's productivity and without causing inflation. But he
added that within this general9

Havana but a naturalized Ameri-
can citizen, was arrested at his
office in New York City.
The indictment named the agen-
cy on one count charging failure
to register and Portela on two
counts charging failure to have
the agency registered and failing
to register himself.
The Grand Jury said the agen-
cy had been subsidized and direct-
ed by the government of the Re-
public of Cuba and its officials.
Specifically named among the of-
ficials were Fidel Castro and Er-

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