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October 22, 1961 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-22

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Regents Accept Gifts, Grants 'What In The World


Gifts, grants and bequests to-
talling $98,681.17 were accepted
by the Regents at a regular
monthly meeting held Friday at
the University's Dearborn Center.'
From Wayne State University,
the Regents accepted $17,625 as
WSU's contribution to the joint-
ly operated Institute of Labor and
Industrial Relations.
Anonymous donors have given
$11,825 to establish a fund for

t zicrea se

hsability to'
An understanding of the truth
contained in Science and
Health with Key to the Scrip-
tures by Mary Baker Eddy can
remove the pressure which con-
cerns today's college student
upon whom increasing de-
mands are being made for
academic excellence.
Christian Science calms fear'
and gives to the student the full
assurance he needs in order to
learn easily and to evaluate.
what he has learned. It teaches
that God is man's Mind-his
only Mind-from which ema-
nates all the intelligence he
needs, when and as he needs it.
Science and Health, the text-
book of Christian Science, may
be read or examined, together
with the Bible, in an atmos-
phere of quiet and peace, at any
Christian Science Reading
Room. Information about Sci-
ence and Health may also be ob-
tained on campus through the
Christian Science
Organization at
The University of Michigan
3545 Student Activities Building
meeting time
7:30 P.M., Thursdays

obstetrics and gynecology research
and teaching.
Chemistry Fellowship
There were two grants totalling
$11,500 from the Upjohn Company
with $10,000 for a fellowship in
pharmaceutical chemistry and
$1,500 for the "Trobicin Fund"
under the direction of Dr. Jack
There were two subscriptions
to the Industry Program of the
College of Education with Lock-
heed Aircraft Corporation, Geor-
gia Division, paying $5,000 for a
full year's subscription and Clark
Equpment' Company makng .a
quarterly payment of $1,250. and
a total of $5,675 was accepted for
the University of Michigan Can-
cer Research Institute of which
American Cancer Society donated
5,000 and the Michigan United
Fund, Inc., $500.
Ihospital School
A third-quarter payment of
$5,000 was accepted from the For-
ey W. Clement Memorial Foun-
dation, Inc., to help. support the
.Hospital School.
From General Electric Foun-
tation, the Regents accepted
$5,000 to establish a fund for
;raduate research and study
rants in mathematics and sta-
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has
given $3700 to the Alfred P. Sloan
National Scholarship Fund.
NEA Reimbursement
The Regents accepted $3,640
from National Education Associa-
tion as the first of two payments
to reimburse the University for
released time of Prof. "Philip S.
Jones who is president of National
Council of Teachers of Mathe-
The final quarterly payment of
$3,583.75 for research under the
direction of Dr. Edward F. Domi-
no of the Medical School was ac-
cepted from Tobacco Industry Re-
search Committee.
Six scholarships will be sup-
ported with $3,310 received from
American Foundation for Phar-
maceutical Education.
A predoctoral fellowship in
chemistry will be established with
$3,300 received from Esso Re-
search and Engineering Company.
The Regents accepted $2,000
from Behavioral Science Research
Inc., for research dealing with the
effects of drugs on behavior under
the direction of Dr. James G.
Miller of the Mental Health Re-
search Institute.
From Scott Paper Company
Foundation the Regents accepted
$1,500 representing the first se-
mester payments on two scholar-
shops of $500 each plus $500 as
an unrestricted grant.
Engineering Scholarship
The Regents accepted $1,500
from Westinghouse Electric Cor-
poration for an engineering schol-
arship. The Omaha University of
Michigan Alumni Association has
given $1,438.88 for the associa-
tion's scholarship fund.
Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc.,
has given $1,300 with $900 for a
scholarship in geology and $400
for use by the geology department.
From Parke, Davis & Co., the Re-
gents accepted $1,250 for phar-
macology research.
Eye .Bank
Michigan Lions Eye Bank has
given $1,200 for the Michigan Eye
Collection Center in the Medical
Center. The Regents accepted
$1,200 from James S. Kemper
Foundation to reactivate a fellow-
ship in actuarial science."
It's not too late to sub-
.scribe to the -Daily. Only
7.00 now for the rest of
the year.

Reader's Digest Foundation has
given $1,000 to provide travel ex-
penses for journalism students
doing research in the preparation
of news stories.
Gulf Oil Corporation has made
cal engineering department.
a grant of $1,000 to the mechani-
Frank Scholarship
The Regents accepted $1,000
from the Harrison Jules Frank
and Leon Harrison Frank Me-
morial Corporation for the me-
morial scholarship in the name
of the corporation.
The Regents refused to accept a
$5,000 grant from the will of Dr.
Lawrence Reynolds of Detroit, as
the document is being probated.
LSA Dean
Vilews CA
The Central Intelligence Agency
is presently recruiting high calibre
college graduates for its foreign
programs, James H. Robertson,
associate dean of the literary col-
lege, said.
Robertson, who recently re-
turned from Washington where
he met with top CIA officials, al-
so discussed intelligence work in
As personnel consultant for the
CIA at the University, Robertson
is in a position to counsel those
students interested in a possible
career and to help advise on the
effectiveness of the CIA training
No Illusions
"Many of those who apply have
illusions about the romance of
foreign espionage and overseas as-
signments. What the CIA is look-
ing for is the qualified, dedicated
young man or woman who is gen-
pinely interested in the hard work
needed to rise quickly to a re-
sponsible position in the agency,"
he said.
If an applicant shows intellec-
tual ability, deep sympathy for
democratic ideals, knowledge of
a foreign area and ability in its
language and a real desire to work
for the United States government
in its foreign affairs without pub-
lic prestige or tangible reward, he
may be eligible for membership
in the Junior Officer Training
Program, Robertson said.
Potential Specialists
The Junior Officers Training
Program is organized to select,
motivate, train, and appropriately
place young men and women who
have the potential to be outstand-
ing specialists or to develop as
senior officials of the Agency.
"The CIA is a very select group,
interested in the quality, not the
quantity of its staff. Each year
perhaps only one, two or three
students enter the agency from
this campus. Yet the . training
program for these few is exceed-
ingly good and does full justice to
the intellectual promise of the
candidates," Robertson said.
Arrange nterviews
If the University applicant
merits serious consideration for
the i training program, Robertson
will arrange an interview with an
agency representative who makes
periodic trips to the campus.
If a University applicant is ac-
cepted by the CIA, Robertson rare-
ly hears anything more about
him. "I try not to, for the nature
of the work of a Central Intelli-
gence officer is necessarily se-
cretive. Knowing more than I
need to can conceivably prejudice
the usefulness of his work," he


have created outstanding
career opportunities for
with or working on advanced degrees
Assignments include the following areas:

Heat Transfer-relating to mis-
sile and space vehicle structures
Servo-Mechanisms-relating to
all types of control problems.
Electronic Systems--relating to
all types of guidance, detection,
control and communications
Propulsion--relating to fluid-
mechanics, thermodynamics,
dynamics, internal aerodynamics
Environmental -relating to air
conditioning, pressurization and
oxygen systems

Structures-relating to cyclic
loads, temperature effects, and the
investigation of new materials,
methods, products, etc.
Aerodynamics-relating to wind
tunnel, research, stability and
Solid State Physics -relating to
metal surfaces and fatigue
Space vehicle and weapon
system studies-of all types,
involving a vast range of scientific
and engineering skills

Get full information at


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