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November 01, 1961 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-01

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Cyclotron Progress



BUILDING COMPLETED-Construction has been finished on the
University's cyclotron building, designed to house a high-power
particle accelerator. The $1.1 million project is expected to go
into operation in early 1963.
Faculty Members, Wives
Wire Khrushchev, Kennedy

The Men's Glee Clubs of the
University and Duke University
wlil present a joint concert at
7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Saturday in
Hill Aud.
* * *
The Berlin Philharmonic Or-
chestra, directed by Herbert von
Karajan, will present the fourth
concert in the Choral Union Se-
ries at 8:30 p.m. Friday in Hill
The program will include:
"Symphony No. 4," by Brahms,
"Afternoon of a Faun," by De-
bussy, and "Death and Transfig-
uration," by Strauss.
* * *
The Department of Speech will
present the second in its series of
Laboratory Playbill productions at
4:10 p.m. tomorrow in the Arena
Theatre, Frieze Building. The pro-
gram will be a double bill consist-
ing of an original one-act farce
by Barton Wimble, "La Forza del
Donuts," and a short play by Eu-
gene O'Neill, "Before Breakfast."
The Mazowsze Polish Song and
Dance Company, accompanied by
a full symphony orchestra, will
appear at 8:20 p.m. Friday and
Saturday and at 2:20 p.m. Sunday
at the Masonic Auditorium in De-
* * *
Prof. Halsey Stevens of the Uni-
versity of Southern California will
lecture on "Folk Music Influence
in the Music of Bartok" at 4:15
p.m. Friday in Lane Hall Aud.,
under the auspices of the Music
Posehel To Face
Chess Challengers
Paul Poschel, a United States
chess master, will take on all
challengers simultaneously at, an
exhibition at 7:30 p.m. today in
Rms. 3-LMN of the Union.
The exhibition, sponsored by
the Chess Club, will be free to
members, with a 25 cent charge for

further bombs and urged cancel-
lation of the tests for the sake
of mankind's health:
President Kennedy was inform-
ed of the strong protest to
Khrushchev. He was urged to de-
sist from resuming nuclear test-
ing in the atmosphere, so as not
to add to the world's health haz-
Among the signers of the tele-
grams were Prof. Robert Angell
of the sociology department;
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
economics dept. and his wife;
Prof. Thomas Winner of the Slav-
ic Languages department and his
wife; Prof. Marston Bates of the
zoology department; Prof. Theo-
dore Newcomb of the sociology de-
partment and his wife.




NO 5-6290



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These are among the more than 500 outstanding programs now in prog- November 9-10 1961
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