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October 11, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-11

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11, 1961


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U.S. Recognizes
New Syrian State
American Move Follows Arabian;
Spain. Reports Similar Action'
WASHINGTON ()-The United States extended formal recogni-
tion to the new Syrian republic yesterday, 12 days after that Middle
Eastern state dramatically split from President Gamal Abdel Nas-
ser's tVnted Arab Republic.
s The official word was conveyed to the fledgling regime of Pre-
mier Mamon Al Kuzbari in Damascus by Ridgway B. Knight, who is
getting a promotion out of the decision. The American announcement

UN Debates
Syrian Seat
By The Associated Press
More than a dozen countries of
the East and West have recogniz-
ed -the newly independent Syria
since it broke away from the Unit-
ed Arab Republic in the Sept. 28-
29 military coup.
And negotiations were reported
well under way last night behind
the scenes at the United Nations
to seat a Syrian delegation again
in the 100-nation General Assem-
There is a technical question to
be decided: .yhether Syria should
be, reseated as one of the 51 char-
ter member nations, dating from
the 1945 San Francisco confer-
ence, or become member 101.
Syria's membership was dissolved
when it joined Egypt in 1958 to
form President Gamal Abdel Nas-
ser's UAR.
A similar quandary arose When
India, which. had been. admitted
as a charter member while still
under British rule in 1945, was
partitioned in 1947. The Pakistanis
insisted they should share charter
member status with India but
were overruled and admitted in
the then prevailing sequence.
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"was followed quickly by word from
Spain that it,, too, had extended
'recognition to Syria.
Knight has been American con-
sul general at the Syrian capital.
Now the career foreign service
officer will reign as charge d'af-
faires in charge of the post ele-
vated to embassy :rank, pending
President John F. Kennedy's ap-
pointment of an ambassador.
Formal Statement
State Department Press Officer
'Joseph W. Reap announced the
action by saying:
"The United States govern-
ment, having taken note of the
declaration of the government. of
the Syrian Arab Republic that it
intends to respect and observe its
i international obligations, has to-
day extended recognition to it."
United States policy makers
hoped they had brought, off the
establishment of formal diplo-
matic relations with Syria without
stirring the easily stirred Middle
East and without much ruffling
of Nasser's feathers.
Nasser Opposed
Nasser, who aspires to leader-
ship of the Arab world, had asked
that recognition not be granted to
the VAR'breakaway. Washington,
which has been on increasingly
good terms with Nasser, was in no
haste to set up relations with
Syria as an independent state.
The Communist bloc, starting
with the Soviet Union, began ex-
tending recognition last weekend.
Tunisian Move
'Perhaps more important from
Washington's standpoint was Tu-
nisia's recognition of Syria Mon-
day, for United States diplomats
had been waiting for a lead from
the Arab nations themselves.
Iraq and Jordan have also an-
nounced recognition.
United States recognition of the
land which had joined Egypt to
form the PAR in 1958 was in the
cards after Nasser abandoned any
serious attempt to retake it.

Riots Lead
To Dispute
Inidia, Pakistan
TTrade Protests
NEW DELHI (A-Hindu-Mos-
lem riots in which 32 persons have
been killed in the past week turn-
ed into recriminations yesterday
between India and Pakistan
President Mohammed A y u b
Khan of Pakistan called the kill-
ing of Moslems in Uttar Pradesh
state disgusting and a disgrace
and ordered his envoy in New
Delhi to protest.
Agha Hilaly, the envoy, deliv-
ered the protest orally to Badrud-
cdin Tyabi, a Foreign Office spe-
cial secretary, and asked that a
Pakistan official be allowed to in-
spect the troubled areas.
Premature Publicity
Tyabji, himself a Moslem, was
said by a spokesman to have com-
plained that premature publicity
about the protest was an "extra-
ordiyary procedure, undiplomatic,
unfriendly and provocative."
He said the Pakistan press "has
literally gone wild in its com-
ments" and called the statement
by Ayub "unfortunate." He ap-
pealed to Pakistan's leaders not
to do anything that would inflame
passions and make the Indian gov-
ernment's task more difficult.
He said a visit to the disturbed
areas by a Pakistani official would
be considered when the situation
was stabilized.
Under Control
Chief Minister C. B. Gupta of
Uttar Pradesh, Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru's home state,
said at his capital, Lucknow, that
besides 32 killed, 200 have been
injured and 1,300 arrested.
He said the situation is now
under control except at Meerut,
40 miles north of New Delhi,
where 15 persons were killed. He
did not disclose how many were
Moslems and how many Hindus.
Make Curfew
Disturbed areas are under cur-
few. Extra police have gone on
duty in crowded New Delhi, where
Moslems and Hindus live in ex-
tremely packed circumstances.
The trouble broke out at the
Moslem University at Aligarh, 75
miles southeast of New Delhi, as
the result of an election contest-
ed by Hindu and Moslem stu-
The violence raised vivid mem-
ories of the mass killings that ac-
companied the separation of India
and Pakistan when they gained
their independence in 1947.
Plan Bombings
Of Hurricanes
For Control
Weather Bureau said yesterday it
will soon begin a study of the
feasibility of using conventional or
nuclear bombs to break up hurri-
Francis J. Reichelderfer, bureau
chief, said he hopes that first
actual experiments with especial-
ly-made conventional TNT bombs
"might be conducted in the next
two or three years."
As to nuclear bombs, he said
that even if theoretical studies
indicated they might prove prac-

tical as hurricane fighters, any,
use of them would require na-
tional policy decision regarding
nuclear tests in the atmosphere.
The whole business of using
bombs of any type, he said, "is
still only in the gleam-in-the-eye
The Weather Bureau chief made
the comments to reporters follow-
4ing a National Press Club lunch-
eon talk on the subject of hurri-
During his talk, he referred
briefly to discussion-stage plans
for "laboratory experiments and
experiments in the open air with
bombs," and newsmen asked him
to amplify.
Reichelderfer said a nuclear
bomb of the megaton class-one
million tons of TNT equivalent-
might "do something" to a hur-

Teamsters To Stay.
Outside of AFL-CIO
Federation Executive Re-Affirms
Stand on Hoffa-Led Organization
NEW YORK (4)-The AFL-CIO high command voted overwhelm-
ingly yesterday against readmitting the expelled Teamsters Union.
It also reported applications from about 100 Teamsters locals
seeking to quit James R. Hoffa's union.
George Meany, AFL-CIO presidefit, said applications have been
piling up from Teamsters locals trying to leave Hoff a's organization
and join the AFL-CIO. He said 40 such applications have been re-
ceived since August when a number of local defections were reported.
Meany said the decision by the AFL-CIO Executive Council to
maintain the four-year Teamsters exile from the larger organization
trepresented a firm belief that

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Open Books
Teamsters Union was ordered
yesterday to open its financial
records to inspection by the La-
bor Department to support its
financial reports under the
Landrum-Griffin labor law.
The Labor Department said
the order, by Federal District
Judge Matthew F. McGuire, up-
held the authority of Labor
Secretary Arthur J. Goldberg to
look behind the formal reports
by checking the union's own
A similar ruling had been
made last Aug. 16 by the United
States Sixth Circuit Court of
Appeals in a ruling affecting
two Michigan locals of the
Ford, Union
Seem Hopeful
Of Strike End
DETROIT (P)-Ford Motor Co.
and the United Auto Workers-
apparently confident of a settle-
mentdby tomorrow afternoon, re-
cessed top-level talks yesterday
after bargaining on production
UAW President Walter P.
Reuther and Malcolm L. Denise,
Ford vice-president and bargain-
ing chief, headed teams seeking
settlement of the last two na-
tional non-economic issues stand-
ing in the way of ending the eight-
day-old strike of 120,000 hourly
Shortly before 5 p.m. they an-
nounced a recess until 10 a.m. to-
Reuther said, "we discussed pro-
duction standards, one of the most
serious problems we have to work
out. The company now knows our
full position."
Denise said the number of un-
ion stewards paid by Ford to han-
dle union grievances also was dis-
cussed. He said there was a full
discussion of issues but no conclu-
World News
By The Associated Press
CAPE TOWN-The entire pop-
ulation of Tristan De Cunha, in
the middle of the South Atlantic,
took to boats yesterday to escape
the terrors of earthquakes and a
volcanic eruption.
The captain of rescue ship Tris-
tania said all the 260 men, wom-
en and children were jammed
aboard his vessel and another res-
cue ship,- Frances Repetto, and
takento Nightingale Island.
* * *
NORFOLK - Contingents of a
reported 5,000-man force arrived
here by train yesterday for em-
barkation to Europe as part of
the nation's build-up there.
WASHINGTON - Italian De-
fense Minister Giulio *Andreotti
will visit Washington Oct. 15-17
for talks with key U.S. officials,
the Pentagon announced yester-
NEW YORK-Wide gains by to-
bacco and electronics inspired an
irregular, moderately active stock
market to a late buying wave, re-
sulting in a higher list for the

U.S.-USSR Talks Fail
To Reach Agreement
On Secretary-General

Hoff a is "unfit to head a trade
The council vote was announced
officially as 25-2 to reject a move
to take back the Teamsters, but
a third vote reported later in
favor of the Teamsters would make
the count 24-3.
In Portland, Hoffa had only one
comment on the AFL-CIO action:
"Who asked 'em?"
Meany said that the Teamsters,
the nation's largest single labor
group, are dominated by corrupt
and criminal elements now more
than at the time of their expul-
sion four years ago, after a series
of Senate disclosures.
Hold Back Plan
The AFL-CIO chiefs reserved
for decision later this week pro-
posals to establish a rival truck
drivers' union in the federation to
try to seize Hoffa's members. An-
other proposal is to establish a
truck drivers' organizing commit-
tee, which would be about the
same thing.
The question of taking back the
Teamsterssurely will come up
again at the federation's conven-
tion at Miami Beach in Decem-
ber, Meany predicted. But he in-
dicated the outcome will be the
same so long as Hoffa stays at his
union's helm.
To Broadcast
Kennedy Talk
WASHINGTON W) - President
John F. Kennedy will hold his
first- live-broadcast news confer-
ence since March 23 tomorrow.
All the national radio-television
networks announced they would
carry live the 3:30 p.m. (EST)
Kennedymeeting with reporters.
Pierre Salinger, White House
presse secretary, in telling news-
men yesterday that Kennedy's
16th news conference as President
would be open to live broadcasts,
attached no special significance to
this decision.
Early in the Kennedy adminis-
tration,,the White House had an-
nounced that news conferences
would be open for live broadcast-
ing from time to time and that
the scheduling of these need not
indicate any particular news de-
velopments was anticipated.

Impasse Hit
In Address
By Nigerian
Neutral Members
Indicate Impatience
United Statestand the Soviet Un-
ion failed to reach agreement yes-
terday on naming a stop-gap
United Nations secretary-general
despite more than two hours of
intense private negotiations.
"We made no progress," a Unit-
ed States spokesman said. "We
are disappointed."
The private talks began in the
United States mission to the UN
at 3 p.m. between chief delegate
AdlaI E. Stevenson and Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian
A. Zorin...
Stevenson left the talks to at-!
tend the General Assembly, where
earlier Nigerian Foreign Minister
Jaja Wachuku blasted the big
powers for failure to reach agree-'
ment on the issue.
United S t a t e s Ambassador
Charles W. Yost stayed on for the
rest of the negotiating session. He
Is the United States deputy per-
manent representative on the Se-
curity Council,
No date was set for new nego-,
tiations and the American view
was understood to be that the lat-
est developments were a backward
Both sides have no objections
on the man for the post-Burma's
ambassador U Thant. The diffi-
culty centered on how he should
conduct the UN's executive ma-
Wachuku's s p e e c h reflected
growing impatience among some
of the smaller nations who have
been pressing both East and West
to find a formula for naming an
interim successor to Dag Ham-
Study Upper Air
With New Rocket
tional Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration fired an instrument-
laden rocket 585 miles up and 817
miles out over the Atlantic yes-
terday to gather data about the
upper atmosphere.
NASA said the shot, from Wal-
lops Island, Va., was made with a
four-stage solid propellant Argo
D-4 rocket.

United Nations has been running
without a visible head for more
than three weeks.
How does it do it? Who tells
the 4,400 employes' what to do?
Who regulates the spending-at
the rate of $237 million a year?,
Such questions have been asked
increasingly often since Secretary-
General Dag Hammarskjold died
in a plane crash Sept. 18.
The answers are not easy to
come by. Under the best of cir-
cumstances, the UN secretariat is
a fairly complicated bureaucracy.
None Takes Lead
In this time of uncertainty, none
of Hammarskjold's undersecretar-
ies wants it to appear that he is
putting himself above the rest. So
responsibility is sometimes hard to
There are altogether 29 UN of-
ficials of undersecretary rank.
Thirteen of them are at headquar-
ters. But the undersecretaries have
not become a collective leader-
Those at headquarters are said
to have had ~only two meetings

subject of the document.

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since Eammarskjold was killed-
and both were concerned only with
arrangements for his funeral.
Each to His Own
What seems to be happening is
that each undersecretary is run-
ning his own department the way
he did before, following policies
laid down in resolutions of the
General Assembly and other UN
bodies and in Hammarskjold's in-
terpretation of those resolutions.
Each is telling the employes in
his own department what to do.
The controller, Bruce Turner of
,New Zealand, is doling out money
in accordance with the adopted
The chief of protocal, Belgian
Count Jehan de Noue, is helping
delegates with passes and the like
-and the undersecretaries are
helping them in particular fields.
There is no secretary-general,
but every day or so some depart-
ment issues some document entitl-
ed "report from the secretary-gen-
eral," because there is a resolution
on the books calling for a report
from the secretary-general on the
subject of the document.


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Edmund Wilson


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