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November 01, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-01

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Winds to diminish;
chance of showers today.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Quad Director Asks Removal
Of Lubin from Council Post

East Quadrangle Director John
Taylor has asked that Stanley
Lubin, '63E; be removed from his
position as quad social chairman
for men in East Quadrangle, Presi-
dent Joseph Dsida, '63E, said yes-
Dsida said that in a note sent
to him by Taylor Sept. 22, Taylor
said that Lubin, who was sus-
pended from and later reinstated
to the University for his role in
the 1960 food riot-panty raid, "will
not be acceptable as an East
Quadrangle officer."
Dsida, who officially fills the
post, 'wrote a lettei'to Taylor on
Sept. 29 stated, "I feel I am justi-
fied in securing the appointment
for him."
Proven Responsibility
He added that since the panty
raid, "He has proven himself a
responsible individual, capable of
sound judgement, and very much
interested in student government."
Lubin commented that "He

(Taylor) has absolutely no right
to block my appointment.
"My social probation ended last
June and he cannot prevent me.
from being on the East Quad
Council or from holding a com-
mittee chairmanship."
Anderson Comments
The present East Quad presi-
dent, Thomas Anderson, '63Ed,
said that he wishes Lubin to re-
main in his position.
Taylor refused to comment on
the issue.
Lubin still holds the position al-
though he does not live in the
quads. He is eligible as an associ-
ate member of Hinsdale House to
hold non-elective quadrangle posi-
Taylor Letter
According to Dsida, Taylor said
in his letter about Lubin, "I do
not wish him back in the Quad
and will tell him so myself if
forced into it."
It also stated that, "He was ex-
pelled from the residence halls

and told at that time that he was
not welcome to return to them,"
Dsida said.
On Sept. 31, Dsida quit his post.
However he said that his resigna-
tion was due to "personal reasons"
and had nothing to do with the
Lubin incident.
Timely Suggestions
He added that Taylor had made
many "timely suggestions" which
had been extremely helpful in his
position as East Quad president,
but his request to get rid of Lubin
was unwarranted.
Lubin also noted that Taylor
"never once objected to my ap-
pointment publicly at a council
"I hope to prove, by holding this
position, that I was not .the irre-
sponsible person that I was pic-
tured as by many administrators."
The job was originally offered
to Lubin by Dsida on an interim
basis last June. His appointment
was confirmed by the quad council
on Sept. 26.

Dean DiscouragesPaper
From Considering HUAC
Continuing pressure from the community of Flfint over the recent
student stand on the abolition of the House Committee on Un-Ameri-
can Activities has caused Cyril Charles, dean of Flint Junior College,
to suggest that the student government and the newspaper not dis-
cuss controversial national issues at present.
The problem arose after Flint JC unanimously approved the
United States National Student Association's resolution encouraging
'the aboltion of HUAC. This is "a

By The Associated Press
LANSING - John A. Han-
nah, president of Michigan State
University, told a Constitutional
Convention Committee on Edu-
cation yesterday that the state's
three largest tax-supported uni-
versities must be free of legisla-
tive control.
Former Regent Roscoe O. Boni-
steel supported Hannah, adding
that the universities should re-
main under control of separate
boards of governors, regents and
Hannah said the universities
must not be at the mercy of "the
Jdhn Birchers and the people with
all sorts of views, if they are to
carry out their roles of preserv-
ing, examining and discovering
'Government by Clerks'
Bonisteel, who is also a mem-
ber of the Education Committee,
said a state coordinated board
would "ultimately mean govern-
ment by clerks, discouragement of
learning and mediocrity of in-
The University, Michigan State
and Wayne State University are
governed by separate boards.
Bonisteel said that if a single
board were to be created its mem-
bers would have difficulty un-
derstanding the problems of each
Free Now
Presently, the constitution pro-
vides that the three large uni-
versities' boards are entirely free
from any legislative control be-
yond simple appropriation of
funds. Even in this, the constitu-
tion has been interpreted as pre-
venting any specification of what
the funds may or may not be
spent on.
The convention had two other
proposals to consider, these from
State SupremeCourt Chief Jus-
tice John R. Dethmers.
The state should replace justices
of the peace with a county court
system, and no laymen should
be judges, Dethmers told the
Committee on Judicial Powers.
Sentence 15
For Actions
In Mississippi
MCCOMB, Miss. ()-City Judge
Robert W. Brumfield yesterday
convicted 14 Negroes and one
white man of disturbing the peace
in a downtown demonstration
earlier this month and handed out
sentences ranging up to six
months in jail and $500 fines.
Brumfield fined 11 of the de-
fendants $200 and gave them four
months in county jail. The other
four-who were involved in city
sit-in demonstrations - received
$500 fines and six-mnth jail
Brumfield set appeal bond at
The white man-Robert Zellner
of Atlanta, posted the bond. But
Negro attorney Jack Young of
Jackson, Miss., said he was uncer-
tain what the others would do.
The 15 were arrested, along with
about 100 Negro high school pupils,
on Oct. 4 when they staged the
demonstration in front of city hall.







yn" _ <

....precinct workers
Precinct Work
for Turnout,
Stokes Says
The nature of the American
electorate has forced more poli-
tical precinct work into the area
of voter turnout.
That is the status of precinct
politics as Prof. Donald Stokes
of the political science depart-
ment sees it. He attributes the
orientation to voter turnout rath-
er than ideological persuasion to
four characteristics of the Ameri-
can electorate:
1) The low level of interest and
emotional involvement of * the.
American people in politics. Poli-
tics "really isn't worth arguing
about," when compared to more
immediate problems, such as "who
Junior will date tonight. That can
cause a real storm."
Low Level of Information
2) The low level of information
the public has on politics. "Many-
Americans have only a very vague
idea of the issues," Prof. Stokes, a
staff member at Survey Research
Center, said. "To a great extent
the public is without informa-
3) Widespread and relatively
fixed party loyalties. He said
American political loyalty was
"relatively free of issues." Three
out of four people will concede al-
liance to one party or the other,
and more will admit they lean
one way or the other. Only about
10 per cent will actually claim
they are truly independent.
Since the people have so little
political infornmation, they look to
one party or the other to appraise
the situation when they vote.
Relation to Voting
4) Relation of party preference
to voting turnout. Prof. Stokes
said that the decisions of whether
one would vote and how he would
vote were quite separate. He com-
pared it to going to a football
game: "The decision of whether
or not you go to the game has no
effect on whether you cheer for

Asks Limit.
On SGC Acts
A motion on expression of stu-
dent opinion will be brought to
Student Government Council to-
night by David Croysdale, '63.
The motion states. that SGC
should express student opinion
only in those areas which directly
affect the interests and affairs of
the student body during the tenure
at the University, or in their sub-
sequent position as alumni.
Discussion of and expression of
opinion on other topics, particu-
larly those regarding national or
international issues should be en-
couraged within the various stu-
dent organizations recognized by
SGC for that purpose, the motion
Included in these groups are the
Young Democrats, the Young Re-
publicans, the Political Issues Club,
Voice Political Party, Challenge
and the Young Americans for
John Vos, '63, is calling to the
Council's attention action taken at
the fall regional assembly of the
Michigan Regional United States
National Student Association re-
garding direct election of dele-
gates.'to the summer USNSA con-
The resolution asks:
1) That each member school of
the Michigan region institute ma-
chinery for direct election of
delegates under the auspices of
the campus student government.
2) That candidates for the posi-
tion of delegate campaign on issues
pertinent to NSA.

hot issue in the community,"
Charles said.
Question Before Board
The question now before the
student activities board, compris-
ed of faculty members and stu-
dent organization leaders, is to
determine the scope of issues
which the student government and
the newspaper can discuss.
The board is studying the prob-
lem and will formulate a policy
in the next four or five weeks,
Charles said. He would not com-
ment on the nature of the policy
at this time.
Until the decision is reached,
the weekly paper will "continue
to publish letters to the editor."
Not To Print Editorial
However, an editorial favoring
the abolition of HUAC will not
be printed in the "Clamor," the
paper, this Friday, student gov-
ernment and newspaper staff
member Gary Scott said.
Instead, a blank space will ap-
pear on the editorial page.
Charles feels that until "the
emotion is removed from the is-
sue" students should use restraint.
When community feelings die
down, a more constructive policy
will result. For the same reason,
the dean has postponed folk sing-
er Peggy Seeger's scheduled Nov.
17 appearance at the college, Fred
Comer, vice-president of the stu-
dent government, said.
UAW Decides
Strike Deadline
DETROIT (/P)--The United Auto
Workers set. last night a midnight
tomorrow strike deadline against
Chrsyler Corp. if no new contract
is in hand at that time.

New Falloutv
May Avoid
United States
First Trip over Earth
May Hit Canadians
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The radioac-
tive cloud 6hurned up by Russia's
monster nuclear bomb may pass
to the north of the United States,
except for Alaska, on its first trip
around the globe-if the wind pat-
terns don't change.
That was the cautious predic-
tion from the Weather Bureau
yesterday. .
If the present wind patterns
continue, the experts expect the
cloud to curve eastward today
and. reach -Russia's Kamchatka
Peninsula tonight. Then on Thurs-
day, it should travel over the
Aleutian Islands and possibly
reach the western edge of Alaska.
Heads East
The bureau's fallout monitors at
Aix stations will be busy as the
cloud moves across Alaska and
then heads over Canada on Fri-
On its next trip around the
earth, the weather experts haz-
arded a rough guess that the
cloud might come over areas far-
ther south. By that time, it should
be less radioactive.
The extent and immediacy of
fallout from the superbomb would
depend on the altitude at which it
was exploded, a spokesman for
the British Atomic Energy Au-
thority said yesterday*
Height Problem
"If the radioactive particles
passed into the stratosphere then
fallout might not reach the earth
before next spring," the spokes-
man said.
"If exploded in the 'weather
zone,' fallout could be expected
very soon. Extent of the fallout
would be greater if the fireball
actually touched the earth be-
cause then dirt would be sucked
up giving the fallout heavier ma-
terial to cling to."
Previous bombs' fallout gave
Gastonia, N.C., 35.8 micromicro-
curies per cubic meter of air for
the highest level of radioactivity
in the atmosphere measured in
this country yesterday, the Public
Health service said. This level was
primarily due to the Russian 30-
megaton bomb tested several days
De part ment
Files Suit
On Integration
tice Department yesterday filed a
suit seeking to prevent Mississippi
officials from enforcing a bus
station segregation law which con-
flicts with new Interstate Com-
merce Commission regulations.
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy
announced filing of a suit just a
few hours before the Nov. 1 ef-
fective date of I.C.C. rules pro-
hibiting racial segregation on in-
terstate buses and in their
Kennedy said the suit, filed in
United States District Court in
Oxford, Miss., also asked that the
state segregation law be declared
in conflict with the United States
The Attorney General said the
Court - also was asked to issue a

temporary restraininghorder
against enforcement of the state
law, but a justice department
spokesman later reported this re-
quest was denied by United States
Judge Claude Clayton.
The I.C.C. had joined the De-
partment as a plaintiff in the ac-

Army Says Van Fleet
Free To Give Speech
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The Army indicated yesterday that no action
would be taken against Gen. James A. Van Fleet for his recently
reported comments that:
1) United Nations Ambassador Adlai Stevenson should be fired
for his actions during the Cuban invasion.
2) Berlin and Laos are lost to the West.
Q1 fA11+ Via T~rn i 'fellinr0i



3) 3outh viet Nam is falinmg
quickly to the Communists,- with
only about a 50 per cent chance
of holding it to the Free World.
Consultant Now
Van Fleet, a retired officer, was
recently brought back into service
as a consultant by President John
F. Kennedy. Pentagon spokesmen
said that his comments were not
made while he was officially act-
ing as a Defense Department em-
ploye, and therefore he was not
subject to discipline for them in
spite of recent department direc-
tives on officers' comments on in-
ternational matters.
Stevenson last night called Van
Fleet's assertion that he was re-
sponsible for the failure of the
Cuban invasion "totally false."
He demanded that Van Fleet
correct his statement after check-
ing the facts himself if he wished
in a telegram sent to the general
yesterday evening.
Van Fleet Speech
Van Fleet was reported as say-
ing that Stevenson had insisted
that the United States, withdraw
support from the attack on the
government of Premier Fidel Cas-
tro in a speech Monday.
Van Fleet said that a full Navy
and Air Force escort and attack
force was withdrawn from the in-
vasionebecause of, Stevenson's in-
Stevenson said that he knew no-1
thing about the invasion or any1
plans for it until after the event. -
Huber House
Takes Action
On Visit Rule
Huber House Council took actionf
Monday night on Inter-Quad-c
rangle Council's resolution allow-t
ing residence hall houses to setx
their own open-open house hours.,
The Council approved the pres-f
ence of non-freshmen women ini
men's rooms in the afternoons
and evenings, but forbade theirt
presence during lunch and dinner
The motion still needs approval1
by the Board of Governors oft
Residence Halls and by a two-
thirds vote of Huber residents to
take effect.
The hours chosen were seen asT
the best compromise between thef
freedom to have guests and the1
privacy of house members. IQCT
Representative Richard Pinnell,
'64A&D, said that this is "thec
most important decision of thei
year" for the Huber Council. I
Dahn Withdrawsx
From SGC Race
Douglas Dahn, '62, has with-t
drawn his name from the list ofI
candidates for Student Govern-i
ment Council.x

... 'no part in planning'


Links Status
With Crime
A father's lower social class,
status may provide an impetus for
his son becoming 'a delinquent,
Prof. Martin Gold, a study direc-
tor at the Research Center for
Group Dynamics reports in a study
released today.
The evidence, drawn from re-
cent studies on the subject, shows
that a father's lower class status
has the effect of weakening his

AEC Reports
New Tests
By Russia
Britain, Italy, JapaI
See Demonstrations
Over Previous Firing
By The Associated Press
The Soviet Union set off two
more nuclear blasts yesterday de-
spite world wide protest against
the Russian firing of their more
than 50-megaton bomb Monday.
Information from the Atomic
Energy Commission revealed that
the first of the two new atmos-
pheric tests had a yield of several
megatons and the second was in
the intermediate to highiyield
range, probably below a. mega-
Khrushchev Jokes
Premier Nikita_ S. Khrushchev
joked with the Soviet Party Con-
gress yesterday, saying that the
big .bomb turned out to be even
larger than 50 megatons-bigger
than Soviet scientists had plan-
ned. "The scientists made a slight
mistake in the evaluation of the
bomb," he was quoted as saying
by official sources, "but we won't
punish them for it."
At the United Nations, United
States *Ambassador Adlai E. Stev-
enson accused the Soviet Union
of pushing the world toward dis-
aster. Soviet 'Delegate Semyon K.
Tsarapkin retorted that his coun-
try had acted to prevent the Unit-
ed States from launching nuclear
,w ar., .._.,.. .
In Ottawa, Acting Prime Min-
ister Howard Green declared the
time had come for the world to
decide definitely that no nation
has the right to pollute the at-
mosphere over other nations with
nuclear, fallout.
British Statement
British Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan told Parliament that if
atmospheric tests of big super-
bombs by the United States are
necessary to preserve the balance
of power and world freedom his

conrolovr ns on naallowing
the. boy toibe linq4uent.llU ll government would support
United States.
The conclusion is based on two "We have a duty to mai
factors: occupation was cited most the balance of power in the V
often by boys as the characteristic and to insure that the detef

of a man which makes him a
model adult and the number of
boys who wanted to be like their
fathers decreased as the job-
prestige of their fathers dimished.
"Delinquents are more likely
to disagree with their fathers
about standards of proper be-
havior and to ignore their fathers'
wishes when it comes to choosing
their friends," Prof. Gold said.
The father's job-prestige is also
directly linked to the degree of
influence he may wield in his
family, which in turn influences
his relationship with his son, the
report said.
"The more prestigeful the oc-
cupation of the father, the more
influence he is accorded by mem-
bers of his family," Prof. Gold
On the whole, the delinquent
boys' father-son relationships were
poorer than that of mother-son.
This was demonstrated by the
tendency of the delinquent boys
to refrain from taking personal
problem to their fathers, or to
participate with them in work or
recreational activities.


still deters," Macmillan said.
This was only a sample of the
angry reaction to the Soviet ex-
plosions which reverberated
through Western Europe and
many parts of the world.
Thousands of students in Italy,
some 10,000 Japanese and a crowd
of British Pacifists staged dem-
Group Debates
U' Counseling
The Office of. Student Affairs-
Study Committee yesterday dis-
cussed University counseling serv-
ices in an attempt to locate all
the various types of services and
consider possible means of im-
proving coordination b e t w e e n
Committee chairman Prof. John
Reed of the Law School said no
definite conclusion was reached.
The committee will consider the
question further after it has stud-
ied other related areas.

Ghosts, Goblins Attack Town '

Ghosts, goblins and University
students went trick - or - treating
last night.
As the annual Hallowe'en holi-
day came around, school children
of all shapes and sizes appeared
on the sidewalks, lawns, and
porches of Ann Arbor.
The evening air rang with ban-
shee yells, and one or two scared
children added to the dusky din.
An all-black cat slunk across a
porchstone in front of two cowboys
and a clown, but the opening door
whisked away the spirit.
The Daily's own ghost and pho-
tographer interviewed a tricker
and a treater. The tricker, a little.
blond waif wandering bravely

Cuba: 'MOSt Socially Advanced'
"The reason you, as an American, can't go to Cuba is because Cuba
is one of the most socially advanced nations in the wqrld," Frank
Monico, the speaker at the Fair Play for Cuba lecture said yesterday.
"Cuba represents the power of the poor, and this endangers the..
present structure of the United States, which is based on discrimina-
tion," he explained.
The idea that Russia controls Cuban affairs is fallacious, he said.
In fact, there is a big -gap between Russia and Cuba. Russia is much
closer to the United States in socia1 structure than tn hCua. "The . ..........



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