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October 19, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-19

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Freud's belief that religion is
really an illusion which "needs to
be overcome so that morality can
be based on more solid ground"
was the main point of discussion
on Sigmund Freud's, "The Future
of an Illusion."
The book was discussed at last
night's Student Government
Council's reading and discussion
seminar conducted by Prof. Wil-
ford McKeachie of the psychology
department and Prof. Frederick
Wyatt of the psychology depart-
Prof. McKeachie pointed out
that Freud believes that all men
have certain basic, primitive drives
such as cruelty, selfishness and
hex. If man is to :get along in
society, he must maintain con-
trol of these drives. Thus civiliza-
tion uses religion to keep these
drives in check in a non-rational
Freud, comparing society to a
child who grows up and becomes
independent, claims that as so-
ciety grows up and is better able
to cope with these drives, religion
will be given up. He then dis-
cusses the possibility that, be-
cause morality is so closely tied
with religion, as we lose religion
we will also lose morality.
"The Future of an Illusion"
does not provide a substitute for
religion. Through discussion with
an imaginary opponent, Freud in-
fers that as religion is becoming
outdated it should be followed by
rational insight into the world
of which the chief expression
would be science. His philisophy
is that any question that science-
cannot' answer is not likely to be
answered by anything.
Commenting on the statement
that "there is more comfort in
religion than .in science," Wyatt
citedthe.theme of the book;
"there may be comfort in religion,
but at what cost?" This comfort
is based on an illusion, he said.

Archeologist Discovers 'Missing Link
potassium-argon method at the anthropology department, m
Two "missing links" in man's University of California. In this an approximate halfway point
history may have been filled in process the amount of argon "40, tween the Zinjanthropus and
recently by Prof. Louis Leakey, the product of unstable potassium Neanderthal man, and is like
a British archeologist working in 40, is measured, and from this da- though not closely related to,
South Africa in the Olduvai ta, the time at which the potas- type known as Pithicanthropu
George, according to Rodger Heg- sium 40 began to disintegrate is
lar of the anthropology depart- measured. The potassium-argon "M -
ment. method is more accurate than the
Leakey's find consists of. two carbon 14 method for dating ob- M en
bone chips; one, a skull and some jects over 100,000 years old, since By The AssociatedPress
small bones of a boy born ap- the latter has a half life of 50,000
proximately 1,750,000 years ago, years while potassium 40 is half maturity of college boys is t
and other bone fragments and gone in nearly two million years.
a jaw of a man about 400,000 The argon produced can be meas- greatest complaint of Mic
years old. The older bones are be- ured more accurately than the gan State University coeds,
lieved to have come from the carbon products. cording to a poll of three M.
homonid "zinjanthropus," while The importance of the Chelean women's dormitories, housi
the newer ones form parts of the man comes mainly from the pres- nearly 300 each.
Chelean man, especially interest- ence of a handaxe found near his Comments included: "P
ing because of his toolmaking abil- remains, showing his level of tool sonally, I prefer the horses a
ity. development. Previously Chelean cattle," and "if you want
The bones were dated by the I axes and men of the Chelean per- te-tualsmulation, don't


to be efinitly idetifieJas orn-~ for her opinion of MSU males.
Pln Rules ing from the same period.e fi
Use of Bolo per cent of the girls was "nice,"
A second indication of the Chel- fifteen per cent stated that the
O f P arking cnmnsitliec shsue "e"wr o maue of the bolo, a hunting weapon Comments denouncing th
ean man's intelligence is his use "men~ were too immature.
made of three leather-wrapped Spartans included "men?", "too
Parking will not bepermi stones tied together with long childish," "youngish," "very
be then south side of nd Streets 'leather thongs which, w h e n im m a t u r e," and "they're
benwen Fifth Avenue and Wash- thrown spinning, entangle an ani- misnamed if they're called
days when the University has a mal's legs. The device is still used Tsmen.".
das hn h Uivrit asaby :Argentine gauchoes. That was not all. Almost 13,
home football game, the Ann Ar- The Cheleanman according to per cent of the girls found them
bor Police Department announced Prof. Frank B. Livingstone of the inconsiderate, 12 per cent call-
yesterday. Po.Fa B.Lvgtnoth inniea,1pectcaed them anti-social and stuck
The restriction would hopefully up, and 10 per cent thought the
provide additional traffic lanes CFM Announces boys were handing them a big
for the movement of vehicles line. Nine per cent said they
traveling both to and from the First Fall Parley were shy, hard to handle, or
stadium. ' just plain "isk."
Signs have been posted and any The Ann Arbor Chapter of the The remaining 18 per cent of.
cars found parked there will be Citizens for Michigan has an- the girls joined with the 23 per
towed away at the owners ex- nounced its first fall meeting for cent who though the MSU men
pense and impounded said R. J. 8 p.m. today in the public meeting were 'nice, calling them any-
Gainsley, Chief of Police. He room of the Ann Arbor Public Li- thing from "terrific" to "polite
urged cooperation with the meas- brary. All interested persons are and friendly."
ure. invited to attend.
'U' Takes Precautions for Fire Safety
halls are built with two exit stair- explained, and this is checked
The University, on the whole, ways for each unit area, or wing every day to insure that it is in
makes a very conscious effort to in larger units, and equipped with working order.
perserve the safety and welfare fire extinguishers. Further pro- Burkhouse said that the resi-
of the students who are living at visions include enclosed stairwells dence hall system also checks each
the University, Ann Arbor Fire and fire doors used for smoke dormitory to assure the residents
I Marshall John R. Williams said barriers. of safe equipment. In addition the
yesterday. The basic alarm system within insurance companies which insure
After the recent Alice Lloyd the residence halls is the one ap- each building check periodically
Hall fire,- much concern has been proved by the state fire marshall's and make sure that the dorms are
expressed regarding fire preven- office, Leonard Schaadt, residence safe for living.
tion in residence halls. "The Uni- hall business manager said yes-
versity is greatly concerned about terday., - _-
fire as well as other safety pre-.-.Fire Mechanism. I
vention programs within the living
units," Assistant Dean for Hous:- For example, in the older dor-
ing Elsie Fuller said. mitories the rooms have a fire
But, she pointed out, the re- mechanism which automatically
sponsibility of the individual fire sets off an alarm when the tem
program rests wi t he house and perature of the room is too high.
'its house government. But, this system has been aban-
'U' Conforms ' doned and the new systems in
Williams explaired that the halls such as Mary Markley and
University conforms to the regu- Lloyd are the most efficient types,
lations of the state building codes he explained.
and the state fire marshall's of- The fire alarm system in these
fice. newer dorms is not automatic. If
This means that the residence the switch is pulled, the alarm is


. , discusses Freud



Thurs. and Fri., 7:00 and 9:00
Sat. at 7:00, Sun. at 2:00 and 7:00

On the International Film
Critics' list of the best 12 films
of all time, Carl Dreyer's Pas-
sion of Joan of Arc, which Cin-
ema Guild showed last fall, is
No. 4. Had Dreyer not made
this film, in which all the ;tech-
niques of the silent era are
utilized to build up a work of
unbearable Intensity, the can-
didate might well be for the.
same position Day of Wrath, a
sound film made about twenty'
years later. Dreyer's film work
shows no advances; completely
involved in the problem of evil
and good, his movies make no
more concessions to the spirit
of time than to technological
Much less complex for our
modern ears and eyes than
Bergman and Bunuel, he pre-
sents films that take us back to

Note: A Star Is Born, be-
cause of its length, will be
shown only at 7:00 on Satur-
day, and at 2:00 and 7:00 on
A Star Is Born is the story
of a pair of star-crossed actors:
a young girl (Judy Garland)
soaring toward Hollywood star-
dom, and a falling Hollywood
star (James Mason) trying to
make his life meaningful by
helping this star be born.
Amazingly, this is one of
those rare films which, when it
appeared, reviewers stood up en
masse to applaud. Bennett Cerf
wrote: "I'd say that I've seen
two thousand movies in my
day, give or take a hundred in
either direction. Of these pos-
sibly half a dozen hit me with
such impact that I'll remember
them for the rest of my life . ..
and now comes another, just
about the most exciting of all:
the new musical version of A
Star Is Born. There is not one
false inte.in Mo~ss Hart's su-



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