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November 21, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-21

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)AY, NOVEMBER 21, 1961



U.S. Asks More Power
For Secretary-General
To OverseeCongolese)

--AP Wirephoto
TRUJILLO ARRIVES-Hector Trujillo arrives in Fort Lauder-
dale after a flight from the Dominican Republic.
Dominican Republic Stays
Restless 'as Truilos Depart
CIUDAD TRUJILLO ()-Signs grew yesterday that despite the
mass exodus of 29 members of thie Trujillo dynasty the explosive
Dominican crisis is still -not settled.
United States warships that lent President Joaquin Balaguer a
crucial display of backing in his weekend showdown with the Tru-
jillos still stood by their stations offshore should Balaguer's regime
call for help.
And Balaguer appeared stronger than at any time since political
opponents assassinated dictator General Rafael Leonidas Trujillo last
May 30-.
Far from Secure
But Balaguer's, position was far from secure. The Caribbean
island nation, in the throes of transition from 31 years of feudal rule
- ---- under the iron fists of Trujillo

To Restrict
Attempt To Alter
Three Nation Motion
United States proposed yesterday
that the United Nations Security
Council broaden the authority of
acting Secretary-General U Thant
to deal with secessionist move-
ments in The Congo wherever they
U.S. delegate Adlai E. Steven-
son did so by offering amendments
to a resolution submitted by Cey-
lon, Liberia and the United Arab
Republic which would pinpoint
Council action against Katanga
Stevenson introduced the amend-
ments after private talks with the
three Asian-African delegates fail-
ed to result in agreement on a
compromise approach.
Meet U.S. Objection
In an effort to meet U.S. ob-
Jections, the three sponsors re-
vised their resolution to include a
paragraph that would declare all
secessionist movements contrary
to the fundamental law of the
central Congo government and
previous Security Council deci-
But the revision also contained
a specific demand that "such ac-
tivities which are now taking place
in Katanga will cease forthwith."
Immediately a f t e r Liberia's
Nathan Barnes announed the re-
vision Stevenson served notice that
he had separate amendments for
the Council's consideration.
No Reference
The amendments do not refer
specifically to any possible seces-
sionist movements led by Antoine
Gizenga, leftist political heir of
the slain premier Patrice Lum-
But they deplore "all armed ac-
tion and secessionist activities" op-
posing the central government at
Leopoldville. A United States
source explained the amendments
are aimed at "seeing that the res-
olution is broad enough so that
when another crisis arises we won't
have to go back to the Security
Council again."
NSA Director
Resigns Post
WASHINGTON (P) - Maurice
H. Klein, personnel director of the
top-secret National Security Agen-
cy, has been fired on ground he
falsified parts of his own govern-
ment employment application.
The House Committee on Un-
American Activities, which dis-
closed Klein's forced resignation,
effective Nov. 10, asked Atty. Gen.
Robert F. Kennedy to prosecute
Klein for perjury, falsifying a gov-
ernment document, and conceal-
ment and removal of a document
from an official file.

mander of the Kindu mutineers is
stirring uneasiness through the en-
tire Congolese army with inflam-
matory telegrams charging the
United Nations plans to disarm
all Congolese soldiers, a high UN
official said yesterday.
More than 200 Ethiopian UN
troops have been flown to Kindu
prepared for punitive a c t i o n
against the murderers of 13 Ital-
ian airmen of the UN force 9 days
ago, the UN spokesman announc-
ed. They join about 300 Malayans
at Kindu airport.
UN negotiator Mahmoud Khia-
ri of Tunisia said the inflamma-
tory telegrams are signed with the
name of Col. Pakassa, a cousin of
Lumumbist leader Antoine Gizen-
ga. Though still claiming to com-
mand the Kindu garrison, Pakas-
sa has admitted to the UN he was
not in complete control of the
Premier Cyrille Adoula met with
his cabinet for six hours Sunday
and again yesterday to consider
action against the Kindu muti-
neers. The cabinet also heard a
personal report by Interior Min-
ister Christophe Gbenye who con-
ferred with Gizenga last week in
rebellious Kivu province.
Gizenga is suspected of incit-
ing the troops in the Kindu mas-
sacre. A vice premier in the cen-
tral government, Gizenga also is
suspected of trying to set up a
saparatist movement in Kivu. The
cabinet is considering sanctions
against him.
Abandon Plan
o Evacuate
of Civil Defense yesterday con-
firmed officially that the govern-
ment has abandoned evacuation
as a protective measure for city
populations under nuclear assault.
Rep. Robert W. Kastenmeier
(D-Wis) who has asked that
"evacuation route" signs be remov-
ed from highways in his district,
said he had received a reply from
OCD's director, Assistant Secretary
of Defense Steuart Pittman.
"Evacuation of urban areas be-
fore attack is no longer feasible
as national policy," Pittman's let-
ter said.

... distardly plot

Garcia Plot
Warned, Off
MANILA (R) - President-elect
Diosdado Macapagal warned yes-
terday that any attempt to block
his inauguration will bring revolu-
tion to the Philippines.
His Liberal Party declared in a
statement there was "a dastardly
plot" by followers of President
Carlos P. Garcia of the Nacionalis-
ta Party to delay the proclama-
tion of Macapagal's election.
Garcia replied in another state-
ment denying the existence of such
a plot. He has not yet conceded
defeat, however, in last Tuesday's
presidential election.
Macapagal told reporters he did
not believe Congress would "vio-
late the constitution and trample
upon the will of the people" by
blocking his inauguration, set for
Dec. 30. He declared:
"There will be a revolution if we
are cheated."
Despite a trend to the Nacion-
alistas in congressional races,
Macapagal held a lead of more
than 600,000 votes over Garcia in
latest official returns.
Garcia declared "my public rec-
order shows that I have never
cheated in any election. If I have
not yet conceded, it is because I
am waiting for the actual canvass
of the official election returns
which will be done by the com-
mission on elections a few days
from now."
Meanwhile, leaders of the Lib-
eral Party fanned out to several
strategic prgvinces to "take ap-
propriate measures for the holding
of an early and accurate canvas of

Langhaug Criticizes U.S. Policy in Ai

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B erln Unity
WASHINGTON (P) - President
JohnF. Kennedy and Germany's
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer be-
gan yesterday their attempt to
agree on strategy for the antici-
pated negotiations with the Rus-
sians on Berlin and other danger
Immediately after the chancel-
for left the White House from
yesterday's meeting this joint
statement was read to reporters:
"President Kennedy and Chan-
cellor Adenauer met alone for one
hour and 45 minutes and then for
a brief period with the other
members of the grouptwho had
been conferring separately during
that period.
"The two leaders reviewed the
current situation in Berlin and
Germany and current relations be-
tween the two countries. The
talks will continue tomorrow
The meeting was the first in a
series, to be followed by two White
House conferences this morning
and afternoon, and probably by a
concluding meeting tomorrow.
The two Western leaders, it is
estimated, will spend about eight
hours in conferences, not counting
a White House luncheon today.
This is an unusually long time and
may indicate Kennedy and his
guest are determined to explore
thoroughly all points on which
they do not see eye-to-eye.

family generals, lay tense and
troubled under the state of emer-
gency Balaguer proclaimed Sun-
day when he assumed command
of the armed forces.
Less than a day after the Tru-
jillo departures friction had devel-
oped over some of the appoint-
ments Balaguer made. to offices
held by Trujillos.
There were indications of dif-
ferences between the air force here
and the young air force generals
in Santiago who forced the Tru-
jillos out.
Opposition Silent
The nation's largest opposition
factions, the National Civic Un-
ion and the 14th of June Move-
ment, remained silent on whether
they would now support Bala-
guer's program to establish de-
They had insisted on the re-
moval of the top Trujillos as a
condition for joining a coalition
with Balaguer.
One group, the Revolutionary
Party, came out with uncondi-
tional support for the president.
But the other two made it clear
weeks ago they considered this
party too close to Balaguer.
A number of opposition lead-
ers appeared frankly unsatisfied
with the changes and were open-.
ly suspicious the country had not
heard the last of the Trujillos.

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities opened an investigation of
the organization of the American
Communist Party yesterday but
ran into a wall of Fifth-Amend-
ment pleas by a witness, Leon Nel-
son of Brooklyn.
A committee statement said the
opening of the probe had no con-
nection with the Justice Depart-
ment's effort to make party lead-
ers register as foreign agents.
* * *
WASHINGTON-A special Sen-
ate subcommittee yesterday post-
poned until January the start of
its investigation - of charges by
Sen. Strom Thurmond (D-SC)
that the Pentagon has censored
anti-Communist statements by
military personnel.

ANNAPOLIS (P)-Eight singing
student integrationists returned
cheerfully to the Anne Arundel
County Jail yesterday to resume
their hunger strike after a magis-
trate's court appearance where
they requested jury trials.
They were among 13 arrested
in a segregated restaurantshere
Saturday night on charges of
S* * *
OSLO-Negotiations aimed at
establishing a North Atlantic
Treaty Organization Baltic com-
mand, comprised of West German
and Danish air, ground and sea
forces, opened yesterday.
* * *
NEW YORK-A turbulent stock
market produced some wide gains
and losses in heavy trading yes-

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Take a bus to the airport
this Thanksgiving !
November 22, 1961
Tickets on sale at the Fishbowl.
Another service of
Alpha Phi Omega.

seasonless fashion natural...
to keep you wonderfully
warm right now, to
zip out at the
first sign of spring
...actually two
coats in one, wth
A. Beige.,


-,',E-. '

white, taffy or green 26-inch If :'

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