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February 17, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-17

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expect U.S.



New Republican Tax Bills
Would Kill Swainson's Plan

Castro Defeat Shows Change

ength of Tour of Duty
.or Viet Nam Soldiers

f Q'

Would Affect
Army Pilots
Official Information
Kept Classified
SAIGON (AM)-The United States
is going to triple the length of
service of some of its Army men
here, an informed source reported
About three-fourths of the es-
timated 4,000 U.S. servicemen here
are assigned to a temporary six-
months duty tour, but the inform-
ant said this is being extended to
a permanent 18-month tour for
some key personnel.
The extension, it was reported,
applies to such men as pilots of
the three army helicopter com-
panies now stationed from end to
end of South Viet Nam.
Information Classified
Official information on the ex-
tension was classified--secret or
confidential-presumably to avoid
calling attention to the U.S. mili-
tary buildup that has been going
on since December to keep this
Southeast Asian country from
falling to Viet Cong Communist
guerrillas and infiltrators from
North Viet Nam.
A British note delivered to the
Soviet embassy in London yester-
day charged North Vietnamese
authorities were pursuing a policy
of "seeking to overthrow the es-
tablished government of South
Viet Nam by force."
The British note rejected "the
Soviet contention that inited
States military assistance to South
Viet Nam is aimed at turning
South Viet Nam into a strategic
bridgehead in Southeast Asia."
Northern Direction
Rebellion in South Viet Nam
was "fomented, organized, and in
part supplied and wholly directed
from the North," the note added,
and it called on the Kremlin to
restrain the North Vietnamese
and bring home to them the possi-
ble serious consequences of their
'The British note was a reply to
a Soviet complaint of Jan. 10
blaming the United States for
turning South Viet Nam into a
military stronghold. Britain and
the Soviet Union, as co-chairmen
of the 1954 Geneva conference
that split Viet Nam, have special
responsibilities for preserving
peace in territory formerly known
as Indochina.
Under the 1954 Geneva settle-
ment the number of foreign mili-
tary personnel here was limited to
685 men., The U.S. buildup was
started after it became plain a
similar restriction in North Viet
Nam had been violated for years.

. plan discussed
Group Ends
Urban Talks"
Government Operations Commit-
tee completed three days of hear-
ings on President John F. Kenne-
dy's proposal for a cabinet-level
urban affairs department yester-
But uncertainty arose as -to
when Senate debate will start.
Senate leaders had announced
that the debate would begin Mon-
day with a vote expected Tuesday,
but Sen. John L. McClellan (D-
Ark), chairman of the committee
and an opponent of the plan, said
he saw no hurry.
Democratic leaders have been
anxious for a Senate vote before
the House acts because they re-

portedly believe
votes to sustain
ganization plan
Opponents have
dence they can

they have the
Kennedy's reor-
in that branch.
expressed confi-
beat it in the

Hope Victory
To Minimize
Death Toll
McNamara To Meet
With Top Officers
States officials expressed opti-
mism yesterday that the Commu-
nists will be defeated inSouth
Viet Nam with" a minimum of
American combat and loss of life.
This view was given to news-
men coincident with the an-
nouncement that Secretary of De-
fense Robert S. McNamara will fly
to Hawaii this weekend to con-
fer again on the Viet Nam situa-
tion with top American officers
and diplomats from the Red-
pressed Southeast Asian country.
It will be McNamara's third such
trip in the past two months, indi-
cating the great importance Wash-
ington attaches to saving South
Viet Nam from what President
John F. Kennedy terms a sub-
terranean war waged by the Reds.
U.S. aid is running about a
third of a billion dollars a year.
The official optimism is based
on an assessment that South Viet-
namese President Ngo Dinh Diem
is undertaking sufficient reforms
to gain popular support in his
land. It is felt also that the South
Vietnamese troops are fast learn-
ing counter-guerrilla techniques
which they will be able to carry
out themselves without direct ac-
tion by Americans.
The present U.S. military con-
tingent in South Viet Nam, report-
ed to number some 4,000, is de-
scribed as assigned for technical
and training purposes only.
French Await
Of Cease-Fire
ALGIERS VP) - Thousands of
French troops yesterday began
moving toward Algeria's strife-
torn cities as army sources said a
cease-fire may be announced with-
in days.
Tension mounted in Algiers,
where the right-wing Secret Army
Organization repeatedly called on
Europeans to remain calm and
wait orders.
French headquarters for Algeria
intends to mass most of the half
million men army around the ci-
ties, to block expected violence by
European extremists who oppose
Algerian independence and control
any demonstrations by Moslems.
Army sources said most garri-
sons in Algeria's interior will be
used to permit maximum concen-
tration of troops around Algiers,
Oran, Bone and other explosive
urban centers.
The troop movement is expect-
ed to be completed by Monday,
Army sources said.
The troops will be kept on the
outskirts of the cities in special-
ly prepared quarters. Their entry
into the cities is expected to pre-
cede by a day an announcement
of a cease-fire in the bitter, sev-
en-year Algerian war.
Government sources said they
have been informed an agreement
between France and the Moslem
nationalist rebels has been vir-
tually completed.
A meeting of the national coun-
cil of the Algerian revolution,
which acts as parliament for the
nationalist rebels, is expected to
ratify the argeement, perhaps as
early as this weekend.

Republicans yesterday assem-
bled a package of bills to restore
$48 million of expired temporary
taxes by May 1.
Switching from a move toward
a flat rate income tax as a per-
manent solution, the Republicans
are working for immediate new
revenue sources to avoid a major
tax in an election year.
Success for the GOP would spell
death for Gov. John B. Swainson's
personal and corporate income
tax plan which, at three per cent,
is the key point in a general fis-
cal overhaul.
Swainson's proposal includes tax
relief for business and industry
and ends sales tax on food and
The Republican plan, sponsored
in the House by Rep. Gilbert E.
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), calls for
reenactment of the 1-mill increase
in the business activities tax to
yield $14 million to be payable
May 1.
The other taxes are the four per
ceht liquor excise, which would
yield $5 million; an increase in
the cigarette tax from five to six
cents a package, to yield $10 mil-
lion; doubling the beer tax from
$1.25 to $2.50 a barrel, for $7 mil-
lion; and a telephone, telegraph
Sources Say
Reds May End
Air Tactics
BERLIN (AP)-Soviet MIG's fail-
ed to show up yesterday for ad-
vertised exercises in the Ham-
burg-Berlin air corridor and an
informed source said the Russians
indicated they would drop their
10-day-old harassment tactics.
Bad weather may have tempor-
arily grounded the Red fighters at
their East German bases. But
Western airliners and military
planes droned in and out as usual
through gale winds and driving
"There have been no reports of
any Soviet aircraft sighted," a
Western spokesman said. His an-
nouncement came after the ex-
piration of a three-hour period-
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.-which
the Russians had claimed for ex-
clusive use of the Hamburg-Berlin
lane at levels up to 7,500 feet.
May Discontinue
A message from the Soviet offi-
cer in the four-power Berlin Air
Safety Center gave the impres-
sion that the Russians are calling
off the whole thing, an informed
source said.
On the other hand, a Soviet
embassy spokesman In East Ber-
lin indicated the Russians stood
on their claim to be able to make
block bookings of air space in each
of the three 20-mile wide corridors
whenever they wish.
"We will continue to request the
use of the corridors In the way
we have been doing as long as we
feel it is necessary," he said.
The United States, Britain and
Francenprotested to Moscow
Thursday against the Soviet ef-
forts toymonopolize slices of the
corridors and they were reported
ready to send in fighter patrols if
the MIG's persisted in buzzing
Western planes.
Maintain Schedules
A British Royal 4ir Force Bev-
erley transport and at least one
American military aircraft made
.the Hamburg-Berlin run in the
period claimed yesterday by the
Russians, a Western spokesman
said. Civilian airliners maintained
normal schedules.
The Communists could turn the
pressure on the corridors on and
off at will. They have been giving
only a few hours notice in the Air
Safety Center of their wish to keep
certain air space for themselves.
The rules are that each flight

must be handled on an individual
To underscore their rights, the
British, French and Americans
have flown military planes through
the corridors at the times and
within the altitudes the Soviets
had wanted to reserve.

and leased wire tax, for $10 mil-
The only part of the previous
tax package, which died June 30,.
not included in the bills is a $2
million tax on cigars and tobacco.
If the package became effec-
tive May 1, it would yield an esti-
mated $18 million by the end of
the fiscal year, June 30, Revenue
Commissioner Clarence W. Lock
Although this would raise in-
come to $473 million from $455
million, there would still be a def-
icit because of school aid and de-
ficiency payments, which will
raise the current budget of $462
million to about $480 million.
Found Guilty
Of Disorder
ENGLEWOOD, N.J. (P-) - Four
sit-in demonstrators pleaded guil-
ty yesterday to disorderly conduct
charges stemming from a protest
against alleged school discrimina-
City magistrate Henry J. Bend-
heim imposed' a fine of $25 on each
during a 20-minute hearing.
Disorderly personshcharges were
dismissed against 10 other sit-ins
earlier in the day and an 11th was
found innocent after a brief trial.
The four, who had been free on
$25 bail each, reside in New York.
They had pleaded innocent when
arraigned earlier this month. They
appeared in court yesterday with-
out counsel.

Associated Press UN Correspondent
latest rebuff of Cuban Prime Min-
ister Fidel Castro by the United
Nations demonstrates the sweep-
ing change which has taken place
in Cuba's position here since last
The one-sided defeat in the po-
litical committee Thursday was
much more than a rejection of
Castro's charges that a U.S. in-
vasion was imminent. It showed
how the rest of the world reacted
to the Cuban leader's open em-
brace of Communism.
At the time of the abortive in-
vasion of Cuba last April, Castro
found strong support among most
Asian and African countries as
well as some Latin American
neighbors. Thursday all the Latin
American countries-except Cuba
-voted right down the line with
the United States.
Communist Dominated
The whole 10-day debate was
dominated by the Communist bloc.
One by one, the Communist coun-
tries denounced the United States
as an imperialist giant bent on ex-
ploiting all Latin America.
Cuba's Mario Garcia-Inchauste-

May Up Cost
Of Cigarettes
LONDON ()-A scheme to cut
the cost of cigars and push cig-
arette prices up to luxury level
was proposed by British medical
men yesterday as a step against
lung cancer,




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(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Toppon Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.
7:30 p.m. Open House, 802 Monroe.

'! h


gui tried without success to get
some of the neutralist Asian and
African countries to sponsor a
resolution calling for a peaceful
solution of U.S.-Cuban differ-
ences. The neutralists, however,
felt that Cuba was too closely
tied to the Soviet bloc and that
Castro's complaint was primarily
a cold war maneuver, as U.S. Am-
bassador Adlai E. Stevenson de-
scribed it.
He accused Cuba and the Soviet
bloc of gross misuse of the United
Nations in an effort to divert at-
tention from the ouster of Cuba
from the inter-American system.
No Objections
The only resolution put before
the committee was sponsored by
Czechoslovakia a n d Romania.
Some of the nonaligned countries
had no objections to terms of the
pryoposal, but it was so closely
linked to the charges of imminent
U.S. aggression that only the So-
viet bloc gave it unqualified sup-
Last spring some of the Latin
Americans had their own resolu-
tion calling for a peaceful settle-
ment of the Cuban problem. They
split as to what form the appeal
should take just as they split on
procedure at the recent Punta Del
Este conference.
During the United Nations de-
bate, the Latin Americans pre-
sented a solid front.
Soviet delegate Valerian Zorin
was plainly upset by the vote. He
commented that countries which
voted against the Czechoslovak-
Romanian resolution obviously be-
lieved in resolving disputes by
force rather than by peaceful

United States officials expressed
the belief privately that the de-
bate had blown up in Castro's
SEC Begins
Market Probe
With Questions
ernment kicked off its broad study
of the New York Stock Exchange
yesterday by asking for the busi-
ness secrets of the big board stock
The specialists, who handle the
daily auctions in stock assigned
to them, were asked also to fur-
nish detailed data on trading in
more than 100 selected securities.
Complex questionnaires were
distributed by the Securities and
Exchange Commission, which is
looking into the affairs of the New
York Stock Exchange as part of
a year-long study of the entire se-
curities business.
The 16-page inquiry forms were
twice as long and much more de-
tailed than similar questionnaires
sent last summer to all members
of the American Stock Exchange,
which is undergoing a major re-
form as a result of the SEC study.
In New York, the New York
Stock Exchange president, Keith
Funston, commented that the ex-
change's members and member or-
ganizations "will naturally coop-
erate to the fullest extent in this
and all other phases of the com-
mission's study."

Would Resist
However, McClellan said he
would resist any move to discharge
his committee Monday from con-
sideration of a resolution disap-
proving the plan.
The actual debate will come on
such a resolution.
The alternative would be for the
committee to meet Monday morn-
ing and report out the resolution.
Not Sure of Meeting
But McClellan said he did not
know whether such a meeting
would be scheduled. He said he
would have to check with other
"I see no valid reason and from
what I know no urgency exists
for immediate consideration of
this plan by the Senate," McClel-
lan told newsmen, "at least none
that would warrant the unprece-
dented act of discharging the com-
mittee when it is diligently pur-
suing its duty in properly pro-
ceeding with the plan."

World News Roundup

By Tne Associated Press
GEORGETOWN, British Gui-
ana - Anti -government dem-
onstrators broke through a riot
squad guarding the parliament
building yesterday as Britain rush-
ed troops to this South American
colony to help keep order. Oppo-
sition leaders Forbes Burnham and
Peter D'Aguiar defied a govern
ment ban on processions and led
2,000 of their supporters in a slo-
gan-bearing march on ,the legisla-
* *
WASHINGTON-For the second
time in two months, the United
States is delaying a $3 million
monthly foreign aid payment for
Laos in an effort to speed up for-
mation of a neutral government
under Prince Souvanna Phouma.
Robert MoCloskey, a State De-
partment spokesman, said the nor-
mal February payment "has thus
far been withheld pending further
progress toward formation of a
government of national union."
** *
BANGKOK-Interior Minister
Gen. paraphas Charusathien said
- yesterday home guard units along
the kingdpm's border with Laos
are to receive permanent stocks of

arms and ammunition. He told
newsmen supplies of weapons
presently are only sufficient for
training. Thailand this week dis-
patched royal army units to stra-
tegic points along the Laotian-
Thai border to guard against
any encroachment in the event of
a Communist victory in Northern
* * *
BERLIN-Radio reporters and
television crews from East Ger-
many will be barred from West
Germany, it was announced yes-
terday. The decision was made at
a conference of interior ministers
of the states of the West German
republic. The interior ministers
control local police forces.
* *
MOSCOW - Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev yesterday received In-
donesian Air Force Chief of Staff
Vice Marshal Omar Dhani near
the Black Sea resort of Sochi,
Tass news agency reported..
* * *
NEW YORK-The stock market
declined irregularly yesterday in
moderate trading. Losses of most
key stocks ranged from fractions
to about a point and the minority
of gainers moved in' the same
range. I

Corner of Miller and Newport
John G. Swank, Pastor
Telephone NOrmondy 3-4061
Church School 10:00 A.M.j
Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.
Washtenow at Forest
The Reverend Leonard Verduin, Pastor
Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan
10:00 A.M. Worship Services
11:15 A.M. Coffee Hour
7:00 P.M. Vesper Worship Service
530 W. Stadium at Edgwood
John G. Mokin
Phone NO2-2756-
10:00 A.M. Bible School.
11:00 A.M. Regular Worship.
6:30 P.M. Evening Worship.
7:30 P.M. Bible Study.
For Transportation call NO 2-2756.
William and Thompson Streets
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. John J. Fouser, Assistant
Sunday Masses: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m., 12:00
Noon and 12:30.
Holyday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 9:00 a.m., 12:00
Noon, 5:10 p.m.
Weekday Masses: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m. and
12:00 Noon.
Novena Devotions: Mother of Perpetual Help,
Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m.
Rosary and Litany: Daily at 5:10 p.m.
306 North Division
Phone NO 2-4097
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:00 a.m. Holy Communion followed by
breakfast at the Canterbury House.
(Morning prayer on first Sunday of
.11:00 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon
(Holy Communion on first Sunday of
7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer. Rev. Franklin

United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Pastor
9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.
7:30 p.m. Evening Guild, 802 Monroe.
State and William Streets
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister
Rev. Edgar Edwards, Student Minister
Guild House at 524 Thompson
Services 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sermon Topic:
"What Can You Do."
Bible Lecture: 10:20-10:40, Mrs. Fred E.
Church School, crib-12th grade, 9:30 and
11:00 a.m.
Student Guild: 802 Monroe, telephone 2-5189.
512 and 502 E. Huron-NO 3-9376
Rev. James Middleton, Minister
Rev. Paul Light, Campus Minister
Mr. George Pickering, Intern Minister,
9:45 a.m. Campus Discussion Class, Coffee
11:00o.m. Morning Worship
6:00 p.m. American Baptist Student Fellow-
ship, Supper
National Lutheran Council .
Hill Street at S. Forest Ave.
Henry O. Yoder, .Pastor
Miss Anna M. Lee, Counselor
Phone: NO 8-7622
12:00 Luncheon Meeting, Dr. Stewart Herman,
New York City, Guest Speaker
9:30 & 11:00 A.M. Worship Services, Dr.
Stewart Herman, Guest Preacher.
9:45 A.M. Bible Study.
5:30 P.M. Supper Meeting with Dr. Herman.
7:30 P.M. Universal Student Day of Prayer
Service, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.

1833 Washtenow Ave.
11:00 a.m. Sunday Services.
8:00 p.m. Wednesday Services.
9:30 a.m. Sunday School (up to 20 years of
11:00 a.m. Sunday School (for children 2 to
6 years of age.)



2250 Fuller Rood (Opposite V.A. Hospital)
NOrmondy 3-2969
William S. Baker, Minister
Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.
Church School and Child Core.
1917 Washtenow at Berkshire
Rev. Erwin Goede




A free reading room is maintained at 306 East
Liberty St. Hours ore Monday through Sot-
and holidays. Monday evening 7:00 to 9:00
urday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Sundays


The sermon topic for Sunday, February 18, will
be: The Thought of Albert Camus. 1. "The
Brotherhood of Sufferers."
Adult Discussion Group at 10:00
Church School at 10:30.
Church Service at 11:00.

(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenow Avenue
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Thomas C. Park, Vicar


I~ i
EatMor Drive -In
(Across from Arborland Shopping Center)
SpdSo.ecial for StandSn

Sunday at 9:45 and at 11:15: Worship Serv-
ices, with sermon by the vicar, "Christian
Sunday at 9:45 and at 11:15: Bible Study
Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club, Supper and Program, with panel
discussion on "The Church and Current
Wed. at 8:15: Monthly meeting of University
Lutheran Chapel Assembly.
State and Huron Streets, Tel. NO 8-6881
Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister
Rev. Gene Ransom, Campus Minister

1432 Washtenow
NO 2-3580
Sunday Services: 9:00 and 10:30 Rev. Paul
Dotson. 11:50 Rev. Virgil Janssen.
9:30 A.M. Seminar, "Scrutinizing the Chris-
tion Faith," Guild House, 802 Monroe.
10:30 A.M. Bible Study, "The Book of Acts,"
Campus Center.
11:30 A.M. Coffee Hour at Campus Center.
6:30 P.M. Quest and Question at Campus
9:00 P.M. Coffee and Concern, 217 S. Ob-
A IfkI Ck .rr. A

Once Again - The Famous TCE
*#-- ...sf£fteS f

French Fries
Milk Shake

...30c Allifor
.... Oc
0*0,020c I4 c

FEBRUARY 18, 1962
9:00 and 11:15 A.M. Morning Worship. Ser-
mon by Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, Guest
Preacher. The Service is broadcast at 11:15
A.M. on station WOIA.
STANDING: The' Congo. The Pine Room.
5:30 P.M. Fellowship Supper.
STUDENTS. Wesley meets to go as a group
to this ecumenical service to be held at
7:30 P.M. at. the Episcopal Church.


I 1



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