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November 11, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-11

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Campbell Cites Voting Traits
ute long conversation period at
immediate psychological the beginning of the interview.
ion of a voter has a variety The components used in the 1960
fects on his political deci- survey were: attitude toward
Prof. Angus Campbell, di- Richard Nixon and President John
' of Survey Researph Center, ..F. Kennedy, attitude toward do-
at a psychology colloquium mestic and foreign policy, group
day. f . relationship of the party and per-
ed on the series of studies formance of the parties.
by the Center on the 1952, A high correlation was found
and 1960 presidential elec-...between the choice of candidates
the research group is 'now . .and these factors in a national
lering aspects of decision sample of voters.
ig, which Prof. Campbell out- / As less conflictin f
In his talk on "'the Psycho- ~.~
SBasis of Political 'Behav- on the voter, consistency of vot-
' -ing diminished, Prof. Campbell
immediate psychological s
ion is the last of five, aspects ..Relate Forces, Frequency
roup lists on a model for Relating forces to voting fre-
zing political behavior. quency, the researchers found that
factors are: external en- .... as the number of active motives
nent; personalityfor which PRF. ANGUS CAMPBELL increased, the voter was more
esearchers found little cor-... es tin keyoat.Hwvrwhnhe
n; group identification, such contentions became too great, the
as adherence to a political party person may "give up."
or labor union, and predisposi- Therefore, if a highly motivated
y Intierpret tions, including values, orienta- person found conflicts between his
tions, broad attitudes and ideol- attitudes and the candidate of his
ogles. party, there was no drop in the
InMdFirst Dimensions probability of his voting, but a
1C~ear*.A ,U In defining. the immediate psy- lowly motivated person was less
chological situation, the research- apt to vote.
ianel of three professors will ers had to find a manageable When asked if during the cam-
s the "Social, psychological number of dimensions from a paign they had considered voting
iological Implications of the highly complicated life space for the opposite candidate than
ar Age" at 2:30 p.m omor- which would describe the field for the one for which theyfinally
n the Multi-purpose Rmn.o all types of people and explain cast their ballots, unmotivated
ndergraduate Library. the act of voting, Prof. Campbell voters reported a higher rate of
f. Charles Osgood of the said. oscillation, Prof. Campbel said.
Six components were selected Also, less strongly motivated peo-
rsity of, Illinois' psychology and examined during the 15 min- ple chose later.
ment will :focus upon the

rsity faculty mem-
'a Mueller and Prof. household articles, cars and
h, predicted increas- houses, and expressed an inten-
spending and busi- ti-on to buy these items.
n in the near future Since the ability to buy has al-
annual Conference so increased then "it is to be ex-
womic Outlook this pected that in the next few months
the economy will receive a sig-
in consumer spend- nificant stimulus from increased
put a strain on the consumer outlays," Prof. Mueller
s capacity to pro- explained.
[ueller, program di- The task for the near future is
t Survey Research to strengthen consumer confidence
and reduce unemployment, she
ism Increasessaid. However, if prices were to
increase significantly before full
shows an increase employment was restored, "the
od of May to June consequences for consumer spend-
r of consumers who: gwould be unfavorable," she
business conditions added.
n a year ago, Prof. Warren Smith of the eco-
usiness conditions to nomics department also predicted
a quite favorable general econom-
Ley are better off fi- ic outlook for next year. Contin-
n a year ago- ued expansion into late 1962 could
noted more people also bring two serious problems,
I thought that now he said.
time to buy large Inflation, Payments
"One is cost inflation stemming
from increases in wages in excess
of increases of productivity and
/'ppc the other is the recurrence of a
serious balance of payments prob-
There will be a widening mar-
gin of corporate profits if de-
mand and productivity continue
to increase while wage levels re-
main moderate, Prof. Smith pre-
When the economy reaches ca-
pacity the rate of productivity
slows down. Rising profits can be
expectedto create Pressure for
new wage hikes, and "a cost-in-
duced inflationary spiral may well
* get under way late in 1962," he
!ll Q * added.
Imports Increase
There is a possibility of a late
1962 balance of payments deficit,
Prof. Smith said. Imports have
increased since June and if the
ratio of increase remains about
the same then this means that
they will be $3 billion above the
level that existed in the first half
of 1961.
To meet four independent ob-
jectives of economic policy - full
employment, price stability, bal-
ance of payments equilibrium, and
some kind of target with respect
to economic growth, sound mone-
tary and fiscal policy will have to
4 be devised.
* soc
with UMA i
nas rr n m r

... cites overcrowding
A rehit ecis
The architecture college began
using a room last week in the
East University Bldg. to relieve
partially some of the space short-'
age in the Architecture Bldg.
The room, containing approxi-
mately 500 square feet of floor
space, is being used by the land-
scape architecture department for
research and teaching,
The Architecture Bldg. is being
used by twice as many students as
it was originally designed to han-
dle, Dean Herbert W. Johe of the
college commented.'
When the building was opened
in 1927,, the college had 365 stu-
dents using its facilities. Today
it has 786 students in the same
Overcrowded Studies
Johe cited the drafting and stu-x
dio rooms as examples of over-
crowded facilities. One room has.
115 tables instead of the 72 it
should have, based on the accept-
ed standard of 50 square feet per
table and another has 160 tables
when it should contain only 90.
All of the drafting and studio
rooms are at least 50 per cent
over capacity. The rooms contain-
ing special studio equipment are
at least 100 per cent overcrowd-
ed, he added..
A recent survey pointed out that
the faculty, offices are inadequate
and very small compared to' the
rest of the University. There are
only 850 square feet for faculty
research which is inadequate, Johe
Lacks Space
"The college is bursting out at
the seams," Johe declared.
"The lack of space affects qual-
"It has to provide for an in-
crease in applications for it is
very wrong to turn away quali-
fied students.V
"However, quality is bound to
go down if facilities continue to
be overtaxed," Johe declared.
DIAL NO 8-6416

Yale Revises Engineering Plan FOLK MUSIC
Yale University last week pub-n f n it s c
lished a blueprint for a complete niques from engineering, science, dlemen between the sciences and T E
and mathematics into the social society," and must use scientific
revision of its engineering edu- -,
cation. sciences and even the humani- techniques with "a social objec-
The plan, proposed by a com- ties." tive." This objective, the report
mittee of seven engineers and sci- The "useful life of technical cautions, requires more than a Y A
entists, will create a close link information has become so much sprinkling of social science or.'.
between engineering and both sci- shorter than the professional life- humanities courses.
ence and the entire university. It time of an individual" that basic Not Professional "A fabulous Trio"
intends to make the modern engi- engineering education. must pro- "In our opinion, a four-year un- -San Francisco Chronicle
neer the "middleman' between vide "the tools for learning in con- dergraduate program cannot be *
science and society." trast to the tools for earning a truly professional and still pro- "fresh and strong"
The new approach, expected to living." vide the foundation for future--Chicago Tribune
be in full operation within two It is "much easier for the scien- learning which is so essential to *
years, will eliminate the under- tist to convert himself into an the education of today's engineer," "More than an entertaining
graduate division of the school of engineer than for the trained en- the report says. program of folk music
engineering; At the same time, it gineer to master the new science The committee did not outline -Christian Science Monitor
will greatly strengthen graduate required for a dynamic technolo- specific curriculum requirements,
engineering study along the pro- gy. This makes it necessary, it It did, however, recommend the "The absolute gest group
fessional pattern typified in medi- was said, for undergraduate engi- development of 'an undergraduate di" LSR
cine and law. neering students to concentrate coursein depth on the nature and "Swinging
National Impact more on science and mathematics history of engineering and the -Monthly Bulletin
Since the proposals come 'at a than has been provided for in the early introduction of students to of Beethoven Society
tieo gnrlfemn adr-engineering programs of most uni- numerical analyss and the use "Who?" *
aime of general ferment and re- versities and institutes of tech- of"high-sWho?
appraisal of engineering educa-nology.hg-speeddigitalcomputers. -Michigan Daily
tion, the revision is expected tonooy It further urged that serious
have national impact. Current as The report describes scientists thought be given" to establishing *
as "interested in knowledge per a science and engineering center Armory..,.,223 E. Ann
criticism of engineering educa- se," whereas engineers are "mid- at Yale. nY
tion has alleged an insufficiency To finance the immediate S0t., NOv. 18-8:30
fessionacelevel and aninadeuac~ pro-F ' changes, the committee said that Tickets $1.25
of general education among engi- r ; "several hundred thousand dol- At Union, Disc Shop
neering undergraduateslars" would be needed annually. Record Center, and Door
udrrdae.Group '3 0Copyright, 296, The New York Times
Under the new plan, undergrad- O $ (L,-T---T
uate engineering students will be
enrolled as regular students in Interfraternity Council Execu-
Yale College, the liberal arts in- tive Committee voted to fine Sig-G O T H IC
stitution with engineering as their ma Alpha Mu fraternity $300.00
maor.e wTo mare thisapdssible the for creatng a disturbance in East F A, AC ET
college will create a department QudageFnOtI2.ruLMr SO C I E lY
of engineering and applied sci- In this instance the fraternity
ence. It will be a regular depart- had violated IFC rules confining
ment of the faculty of art and pledging activities to the frater- tubscribersotoothent961-62
sciences. nity house for the third time in a series are requested to Contact
Prof. Felix Zweig, newly ap- period of a year. IFC suspended W.,P.'KennedybycalingX663-6001
pointed dean of the school of en- $200.00 of the fine to be invokedWg
gineering, will also become chair- in the case of a future violation between the hours of 5' and 7 P.M.
man of the college's engineering of the same nature.
Curriculum Inadequate DIAL NO 2-624
The committee recognizes that " ENDING TODAY.
completion of the four-year cur"- "FAt"
riculum is widely considered in-A4 shown at 1:10 - sta-
& 1 :45-- Feature starts
adequate as professional educa- DIAL 5-6290 10 mhutes later
tion and proposes instead under--
graduate training as "a solid foun- H EL D OVER ' . STARTING SUNDAY "
dation for future learning wheth-Th h Wednd
er in future graduate work, formal roug nesday
on-the-job training or self-in-
The new graduate program will AUD RY
offer two parallel paths:H E B R '
One will stress research in en-
gineering sciences or applied sci- ' dy t
ence; the other will stress prob- erOLLY GOLGHTLtYt':ig
lem solving, system analysis or de- ..LLg OdGrfuY fun
sign, leading to professional en-
gineering practice.IO ~ fE
These programs are eventually u,
to be represented by four de- n =, W' N
g ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rees: f I'ANY LMfPTliSrsnsW s
Master of science and doctor of }
philosophy, administered by the aJ.Eow zEmiRDFROnim
graduate school, and master of ERR
engineering and doctor of engi- ON STAGE & IN PERSON
neering, administered by the TUES., DEC. 12th
school of engineering.'oCRA AT 8:30nDI
In many, instances, the doctor-T NGTH8: E'
ate of engineering would be taken
after several years of profession- "PIRATES OF
al experience. PENZANCE" -
In explaining the need for dras- Orch. 3.50 - 3.00, BaI. 3.00 -.-WIND -
tic change, the committee said 2.50 - 2.00 nmoouwB
that: '"MaiV orders now. Send stamped, ____MERVY eR FEDKOHI .R, WMW
The new importance of tech- Selfaddressed envedop LEE N "DEV AE OLCK -ONAT
nology to society makes essential with remittance. ,lEA E NOTE: "DVIL AT 4'QLocK SHOWN AT
"the continued infusion of tech- 1: 5 - 4:00 - 6:40 and 9:20





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