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September 12, 1961 - Image 48

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-12

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1962 Michiganensian

City, 'U' Work Together
On Common Problems

at the Special Advanced Sale Price of

Last year at this time, the Ann
Arbor political scene was experi-
encing what the local officials
called their "era of good feeling."
The entire city council (11
members) and the city admnis-
tration was in the hands of the
Republican party.
Since then 'however, the Demo-
crats have made something of an
inroad, electing Prof. Lynn W.
Eley of the political science de-
partment to the council last April.
Ann Arbor's council has the du-
ties and powers of many of its
counterparts across the nation. It
controls the city finances and ex-
penditures; grants and controls
the, liquor licenses, zoning, and
other municipal problems; and
generally passes judgment on the
various business of the city.
Administrator Chosen
Unlike many other cities,,how-
ever, Ann Arbor's city council does
not delegate its decisions to the
mayor to carry out. Instead it
hands the directives over to the
city administrator, Guy C. Larcom,
to handle. He generally handles
the everyday business of the city,
bringing those situations needing
decisions before the council every
Monday night or, between meet-
ings, to Mayor Cecil O. Creal, now
serving his second term.
The city administrator is some-
what akin to a city manager with-
out decision-making power. He is
not merely an errand boy for the
council, since much of the work of
setting up situations for the coun-
cil's approval he does beforehand.
However, he is not the supreme
authority. Creal still presides over
the council, and heads the city of
Ann Arbor, and the ultimate de-
cision still lies in the hands of the
University Problems
Unlike other city councils, Ann
Arbor has perhaps a very special
entity to consider-the Universty.
Here some 25,000 people live, most
of them from outside Aran Arbor.
As individuals they are a transient
population. As a group they are
always there. As individuals they
must adjust to the idiosyncracies
of Ann Arbor, and as a group, Ann
Arbor must constantly adjust to

From this situation a certain
number of problems arise.
Division Street runs north and
south, the full length of the city.
Division Street does just that-
divides the city of Ann Arbor on
the west from the University on
the east.
West of Division Street the citi-
zens of Ann Arbor conduct their
daily lives; liquor is now served by
the glass, the traffic department
adjusts the traffic regulations to
fit the various rush hours, the
business of Washtenaw County is
transacted, as Ann Arbor is the
county seat.
Different Story
East of Division Street it's a dif-
ferent story: no liquor is sold at
all, the great majority of activity
is generated by the University, the
traffic flows in a unique pattern
that has been adapted to the hab-
its of the campus.
To the west is downtown. Some
students never venture that far
off the reservation during their
stay in Ann Arbor. To the east is
"campustown," a series of streets
nestled here and there throughout
the campus, comprising stores of
every description, restaurants,
theatres. In essence it is a city
within a city.
And so the council must ad-
minister this part of Ann Arbor
too, and they don't always find
that so easy.
On the whole, council members
have, expressed the opinion that
Ann Arbor and its University get
along "famously." Members of the
faculty have served the city in
appointed and elective positions.
The mayor before Creal was Prof.
Samuel J. Eldersveld of the politi-
cal science department.
Create Committees
The council has just created the
Universty Relations Committee to
"cement good ties with the Uni-
But occasionally conflicts do
arise. Before the last presidential)
election, City Clerk Fred J. Looker
ran into difficulty with many stu-
dents who insisted on voting.
Michigan law states that a stu-
dent must be a permanent resident
of Ann Arbor to vote here, but
many students were convinced
that Looker just didn't wantthem
to vote.
However, the difficulty was even-
tually ironed out.
City police usually patrol but
seldom interfere wth the various
demonstrations on the campus.
Ann Arborites have expressed con-
cern about students engaging, in
such activities as picketing local
variety stores, or raiding the girls
dormitories on the Hill, but usu-,
ally comes to naught.
Students tangle with the local
constabulary constantly for jay-
walking, parking bicycles on the
sidewalk, crossing streets against
the walk light, or riding bikes at
night without a headlight.
But any policeman will admit
that "our troubles are rarely more
serious than that."

NOW ON EXHIBIT-The entrance to the Museum of Art, located in Alumni Memorial Hall, I
viewers what exhibits are now on display. Many of the pictures are on loan from other art gallet
Museums Exhib it Fsslt r

Have you ever seen a dinosaur?
Or a Mastadon? Or a saber-
toothed cat?
All these creatures, and many
more, are lurking around the cor-
ners in the University's Natural
Science Museum. The building can
be easily recognized by the lions
guarding the heavy double doors
at the entrance.
The display part of the museum
occupies the second, third, and
fourth floors of the building. In
the "Hall of Life," on the second
floor, are ancient skeletons - of
equally ancient animals-starting
with the tiniest forms of life for
which skeletons are available, and
going all the way up to one of
the largest . . . Anatosaurus, or
"duck-billed" dinosaur. The skull
of this creature alone weighs
about 250 pounds.
Pterodactyl Perches
The best preserved and most
complete mastadon ever found in
Michigan resides here, too. 'About
to take flight from his perch on
on wall is a Pterodactyl, one of a
group of flying reptiles that died
thousands of years ago. This little
fellow has a wing span of almost
fourteen feet.
On the third floor are more re-
cent animals: stuffed examples of
common birds and small -animals
of Michigan.
On the fourth floor is a review
of man's life from its very begin-
nings. Here, too, is the planetar-
ium, where a refuge is provided
for those who like dark corners
as well as those who are in-
terested in learning about the
Houses Research Units
The parts of the museum that
fewer people are familiar with are
the research and teaching units.
In these four sections, Anthro-
pology, Paleontology, Zoology and
the Herbarium, collections appro-
priate to each group are acquired,
cared for and studied. Other func-
tions include teaching on both
graduate and undergrad levels,
maintenance of specialized librar-
ies, the publication of results of


LOOK MA, NO CAVITIES!-A young visitor to the Natural
Science Museum compares incisors with a saber-tooth tiger skeleton
one of the many exhibits of living and extinct animals which
the museum houses.
studies of the collections and ex- Lfrom .the Detroit, Toledo and

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ploration and field work.
Kelsey Museum..-.
Polished wooden floors and
gleaming glass cases provide the
atmosphere in a small stone- house
which is another of the Univer-
sity's museums, the Kelsey Mu-
seum of Archaeology.
Here one finds relics'of man's
past, many of them from Egypt
and dating from about the time of
the Roman Empire. Many o' these
relics come from excavations made
by the University.
Glass jewelry and marbles made
thousands of years ago have a
startlingly modern. appearance,
but ancient documents and tools
seem to have, an aura of ancient
mystery about them. Statuary and
other items such as stone tablets
and gravestones are found here,
Art Museum...
If ancient bones and relics don't
appeal much to you, you may find
the subject matter more inter-
esting in the Museum of Art, in
the Alumni Memorial Hall. This
is where the University's art col-
lection is housed. Here one can,
find all types of art, from Medi-
eval to modern.
The museum's permanent col-
lection contains Oriental, Medieval
and Renaissance art; some modern
paintings and sculpture; and
prints and drawings of all periods.
The permanent collection is sup-
plemented by objects borrowed

Cranbrook Museums.
Over the past 15 years or so, a
considerable collection of 19th and
20th {century work in various
media--paintings,,drawings, sculp-
ture and printshas, been added.
These are displayed in various
groupings from time to time in the
smaller galleries.
Plan Special Exhibits
Besides the permanent collec-
tion, there are one or two travel-
ing exhibits each month, which
are rented from national sources.
Also, two or three major exhibits
each year are borrowed especially
for the museum.
The most important painting in
the museum is a fairly recent ac-
quisition, a 16th century oil by
Joos van Cleve, "St. John on Pat-
Permanent Collection Grows
The permanent.collection is
constantly being built up. Last
spring, Prof. Charles H. Sawyer,
director of the museum, was in
Europe investigating new sources
for acquisition. This trip was in
addition to several made during
the year to New York and other
The Museum in its present form
of organization dates from 1946.
In 1957 the building itself was re-
modeled: lighting in the second
floor galleries was brought up to
date and a unistrut area and new
stairs to the second floor were
added to provide increased exhibi
ion space.



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