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October 19, 1961 - Image 1

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Y r

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

40 -11w, a t

Colder with chance
of showers

VOL. LXXII, No. 28




SNockel Approves
Rtevised Dress Rules
Residents To Wear Shorts, Slacks,
To Breakfasts, Lunches, On Trial
New dress regulations will go into effect at Stockwell Hall today.
Stockwell residents will be permitted to wear bermuda shorts and
slacks to all breakfasts and lunches on a trial basis, subject to review
by the house council and the staff.
Items Banned
No sweatshirts, bluejeans or blouses not-tucked-in will be allowed.
The new rules were initially voted on in corridor meetings and
the action was referred to the council. Monday night the council and






. administrative justice
Wade lew s
Role of Law
The mission of the law in ad-
ministrative justice is to enable
government to, wield power with-
out forgetting justice, Prof. H. W.
R. Wade of St. John's College,
Oxford University, said in the
ture yesterday.
first 1961 Law School Cooley Lee-
The job of making the State
"act as an honest man" is done
differently in Britain, but the
element of providing justice in
administration is the same, he
said. Both the United Kingdom
and the United States insure jis-
tice by tranfering the concepts
of fair, open and ihpartial legal
procedures from law to adminis-
trative functions, he said.
In the United States, Constitu-
tional guarantees of civil 'rights
and the separation of powers in-
sure justice, whereas the English-
man has no constitutional guaran-
tees and .also has, an omnipotent
parliment. However, a conjunction:
of power rather than' separation.
safeguards English justice, he
Receptive to Reforms
The connection between private
right and state power is so clear
to the common Englishman that
the , public is very receptive to
legal reforms, and the ministerial
responsibility of the parlimentary
system makes the recall of a min-
ister who has not rendered justice
very easy.
Thus, the fusion of the admin-
istrative and legislative functions
in Britain actually safeguards ad-
ministrative eqiuity, he said.
However, a study set up in 1958
to review justice in administration.
was initiated because the "univer-
sity of justice concepts has not
penetrated to the Administration."
This was because the system of
tribunals had become too diversi-
fied to observe general principles
of justice, he said.
The number of appeals that are'
won in English courts demon-
strates that lawyers and. judges are
not infallible in their judgments,
Prof. Wade said.
Ford, UAW
Cease, Talks
,At Key Plant
DETROIT WP)-Ford Motor Co.
and, the United Auto Workers
Union broke off negotiations yes-
terday on an at-the-plant work-
ing agreement for a key plant

,staff reviewed the situation 'nd
decided, jointly, to allow the pro-
posed plan to go into effect for
the trial period.
To Review Procedures
After the trial, both council
members and staff will review the
procedures and decide if the plan
has succeeded and should become
Mrs. Marjorie McCoy, coordinat-
ing director for Stockwell, said
that the formulation of standards
was "a philosophy of the girls
themselves. The meeting between
the staff and the girls was both
fruitful and productive."
Stockwell President Mary Ann
Leon, '63, stressed that the coop-
eration between the staff and the
residents in initiating the new
rules was fundamental in insti-
tuting the new rules.
Other Innovations
Other innovations to be initiat-
ed on the trial basis include smok-
ing at the Sunday noon meal and
a new method of gathering for
sit-down dinners to alleviate con-
gestion in the halls.
Miss Leon said that the dorm is
looking into the possibility of hav-
ing after dinner speakers so that
.the served dinner night will be
more enjoyable, and a more in-
tellectual atmosphere can be pro-
vided within the dorm.
This proposal includes the ad-
dition of music during dinner.
In Other Dorms
Both Alice Lloyd and Mary
Markley Halls now haveregula-
tions which allow girls to wear
bermudas to breakfast, but Stock-
well is the first dormitory to in-
stitute rules allowing slacks for
Dormitory dress regulations are
formed by the particular house
government. Each house is allow-
ed to vary its own rules as it sees
fit, according to Assembly Dormi-
tory Council philosophy.
Con-Con Sets
Budget Total
Of $1.9 Million
By The Associated Press
LANSING - The constitutional
convention yesterday adopted a
$1.9 million budget, including sal-
aries for 76 employes.
The budget leaves the conven-
tion with $72,765 of its two-million
dollar appropriation for the Legis-
A jurisdictional quarrel between
two committees flared up yeterday
with one being accused of a "'power
The charge came from Frank
Millard (R-Flint) of the 'Legisla-
tive Powers Committee.
It was levelled at the Committee
on Miscellaneous Provisions and
Schedule, headed by Claud R.
Erickson (R-Lansing).
To Investigate Issues'
Erickson's committee said Tues-
day that as part of its preparation
of sections of -a new constitution
it would look into matters dealing
with corporations, eminent do-
main, personal property and home-
stead exemptions.
The Legislative Powers Com-
mittee, headed by T. Jefferson
Hoxie (R-St. Louis) took a dim
view of Erickson's move.
Hoxie brought the subject up
this morning at a ,meeting of all
major committee chairmen with
Stephen S. Nisbet, convention
Requests Statement
The chairmhen voted to ask each
committee to present a statement
on what sections of the present
constitution each thought in its
Nisbet said that if any conflicts
developed, with more than one

committee claiming the right to
work on a certain subject, the com-
mittee on rules, and possibly even-
tually, the convention officers

Fee Hike
Program, WouldAd
St Budget
Niehuss Sees No 'U' Plans To Offer
State Similar Proposal at This Time
Officials of Wayne State University yesterday offered the
Senate Appropriations Committee and the House Ways and
Means Committee a deal: WSU will increase student fees if
the Legislature will match the new sum with an increased
The university offered to increase its tuition by $1.25 a
credit hour for an estimated $217,000 hike every semester.
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss
said that the University had no plans for such an offer to the


SGC Action
A motion regarding violation of
operating procedures during exec-
utive sessions was passed after
roll-call vote by Student Govern-
ment Council early this morning.
The motion, by David Croysdale,
'62, and William Gleason, '63,
stresses that Council members
must abide by last week's deci-
sion which says they may, not
divulge any information about
proceedings at an executive ses-
sion unless the body decides by
majority vote to 'do so.
, Expressing regret that "such
procedures have, in fact, already
been violated," it says "implicat-
ing statements" made by Coun-
cil members to. the general con-
stituency jeopardize the "entire
spirit and philosophy and pervad-
ing spirit pervading opeiating pro-
dures, rules and regulations."
SGC Disturbed
The third point of the motion
states that SGC is "disturbed over
the violation of SGC executive
session operating procedures by
Council member John Roberts, '62
(Daily Editor) in .his editorial of
Oct. 14.
"That violation consists of pub-
lication of the sentence . .. "it died
with a shudder two weeks ago
when the Council refused to seat
Robert Ross ('63) and Sharon Jef-
frey ('63) because they were too
Extenuating Circumstances
"SGC realizes though, that there
were certain extenuating circum-
stances in this particular instance,
but in no way implies approval of
this violation."
In favor of the motion were
Union President Paul Carder, '62;
Gleason; Inter-Quadrangle Coun-
cil President Thomas Moch,'62E;
Inter-Fraternity Council President
Robert Peterson, '62; Arthur Ros-
enbaum, '62; James Yost, '63;
John Vos, '63, and Croyesdale.
Opposed were Kenneth McEl-
downey, '62; Women's League
President Bea Nemlaha, '62; John
Martin, '62, and Assembly Associa-
tion President Sally Jo Sawyer, '62.
Brian Glick.'6 2,yabstained.

Legislature at this time, but
he noted that University Pres-
ident Harlan H. Hatcher had
prompted the Legislature to
establish a proportion for re-
sponsibility of funds. i.e. the
University would supply 23 per
cent of its budget and the
state would supply the bal-
Niehuss said the University
presently had no plans to meet
with the two legislative commit-
tees, but he indicated that Uni-
versity officials might well be ask-
ed to meet with these legislators.
Regents to Discuss
He added that the Regents
would surely discuss the WSU deal
at their meeting in Dearborn to-
In Lansing, WSU President
Clarence Hilberry proposed, to
raise the spring tuition from $140
to $155 for in-state students, and
the WSU Board of Governors ask-
ed the Legislature to supplement
the current operating budget of
$15.5 million by an equal amount
for the current fiscal year which
ends June. 30.
Proposes Budget
Hilberry also proposed a three-
year* graduated budget increase
beginning with the switch from
the semester to the quarter sys-
tem next fall.
Under that plan, student fees
would increase $600,000 the first
year and the Legislature 'would
allocate $2.4 million.
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field) said "we will be very happy
to look into this. I think the plan
has merit, but I would be unwill-
ing to say as yet which way I
would vote on it."
He complimented WSU saying
"I think it is very worthy you are
trying to help yourselves with our
assistance. Maybe this will be the
beginning of something that Will
stimulate more cooperation "be-
tween the Legislature and the uni-
League To Hold
Hyde Park Today
All interested persons are in-
vited to take part in the Women's
League sponsored Hyde Park from
3-5:30 p.m. today on the diag.
Many of the Student Government
Council candidates will be pres-
ent, and all students are free to
express their opinions on any
topic. A second Hyde Park will
be held Nov. 2.-

--AP Wirephoto
MOSCOW GREETING-Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev greets Red Chinese Premier Chou
En-Lai. Later in the meeting of the Soviet Party Congress Khrushchev implied that Red China wasn't
toeing the line.
UN To Consider Nuclear Ban

Khrushchev, Chou Grow Coot

United Nations Political Commit-
tee overrode Soviet opposition and
voted yesterday to give urgent
consideration to the issue of halt-
ing nuclear weapons tests.
Actual debate will begin today
in the 101-nation committee. The
United States and other Western
Taylor, Diem
View Threat
Of Russians
SAIGON, South Viet Nam (A)--
United States Gen. Maxwell D.
Taylor and President Ngo Dinh
Diem discussed the rising guerril-
la campaign of the Communists
against South Viet Nam for three
hours yesterday and arranged to
meet again Saturday.
"No conclusions were reached
and no decisions made," a Unit-
ed States spokesman said, on new
means to cope with the Red threat
to this southeast Asian republic
of 13 million.
In fact,, it was announced, "no
decisions are to be made in Sai-
gon." Instead the mission of Tay-
lor, President Kennedy's military
adviser and specialist on cold war
strategy problems, is one of stor-
ing up information on which to
base recommendations after his
return home, the spokesman said.
One of Taylor's problems is to
determine whether there should
be American military intervention
in South Viet Nam. Kennedy is
reported extremely reluctant to
send' in combat troops.I

powers are expected to assail the
Soviet Union for its announced
plans to cap its current series of
atmospheric tests with a 50-ton
megaton bomb blast.
In two important votes the So-
viet Bloc took a beating.,
By a vote of 83 to 10 with four'
abstentions the Committee, de-
cided to list as its first item of
business an Indian proposal for
a new voluntary moratorium on
nuclear testing. Only the 'nine-
nation Soviet Bloc and Cuba voted
Then the Committee approved
a United States move to debate
simultaneously the Indian pro-
posal and a United States-British
resolution on the urgent need for
a treaty to end tests under effec-
tive international control.
The vote was 54 to 13 with 31
abstentions. The Soviet Bloc,
Cuba, Mali, India and Senegal
voted no. The abstentions were
cast mostly by non-committed na-
tions who took part in the recent'
Belgrade Conference.
Soviet Deputy Foreign ,Minis-
ter Valerian A. Zorin immediately

denounced the Committee's de-
cisions. Taking the floor after
the vote, he said the debate "can-
not have any positive results."
He reiterated the Soviet po-
sition that the .nuclear test ban
issue should be considered only
within the framework of "general
and complete disarmament."
The United States opposed In-
dia's demand the proposal for a
voluntary moratorium be given
top billing by the committee.
United States delegate Arthur.
Dean said that the United States
put prime emphasis on ,a treaty
providing effective controls, but
that it had no objection to debat-
ing both proposals at 'the same
Dean charged Tuesday that 'the
Soviet Union sought to trick the
world into accepting a moratorium
after it ends its current tests.
He has warned the Committee
also that the United States may
be forced to re-examine the ques-
,tion of resuming atmospheric
tests. Thus far the ..United States
has only resumed underground

MOSCOW (M - The signs of
coolness between the Communist
Chinese delegationheaded by Pre-
mier Chou En-Lai and Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev grew
more pronounced yesterday at the
Soviet Party Congress.
Tuesday Chou and his delega-
tion would not join in the ap-
plause for, Khrushchev's attacks
on the anti-party group and Stalin
policy in general.
Yesterday at the end of his six-
hour speech, Khrushchev headed
back- toward the row of seats
where Chou, Polish party chief
Wladyslaw Gomulka and others
sat during 'the Congress session.
The Chinese Premier strolled off
the stage, his hands in his pock-
ets, before Khrushchev arrived for
a round of handshaking.
Shakes Hands
Khrushchev shook hands with
all the others. They remained be-
hind apparently to congratulate.
him on his speech outlining The
program of the Communist party
which the Congress is acting on.
In his second speech Krush-
chev declared yesterday the Soviet
Union means to haveall the n-
essary nuclear and missile weap-
ons of every range to crush anyone
"challenging us to war."
But he said his "main chal-
lenge" to the capitalist world it
the 20-year program he laid 'be-
f ore 'the apiplauidn9 22nd Sovet''
P'arty Congress yserdy and .It
can be fulfilled successfully only
in the conditions of peace.",
Huge Bomb
Khrushchev, who Tuesday spoke
of exploding a 50-megaton bomb
2,500 times the size of the first
atomic bomb at Hiroshima, prom-
ised as he has before to "disband
our army and sink our atomic
bombs and missiles in the ocean."
But this promise was on the
condition there is an agreement
on general and complete.disarma-
ment under strict international
control. Western disarmament ne-
gotiators never have lbeen 'able to
get a satisfactory agreement 'on
Police Attack
AntiTruj ilo
lice attacked demonstrators with
clubs yesterday in one of the
worst flareups of violence since
the Rafael Trujillo, assassination
last May in the Dominican Repub-
It was the third straight day of
anti-government demonstrations
touched off by the closing of San-
to Domingo University. Rioting
broke out in the country's, major
Clashes between rock-hurling
youths and police near the heart
of this capital climaxed a day f
unrest. Police waded into a crowd 1
of. shouting youths and beat at
least a dozen unconscious.
Police drew' revolvers as a
shower of stones fell around them
but they withheld fire. Most busi-
nesses along the city's main streets
closed down.
At least four other persons were
hurt earlier as students axld work-
ers rioted here and in Santiago,
Puerto Plata, Moca, La Vega and
San Pedro de Macoris.
More than 20 demonstrators
were arrested in Santiga where
police fired shots into the air and
turned on waterhoses to break up
stone-hurling crowds.
MISU Students
Hold Pep Rall
SpecialTo The Daily.

Hayes Analyzes Foreign Aid 1

Nigertan Corpsman Gets
Transfer to Puerto Rico
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Peace Corps Director Sargent Shriver said
yesterday Margery Michelmore, who raised a Nigerian storm for the
Peace Corps, "has not resigned from the Corps and we do not want
her to."
He made the statement shortly after the United States Embassy.
in Lagos announced Miss Michelmore would leave today on a BOAC
"flight for London, via Rome. In-
stead she left Nigeria yesterday
for Puerto Rico to make a fresh
start in the United States Peace
roBefore she flew off, the govern-
ment announced, she expressed
,"regret at her thoughtless act" in
Prof. Hayes said that studies writing the postcard that went,
show which countries are ready. astray.
for "take-off" and that concen- The 23-year-old Foxboro, Mass.,
frtke-o andthousatdcoengirl, whose implied criticism of
trated and continuous aid should Nigerian living conditions raised
.be given these few countries, a storm, left by air for London.
The Task Force and the Presi- The United States Embassy of-
dent had asked for a five-year ficial spokesman said she plans
borrowing authority to finance the to go directly from London to
project. Congress, however, only San Juan, Puerto Rico, to report
promised to honor continuing to the Peace Corps unit there.

The newly appointed director of
the Center for Research on Eco-
nomic Development explained the
President's new foreign aid pro-
gram at a seminar last night.
Prof. Samuel Hayes of the eco-
nomic department analyzed the
work of the President's Task Force
on Foreign Economic Assistance,

economic recovery or defense sup-
The new organization is intend-
ed to eliminate delay in authoriz-
ing projects and facilitate deci-
sion making, he said.
The Task Force proposals urged,
that foreign aid not be used to
buy allies or air bases but to bet-
ter educational and health facili-

:,. >.:

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