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Panel Shows,
Soviet Market
"The Soviet Union is like a
huge supermarket in the sense
that everything is being put under
one, roof, the roof being the Com-
munist political system," Prof.
William B. Ballis of the political
science department said in a pan-
el discussion on Russian trade and
economy Friday. ,
Participating with Prof. Ballis
on the panel were Prof. D. Mayn-
ard Phelps of the Business Admin-
istration School and Prof. Peter"
Rosko of the Flint Branch.
Prof. Phelps reported evidence
of a tremendous economic move-
ment in Russia. "I have never
seen so many things half done.
The situation is similar to a small
child trying to eat all his candy at
once," he said.
"Since 1953 there has been a:
slow but perceptive improvement
in the economy. Until then it was
really a subsistence economy, but;
it is now progressing to an econ-
omy of abundance, from a market
oriented economy to a production
oriented economy," Prof. Phelps
The Soviet Union is now using
advertising and extending credit
as is habitually done in the United
States. Phelps predicted that in
10 to 20 years the market will be
operated as it is in the West.
In theory the Soviet Union is
now in transition to Communism.
But it has been forced to make:
certain concessions in an attempt
to bolster agricultural and indus-
trial production.
Although some capitalistic in-
centives such as private plots for
farming and higher salaries have
been provided, Prof. Ballis pointed
out that the Soviet Union oper-
ates by stick as well as by carrot.
Serious punitive measures are
taken for failing to work or for
damaging machines, for instance.
"It is to be remembered that the
Soviet Union is built upon Com-
munist ideaological objectives and
most of the economy is organized
with these principles in mind,"
Prof. Ballis said.
-Daily-James Keson
LOVE SEAT-Apparently no violations were detected by city
police, the infamous sign placed on the amatory niche outside
Betsy Barbour dormitory has been removed.
ew Faster Compiter
mi ITrii/E /Xp
An extensive study by members
of the social work school and the
sociology department is resulting
in better ways to determine the
effects of juvenile correctional in-
The study was most concerned
with the practices and goals of the
institutions. The institutions, in
their attempt to rehabilitate de-
linquent boys, used methods rang-
ing from strict discipline to clini-
cal therapy.
Each year more than 3,000 de-
linquents are sent to such institu-
tions. Seven different institutions,
both public and private, and
varying in size from 40 to 400
boys were included in the study,
Prof. Robert D. Vinter of the so-
cial work school said.
Discover Effects
Through direct observation,
questionnaires, study of the insti-
tutions records and reports and
interviews with the administra-
tors, the staff and the boys, the
research group has discovered the
effects achieved by various types
of institutions on their clients.
The study revealed four criteria
for measuring effects: institution-
al goals, gratification-deprivation
balance, staff-client relations and
permeability of boundaries.
Prof. Vinter considers institu-
tional goals the most important of
the four criteria. The most limited
institutions seek only to maintain
order, security, and conformity,
while the most ambitious attempt
real changes in the boys' person-
alities, attitudes and behavior, he
The gratification - deprivation
balance involves the material or
social rewards and punishments
available. Some institutions pro-
vide a minimum level of life for
the boys but subtract from this
for misbehavior.
Other institutions, however, of-
fer many rewards and privileges
as attitudes and behavior im-
prove, Prof. Vinter said. Here a
boy has much to gain dnd little
to. lose.
At one extreme of staff-client
relations, the boys are handled
Barbourous Sign
Group Studies Juvenile Institutions
routinely and uniformly in large
groups, are subject to tight re-
strictions, and receive little per-
sonal contact from the staff.
The other extreme "emphasizes
treatment in smaller groups or
as individuals, a greater amount
of choice and freedom within the
program, and friendly yet 4irm
contact by the staff, Prof. Vinter
The extent to which boys may
cross the physical and social boun-
daries of the institution is re-
flected in the fourth criteria.
While at some places the boys
their release dates, at others there
never leave the grounds until
are occasional trips, visits home
and outside jobs or schooling.
Visits Counted
Also measured by this criteria
are the frequency of visits by fam-
illes, the use of community volun-
teers in the program, the amount
of service for the boy's relatives
and the follow-up services that
help a boy adapt to the commu-
nity after his release, he explained.
As Prof. Vinter and his staff de-
veloped and applied these four
measures, they were able to group
institutions into several distinct
classes and to predict the insti-
tution's effects on boys.
They found that the changes'
an institution achieves in a boy's
attitudes and behavior are more
an outcome of the institution's
own arrangement than the boy's
individual characteristics.
Boys in different institutions
are far more alike in terms of age,
race, I.Q., psychological make-up
and types of offenses, than the
research group expected.
Prof. Vinter said that an insti-
tution's pattern of operation is
the major factor in helping a boy
change so that he will give up de-
linquent behavior. Similar find-
ings have been obtained through
parallel research in adult prisons.
The results of the study are be-
ing used as guides in training in-
stitutional executives and social
workers and improving the opera-
tion of correctional institutions,
he said.
Largely supported by a grant
from the United States Public
Health Service, the study is di-
rected by Prof. Vinter and Prof.
Morris Janowitz, formerly of the
sociology department and now at
the University of Chicago.
Other University faculty in-
volved in the research are Charles
Perrow and David Street of the
sociology department and Rose-
mary Sarri of the social work
10 I itepiaceJ
Normal operation is expected
to begin soon for the University's
new IBM 709 Computer which will
replace the two-year-old IBM 704
The new machine is faster and
more efficient than the old, Prof.
Bernard A. Gallen of the com-
puting center said. The difference
lies primarily in the input-output
To the user, however, there will
appear to be little difference be-
tween the two computers, he ex-
plained. The new machine will
read the Michigan Algorithm De-
coder (MAD) language as the oth-
er did. It will also read two other
languages in which programs may
be written.
"With this newer," faster com-
puter, the computing Center plans
to expand its schedule of about
6,000 jobs per month," Prof. Gal-
ler said. The cost of running pro-
grams will increase to $400 per
hour. This will make the average
student problem cost around $7-
about one minute of computer
time. Sixty per cent of this cost
is underwritten by IBM's Educa
tional Contribution Program and
the other forty per cent by the
The computing center staff in-
cludes graduate students and Uni-
versity staff members plus a few
full-time operators. Some of these
are assistants who provide help
in the writing and debugging of
programs. Others are responsible
for the operating system and lan-
guage translators, such as MAD.
Computer techniques and opera-
tions are taught to students of
Math 373 and Math 473. This year,
111111 7U41
FU' Receives
NSF Grant
yet that refreshing new feeling with Coke!
tled under authority of Ann Arbor Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Coca-Cola Company by Ann Arbor, Michigan
rom the Wonderful World of Knits
The. National Science Founda-
tion has awarded the psychology
department with a $60,000 grant
to remodel and extend its research
facilities in Mason Hall, Prof. Ar-
thur W. Melton of the psychology
department announced yesterday.
These funds will be used to re-
model existing laboratories and
nearly double the number of indi-
vidual research rooms for gradu-
ate students and staff members,
although no new floor space will
be allocated them.
One-third of Mason Hall's third
floor and the half of the basement
which have been too damp to work
in in the summer will be rebuilt
for year-round use, he said.
the combined enrollment of thesec
classes is almost 650.
The IBM 709 will also be used7
in over 90 other courses, not as a
subject of the course, but as a
tool to obtain results for' the
course. Faculty members, govern-
ment and industry-sponsored per-
sons will also use the computer for
their research.
The new machine has some of1
the talents of the old one. But'
the 709 plays a better game of
checkers than the 704 and also
whistles Big Ten fight songs.
From Regents
The Regents accepted 10 re-
quests for leaves of absence at
their meeting Friday.
They granted Prof. Halvor N.
Christensen, chairman of the bio-
chemistry department, a sabbati-
cal leave from Sept. 1, 1961 to
Feb. 1, 1963 to research at the
Ruth A. Floyd, a medical librar-
ian, received sick leave until Nov.
Sick Leave
Prof. Kenneth K. Landes of the
geology department was given sick
leave from Sept. 14 to Oct. 7, 1961.
The Regents granted Raymond,
E. Lewkowicz of the Institute of
Science and Technology leave un-
til June 18, 1962 to complete his
doctoral dissertation.
Prof. Floyd C. Mann of the psy-
chology department received a
leave until Jan. 31, 1962 to serve
as a visiting professor at the
University of Washington.
Cambridge Studies
Prof. Donald J. Merchant of the
bacteriological department was
given a leave for the first semes-
ter of the 1962-1963 academic year,
to study at Cambridge University
in Great Britain.
The Regents gave Prof. James
N. Morgan of the economics de-
partment assignment to off-cam-
pus duty from Feb. 1 through July
31, 1962, to develop research de-
signs in economic and behavioral
Prof. Bernard Naylor of the
pathology department received
leave from Nov. 15, 1961 to June
30, 1961 to join the staff at the
Papanicolaou Cancer Institute in
Request Sick Leave
Helen H. Wild, a public health
librarian, was given sick leave
from Sept. 18 to Oct. 23, 1961.
Prof. Walter S. Wilde of the
physiology department was
granted off-campus duty without
salary in the first semester of the
1962-1963 academic year and sab-
batical leave the second semester
to study- at the Physiology Insti-
tute of the University of Gottingen
in West Germany.
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