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November 11, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-11

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WEMBER 11, 1961

'New'Soviet Proposals
For Germany, Berlin
Ike, Truman Meet Russia Lists
Peace Plan
Guarantees Freedom
For Western Section

-AP Wirephoto
REUNION-Former Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry
S. Truman met yesterday when Eisenhower paid a visit to the
Truman Library in Independence, Mo. This was the first time
either one had called on the other since Eisenhower's first
inauguration in 1953. Reportedly, Truman, had been angered by
charges against his administration made by Eisenhower in the
1952 campaign, resulting in 'a long period of personal coolness
between the two. '
New York GOP Passes
District Reapportionment

nedy Administration warily scru-
tinized yesterday what Moscow
dispatches described as new So-
viet proposals on Berlin and Ger-
The news dispatches were the
only basis for examination by
State Department . specialists. It
was understood that American
Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson
in Moscow had not been ap-
proached on any Soviet proposals
--new or otherwise.
No Confirmation
Sir David Ormsby Gore, the
British envoy to Washington, said
he found nothing in diplomatic
dispatches to confirm the Moscow
News reports listed four points
as the heart of the Kremlin's
thinking on how to end the pres-
ent stalemate on Berlin. They
were, briefly:
1) A four-power agreement on a
"new status" for West Berlin,
guaranteeing the freedom of its
inhabitants and free communica-
tion between West Berlin and
West Germany.
2) East German pledge to the
Soviet Union to respect West Ber-
lin's new status.
Recognize East Germany
3) Western - including West
German-recognition of East Ger-
man sovereignty, and
4) A peace treaty either with
both Germanies, or one between
the Soviets and East Germany,
to be concluded only after an
East-West agreement on the pre-
vious three points.
An Associated Press story from
Moscow yesterday said these pro-
posals were dramatically leaked
to correspondents in the early
hours yesterday morning.
See Retreat
American officials are anxious
to find out what prompted Mos-
cow reporters to describe the pro-
posals as representing a retreat,
a significant departure from pre-
vious Russian thinking, or a con-

ALBANY (,P)-Republicans forc-Y
ed through the legislature yes-;
terday a reapportionment of the'
state's congressional districts that
the Democrats called 'a massive
assault on the Kennedy adminis-'
The redistricting-last item on
the agenda of a two-day special
session-was passed over solid
World News
R oundup
By The Associated Press
VIENNA-The disgraced Soviet1
former Premier and Foreign Min-
ister, V. M. Molotov, left Vienna
last night by train for Moscow to
face whatever fate the Kremlin1
may have in store for him.,
He was denounced at the recent
Communist Party Congress in
Moscow in a"preliminary to loss
of party membership.
HELSINKI-Premiers of Den-l
mark, Finland, Norway, Sweden
tnd Iceland assembled here yes-
terday to discuss economic coop-
eration and Scandinavian unity at
a time when the Russians have
launched a -diplomatic drive on
Their meeting was called before
the Oct. 30 Soviet note to Fin-
land requesting consultations on
joint defense measures against
what the Russians call ,reviving
German militarism.,.
* * * s
partment endorsed yesterday Co-
lombia's request to the Organiza-
tion of American States that ,the7
foreign ministers of the Americant
Republics meet Jan. 10 to consid-
er the threat to the hemisphere
from "intervention of extra-con-
tinental powers."
A department statement issued
by Press Officer Francis W. Tully1
said "this threat is now clearly1
manifest in the Cuban alignment'
with the Sino-Soviet bloc and thec
need for OAS action on it is ur-1
*' * *
partment's multi-million dollar fi-1
nancial squeeze was reduced to,
human terms this week. Begin-
ning next Wednesday about 500 or
more employes will get dismissal
Officials said the "termina-
tions," as they are called in gov-
ernment jargon, will become ef-
fective early in the new year.
* * 4.
ACCRA, Ghana-Hundreds of
market women pranced, Jiggled
and jived past Queen Elizabeth II
last night in a West African-style
climax to a day of regal pagean-
try and clowning.

Democratic opposition and only
after some arm-twisting of a .few
reluctant members of the Repub-
lican majority. Democrats threat-
ened 'a court test of the measure's
The session had been called by
Republican Gov. Nelson A. Rocke-
The reapportionment plan, de-
signed to give the GOP a good
chance of winning five additional
seats in the congressionalelection
next year, was described by Sen.
Joseph Zaretzki, Democratic min-
ority leader, as a "reprehensible
gerrymander" the sole purpose of
which was to send "seven Repub-
lican reactionaries" to Washing-
ton to scuttle the Democratic
President's program.
Rockefeller signed the reappor-
tionment bill into law along with
two other programs passed at the
session-state aid for construction
of fallout shelters-in schools and
colleges, and special tax exemp-
tions and other benefits for New
Yorkers on active military duty.
The redistricting was necessary
because New York lost two eon-
gressional seats under the 1960
census. The rate of the state's
growth was not as large as that
of other states.
U.S. Opposes
Apartheid .Rule
United States voiced its opposi-
tion to South Africa's race separa-
tion policies in strong new terms
At the same time, however,
United States delegate Francis
Plimpton said the United States
could not support harsh boycott-
expulsion measures sought by 30
African-Asian nations and Cuba.
But he said he sympathized with
those that want them because of
South Africa's long defiance of
UN appeals to change its apart-
heid laws.
He told the UN Assembly Spe-'
cial Political Committee that "the
United States is irrevocably and
unalterably opposed to the poli-
cies of apartheid. The United
States is committed to do its best
to persuade South Africa to alter
its policies."
Gabriel Richard Center
331 Thompson Street,
Saturday, November 11,
9 A.M.-4 P.M.

.GSS L" ' '' - *. +-v w
Arosemnena May when their aircraft crashed
in rebel territory. The militar3
u le P lan advisory personnel fell into ene-
my hands when Royal Lao units
to which they were attached sur-
or Regimerendered.
Souphanouvong's'remarks may
have been an indication the Amer-
QUITO ' (R) - Ecuador's new icans actually are in the hands of
president, Carlos Julio Aroseme- Pathet Lao troops rather thar
na, said yesterday his government held by the soldiers of Capt. Kong
is neither rightist nor leftist. Le, loyal to neutralist Prince Sou-
"It is a constitutional govern- vanna Phouma.
ment which will try to resolve
many problems confronting the
country," Arosemena told a news U.S. Rejects B d
conference in response to a ques-
tion about his political position. For Nuclear Ban
The former vice-president was
sworn in yesterday as president UNITED NATIONS (P) - An
to succeed Jose Maria Velasco Asian-African proposal to outlaw
Ibarra, who stepped down after the use of nuclear weapons was
weeks of violence and signs of opposed by the United States yes-
open revolt. terday as a limitation on the fun-
Arosemena went to Russia and damental right of self-defense.
other Communist bloc countries
last summer as an official guest
of the Soviet Union and general-
ly has been described as leftist. Subscribe Today To
In his inaugural speech Aro-
semena spoke out for friendly re-
lations with Fidel Castro's Cuba. C U R N
He added that Ecuador would es-
tablish relations "with any coun-
try, whatever its social system."
Arosemena said Velasco Ibarra
will leave the country today. The
ex-president has taken refuge in Your Best Bet
the Mexican embassy and plans For Better Grades
to fly to Mexico city in a Mexi-
can plane.

. ... .

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