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November 21, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-21

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r I


Seventy-Second Year

Rival Standards

Ramblers' 'Art'

-..- -:m
Where Opinions Are Free
Truth Witl PrevaW'"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Deans and Alumnae



ai J i' L 1 JL JUL 7 ALIJL L W L7 i idili' 1WJR wVV A/ vlvv i/ W Wv ff

THE ALUMNAE COUNCIL wants a dean of
women. They want one very badly-badly
enough to send delegations to President Hatch-
er and try for conferences with the Office,
of Student Affairs Study Committee. ,
But the strength of their desire is unfor-
tunately not matched by intelligent insight
into the policy they are advocating. Judging
from their motion, only the shallowest and
most obvious factors are being considered. ,
The motion gives two main rationalizations
for retaining the Dean of Women's Office.
First, they want the University to "maintain
the position of Dean of Women with all its
dignity, prestige and responsibility for main-
taining standards of conduct among women
students and of providing assistance to them."
Second, the motion advances the feminist
theory that a woman should occupy "a high
administrative position at our world-famous
co-educational' institution."
This second: statement is a logical absurd-
ity-the high administratiye posts should not
be distributed by sex, in either direction-
and there are serious philosophical objections
to the first.
THE-ALUMNAE have no business trying to
interfere with the formation of. University
policy. As former students, they have a natur-
al interest in the University, but they have no
way of understanding it unless they live and
work here.
In order to understand the atmosphere of
the University you have' to breathe it. The
alumni, in general, know a very different
University, the college of the '20's, '30's and
'40's-but apparently do not realize that the'
schools have been drastically changed since
The alumnae suffer from an unavoidable
lack of information and contemporary in-
sight. They can bring their suggestions and
their pleas to the OSA study committee, but
the final decision Is rightly in the hands of
the students and faculty members of the
committee, who are in the best position to
know what changes are needed. -
The alumnae are a traditign-bound group.
This is not really their fault-women's groups
and alumni associations are not ordinarily
known for their revolutionary stands.
But the time has come for a revolutionary
stand. Now, while the OSA is in a flexible
position, it is time for the University to examine
its entire relationship with students.
JNIVERSITIES are educational institutions
with a specialized purpose., They are sup-
posed to provide academic training in a varie-
ty of fields to qualified students. They have
certain responsibilities.?
Thus the University has the right to make
its academic policies as strict as it chooses-
if the student's every course, freshman through
PhD, were dictated by the University It'1
would be a pity, but it would be within the
University's legitimate scope.o

But the University is not equipped, and not
entitled to control the social education of its
students. This is the function of the family,
and it must be largely finished by the time
a student reaches the University level.
IT IS TRUE that any large community must
have a system of government. But this is.
not a. function of the University administra-
tion. If students are to be governed, they should
be governed by students-mature responsible
students can do a more effective, understand- .
ing and accepted job of controlling their peers
than a brigade of deans and housemothers.
And social education is best handled by the
The University has, in part, recognized this,
as has almost every other college in the coun-
try. Student governments are set up by the
administration-and then the important func-
tions and controls are taken out of their hands:
Without full powers, student government be-
comes impotent, and irresponsible with frus-
Students are old enough to take care of
themselves. If they remain in the outside
world they are considered responsible adults.
They hold down good jobs, they marry, they
are independent of their parents if they want
to be.
Gii' s who used to stay at home under the
watchful parental eye now get jobs, get mar-
ried, get out of the house as soon as they
leave high school.
But as soon as a girl decides to go to col-
lege, she m'ust give up all hope of freedom
for four years. Instead of being an adult in
an adult community, she becomes a child of
unwanted parents. At the moment when the
non-students are beginning to break the par-'
ental ties, the student is forced to accept a'
new' set of paternal restrictions from an un-
known and overpowering "local parent."j
The woman student suffers most intensely'
from those restrictions. The discontented man I
can get out of the quads after his first year
if he wishes; the woman is trapped in the
dorms for three or four years (depending on 1
the apartment permission whims of the Dean
of Women's office).
But the woman student is herded, cajoled,
has her conduct graded by her housemother,
her hours regulated by the University. The
Dean of Women's Office casts a long and ;
constricting shadow. .
A dean's office has its uses. It can handle
student loans, scholarships, the functional ad-
ministration of housing and perhaps a volun-
tary counselling bureau for students with 1
personal problems. And if it is to serve these
functions, there need be no differentiation of
sexes by deans' offices.
But it should have no arbitrary authority 1
over the lives of the students of the University
-they are here for an academic, not a moral

To the Editor:.
MR. OGLESBY apparently went
to the concert of the New Lost
City Ramblers seeking an Intel-,
lectual evening, or whatever req-
uisite he demands in his idea of
"art." To some ofus, however,
folk, music should not be "art" in
this sense-it is the sincere music
of natural simple people, and much
of the sincerity-and therefore
effect-is lost if it is refined In
a conscious attempt to make it
"art." We doubt that the moun-
tain folk of rorty years ago were
striving to achieve "art" or an
intellectual experience in their
music, and its naturalness is ox~e
of its greatest virtues. Must every
performer seek some artificial
something called i'art?"
Mr. Oglesby suggests that non-,
"art" should not be staged-Mike
Seeger himself commented that
the smaller the audience and the
less staged the performance the
more effective the music. Obvious-'
ly, this is to be preferred, but
how many of us could enjoy this
music if we could settle only for
ideal conditions?
To be serious about this type
of folk music, Mr. Oglesby ex-
plains, is absurd. This statement
merely admits his subjectiveness.
Not everyone will find meaning
and beauty in folk music, and not
everyone will find it in-let's say
opera. But this does not mean that
it is not there. It is, and most
of those present at the concert
undoubtedly experienced far more
than "stamp-and-run-entertain-
ment." (No, Mr. Oglesby, they
did not go to "have fun and jump
around" or they might have gone
to a square dance, something
which the concert did not at all
AS FOR the "barrenness" of the
melody and lyric-beautiful mel-
odies, sad melodies, catchy melo-
dies abounded, and the lyrics
contained at least as much orig-

inality, truth, and wit as in any
other style of music (the words of
many folk songs, standing alone,
read like good poetry and are
often presented as such)*. And
could Mr. Oglesby not even appre-
ciate. the skill and "artistry" In
Mike Seeger's playing of the fid-
dle, autoharp, and mandolin and
the fine guitar and banjo work of
Tom Paley and John Cohen?
Strictly speaking, the Ramblers
do not play bluegrass. They at-
tempt to recreate the real "od-
time music of the mountains be-
fore it became modified and com-
mercialized into bluegrass and
hillbilly when, as Mr. Oglesby
cutely expresses it, "they got ra-
dios in Kentucky, Tennessee, and
Cincinnati." The Ramblers are
not genuine in that they are city-
bred and are attempting an imi-
tation. Mr. Oglesby would know
these facts if he had listened more
carefully to Mike Seeger at the
Mr. Oglesby makes some good
points and, naturally, has a right
to his opinion as we have to ours.
We can't help feeling, however,
that he did not really understand
the music, the performers, or the
-Robert T. Frese, Grad
--Lawrence M. Lamont, Grad
To the Editor:
THANK YOU for your editorial
'page of Saturday, November
11, 1961.
This fall we sent to the Uni-
versity a daughter dedicated to
The Cause, The Search, or what
ever you may call the belief that,
'through the; activity of the mind
of good logic and good morals,
the good life will come. If we were
to believe that, in the last big final
test, violence were the answer,
then our faith in education, and
religion, would indeed be a poor
thing. We wish to have no part
in this nation of hypocrites who
say they believe in the mental and
the spiritual but, in actual prac-
tice, believe In the superior pow-
er of war.
So, we started our daughter on
this thought philosophy. In our
home, we have nurtured it. In the
world, we know it is not the'mass
culture. Even, in some universi-
ties, it is not taught. But now,
from reading The Michigan Daily,
we know some young men and
women there have caught the ex-
citing challenge of mind-unlimit-
ed. (Bodies, so limited, breed fear
and war.)
Into such stimulating atmos-
phere, we gladly send our Bethia
-Dr. and Mrs. Carlton Bremlier
Sheyboyga, - Wisconsin
(Letters to the Editor should be
limited to 300 words, typewritten
and double spaced. The Daily re-
servesthe right to edit or withhold
any letter. only signed letters will
be printed.) 1



The New Great Power

IT NOW SEEMS certain that the
Administration will go to Cong-
ress in the -coming session to ask
for new powers in order to nego-
tiate about tariffs and trade ar-
rangements with the European
Common Market. This is a bold
decision, and not without consider-
able risk. It was taken because of a
feeling in the highest councils of
government that despite the fact
that 1962 is not an ideal tim~e to
begin the painful process of ad-
justment to the emerging new
trading world; a beginning cannot
be put off.
This sense of urgency is due
only in part to the fact that the
Trade Agreements Act expires
next summer. More than that, the
Western Community and the
United States in particular need
a momentum which has been lack-
ing in recent months.
The decision to 'move forward
now rather than in 1963 is risky,
not only because 1962 is an elec-
tion year when, as the saying goes,
the tariff becomes a local issue
in each district. An even greater
difficulty, it seems to me, is that
Congress and the country will not
have before them as a going con-
cern the new Common Market
which will be created when Great
Britain and other European powers
join the original six members.
A mighty effort of public edu-
cation is going to be needed to
make the country realize how
revolutionary the change is going
to be. The enlarged Common Mar-
ket will be the biggest trading
area in the world. It will soon
have free trade within it and a
common traiff against us and all
the other nations around it.
* * *
AS AN EXAMPLE, which ought
to be favorable to the United'
States, we may look at the produc-
tion of motor vehicles. The Com-
mon Market and 'Britain together
are now producing just short of
6,000,000 vehicles a year. We are
now producing at the rate of 8,-
000,000 a year. But since 1950,
our output has changed very little
while that the of Common 'Mar-
ket countries has quadrupled.

In the new Common Maiket
we shall be facing a very formid-
able competitor with a faster rate
of growth, with an enormous in-
ternal market, and a highly ef-
ficient capacity to export. We
shall be facing not only competi-
tion which is formidable but the
likelihood of deep difficulties in
our balance of payments.
visible to us, we shall find that
we must reappraise assumptions
which this generation of Ameri-
cans have become used to taking
for granted: Primarily, there is
the assumption that in our rela-
tions with Europe we are the givers
and they are the receivers, or that
it depends on us, therefore, how
much or how little we shall par-
ticipate in the affairs of Europe.
We have just begun to discuss
the question of how we propose to
adjust to the new economic real-
ity. Discussion has been started
by the Clayton-Herter report, the
path-breaking speech of George
Ball before the National Foreign
Trade Convention, and the Presi-
dent's remarks at his recent press
conference. In much of the com-
ment on what they have said the
old assumption persists-that we
are able to fix the terms on which
we shall associate ourselves with
the new Common Market. But at
once we are being warned from
Europe that it is not going to
work that way.
We are'being told, quite bluntly,
for example by Williamn Rees-
Mogg, the discerning and accomp-
lished economic editor of the
"Sunday Times" of London, that
it will'now be difficult to obtain
"any settlement with Europe which
will expand American trading op-
portunities. The independence of
Europe, from America and Russia,
has now become a theme to which
both the Americans and Russians
are going to be asked to dance."
* * *
THIS MEANS that the Common
Market is not merely a profitable
economic arrangement. It is also
the substance of a political union
which isbeing forged into a new

great power in the world. In this
century we have seen great powers
die. Now, it would seem, we are
witnessing the birth of a new
great power. What the world
knows as the Common Market
and as the European Economic
Community is not, as the names
suggest, merely an ' enlightened
device for promoting prosperity.
It is that. But the inner motive
and resolve of the leaders of the
Common Market is to make Eur-
ope again, as it was for so many
centuries-until the World Wars
of our times-a great center of
power and influence
That is why when Britain de-
cided to apply for membership, the
crucial question was not how to
safeguard the economic interests
of the Commonwealth. That is
quite manageable. The crucial
question has been whether Great
Britain was renouncing its po-
litical separation from the Con-
tinent, and whether it would then
participate in the political pur-
poses of the Continental countries.
. * *
settled their relationship, it will
be our turn to begin to negotiate
over our trade relations with the
enlarged Common Market. But
even before formal negotiations
have begun, our intention to oe
part of a broader liberal trade
area, announced in the very con-
vincing form of the President's
coming legislative proposals. to
the Congress, may have helped the
smaller European, powers and the
Commonwealth countries to reach
an accommodation with the Com-
mon Market. Our influence, too,
will protect the interests of Latin
America and Japan.
Despite this beneficent influence
we may not, as Rees-Mogg ,points
out, find Europe over-eager to
strike a bargain with us. We shall
then have to argue that generaliz-
ed free trade throughout the At-
lantic Community need not impair
the closer political union of Eur-
ope, and also that an open trading
community is the foundation of
closer economic and political co-
operation within the Atlantic,
Community as a whole.


A wes tern
But it's Fun
bowl-floating, football-follow-
ing student, you will join the au-.
dience in booing "The Coman-
cheros." If you usually stick to
the Campus Theatre, you will
leave the theatre directly after Ina
Baln accosts Stuart Whitman
with "You saved me from a dreary
fate" in the third or fourth min-
ute of the film.
But, if you haven't seen a west-
ern in at least three years, if you
go to the children's matinee and
if you happen to sit beside a nine
year old fellow'who over-referees
John Wayne and claps fiercely'
when the good guys arrive, then
you will enjoy seeing "The Co-
I ASSUME the western is whole-
some enough, for the color is de-
luxe, the theme is catchy and
vaguely Copland, the T e x a s
ranges wild and dusty, the horses
exceedingly healthy, the Coman-
che Indians fearful and the blood
It's too bad Ina Balm can't
act because she's very pretty and
plays a Scarlet O'Hara character.
There is a nifty guy called Crow
(Lee Marvin)h,' a wizard with a
gun, whose clothing is black and
yellow. A thin grey pigtail hangs
from the center of, his head and
he wears a delicate baby-blue silk
John Wayne is good. He plays
one of those lusty types whose
fifty years have not caught up
with his adventurous spirit.
It's preposterous, but it can be
jolly fun. In three more years I'll
be looking forward to catching an-
other whooping Twentieth Cen-
tury foxy cowboy-Indian flick.
-Margaret Klee

Bigger and Better Deaths

THE GREAT AMERICAN free press, always
striving to perfect its means of getting all
the details to the public in the shortest time,
is fast approaching perfection in the execution
When the great dailies are enlightening the
nation on the demise of a public enemy under
the auspices of the American judicial system,
you used to be able to detect'a type of frenzy
in their style as they grappled with the prob-
lem of which details to report first-those of
the depraved man's crime against society or
those of benevolent society's gentle correction
of the transgressor. Bit the latest efforts
show that the papers have only to follow the
example of the Associated Press and their'
problems will be solved.
Standard coverage of executions has now
been worked into a formula, and as the de-
tails of last week's punishment of - a child-
murderer came clattering over the wire no
one could deny that the Golden Age is at
THE STORY begins with a paragraph con-
taining the vital statistics: The convicted
slayer (or perpetrator of the fiendish murder,
or unrepentent killer, etc.) so-and-so died
today at' (hour and minutes furnished) in the
Sing-Sing electric chair or San Quentin gas
chamber as the case may be, protesting "I
didn't do it!" or "What do I care? Nobody
cares what happens to me anyway," as he is
led away by guards and strapped into .the
Essentials out of the way, the reporter is
free to report on the crime for a few para-
graphs. Since no one is left alive to contradict
him (killer and victim now united beyond
the bounds of human justice) he is free to
improve upon the truth as he sees fit and the
result is generally hair-raising. ,

Last week's AP story contained a blood-
curdling rundown on the murder of the little
girl, and a forthcoming story on the impend-
ing execution (the Supreme Court rejected an
appeal yesterday) of a Puerto Rican boy in
New York will probably include a harrowing
account of how he stabbed two friends on a
playground on a summer evening.
NOW that the reader's wrath is sufficiently
aroused, the report can continue. The audi-
ence, thoroughly incensed against such in-
human atrocities, is 'eager for the details of
the death and hopes to see the criminal get
what is coming to him.
Now comes the big moment for the report-
er. He describes carefully the room into which
the convict is shepherded (the gas chamber is
octagonal and the walls are, green. Details
about the electric chair's upholstery escape
me at the moment.) Once the criminal is
seated in the chair, the countdown begins
from the moment the gas is released or the
electricity is turned on till the doctor pro-
nounces the enemy dead and society triumphs
Physical reactions such as clenching of
hands and teeth are carefully studied during
the intervening moments. Facial expressions
especially are examined for signs of remorse
at the last moment (thus we learned a few
years ago that Bobby Greenlease's. killer Carl
Hall "seemed anxious to end his wasted life''
while his accomplice Bonnie Heady "struggled
vainly against inhaling the poisonous fumes.")
Here especially are the makings of great jour-
nalism. The public loves it!
THE EPITOME of the good execution re-
porting was a touch in last week's child-
murder execution hassle when one reporter


(Continued from Page 2)
Methods & Time standards Engur.;
Process ControlrEngnr.; Mfg. Engnr. &
Computer Programmer. Some of these
positions on various levels.
Flexonics/Div. of Calumet & Hecla,
Inc., Bartlett, Ill.Labor Relations As-
sistant for grad with.. Bachelor's or
Master's in Industrial Relations or
Personnel. Also 2-5 yrs. exper. in per-
sonnel function with industry with
Bachelor's; or 0-3 yrs. exper. with
Please call General Div., Bureau of
Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for further
The American Baptist Assembly,
Green Lake, Wis.-Paul F. McFarland
will interview on' Tues. morning, Nov..
21. in the Summer Placement Serv-
ice, which will be opened especially.
for this purpose. He is looking for
men & women for positions as: wait-
ress. Bus Boys, Lifeguards, Service
Technicians, Transportation Drivig.
White Sands Missile Range, New Mex-
lco-Has positions available for people
in Mathematics, Physics, and Engi-
ment Service for further information.

_' - --r


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