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November 15, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-15

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Seventy-Second Year
here opinions Are r ee STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Glad To Be Aboard--Uh--Chief"

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n .



Tempers Endanger
Housing Ordinance



Faculty Limits Its Own
Power over Policy


ACCORDING to the state constitution, the
eight Regents bear ultimate responsibility
for what happens at the University. They make
up a governing board with the legal power of
framing overall policy for this institution.
The Regents, however, cannot devote their
full time to the task of running the University;
the problems that arise demand the energies
,f 'far more'than eight people. To implement
their decisions and to keep them informed of
what is happening on the campus, the Regents
choose administrators.
The faculty traditionally possesses .much
power in making the decisions about academic
natters-what type of student should be ad-
nitted, what course he will take, what require-
nents are necessary to earn a degree, who is
it to be a member of the faculty, how money
s to be distributed along the lines of salaries
and research projects.
With the eruption of supercampuses and
he accelerating rate at which knowledge is
limbing, the faculty cannot be concerned with
very detail of admitting students or hiring
tew professors. The faculty thus turns to ad-
ninistrators to carry out its decisions.
rHE STUDENTS will soon find themselves
doing what the Regents and faculty have
tone. The influence that Student Government
"ouncil has is blunted because the Council has
o little time to exercise it. The petty details
tith which SGC now concerns itself must be
iven back to the administration if SGC is to
ind the time to discuss and act on basic policy.
The three-sided demand for administrators
till increase as the University's 'size and com-
lexity does. Aside from the evils of Parkinson's
aws, a growing administrative apparatus poses
danger to the community by its tendency to
ccumulate the rights of decision-making as
t takes over new administrative details.
This process does not occur through out-
ight grabs for power by the salmon-tower
iwellers, but rather from the laziness and lack
f interest in the other constituent parts of
he University. True, students have never had
much power to give away and the Regents, as
npaid public servants, 'can't devote enough
Lme to really know what ails the University
The Ramp
PLANK OF WOOD is causing a major
crisis on the Hill,
Women are now faced with the decision of
'hether to ruin their bicycle tires bumping
hem up the stairs or attempt to scale the al-
iost insurmountable hill on North University
etween Forest and Observatory.
The major actor in this small drama is a
'ooden ramp that normally lies along the
fairway on the Hill.
The University Plant Department was no-
fled last week, when the hunk of wood was
rst reported missing.
They are still looking for it. They don't
now who took it.
NTHY can't they replace it?

and what must be done to preserve its quality
for the future.
THE FACULTY, however, is not a transient
element on the campus. Many instructors
are anchored here through 10 generations of
students and two or three eras of administra-
tors. The professors are the basis of the Uni-
versity-the reason good students choose to
come to Ann Arbor to learn. Their quality sets
the limits of quality for the University.
They can, if they want, exercise great in-
fluence on the direction in which the Univer-
sity will move and bring to the decision-making
sessions long and fruitful experience with its
Administrators have shown themselves will-
ing to listen, to the views of faculty and temper
their judgments by them, but they cannot be
expected to encourage interference , in the
operation of their particular pockets of power.
Unless the faculty is willing to act, it will gain
THE PAST FEW YEARS have seen a resurg-
ence in faculty interest, and therefore, fac-
ulty influence, in formulating University policy.
Unfortunately, this has been limited to a few
individual professors who have devoted them-
selves to the task, despite the frowns of other
colleagues and the diminished chances for pro-j
motion or salary boosts. "Service to the Uni-
versity" is not a prime criterion for reaching
high rank in a department,
'Faculty members are not intrinsically better
qualified or more efficient at running the Uni-
versity than full-time administrators. Most of
the top level administration is drafted from the
ranks of professors, anyway.
But faculty members must become interest-
ed enough in the University to study the prob-
lems of student relations or athletic policy andf
make their opinions felt because the faculty
forms the basis of the University community
and, therefore, has the responsibility for it.
THE REPORT of the Faculty-Student Rela-
tions Committee which asked a shakeup in
the Office of Student Affairs this spring put
forth the thesis that the general responsibility
of the University rests ultimately with the fac-
ulty-as if it didn't already.
Few decisions about University policy are
made without prior consultation of the faculty
and fewer without the faculty's consent. Al-
though only a few professors actively engage in
the process and are enraged when an oppres-.
sive decision is made, the administration knows
the University cannot survive a long period of
strained faculty relations. An austerity budget
that reigns too long in an atmosphere where
the rights of faculty are suppressed makes
even the most complacent professor attuned to
offers from other campuses.
FACULTY OPINION can influence the deci-
sion making process. Too few faculty mem-
bers have made use of it, because too many
have a narrow view of their duties which does
not transcend the bounds of their department.
If the professors want a larger role in policy
formation, the efforts cannot be confined to
a handful of men.

Daily staff writer
THE TEMPERS that flared and
the personalities that turned
up at Monday's City Council meet-
ing may have put Councilman
Lynn Eley's proposed fair housing
ordinance well on its way to be-
coming the most ill-begotten piece
of legislation Ann Arbor has ever
Councilman Wendel Hulcher's
plea with his colleagues and the
constituency for a non-partisan
and unemotional analysis of the
entire issue may have gone for
naught. Already, before any ,posi-
tive action was taken, parties on
all sides have their backs up and
they are prejuding a situation
which has yet to occur.
* * *
THIS WAS the byplay:
Council heard Eley, at the pro-
per point on the agenda, offer a
fair housing ordinance. Council
procedures require a member to
offer a motion 'first and then
explain it, but Eley chose to ex-
plain the motion first and then
offer it.
Eley proposed that Cuncil it-
self hold informal hearings be-
ginning at the next regular ses-
sion. He argued that the Human
Relations Commission had'avoided
the issue and it was clearly the
Council's responsibility to do
Hulcher, the Council's represen-
tative on the Commission, sup-
ported Eley's motion, but he said
he did not feel it was a matter
for the Council to deal with. He
preferred to put it to citywide
* * *
MAYOR CREAL then recognized
Councilman John Dowson, but in
the meantime, up popped Eley
with a demand that his motion be
put to a vote immediately-an
obvious attempt to stifle further
debate. Creal pointedly ignored
him until he appealed to City
Atty. Jacob Fahrner for a ruling
on his request. All this time Dow-
son, who legally had the floor,
was trying to speak.
Fahrner finally. ruled that Creal
put Eley's motion for calling the
question to a vote. It failed, 9-1,
and Dowson was allowed to con-
tinue while Eley sulked.
Finally the motion for public
hearing was amended, so that the
public hearings would be held be-
fore the HRC and not the City
Council. The motion was tabled,
pending such action from the
Eley sprang right up and pro-
claimed that he felt such referral
was a clear attempt to bury h'is
motion, which in fact it probably
wasn't. The ordinance is on first
reading on the agenda, and there
it must stay until it passes to sec-
ond reading. The Council cannot
get rid of it in any way except to
act upon it.
Flannery was the principal spokes-
man for the group who favored
the referral. She pointed out that
the issue was 'very serious and
needed full and proper consider-
ation; far more in fact than the
City Council itself could give.
However, since the HRC was es-
tablished for the very purpose
of dealing with discrimination
problems, it is the proper body
to handle it. She omitted only one

stipulation, as NAACP Albert
Wheeler pointed out later. She
should have set a deadline for the
hearings and another deadline for
the Commissions report.
Mrs. Flannery's attitude repre-
sented a concern for the matter
but a distrust for haste. Such a
feeling was supported by Hulcher,
who said that such an ordinance
was to be carefully considered,.
since "the majority of the citizenry
do not want legislation at this
Hulcher's statement clearly in-
dicates a need for deliberate and
careful steps, to gain the widest
possible acceptance for what would
amount to a community better-
ment. Mrs. Flannery seemed to
realize what Eley did not-that
such forced legislation would
solve nothing.
* * *,
BUT ELEY wasn't throgh yet,
nor was Creal. On a later matter
of business, Eley saw his chance
to throw, a legitimate and well-
taken ' monkey-wrench into an
otherwise harmonious effort. He
opposed the closing of a little-
used street on the grounds the
Council should wait until they
had the deed to an alternative
right-of way before they took the
irrevocable action of closing the
first one.
However, I suspect that Eley
did not oppose the matter so much
on procedure as on vindictiveness,
for it was an action which Mayor
Creal openly favored.
* * *
didn't help the situation either.
Democratic City Chairman Gar-
rett Weinberg hinted that Coun-
cil was dragging its feet, and, in
case he didn't make the message
clear enough, Prof. Daniel Fus-
feld of the economics department
openly questioned the integrity of
the council members who "refused
to face up to their responsibilities."
He said they had no business re-
ferring the matter to a body they
were not members of.
His words were relatively suc-
cessful in antagonizing the mem-
bers of the Council who were thus
far undecided. His remarks to Mrs.
Flannery were quite insolent.
It was apparent that Mrs. Flan-
nery was offended by Fusfeld's
barrage, for she found it necessary
to request permission to speak in
her own defense.
Mrs. Flannery's refutation of
Fusfeld's attack was vocal proof
that her sympathy with his cause
was slipping.
* * *
THE BYPLAY will not end here.
Wheeler said he hoped that the
issue would cease to be a game
of political ping-pong. It won't.
Conduct such as Fusfelds, Eley's
and Creal's only makes the op-
position madder.
The spirit of compromise is rel-
atively non-existent. Advocates of
the ordinance will consider no
other course than immediate ac-
tion. The opposition is insistent
upon burying it. Those who are
undecided, but would like to hear
all sides of the matter, are being
coerced and insulted by either
Such an atmosphere may well
produce an ordinance, but I ser-
iously doubt that it could be a
very good one.
For want ofrestraint, the battle
may be lost.

Dangerous Revolution Brews

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is a letter to the Editor printed
last weekend in The Ann Arbor
ON NOV. 1 the Interquadrangle
Council proposal to allow non-
freshman women to visit in the
quads was approved by the Student.
Government Council. Soon it
tomes up for a decision by the
Residence Halls Board of Gov-
ernors. As parents we cannot be-
lieve that the majority of other
parents or Michigan taxpayers
would approve. Let's make our
voices heard!
This question of "not enough
freedom" is a tough one for stu-
dents all over the country. A
group of students is saying that
the University has too many rules.
They have passed a resolution that
non-freshman women students
should be allowed in the men's
dormitory rooms with the doors
shut from noon to within one-
half hour of women's closing
* * *
SOME STUDENTS and faculty
in the University think the stu-
dents should be allowed to do as
they want, and see this issue as
part of a struggle for power be-
tween the University and the stu-
dents. The trouble is that all this
rebellion can be used by com-
munism to break down the moral
fiber of the whole University.
When students can't say "no" to
themselves they get confused, and

cannot say "no" to- communism o:
confused people either. They will
look for some one strong to tell
them what to do.
Neither these rebellious students
or the ones who outwardly con-
form to the University rules have
the answer. They are thinking of
themselves and what they want,
while there are trained students in
their midst who are interested
only in forwarding a master plan
that will put them in control of
the University and all the stu-
dents; those who rebel, those who
ccnform, and the 'faculty as well.
REAL FREEDOM never lies in
rebellion against authority or outr
wardly conforming to it. In the
first instance, you please yourself;
in the second, the motive is to
please other people. Real freedom
lies in your own heart and in
doing what is right "as God gives
me to see the right." This is the
only real road to the peace and
freedom we long for; the freedom
of living honestly so that we have
nothing to hide and the freedom
to obey and fight for what we
know in our hearts is right-nut
license or what we want for our-
Feelings run strongly on both
sides of this issue. Our schools,
colleges and country need men of
courage like Lincoln who refuse
to hate when others are hateful,
and will stand for what is right
for the health of the whole coun-

Engineering at Yale


try. The problem really lies in the
retreat of the men and women
of character and courage; rather
than in the question of right or
left, power, or communism. It's
a hard' fight, but the only sane
one. Those who love their coun-
try need to find it in this issue
and others; otherwise we will lose
the freedom we talk about so
-Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen
To the Editor:
THAT SOMEONE views the ac-
tions of student government
concerning the women guest policy
in the way of Dr. and Mrs. Allen
startles me. It would even be
humorous except for the fact that
these people seem to believe this.
They believe that students exer-
cising democratic practice is dan-
gerous and that it will weaken
our moral fibre.
I disagree. I think an adminis-
tration that steadfastly says "No!"
to student proposals, that refuses
to listen, that doesn't even con-
consider the student desires (and
it is the students, after all, who
must live under the regulations,
not Dr. and Mrs. Allen) would
lead to discontent with democratic
As long as the students feel they
can look to their duly elected rep-
resentatives in student government
to obtain consideration, action,
and useful change by the adminis-
tration concerning reasonable
measures you will have students
who have faith in democracy.
When in a country that is sup-
posed to be the great democratic
experiment they find that the use
of democratic processes net them
not a thing, that nothing is to
be gained in this way, then you
have fertile grounds for the im-
plantation of the seed of revolu-
tionary desire to seize government
to get their way.
University of Michigan should be
recognized for encouraging and
supporting student government,
for enabling students to practice
the governmental procedures of
our political system.
Proper use of the tools of free
government, such as open discus-
sion, expression of opinion by vot-
ing, etc., to obtain action and re-
sults concerning reasonable ob-
jections and proposals will foster
a greater respect for the prin-
ciples of democracy than any iron-
fisted policy of control by the
administration would be able to
I would be much more alarmed
about an administration that
thwarts student government,
throttles the voices of students
asking for change, and leads stu-
dents to expect that their efforts
at governmental enterprise will be
to no avail leading to a disdain
for the practice of democracy than
the possibility of the influential
and effective exercise of legisla-
tive process, debate, discussion,
and compromise leading to the

Engineering School into a graduate cur-
riculum has the appearance of a publicity
stunt rather than a genuine improvement, at
least so far.
Yale has finally recognized that something
has, to be done with its failing engineering
school. It has also demonstrated knowledge of
the changing character of technical education.
But so far, the program has not integrated
the two discoveries into an improvement in'
Yale curriculum.
Flix Zweig, Yale indicated that it was los-
[ng both faculty and students from the school.
The school is quite small as it is and the cost
of educating individual students is going up.'
At the time of his appointment, Zweig re-
ported that he would follow the suggestions of
a current study committee on the school com-
posed of seven engineers and scientists. When
the report was released last week, 'there were
Qfr A3r alt. DWzI

structural changes, a vague recommendation
for the curriculum and a suggestion for a new
center on science and engineering. Yale has
greatly publicized this "new type" of engineer-
ing education.
ably inspired by a' shrinking budget. They
abolished the separate engineering school and
established an engineering major in the col-
lege. This cut out duplications in function
between the science departments and the en-
gineering school curriculum.
They recommended development of an un-
dergraduate depth course on the nature and
history of engineering. They said that students
should be introduced early to the use of numer-
ical analysis and high speed digital computers.
This was the 'only attempt at specific course
The course suggestions recognize that the
rapid advance of technology will outdate the
method-orientation of engineers.. Engineering
schools are seeking ways to give the engineer
a strong base in the sciences that they may
understand the advances that will take place.
"It is much easier for a scientist to convert
himself into an engineer than for the trained
engineer to master the ,new science required
for a dynamic technology," the Yale report,.
said. Recognition of the needs is important,
but there is no indication 'that these needs will
be implemented through the Yale curriculum.
YALE has made great fanfare of what they
are going to do, but so far they have only
made structural changes of the school for fi-
nancial reasons. They have not announced vital
nhanoA in +ail. m-- .mafirie. ,1,. 4:; n+fl

(Continued from Page 2)

The Lucille B. Conger Scholarship
is offered to undergraduate women on
the basis of academic performance,
contribution to University life and fi-
nancial need; the stipend is variable.
Application forms are available in the
Office of the Alumnae Secretary, Alum-
ni Memorial Hall, or Alumnae Council
Office, Michigan League, and must be
returned by Nov. 2?, 1961. Recipients
will be announced by Dec. 15, 1961,
Approval for the following student
sponsored activities becomes effective
twenty-four (24) hours after the pub-
lication of this notice. All publicity for
these events must be withheld until
the approval has become effective.
Nov. 15-16-Americans Committed to
World Responsibility, Petition for
Course in, Problems of Peace in Nu-
clear Age, Fishbowl, 9-4:15 p.m.
Nov. 16-Young Republicans, Address
by Rep. George Meader, Union 3 KL,
7:30 p.m.
Nov. 16-Voice, General Meeting, 3001
SAB, 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 15-Young Democrats, Address
by Joseph Collins, Union, 7:30 p.m.
Events Wednesday,
Stanley Quartet: Gilbert Ross, violin,
Gustave Rosseels, violin, Robert Courte,
viola, and Jerome. Jelinek, cello, will
present a concert Wed., Nov. 15, 8:30
p.m. in the. Rackham Lecture Hall.
They will perform quartets by Mozart,
Beethoven, and Bartok. Open to the
public at no charge.
Events Thursday
American Chemical Society Lecture:
Nov. 16, 8:00 p.m. 1300 Chem. Bldg. Dr.
Frederick W. Billmeyer, Jr., Du Pont
Company, will speak on "Recent Ad-
vances in Determining Polymer Mole-
cular Weights."

in 3209 Angell Hall. Coffee in the
Math Commons Room, 3rd Floor, An-
geld Hall at 3:30 p.m.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
Calvin H. Wilcox, Mathematics Re-
search Center, University of Wisconsin,
will speak on "The Diffraction of Ac-
coustic Waves by an Arbitrary' Rigid
Point Set" on Thurs., Nov. 16, at 4:00
p.m. in 246 West Engineering.
Refreshments in 274 West Engineer-
ing at 3:30 p.m.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet Thurs.,. Nov. 16 at 4 p.m.
in 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. C. C. Craig
will speak on "A Class of Simple Se-
quential Tests on the Mean."
Astronomical Colloquium: Thurs.,
Nov. 16, 4:15 p.m., The 'Observatory.
Dr. William Bidelman, of the Lick
Observatory, will speak on "Line Iden-
tifications in Peculiar Stars."
Illustrated Lecture: Studies and the
Ann Arbor Society, Archaelogical In-
stitute of America. Thurs., Nov. 16. Dr.
Vaughn E. Crawford, Metropolitan Mu-
seum of Art, New York, on "Nippur,,
the Holy City," 4:10 p.m., Aud. B,
Angell Hall.
Department of Speech Laboratory
Playbill: Thurs., Nov. 16, "The Sand-
box" will be presented at 4:10 p.m. In
the Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg. Ad-
mission free.
U.S. Army Language School, Presidio
of Monterey, Calif.-Personnel capable
of writing course & establishing teach-
ing schedule in Swahili. Appointment
not limited to U.S. citizens.
Contact: Mrs. Oerther, Bureau of
Appointments, Ext. 3541.
Overseas Teaching-La Chatelainie in
St. Blaise, Switzerland, has a vacancy
in January 1962 for a female teacher

Weinrich Below Par,
But Still Enjoyable
CARL WEINRICH is well known in this country for his recordings
of the complete works of Bach, recorded in Sweden. He is also
known to many for the regular recital tours he makes each fall
and spring.
His recital last night at Hill Aud. was not his best, but it was
nevertheless enjoyable.
Tended to Loudness
One reason for his lacking qualities was that organ registrations
tended to sound loud and brash. Loud pedal reed stops, normally
reserved for infrequent climaxes, kept returning for insufficient reasons.
The program began with the Fantasy and Fugue in G minor' by
Bach. The fantasy was played only only two combinations, which was
conservative considering the infinite variety available. The fugue
revealed good phrasing, but it would have been a relief to hear
contrasting sections on combinations which did not include the high-
pitched mixtures.
The effect produced by Bach's Canonic Variations on the Christ-
mas chorale "Vom Himmel hoch" was good, despite a false start of
the second variation due to a problem of stop selection.
Pauses Unfortunate
In fact, it was unfortunate that during the recital Weinrich
caused long pauses due to the drawing of stops. They could have
been easily avoided by using more of the many combination pistons
Big reed sounds were again apparent in the Mozart Fantasy
in F minor. It was indeed a refreshing moment when soft flutes
were heard in the slower middle section.
While subtle freedom in rhythm is the only method at the disposal
of the organist to achieve climax and accentuation, the freedom
employed by Weinrich was not often as subtle as 'it might have been.
The result was rhythm that tended to be uneven. It was generally
true during the entire recital, although it was most noticeable in.
the Mozart.
Organist Improves
Weinrich's taste and playing was best for the remainder of the


Editorial Staff

City Editor

Editorial -Director

AN FARRELL ..... ..Personnel Director
rFI WEINSTEIN ..............Magazine Editor
HAEL BURNS ...................... Sports Editor
GOLDEN ................ Associate City Editor
HARD OSTLING ...... Associate Editorial Director
ID ANDREWS.......... Associate Sports Editor
'F MARKS ...... .....Associate Sports Editor
Business Stff

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