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October 26, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-26

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UN Group Asks Gancellation of 50-Iegaton


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--AP Wirephoto
RADIATION-The path, of radioactive fallout from the Soviet Union's Oct. 23 blast is shown above.
The fallout passed over pmts of Japan yesterftr and headed eastward over the Pacific Ocean.
S OVIet Cu a Oppose'Proposal







By The Associated Press
tion urging Moscow to cancel a
50-megaton H-bomb blast was
rammed through the United Na-
tions Political Committee last
night over bitter Soviet opposi-
By a vote of 75-10 with one ab'-
stention (Mali),the committee ap-
proved an eight-nation resolution
recommending that the General
Assembly confront Moscow with a
solemn appeal to refrain from
testing the big bomb scheduled
before the end of this month.
Only the Soviet bloc and Cuba
voted against the appeal.
Overcome Bloc
The action capped a day In
which the: Soviet bloc aided by
some Asian-African nations' tried
desperately to plunge the commit-
tee into procedural wrangles that
would delay ,action.
The General Assembly will meet
this morning. Denmark proposed
arrangements be made to get quick
ratification of the committee ac-
tion at that time.
For Detroit
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-The Detroit Con-
sumer Price Index declined 0.7
per cent from August to Septem-
ber according- to a report issued
yesterday by Adolph 0. Berger,
director of the North Central Re-
gional Office of the Department of
Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The September index for Detroit
is 124.9, 0.4 per cent below the
level of a year ago.
Nationally, a greater than ex-
pected increase in clothing prices
shoved the nation's September
living cost level to the highest
point ever reached.
Practically e v e r y consumer
spending category except food ad-
vanced slightly to increase the
Labor Department index by two-
tenths of one per cent over the
August reading.

In the course of the debate the
Soviet Union rejected any appeal
to call off the 50-megaton blast.
Second Test
Almost simultaneously with the
UN move the Atomic Energy Coi-
mission announced that Russia
exploded another nuclear test
blast yesterday with a yield "prob-
ably less than a megaton."
Earlier reports from the Upp-
sala (Sweden) Seismological In-
stitute had said the blast was
about a tenth as strong as Mon-
day's superblast of 30-50 megaton.
The AEC announcement said
yesterday's Soviet blast, like most
of the others, was set off in the
A giant radioactive cloud spawn-
ed by Russia's massive superbomb

explosion last Monday raced
across the Pacific at speeds up to
80 miles an hour last night -
headed for the Aleutian Islands.
It is expected there late today
and over Alaska or Western Can-
ada late Friday.
Bearing only .a small part of
the total fallout debris, the cloud
crossed northern Manchuria,
southeast Siberia and possibly
brushed northern Japan in a 2,-
000-mile west-to-east swing dur-
ing the day.
In Washington, President John
F. Kennedy gave the go-ahead
yesterday for a long-planned 5-
kiloton underground nuclear explo-
sion in the salt beds of New Mex-
ico to launch a new search for
peaceful uses of atomic power.

Sees Action
As Serious
Big Three To Confer
On Russian Position
States said last night it regards
"as a serious development," the
rejection by the Soviet command-
er in Berlin of a United States
protest against interference with
access by Americans to East Ber-
A State Department spokesman,
Joseph Reap, said the United
States is taking up the matter
"urgently" with the governments
involved-Britain, France and
Reap made the statement, he
said, after the Department receiv-
ed a report on the meetings earlier
in the day between the United;
States commander in Berlin, Maj.
Gen. Albert Watson II, and his
Soviet counterpart, Col. Andrei I.
Officials Confer
Watson went into East Berlin to
confer with the Russian in the
wake of a series of minor incidents
in which East German police in-
terfered with the free movement
of American civilians in official
The American general argued
that such harrassment of free
movement in Berlin was illegal.
States Objections
He said Watson objected to Sol-
ovyev's statement that decrees of
the East German regime were
binding on access to East Berlin,
and that the American General
told Solovyev the consequences of
such a position 'were potentially
so serious that he would refer the
matter to "his government on a
most urgent basis."
Earlier, the State Department
insisted anew that United States
officials in Berlin, whether in uni-
form or wearing civilian clothes,
must have free passage to all parts
of the city, including the Soviet


UN-K atangaEffect PrisonerExchange
tanga and the United Nations ex- UN forces had moved to disarm UN forces withdrew from the "I believe they genuinely
changed prisoners last night, foreign officers serving in Ka- Elisabethville post office and other tended the-exchange should
marking an end to the armed con- tanga, an action which amounted strongpoints held during the through. But we had three brea
f inabetween the secessionist Con- to an attempt to bring the pro- fighting. downs in the buses taking us
flict nthe orld or- The exchange originally was the exchange ground and it v
go province and the world or- vince back under control of the scheduled for last week. It was impossible for them to get
ganization. central Congo government. delayed when the Katangans failed there in time."
The government of President The UN returned some 250 Ka- de hen the t fhe e re in m
f ~to get their prisoners to the ex- Tshombe formally accepted
Moise Tshombe handed over the tangans, 45 of them in Elizabeth- change point from the prison tification of the Katanga-Z
190 prisoners-mainly Irish-cap- ville and the rest in other cities compound 250 miles away. cease-fire Tuesday. It provii
tured in last month's fighting. in Katanga. At the same time 'rh esninr nffiers among the that the UN Secretariat in no y

Gromyko Notes Agreement
'slodoe To Make' War Impossible"
MOSCOW M-3-Soviet Foreign b aigta i onr ol
Minister Andrei Gromyko said bysktat his countrywld
yesterday he and Secretary of seek to take into consideration the
State Dean Rusk were agreed at Western point of view at the nego-
their recent talks in New York tiating table if the West really
and Washington that the two big seeks understanding.
countries should find a way to Gromyko declared that Presi-
make war impossible. dent John F. Kennedy and Pre-
Gromyko, speaking to the Soviet mier Nikita S. Khrushchev "must
Communist Party Congress, offer- be presidents in a period in which
ed a new olive branch to the West war becomes impossible."


World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
BRUSSELS-The six nations of
the European Common Market
took another step last night to-
ward greater unity. They approv-
ed a plan for progressive easing
of restrictions on the free estab-
lishment of residence and busi-
nesses within their borders by
citizens of member nations.
used clubs, tear gas and noise
bombs yesterday *to break up a
rioting crowd in Santiago, this
country's second city. A number of
persons were injured but no deaths
were reported. About 50 were ar-
WASHINGTON - A federal
budget deficit approaching $7 bil-
lion will be forecast officially Sun-
day by the Kennedy administra-
can't find the 350 million copper
needles it thought it had released
into space from an orbiting satel-
lite, Lincoln . Laboratories an-
nounced yesterday.

WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy is giving considera-
tion to a proposal to build a
string, of big roadside -public fall-
out shelters in .conjunction with,
federal-state highway construc-
tion, the White House said yes-
, *. *
NEW YORK-The stock mar-
ket made its first advance of the
week in moderate trading Wed-
nesday. Standard and Poor's 500
Index was up .36,.with 425 indus-
trials up .38, 25 rails off .13, and 50
utilities up .36.

% 0 Dr. Joseph W. Mathews is
member of the corporate mmisti
is ow n of the Christian,. Faith-and-Lif
Community. alongside the- Univer
sity of Texas.at Austin. You oi
NOV.11 830 RUEBOOD UD.invited to hear him speak on.,
NOV. 1 8:30 TR UE BLOOD AUD.''''***'''**
7:00 P.M., SUNDAY, October 28
TicketS:$1.25 State at uron St.


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