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February 17, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-17

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Seventy-Second Year
here Opinions Are Fe STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. a ANN ARBOR, MICH. 0 Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Y, FEBRUARY 17, 1962;


Romney and Van Peursem:
The Alienated Voters

[E CURRENT POLICY of the Republican
State Central Committee seems to be to
nate the voters. With but a little coaching
i the Detroit papers and gubernatorial
eful George Romney, the State Central
mittee, at their January meeting, found it
sshry to condemn, reject and repudiate
John Birch Society and its traveling com-
OP Chairman George M. VanPeursem made
lear that the Republicans did not care
,11 to be associated with the Birchers. In
g so he successfully alienated quite a bloc
formally GOP votes.
rhaps VanPeursem feels he doesn't need
y vote he can get. Or maybe he thinks
hers don't vote. But regardless of his
fghts in the matter, his actions should
enough to alert Michigan Republicans.
r 14 years in exile from the statehouse, the
> should be overanxious to win any vote
ts candidates, liberal or conservative, and
hould not tolerate any &hairman who
astute enough to recognize a potential
of votes.
)W THIS ISN'T to say that the Republicans
should rush out and greet the John Birchers
. open arms. The policies of the extreme
ists are not the policies of all Republicans.
the GOP must be flexible enough to en-
pass every voter from Welch to Rockefeller.
rangely enough, the Birch censure seems
)int up the fact that the State Central
.mittee is little more than a campaign
[quarters for George Romney. Just a very
t time before, the American Motors presi-
., in one of his less sensible moments, saw
o liken the Birchers tol something fairly
Like VanPeursem, Romney apparently
n't realize that even super-patriots vote..
ad as soon as Romney had takena stand
Birchers, his yes-men at State Central
their duty and repudiated the Birchers
Well, there's a slight difference between
rge Romney and State Central. When
ney speaks, no matter how unwisely, he
ks only for Romney, unless he should be,
inated for governor in the August primary.
Y then will he speak for the Party.
hen State Central speaks, however, it sup-

posedly voices the thoughts of all Michigan
Republicans, and it is a fact that all Michigan
Republicans do not repudiate the John Birch
In fact, in some outstate areas where the
Birch Society is strong, the GOP coald be
seriously jeopardized by State Central's cen-
sure action, because the Birchers and their
friends mlight see fit to vote for a third party.
THE TROUBLE is apparent, and it is not
new. Since 1948, five urban counties have
held the GOP in a stranglehold: Wayne, Oak-
land, Macomb, Genesee and Kent. The politics,
of the other 78 counties, most of which are
"safely Republican," have been sacrificed for
these five. George Romney is Oakland County's
fair-haired boy, and State Central, true-to-
form, seems to be catering to him, forgetting
entirely to ask the outstate members of the
Party whether or not they even want George
The Detroit News has recently released an
interesting poll. If the election were held today,
Gov. John B. Swainson would defeat Romney.
And as the figures are broken down, the de-
feat of George Romney would lie in the hands
of these same 78 outstate counties which he
and his boys at State Central are currently
ignoring. It seems that Romney would carry
only 51 per cent of the outstate vote-50 per
cent, in an area that is over 60 per cent
Republican. The figures don't lie. Swainson
doesn't get the other 49 per cent. In fact, he
barely gets 40 per cent. So.George Romney's
margin of victory is undecided. In those un-
decided votes are undoubtedly some John
Birchers. Censuring the Birchers won't do
anything to win them over, and whether
George Romney likes them or not, he's going
to have to appeal to them if he wants to win.
BUT BEFORE State Central commits the
GOP so irretrievably to George Romney,
they'd better check with the outstate voters
and see who they want for a change. It might
be that Romney is considered just another
lackey for the Oakland County urban Repub-
And that outfit hasn't won an election yet.


Calia Superb
As Enchanted Ustinov
I MPROBABLY ENOUGH, "The Man Who Wagged His Tail" is a
Spanish movie about Italians in Brooklyn, starring Peter Ustinov,
whose role, for most of the film, is played by a large dog named
The dog is superb.
Actually, the rest of this unpretentious comedy-fantasy doesn't
come off at all badly. The plot concerns a grasping New York land-
lord (Peter Ustinov) who is so wicked that a fairy-godmother type
changes him into a large hound until he can find someone who will
love him.
* * 4' 4
PETER USTINOV is successftilly Peter Ustinov as the evil land-
lord, cheating, abusing and evicting his tenants with fine callousness.
But it is the synchronization of his acting and his facial expres-
sions with those of the dog which give the movie its minor but very real
delight. You don't realize how clever Ustinov has been, until the movie
is over. Then, all of a sudden it hits you that the dog didn't really look
just like Ustinov, with the same gestures and facial mannerisms-Usti-
nov made himself look like the dog.
But ignoring the mechanics and skills involved, it is extremely
amusing to see a dog with that look of classic Ustinovian chagrin on
his dewlaps, or to watch Ustinov, as an ex-dog, scratch himself on the
* * * *
THERE ARE SOME really clever scenes. At the very beginning of
the movie, when the plot is leading up to Ustinov's transformation, the
landlord gives a lesson in barking to his assistant, Bruno (Pablito Cal-
vo). The landlord barks frequently-it keeps away unwanted visitors-
and he tries to pass the art on to Bruno. The two stand face to face,
practicing growls, barks, and snarls for about two minutes. It is up-
Unfortunately, when Ustinov, or Caligula, his canine counterpart
are not on screen, the story drags and drags. No one could be inter-
ested in the feeble romance or the pale drama.
Pablito Calvo is occasionally fine as Bruno, but the rest of the
cast has a tendency to look a bit bewildered in their cross-cultural
setting-as indeed they might.
It is a crazy movie, but worth the money if you want a couple of
hours of simple-minded, fun amusement.
-Faith Weinstein
A Good Audience
Sometimes Soly Tried


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Can Council Pass the Buck?


Daily Staff writer
THE ISSUE of student respon-
sibility again came up at Stu-
dent Government Council Wednes-
day, this time in reference to the
amendment to add initiative and
referendum to the Council Plan.
In initiative and referendum, a
student must submit a petition
signed by at least 1,000 students
which states the desired legisla-
tion. There are certain functions
in the Council Plan on which
students may not legislate. There
are no other restrictions.
* * *
THE FREEDOM to legislate is
fine, provided it is in the right
hands: in the hands of responsible,
informed persons. At the present
time, there is little indication that
the student body is either in-
formed or responsible.
Administrative Vice -President
Robert Ross, '63, saw the danger
in the present amendment and
attempted to add a statement to
the section on referendum which
would substantially curtail the
power given to the student body.
He wanted to limit the referral
of legislation to an all-campus
vote to those things which have
already been considered by SGC.
For example, the student body,
could not put up for a vote the
question of apartment permission,
which SGC has not considered, but
it couldput up the question of
women in the quads.
Ross also wanted to set a time
limit of six weeksbefore the elec-
tion for the placing of legisla-
tion on the slate.
The campus shows little interest
in SGC; this indicates a poorly
informed campus, one with little

awareness of issues. If a question
comes up for an all-campus vote,
pressure groups may be successful
in convincing the students on
what to vote for.
The majority of Council mem-
bers present Wednesday night
voted against the restrictions sug-
gested by Ross. There was general
agreement with the views of Union
President Paul Carder, '62, who
believes it is Council's responsi-
bility to allow the students to
pass legislation directly, without
the intervention of Council.
* * *
THERE WAS little concern on
Council with the fact that the
Regents gave SGC, under the pres-
ent plan, the power to make legis-
lation, but not the power to legis-
late its power to another body,
such as the students.
The worth of initiative and
referendum depends on whether or
not it is used by Council to
"dodge" its responsibility of legis-
lating. .
For instance, if the students,.
who will be voting, on the Stock-
meyer-Carder motion on the Uni-,
versity's continued participation in
the National Student Association
in the March election, vote to drop
out of NSA, it will not be Coun-
cil's decision; it will be a decision
made by the students themselves.
If the students do the legislating,
Council will not be responsible for
the results. They can give power
to an uneducated Public who will
decide an important issue on a
subjective, ill-informed basis.
* * *
MOREOVER, Council has left
itself without any real check on
what the student body may 'do
in initiative and referendum. If

HE SOUL-SEARCHING which went on
among the Republican orators on Lincoln's
thday did not bring forth that new "image"
ich they were all seeking. Somewhere there
a block. It prevents the Republican party
m getting to a position which is both con-
vative and popular. The block, I venture to
gest, is that the Republican position has
n moved so far to the right that the party
conceded to the Kennedy administration
only the left but the whole vast dominant
Chis has left the Republican leaders with no
ow room, and they are squeezed into a
ner where they can only say no. This
not make for popularity and for votes in
country where the population is growing
digiously, where the way of life is changing
idly, where the people, conscious of the
re productive capacity of our economy, are
nanding that their crowded life in the
es be made more comfortable and more
EE DISPLACEMENT of the Republican
leaders from the center to the right has
ny causes. one of them,ni for example,tis
control of the party organization by the
codgers, who have safe seats and keep
being re-elected. There is another reason
ich is that in recent years Republican doc-
ie has been shaped by theorists who are
of touch with the modern world. Indeed, it
ild not be an exaggeration to say that it
been shaped by theorists' who do not
w what they are. talking about.-
'hese theorists have produced a formula
ch discombobulates Republican thinking.
s that liberalism and progressivism are the
-h road to socialism, and that socialism is
high road to communism. The extremists
the formula to say that the United States
rted down the road to communism when the
ome tax was legalized in 1913. But even
moderates, Gen. Eisenhower, for example,
deenly suspicious of social security and
welfare state and of aid to education, and
ye all of the modern conception of the
mensatory economy.
HE DIFFICULTY about making a new image
is that the Republican theorists have creat-
uch a false image of the Kennedy Demo-
tic party that there is no effective way
y can oppose it. Applied to the Kennedy
ninistration the formula of the theorists
the right, that progressivism leads to so-

It is silly. Though Mr. Kennedy is a progres-
sive and a liberal, he is also a profound con-
servative, and only the befuddled theorists
find that strange and hard to understand.
Their central theme, which is also a central
illusion, is that this country is "spending" its
way out of freedom into socialism and com-
munism. But is it? I have some figures here
which come from Prof. F. M. Bator, a leading
authority on the problems of government
A BIG RICH country spends more, of course,
than a small poor country. The proper
basis of comparison, therefore, is the volume
of government spending against the size of
the economy. Prof. Bator's figures show that
government spending in .the United States is
not out of line with spending in other ad..
vanced industrial nations.
1959 is the most recent year for which
adequate comparative figures are available.
In that year in the United States total public
spending (Federal, state, local) was 28.3 per
cent of the gross national product. As this
includes national defense, public education,
highways, police, hospitals and what not, can
it really be said that spending less than 30
per cent publicly puts us on the road to, or any-
where near the road to, socialism and com-
munism? Can it really be said when of this
30 per cent which is spent publicly over half
goes to purchases from private firms produc-
ing for profit?
As a matter of fact, in public spending we
are behind Belgium (29.3 per cent), Canada
(30 per cent), France (33.5 per cent), United
Kingdom (34.9 per cent), Sweden 35.7 per
cent). In West Germany the latest figures
are for 1957. That was before the big rise of
sGerman defense spending and at that time
the percentage of public spending was slightly
bigger than ours (28.6 per cent). Yet West
Germany is regarded by many as the shining
example of a free capitalistic economy.
BUT, it will be said, while defense spending
is necessary, the real creeping socialism is
the money spent for social security, veterans'
benefits, government interest and cash sub-
sidies. For the United States the ratio of such
payments to gross national product was 7 per
cent in 1959. The Canadian ratio was 8.7 per
cent. The United Kingdom's ratio was 11.2
per cent. The West German (in 1957) was 12.1
per cent, the Belgian 13.6 per cent, the French.
16.5 per cent. There are other comparative
figures which could be cited. All of them point

Council regrets a decision made
by a majority of the students in
an election, the only alternative
for Council is to wait until the
next regularly scheduled election
to change it.
As Richard G'sell argued, "Prob-
bably the first thing the student
body will bring up will be the
dissolution of SGC, and it will
probably pass."
The opposite position, held by
most of the Council members, was
expressed by Carder. He did not
believe a referendum would be
used to dodge the issue, nor did
he think Council must act on
legislation before the student body
should be able to do so. He ex-
pressed a view of confidence in
the ability and information of
the student body.
Answering G'sell, Carder said
"It's a student's prerogative to get
rid of SGC if he so chooses."
a* r
BY DEFEATING Ross' six week
time limit, Council again left it-
self open to irresponsible action.
The time limit was intended to
protect the voters from legisla-
tion made at the last minute, per-
haps poorly and haphazardly
thought out.'
Council's only real safety meas-
ure' is the statement in the se-
tion on referendum which was
suggested by Ross. It reads "How-
ever, in cases of expression of
student opinion on a question
which Council has acted upon un-
der different provision of the
Council plan, Council will not be
bound by that expression."
This measure was wisely re-
tained by Council.
"INITIATION is used by voters
to by-pass the legislature," com-
mented Prof. Daniel McHargue
of the political science depart-
ment. The stuent body, if ever
motivated enough to take any
action, may do thisrvery thing:
bypass legislation already taken
by the Council.
The student body, with this
amendment, is vested with the
power to amend, "to serve as the
official representative of the Uni-
versity" to express student opin-
ion, and to handle other functions.
specifically delegated to SGC by
the Regents.
The Regents evidently thought
SOC has the power and responsi-
bility necessary to effect worth-
while legislation; they did not feel
the student body as a whole has
that responsibility.
* * *
erendum and initiative is a good
one. The voting body should have
responsibility to influence directly
legislation. Nevertheless, a good
concept can turn into a bad prac-
tice in the translation, if it is
misused. Initiative and referen-
dum may be misused-possibly as
soon as the NSA referendum.
. The entire amendment became
dangerous when Council voted
down Ross' proposals for moderat-
ing the amendment. As it stands
now, initiative and referendum
can be used irresponsibly to create
irresponsible legislation which will
be binding on Council.

A CAPACITY audience attended
the fourth of the ONCE fes-
tival's six concerts in the Unitar-
ian' Church last night.
The concert turned out to be
very long and in some respects
extremely trying.
It should be noted first that the
audiences at the ONCE concerts
have so far made a large con-
tribution to the character of each
event. Audience reaction has been
by no means restricted to applause
or booing. One has, at times, been
able to feel the weight of collective
concentration or relief or shock
or pleasure.
* * * *
BUT LAST NIGHT the general
concentration span was sorely
tried in several instances.
. * * *
DON SCAVARDA'S "Sounds for
Eleven," scored for woodwinds,
percussion, piano, vibraphone and
guitar consists of sounds of extra-
ordinary purity and character
placed in a backdrop of silence.
The visual aspect of the com-
position, particularly Scavarda's
conducting-which was not what
one normally expects conducting
to be--charged the silence with
great tension.
I found the piece attractive,
Scavarda's ear is inventive and
"Something for Clarinet, Pianos
and Tape," by Robert Ashley,
struck me as being better in fancy
than in fact, The piece begins
with a black-out of the house
lights, and some minutes of si-
* * *
The audience may or may not
reach a pitch of aural awareness
equivalent to night vision. Also,
some people are uneasy, not to
say afraid, in the dark. But if all
goes well, this is a potent format
for music.
The clarinetist in the piece im-
provises freely, supported by a
piano and a tape recorder. I sup-
pose that out of a hundred per-
formances of "Something," one or
two would be electrifying.
Last night's performance had its
moments-the first sound from the
clarinet struck like a lightning
bolt-but on the whole the piece
seemed too long by half.
* * *
quent" was beautifully performed.
"Consequent" is terse and in this
respect was a welcome relief.
Reynolds has a fine ear, a rec-
ognizable manner of phrasing, a
sense for continuity-yet these at-
tributes do not make his music
sound in the least derivative or
conservative. The levity and grace
of "Consequent" are qualities I
have not often heard in new
Gordon Mumma's "Gestures II;
for Pianos" emphasized the visual
aspect of music-making, an aspect
which seems to appeal very much
to Mumma and one which becomes
one of the bases of his composi-
The performers, Mumma and
Robert Ashley, moved with ritual-
istic intensity which I found very

The tape; which supported the
second section, "Onslaught," was
much more interesting than some
that have been heard so far. "On-
slaught" was, to says the least, in-
After intermission, the "Dura-
tions" of Morton Feldman, a fol-
lower of John Cage, were per-
formed. These pieces were in-
credibly soft and painfully ex-
tended. It was in these pieces that
the audience was most heroically
tested. One began to hear every
sound, those extraneous to the
composition as well as those in it
-in fact the distinction became
rather tenuous.
* * *
FELDMAN no doubt intends, a
mesmerizing force of quietness to
pervade his music. He succeeds.
"Bestiary I," by George Ca-
cioppo, proved a beautifully lyrical,
gracious setting of a Rilke poem
-the only vocal music in the con-
cert. Soprano Karen Lovejoy may
perhaps be fairly singled out from
among all the fine performers of
the evening.
Cacioppo's composition is ex-
tremely economical-few notes at
a time, few extremes of register
or dynamics-yet the result, due
to the rightness of each effect,
is pleasingly rich in effect.
BRUCE WISE'S "Revolving
Spectrum," the second movement
of a longer work, "Patterns for
Orchestra," involved the largest
ensemble of the evening, and was
complicated by the spacing of the
players in three places in the
The performance suffered from
lack of rehearsal. I suspect that
tehall was too small to allow
th al wstos al o alwthe effect of revolving blocks of
sound to come across. Now and
then, however, a dazzling mirage-
like light-shift emerged. I would
like to hear the piece again.
.-David Sutherland.
Far Right
X TNLIKE American liberals and
conservatives-who accept the
political system, acknowledge the
loyalty of their opponents, and
employ the ordinary political tech-
niques-the fundamentalists can
be distinguished by five identify-
ing characteristics:
1) They assume that there are
always solutions capable of pro-
ducing international victories and
of resolving our social problems;
when such solutions are not found,
they attribute the failure to con-
spiracies led by evil men and
their dupes.
2) They refuse to believe in the
integrity and patriotism of those
who lead the dominant social
groups . . . and declare that the
American "Establishment" has be-
come part of the conspiracy.
3) They reject the political sys-
tem; they lash out at "politicians."
the major parties, and the give-
and-take of political compromise...
4) They reject those programs
for dealing with social, economic,
and international problems which
liberals and conservatives agree

Referendum on NSA:*
The Propaganda War


Daily staff writer
STUDENT Government Council
set loose a dangerous and con-
troversial issue when it passed its
motion to hold a referendum on
the National Student Association
Wednesday night.
For the next five weeks, the
poor, bewildered, University stu-
dent who hardly knows NSA
exists will be subject to much
propaganda about the organiza-
This election has national sig-
nificance. Since the last NSA con-
vention when the determined
Young Americans for Freedom
failed to impose their views upon
the convention, conservative
groups have attempted to scuttle
NSA-at least as it is currently
organized and led.
* * *
been a bulwark of NSA. Its stu-
dents participated in the con-
ferences that led to the formation
of the organization in 1947. For-
mer Daily Editor Harry Lunn, was
nresident of the organization. In

YAF AND similar groups will
work very hard to pull the Uni-
versity out of NSA. Nationally,
YAP is a well organized and well
financed organization. Locally, it
has sound, though untested, lead-
ership. It no doubt will bring out-
side speakers to help their cause.
They are thinking of inviting Ful-
ton Lewis, III, of HUAC fame, to
debate NSA president Edward
Conservatives will be well pre-
pared on the propaganda front.
At Oklahoma, two national YAF
officials came to town, distributed
anti-NSA literature not only to
college students, but to high school
students and to the community
at large. They also spoke to com-
munity leaders. YAF will leave no
angle unexplointed.
* * *
less well organized and affluent,
but equally dedicated. Local lead-
ers will discuss this "crisis" with
regional officials at a regional
meeting in Kalamazoo this week-
end. Next week, an ad hoc com-
mittee to defend NSA will be
formed. Undoubtedly. Voice, in its

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