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November 05, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-05

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Seventy-First Year
ere Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
rrutb Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
be SGC Candidates...F

Peril in the American 'Warfare State'

N PERSONS will be elected to Student
rernment Council this week. On the basis
blic press conference, individual platform.
ents, and a personal'interview with each
13 candidates, we have divided them into
nks. The order within each rank is alpha-

* * *

SHARON JEFFREY would bring to the Coun-
cil experience in student action and a clear
comprehension of current issues, particularly
on- and off-campus discrimination. Her ability
to reach and stimulate people, and her capacity
for work, should be useful both around the
Council table and in committee work. While
sometimes over-idealistic, she has insight and
depth of understanding.
ROBERT ROSS has keen intelligence backed
up by comprehensive factual knowledge. He is
widely experienced in national student organi-
zations, and spent last summer at the Inter-
national Student Relations Seminar. His work
with the Committee on Membership Selection
in 6tudent Organizations and wide-ranging
contacts with campus leaders have given him
an understanding of the problems of the Uni-
versity.He has sometimes been impolitic in the
past, but his energy, imagination and desire for
Council action will make him a valuable mem-
STEVEN STOCKMEYER is a politically ex-
perienced candidate who promises constructive,
moderate "opposition" to Council liberals. He
articulates his positions well and is effectively
informed on current issues of relevance to
students. He has an individualistic conception
of the Council member's role, and a broad in-
terpretation of the function of the Council and
its leadership.
WE RECOMMEND these three candidates,
but with reservations:
STANLEY LUBIN, after a year and a half of
living down his freshman escapade, has
emerged as an informed candidate specializing
In the significant problems of the University
judiciary system. He has a concrete suggestion
for implementing each of his proposals, and
balances his tendency to favor mass demonstra-
tions "when all else fals" with a willingness to
put considerable effort into more reasonable
solution of student problems.
KE NNETH MELDOWNEY gives a poor cam-
paign impression, but has made some substan-
tial contributions to Council since his election
last April. His previous experience as a Daily
senior editor has left him well-informed on
University and national issues. Although some-
times inarticulate and hasty, he has shown
willingness to devote full time to Council and
has a mature grasp of its history and potential.
RICHARD NOHL is a surprisingly weak can-
didate, considering his experience on Council.
He speaks well, but his statements often lack
substance. He has a fuzzy conception of what
the Council has done and where it should be
going, and has been ineffective as president.
But he is capable of doing solid work, is genu-
inely interested in the Council and has more
practical student government experience than
any other candidate.
THESE FOUR CANDIDATES are poorly qual-
ified for Council:
THOMAS BROWN displays a reasonable,
open-minded approach to problems, but has
very little knowledge or experience. With more
information on specific issues and a better-inte-
grated conception of the University, he might
be a solid addition to Council. But at present
he does not appear ready to take on SGC
RICHARD MAGIDOFF is a sincere and ap-
parently intelligent candidate, but lacks knowl-
edge of the University and has difficulty articu-
lating his views. He seems only to represent the
Voice platform, without also demonstrating
particular merit or originality as a prospective
Council member.

FRED RIECKER, for a third-time candidate,
is still weak on perennial campus issues, warm-
ing over other people's stands from past cam-
paigns rather than formulating new ideas.
Although sincerely interested in Council, he is
not prepared to offer concrete plans for imple-
mentation even of his own proposals on aca-
demic counseling and alumni relations.
JOHN VOS is attending the University for
the first time this semester. He has worked hard
and well to inform himself on issues, but lacks
the necessary understanding of the University
context within which these issues nave devel-
oped. In addition, he has been disturbingly
inconsistent in his stands. This may reflect his
personal growth during the campaign, but more
likely, it is politically motivated-for he seems
more interested in his own political advance-
ment than in contributing to the University
JOSEPH FELDMAN lacks experience and the
knowledge, ability and interest to follow through
on the issues he raises. In his major issue, im-
provement of residence halls, he suggests aboli-
tion of house governments because, he says,
they overlap SGC-a statement which shows
basic lack of knowledge about the residence
halls and Student Government Council itself.
He thinks that SGC should not have power to
control student organisations. And he is ad-
mittedly pessimistic about the Council's ability
to accomplish anything.
RICHARD G'SELL has a constricted and
often uninformed perception of Council which
indicates his experience in SGC's administra-
tive wing has done little to equip him for
office. He wants to provide more direct services
to students, but might forfeit the larger powers
of SGC through inaction. He shows scant un-
derstanding of the philosophy underlying SGC,
and evidences little capacity for growth if
elected. He has hedged and backtracked in
his stands on issues.
LINDY LIMIHURG is confused, uninformed
and incnsisterit. She asserts the University's
right to impose arbitrary regulations on stu-
dents, but insists that the Regent's bylaw on
discrimination is an invasion of privacy. A
chemistry major, she did not know the depart-
ment's non-academic evaluation had been a
recent Council issue. In her Daily interview
she changed her stand on the membership selec-
tion committee several times in one half-hour.
* * * *
OUR EVALUATION of the candidates is based
on five qualities we consider necessary In a
Council member:
-Factual knowledge, both of the University
and its students, and a conceptual frame-
work within which these facts can be
-Experience in student affairs, which is a
rough measure of interest and an indi-
cation of the knowledge which should be
expected of the candidate.
-Imagination in the formulatibn of new
issues, depth of consideration given to
issues already before the Council and re-
sourcefulness in developing practical new
-A clear vision of the Council and a broad
andoptimistic interpretation of its po-
-Clarity and vigor of expression.
THERE IS AN EXTREME variation in the
quality of the candidates, as measured by
these criteria. Most are only average; some
are clearly inadequate. Only a handful are pre'
pared and qualified to take the strong, con-
structive action needed at this time.
In the coming year, SGC may make decisions
of some of the most important matters it has
faced in its brief history.
We urge you to choose carefully.

Daly Staff Writer
IN THESE DAYS of increasing
tensions and continuous crisis,
an important and frightening
warning of military encroachment
in the civilian life of the country
has been sounded by Fred J. Cook
in the October 28 Nation. In the
issue-long article, "Juggernaut,
the Warfare State," Cook cites
former President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower's farewell address as the
clarion note of the danger:
"We must guard against the ac-
quisition of unwarranted influence
." . .by the military-industria
complex," the former President
The development of this alliance
is not new, but in recent months
it has become much more domi-
nant on the American scene. This
unholy and possibly fatal combi-
nation manifests itself in two
ways-in an unyielding pressure,
official and public, opposing any
sort of disarmament; and in the
activities of the far right with all
its military trappings.
* , ,
which pervades many facets of
American life had its beginnings
in the early days of World War
Ir The war demanded a great
armed force and a great indus-
trial machine.
To the army, in acute profes-
sional dormancy between the two
world struggles, this meant an op-
portunity to vent the frustrations
of twenty years of nothingness.
With the energy derived from.an
unhappy past, the army went
about its work defending the
United States, at the same time
building up a huge political ma-
* * *
welcome ally in the big business-
men who came to Washington dur-
ing the war. Seeing the prosperity
inherent in a "permanent war
economy," the businessmen Joined
forces with the army which has
consistently removed much of the
civilian control over the armed
Cook quotes a 1944 speech by
Charles E. Wilson, of the General
Electric Corp. which explicitly sets
this relationship:
"First of all such a (prepared-
ness) program must be the re-
sponsibility of the federal govern-
ment. It must be initiated and
administered by the executive
branch-by the President as Com-
mander in Chief and by the War
and Navy Departments. Of equal
importance is the fact that this
program must be, once and for all,
a continuing program and not the
creature of an emergency. In fact
one of its obects will be to elim-
inate emergencies so far as pos-
sible. The role of Congress is lim-
ited to voting the needed funds...
"Industry's role in this program
is to respond and cooperate,
in the execution of the part al-
lotted to it; industry must not
be hampered by political witch
hunts or thrown to fanatical iso-
lationist fringe tagged with a
'merchant of death' label."
* *. *.
THUS THE TERMS of the alli-
ance were set. In 1945 and 1946
the armed forces demobilized,
against the provisions of the Se-

lective Service Act of 1940 which
required a ready reserve. A year
later the armed forces began a
campaign for Universal Military
Training to, as Cook reports, "cre-
ate a permanent and professional
standing army of huge size on the
Prussian model."
A public relations drive was un-
dertaken. The army boasted that
it had "initiated a nation-wide
public information program .
The magnitude of the program
... is without parallel for any ac-
tivity undertaken by the army in
peacetime. The army enlisted 370
national organizations, 351 mayors
of principal U.S. cities, 591 edi-
torial articles in the nation's
press, The Boy Scouts distributed
fact sheets, and the broadcast in-
dustry was persuaded to give a
"patriotic hand."
* * *
THE MILITARY in recent years
has invaded foreign policy, Cook
charges, and is largely responsi-
ble for scuttling disarmament ne-
gotiations to date. As early as
1945, armed forces representatives
acted as advisers to the newly-
installed President Harry S. Tru-
man, defeated a plan by Secretary
of War Henry L. Stimson to direct-
ly approach the Russians on atom-
ic disarmament.
Realizing that the means of
manufacturing an atomic bomb
was an open secret, he suggested
that a direct approach to Stalin
be made to "limit the use of the
atomic bomb as an instrument of
war and encourage the develop-
ment of atomic power for peace-
ful and humanitarian purposes."
We. warned that a failure to
undertake such negotiations would
lead to an atomic arms race of
"a rather desperate character."
The Russians, meanwhile, re-
jected the Baruch Plan for atomic
disarmament and bided their time
until they could bargain as an
atomic equal. In 1949 they explod-
ed their first nuclear device.
* .* * ,
ALL OF THIS aided a Republi-
can-sponsored "witch hunt" that
began in 1948, Cook says. In this
effort to blacken the Democrats
as incompetents or traitors who
let the Soviet Union gain Ameri-
ca's atomic secrets, the military
forgot about a publicity release,
the Smyth report, which Col. Neb-
lett, a president of a reserve offi-
cers organization said, "goes on
to tell in great detail the experi-
ments with atomic piles, the de-

velopment of uranium and plu-
tonium, and finally how uranium
or plutonium is triggered into ex-
ploding by bringing together at
high speed with two critical sizes
of the metal. The book is replete
with formulas showing how the
atomic bomb is made and effects
of an atomic explosion.
"The Smyth Report is a great
piece of work. The report is so
complete in its details that any
well-equipped machine shop which
had some uranium could take the
report and make an atomic bomb."
Walter Millis writing in The
Arms and the State, says, "The im-
age arose of a vast and lethal
fog of Communist conspiracy, in-
filtration, espionage, and betray-
al at work everywhere in the na-
tional community . . . That this
was seriously to distort the more
normal processes of policy forma-
tion in the military and, diplomatic
field can scarcely be doubted.
"Tightened 'security' measures
were to divorce the public even
further from participation in ma-
jor policy issues, of which they
might now be kept in almost to-
tal ignorance."
United States has become, in
Cook's words, a "warfare state."
Military expenditures take almost
60 per cent of the national budget
and have enmeshed the entire
country in a war economy.
'"One of the most serious things
about this defense business is that
so many Americans are getting a
vested interest in it: Properties,'
business, Jobs, employment, votes,
opportunities for promotions and
advancement, bigger salaries for
scientists and all that Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur admitted in 1957.
It is a troublesome business . .
If you try to change suddenly you
get into trouble," ret. Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur admitted in 1957.
LAST YEAR Arthur Weisenberg,
Inc., in a four-column advertise-
ment in their investment report
said, "As we shed the Welfare
State and gird for the Garrison
State, many great and far-reach-
ing changes will take place in our
society, government, industry and
finance. These changes will hurt
some and benefit others-as a-
ways. You must be well prepared
for them psychologically as well
as financially."
Such statements as these indi-
cate the impact and control the
military is gaining in American
society. The welfare programs are
opposed, trimmed, and sometimes
defeated on the basis that they
will cripple the expanding mili-
tary machine.
MANY AREAS of the country
depend on defense contracts for
their economic existence. Approxi-
mately one fourth of all workers
in the Los Angeles area are in-
volved in defense industries and
experts estimate that a 50 per cent
cut in military contracts would
create a minimum of 12 per cent
in 1959, Utah was sustained by
the missile business when the ma-
jor steel and copper industries
were shut down by strikes.
* * *
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
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before 2 p.m., two days preceding

Events Monday
Faculty Lecture: Hans David, Profes-
sor of ~Music, will lecture on J. S.
Bach's "The Art of the Fugue" on
Mon., Nov. 6, 4:15 p.m. in Rackham
Amphitheatre. Open to the general pub-
Composers Forum: Compositions by
the School of Music's student com-
posers, Arthur Hunkins, Walter Evich,
Willard Brask, Gregory Kosteck, Rog-
er Reynolds, and Philip Krumm will
be performed by. soloists and ensembles
on Mon., Nov. 6, 8:30 p.m., in Lane
Hall Aud. Open to the general public

es itself in the economic and poli-
tical life of the nation. It becomes.
the vital concern of every com-
munity that its military industries
or bases stay and function 'at full
Bases are political bribery which
bring congressmen around to the
military view. Georgia has 19 bases
and is getting a twentieth because
the chairman of the House Armed
Forces Committee, Carl Vinson,
and the Senate Armed Services
Committee head, Richard Russell,
come from the state, Cook charges.
* * *
tional crisis, the military have a
favorable climate for propaganda.
The American distrust of the rad-
ical and his soluitions and pride
in America are two attitudes on
which the military has effective-
ly strung its propaganda cam-
Using these ideological beliefs,
the military has been able to hin-
der disarmament negotiations. On
May 23, Marquis Childs of the St.
Louis Post-Dispatch reports Ar-
thur Dean, the head of the Amer-
ican delegation to the now de-,
funct nuclear test ban negotia-
tions, received a phone call from
a friend, a head of a large adver-
tising agency, in New York urging
that the talks be broken off.
When Dean refused, his friend
criticized him for using the tax-
payers' money.
Since he was serving without
pay and expense allowance, he was
puzzled and decided to investi-
gate. He found that his friend
had been one of 200 advertising
executives briefed by the Penta-
gon on the "realities" of the test
ban talks by Edward Teller, the
"father of the H-bomb" and op-
ponent to the talks.
* * *
SUCH PRESSURES both insideĀ°
and outside the government scut-
tled the "moment of hope" in the
1955 London disarmament talks.
For some inexplicable reason, the
Russians reversed, themselves and
accepted an American plan for
disarmament, including inspec-
tions. The iUnited States, how-
ever, had the conference adjourn-
ed and later proposed the imprac-
tical "open skies" plan' instead.
At that time, Donald A. Quarles,
secretary of the Air Force, told a
group of foreign air attaches, ac-
cording to James Reston of the
New York Times, that "the Unit-
ed States was not thinking at all
about a disarmament system in

which everybody would disarm to
the point where nobody would have
sufficient power to wage a ma-
jor war.
dominated by this view is attest-
ed by the United States' hedging
behavior at the nuclear test ban
talks, and the slow acceptance of
complete disarmament as a basis
of negotiation.
The military domination of
American thinking is also evident
in the emergence of the radical
right, Cook says. The military has
worked hand-in-hand with ex-
tremist right wingers in preaching
the doctrine that "the American
way of life is being systematically
undermined by Communist fifth
columnists and their 'stooges' who
often operate under the guise of
socialism, according to Colwell
Phillips." They say that anyone
who advocates social reform is a
socialist and the socialist is a
dupe of the Communist.
* * *
is somewhat exaggerated. The sit-
uation presented is real enough,
but it does not seem as final as
he states it. Even so, Cook's ar-
ticle poses grave threats to the
future of American society.
There is an increasing threat
of the far right mentality infect-
ing the American people and cre-
atifig another McCarthy era of
fear and suppression of civil
rights. A continued international
crisis and the axiomatic corrollary
of increased military activity
could help bring this threat to
To meet this threat, liberals
should demand that the extensive
propaganda network of the De-
fense Department be scrapped. it
should alsot ask that the Justice
Department investigate, the rela-
tionship between former generalsi
in major defense corporations and
the Pentagon.
,The Justice Department should
at the same time evaluate the
junkets, costing millions of dollars
which the Defense Department
provides for prominent business
and civic leaders.
* * *
THESE ACTIONS are first steps
that could not only save the tax-
payer's money, but also break up
the alliance that enmeshes the
This alliance also has grave im-
plications for the peace groups. In
any drive to attain complete dis-
armament, they will have to reck-
on with the role of the military in
American economy, political life
and big business, and its effects
on the policy making process of
the U.S.
* * *
COOK'S ARTICL is a timely
warning. It comes at a point when
the United States is embarking
on new ventures of power poli-
tics while the Russians explode a
50 megaton bomb as a show of
strength. This more militant poli-
cy of the United States, support-
ed by the army and their far-
right sympathizers at home, could
well lead to nuclear: disaster. If
the United States foreign policy
is to take a more rational course,
Cook warns, it is time to curb
and destroy the military web
strangling the United States.

Irresponsibility Charge
Disturbing, Unjustified

Indian Institutes-Too Late

educators working so hard preparing plans
for a technical institute in India-knowing
that it's too late to do it really well.
Russia has already built one, and so have
West Germany and Great Britain. Although
the United States agreed to build one at the
same time as the other nations, the American
plans have not even been completed yet.
England, Germany and Russia have been
able to plan, construct and set into operation
their technical institutes in the years since
the agreement was made. Why weren't we?
There is no plausible excuse for us but ineffi-
ciency. -
Usually inactivity on such projects can be
blamed on the lack of funds. But not this
time. The money was there even before the
agreement for the Indian institute was made.
fered, the United States, along with Rus-
sia, Great Britain, and West Germany, sent

try, was to be used, the nations agreed, for the
establishment of much-needed technical insti-
RUSSIA went immediately to work, and so
was given the best site, Madras. The West
Germans and the British were given sites at
Madras and Karaghpur, respectively.
The United States, only sluggishly getting
under way, was given the least desirable site,
Kanpur, in the center of the declining cloth-
ing industry.
What was it, one asks, that held the Ameri-
cans back so? What was it that the other na-
tions had that the Americans did not? A
single answer comes back-strong, enthusiastic
UNDER THE GUISE of compiling the specifi-
cations "in a democratic way," the Ameri-
cans let precious time be lost in endless, undi-
rected discussions of committees, conferences
and assemblies.

To the Editor:
THE LETTER printed in Satur-
day's Daily referring to John
Taylor's attempts to have Stan
Lubin removed from his post as
East Quadrangle Social Chairman
disturbs me greatly. What dis-
turbs me most is Mr. Jenk's claim
that Stan is an irresponsible per-
son. Stan has been social chair-
man of the Quad since early Sep-
tember and has done an excel-
lent job. He was co-chairman of
the M-MSU Mixer Committee and
the job he did left nothing to be
desired. The success of the mixer
was largely his doing. The work
he is now doing on the "Snowflake
Ball" is also excellent.
'As for the "foresight" shown
by Mr. Taylor, I must set you
straight. Never did Mr. Taylor
object at any Council meeting to
the appointment of Stan Lubin as
social chairman of the Quad-
rangle. Instead he went about ob-
jecting in an underhanded man-
ner and wrote letters behind the
Council's back. Is this "foresight"
or is it thoughtlessness?
-Harold Zanoff, '62BAd
East Quad Council Rep.
Vote-Getter *.*
To the Editor:
THE FARCE which is SGC has
now reached its final, conclud-
ing act. Long ago in the course
of the plot, candidates who were

lure the student. All hopes of in-
tellectual inducement have been
long lost. It is a pity that this is
so ridiculous for it would make a
great tragedy.
The comic fool now awaiting-the
moment of his destruction has
hastened this by accosting the
student who is crossing the Diag
with a horrendous, gaudy, Victor-
ian pyramid gaily decorated with
gray,green, red and yellow mat-
ter. It looks more like an artifi-
cial, aluminum Christmas tree
than it does like an elections pos-
Does SGC believe that once it
has offended our intellects through
its absurdities, that it ,can redeem
our love and support by offending
our aesthetic sensibilities? Ob-
viously; and we must conjecture
that since SGC has given up all
hope of conducting a sane cam-
paign, it has plunged into the
depths of the abyss which is its
"intense inane." Our only conso-
lation is that it will goon snow
and that the wretched monstrosi-
ty which adorns the Diag will see
all of its gaudiness covered with a
refreshing, pure, whiteness.
We, as students, should, not sup-
port any organization such as SGC
which having succeeded in repuls-
ing our intelects, has now decided
to out-nauseate Madison Avenue
by luring our sensualness into
submission. Our horrified intel-
lects must seize control over our
sensual urges (which must also be
A .nnrA llarAta that hnrr,-vn1R.nvr

Bayanihan Reflects
Varied Traditions
BAYANIHAN-the Tagalog root of this word means "working to-
gether," and this Philippine dance group acclaimed in the world's
press for its skill and beauty will do just that Monday evening at Hill
Coming on the heels of last week's concert of Indian music, the
Bayanihan will bring another cross-section of Asian music to Ann
Arbor. The program emphasizes the variety of cultural influences
found in Philippine folk arts. From a ballroom scene along Spanish
lines to primitive mountain tribal dance using fire on stage, the group
will present Muslim, Polynesian and Christian styles of dancing, music,
and costume, spanning a range of centuries of folk art development.
The Bayanihan's skill and polish in performance is exceptional,
considering the group was not formally organized as such until 1956.
Originally an outgrowth of a rebirth of interest in native arts that
started in the 1920's and grew after Independence in 1946, the Bay-
anihan became a full-fledged performing group on the international
scene with its appearance at the Brussels World's Fair of 1958, which
attracted world-wide attention. At that time, Ed Sullivan first brought
the group to America's attention through two filmed programs used on
his television show. That year the first American tour was arranged by
Presidents Garcia and Eisenhower, and the debut in New York followed.
The group has visited countries from Spain to Israel to Thailand, and
is currently on a 60-city tour of the United States.
THE MUSIC, costumes, and dances of the company are extremely
varied, reflecting the cultural traditions represented. In instruments,
for example, one finds a Spanish-type group of plucked strings used by
the Christian lowlands farmers, including several variants of guitars
and zithers combined in an ensemble called a rondalla. The Muslim
influence, on the other hand, shows up in the instruments of the Fili-
pinos living in the southern islands. Here various sorts of gongs are
prominent. The main instrument is the kulintangan, a series of eight
gongs of graduated pitch, mounted on a wooden frame. It is backed up
by drums made of animal hide covered by rattan. The mountain tribes
use different 'sorts of gongs, and add such interesting instruments as
the nose flute and the bamboo zither.
Costumes also divide along cultural lines, although bright color
and a free-flowing line seem characteristic of most Philippine dress.

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