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May 27, 1962 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-27

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X t t apt Blath
Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opions AFre e STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Troth Will Frevall"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
. A
-The iAim1s of Education:.
Vanishing 01Alternatives



H ike


To the Editors:
A TUITION increase has just
been announced by the board
of Regents. It amounts to an in-
crease of about 30 per cent for
out-of-state students. The increase
for in-state students is between 0
and 12 per cent. It is about time
someone pointed out to our Re-
gents the unfairness of this deci-
sion and its possible unfortunate
I do not deny the University's
need for more funds. I only ques-
tion their meth,'ds of securing

same. It seems only fair that tui-
tion be increased by the same per-
centage of the current amounts re-
gardless of residence. Since the
tuition fo, Michigan residents is
lower their absolute increase must
still remain lower than the non-
Now Michigan residents will
probably raise the hue and cry
about ungrateful out-of-state stu-
dents always complaining. Com-
ments will probably be made by
Michigan residents to the effect
that: "we pay taxes giving you a
cheap, good education" and "if you

don't like it here leave." The first
is a fallacy and the second the
unfortunate consequence.
* * *
ACCORDING to 1960 figures
there are almost eight million res-
idents in Michigan. If we assume
that one million are wage earners
and taxpayers and then divide
that one million into the total tax
revenue for 1961-62 we find that
each wage earner pays about
$1,000 per year in taxes.
While some pay more and some
less this is based on total tax re-
ceipts which includes various busi-

FOR FOUR YEARS I have watched the Uni-
versity gradually close off the greatest ad-
vantage it offers its undergraduates: the wide
range of choices in how and what one learns.
Part of this narrowing process has not been
the fault of the University. There are so many
students cramming the schools, applying to the
colleges, wanting to go on to graduate school,
that the "liberal education" is fast being chan-
neled into a high-powered, narrow-scope pro-
fessional training program.
The University's major fault is its accept-
ance of this narrowing-its willingness to suc-
cumb to specialization. The University's self-
image is rapidly becoming a strictly academic
vision. The emphasis is more and more on the
four-point, the degree, the fellowship-the by-
products of classroom excellence.
This does not mean the University has lost
interest in the Pursuit of Knowledge. It does
mean that the focus of the pursuit is more and
more purely academic. The methods of educa-
tion are becoming more economical, intensive
and practical. The content is becoming pro-
portionately less interesting and more out-of-
touch with reality.
THERE ARE SEVERAL kinds of learning.
There is the experience of sudden compre-
hension, when a concept comes clear to you, or
a really good idea suddenly jells.
This kind of flash learning is marvelous, but
it is very rare and it cannot be pushed or con-
trolled. The moments of intense intellectual
pleasure have hit me in strange places and at
strange times-once in a final exam for which
I hadn't done-the assigned reading, once in the
middle of a routine Daily interview with the
assistant dean of the education school, once
listening to a SNCC committee plan its future
strategy in. the South. They didn't come as. a
result of voluminous reading, or careful class
attendance or good study habits. They came
because I had learned a certain amount, and
experienced a certain number of things, and
they were ready, at that moment, to integrate
into an idea.
THE MORE COMMON kind of learning is
analytic study-the stuff of scholarship.
This is the basis of academics-memorization,
painstaking interpretation of material, the care-
ful documenting of the great ideas, both your
own and others. There is a kind of pleasure in
this sort of learning, a satisfaction which goes
beyond the confirmation of an "A" although it
does not have the intensity of the intellectual
But there are things you can never learn in
classrooms. There is a kind of knowledge which
can only result from active participation in
some activity-learning how to work with other
people, learning how to cope with concrete sit-
uations, learning how to respond to a direct
personal challenge.
This kind of learning does not have the im-
mediate excitement of the intense intellectual
experience. It doesn't have the economy and
clarity of analytic study. It is a slow, slow proc-
ess, there are no grades, and no immediate
You can accumulate this kind of learning on
a relatively, structured organization like The
Daily. You can acquire it sitting and talking in
the Union Grill six hours a day. You can get it
taking a week off from classes for a trip through
the South.
ONE OF the most consistent tragedies of
the 20th Century has been the plight of
refugees uprooted by persecution, war, famine
or natural disaster and dumped in an unfriend-
ly land. These people are often herded into
camps and left to rot or to a fate as bad as
the one they had escaped.
In the last two weeks, the world witnessed a
replaying of this familiar tragic theme in Hong
Kong. Seventy thousand Chinese fled from fa-
mine stricken Communist China when the
Reds, for some inexplicable reason, opened
the exits. However,, refugee flooded Hong Kong
could not house nor feed 70,000 more and its
British masters built a barricade, herded the
refugees into camps, and shipped them back to
the land they had just arduously fled.
THIS INHUMANE drama speaks well of no
one - Communist, neutralist, or Westerner.
Certainly not the Britih who attempted to

restrain the fleers from tyranny and who fur-
ther sent several thousand back to an uncer-
tain fate in Communist China. Perhaps, if
they could not have housed and sustained the
refugees in Hong Kong, they could at least have
encamped them temporarily in one of their
relatively unpopulated colonies, such as the
Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean.
By its silence the rest of the non-Communist
world did not behave much better.. No one of-
fered to take Chinese refugees into their land
on a large scale basis and only Nationalist
China, Canada, and the United States offered
to take them in on a token basis. Many nations
are underpopulated and could use more people
to exploit their potential resources. However,
the usual politics and bigotry stood in the way

spent a lot of time on trivia-opening mail,
writing letters, exchanging gossip with staff
members. But the mail brought information as
interesting as any I ever heard in a classroom;
the letters produced articles and the satisfac-
tion of a better page; and small talk with staff
members developed into some of the most re-
warding friendships I have ever had.
A case could be made for the academic value
of The Daily-term paper ideas come from stor-
ies, theories are clarified in discussions with
staff members and useful facts are added to
your intellectual repertoire.
But I don't think this defense is necessary,
or even particularly appropriate. The kinds of
facts you learn on The Daily will never get
you into graduate school; it is becoming in-
creasingly questionable whether they will get
you out of the University. Extra-curricular ac-
tivities are extra-curricular, and they are prob-
ably more valuable as such.
THE UNIVERSITY used to offer the entering
student any number of styles of life. The
student-usually free to choose for the first time
in life-was able to appreciate fully the alterna-
tives offered. Academic pressures were not
great, and the student could design his learn-
ing experience as he wanted to, pursuing his
own goal instead of one dictated by the Uni-
The University accepted the value of non-
academic learning, or at least tolerated it.
This is no longer true, at the University or
in our society. The college preparatory high
schools have become extremely grade-oriented,
and the high school student interested in the
outside world is gently but firmly turned back
to his studies. The spectre of the objective
CEEB's hangs heavy-and they have no way
of measuring non-academic experience, no mat-
ter how valuable.
BY THE TIME the student gets to college, the
academic orientation is started. By the time
he graduates, it is set. Rewards come accord-
ing to academic interests. A person's future
depends on what the University calls, in hushed
reverent tones, "the GPA." The high Grade
Point Average and the good recommendation is
replacing the "liberal education" as the major
And while the old system risked turning lazy
people into diletantes with college degrees and
the idea that they knew something, the new
one stands the greater risk of turning intelli-
gentspeople into pedants and narrow academ-
Caught in the middle of the system is the
activities man and the amateur-the students
who insist, in one way or another, that there
are valuable non-academic ways to learn. With
the increasing academic orientation of both the
University and their fellow students, these
people are put under considerable pressure to
give up their extra-curricular interests and con-
form. They are like cows on a railroad track.
THE DAILY is in great danger of dying in the
next ten years, even if the Board in Control
doesn't kill it in a fit of caprice. The pressures
on staff members are becoming too great.
When I walked into my first English honors
class as a junior, I was informed: "There is
the English honors program and there is The
Michigan Daily-you can't serve two masters."
More recently the efforts to separate staff mem-
bers from the paper have become even more in-
tense. If The Daily dies, it will be because the
staff members would have to mortgage the rest
of their lives to make it live.
THE UNIVERSITY should do two things
about this situation; it should fight vigor-
ously against the social pressures towards strict-
ly academic orientation and it should both per-
mit and encourage experiments in new kinds of
learning within its walls.
Instead, the University is narrowing its range,
accepting only those experiments which will
intensify and speed up the academic experience.
Trimesters are economic, high-pressure and
deadly to the freshness and imagination of the
teacher and student without any rest.
THE HIGHLY-TOUTED residence-hall ex-
periment seems to be an effort to bring the
classroom into the dorms-the University's an-
swer to the supervised study hall. One attitude,
seems typical of the current al-pervasive in-
terest in the academic-"Somehow we must

make use of-the fact that students are living
together," an administrator said, hoping, no
doubt, for a Philosophy 134 table at dinner, and
a pro-seminar in comparative literature con-
ducted in the lunch line.
The purely academic way of life has its value
and its rewards. It should be available as an
alternative to any student who wants to par-
ticipate in it-fully or in part. But it should
not be the only experience available, especially
at this University whose unique value lies in the
diversity in styles of life it has offered.
WAS LUCKY. I came to the University when
it was still possible to find brilliant people
with a healthy contempt for grades, and stu-
dents who wrote plays instead of going to
classes, and intellectuals whose favorite pas-


ness taxes only part of which are
paid by the consumer.
The annual appropriation to the
Universit7 is only three per cent
of the state budget. Therefore only
three per cent of that $1,000 a
year in taxes goes to the Univer-
sity. This is only $30 per year per
wage earner.
At this rate and assuming that
you are a taxpayer for 50 years'
the average taxpayer contributes
only $1,500 to the University. Un-
der the new tuition rates the out-
of-state student pays $2,840 more
than the in-state student over the
four-year period.
* * *
WE MORE than pay our way.
Another point. If you define state
supported university to mean the
state is the only source of income
Michigan is not state supported.
Only one-third of the University's
expenses are met by state appro-
The unfortunate consequence
resulting from continued pursuit
of this discriminatory tuition pol-
icy will be a significant decrease in
the out-of-state student popula-
tion. These students will go to
competitive schools and Michigan
will suffer academically for two
reasons. First colleges drawing
students from small area are usu-
ally not academic leaders. Second:
people from different areas have
different ideas and viewpoints
which lends breadth and depth to
life in the dorms as well as in the
Let's equalize educational costs!
-Robert Kaplan, '2E
To the Editor:
THE UNIVERSITY has long as-
serted that it has the author-
ity to act as a substitute parent for
its students. To exercise this par-
ental control it has established
dormitories, staffed them with re-
sponsible adults, and set up a maze
of regulations. These regulations
have a reason behind them, al-
though this reason, is not always
readily apparent.
The staff of the dormitory is, in
effect, the true substitute parents
for the student. It is with them
that the student has her contact.
The University has appointed
them to be its representative in
this matter.
How good is this "parent-child"
relationship? It is not easy for a
total stranger to win the complete
confidence of her new "child." A
good parent realizes that each of
her children is an individual and
treats each accordingly. A good
parent likes all her children, and
all her children like her. Unfor-
tunately this goal is not reached
in most staff-student relationships.
THERE IS, however, one house-
mother on this campus who, if she
has not reached it, has come very
close to this goal in her relation-
ship with the girls in, her dormi-
tory. Her girls are not afraid of
her; in fact they have a great af-
fection for her. She demands that
her girls follow the University reg-
ulations, but first she wins their
support of them by explaining the
reason behind each regulation.
This earns her a great deal of re-
spect from her girls.
This housemother is sincerely
interested in each of her girls;
she does not, however, pry into
their personal affairs. In time of
need, no girl hesitates about going
to her for help. They know that
she will give them sound advice
and will keep their problems con-
fidential. She functions as a true
mother away from home.
In addition to all these virtues,
she is intellectually stimulating to
her girls. Her conversations are
intresting, not the usual babble
that comes from the mouths of so
many housemothers. In other
words, she is an ideal housemother.
THE LOYALTY her girls have
for her is great. They are willing

to fight to the last ditch in an at-
tempt to keep her. Last year when
the girls of Betsy Barbour learned
that she was being sent to the hill,
a loud protest went up. A petition
requestingher retention at Bar-
bour, which was signed by all but
two or three of the residents of

Barbour, was taken to the Office
of the Dean of Women. There the
girls learned that the transfer was
"part of the system" and nothing
could be done about it. To prevent
any embarrassment of this dear
woman, the protest of the girls
was not made public at that-time.
This housemother is, of course,
Mrs. Upgren, the resent house-
mother of Hinsdale House, Alice
Lloyd. Much to the dismay of these
girls, she has been fired, for rea-
sons unstated.
As a member of her last year's
household in Betsy Barbour, I pro-
-Rebecca Dale Henry, '63
Boredom .. .
To the Editor:
PETER Goldfarb's review of
"Last Year at Marienbad" was
one of those not "all too rare ex-
xperiences" in The Daily. Though
he was correct in asserting the ex-
cellence of imagery and photogra-
phy in the film, Mr. Goldfarb
forgot to mention that the film
was also the year's most boring
epic of nothingness.
Mr. Goldfarb's review "fused
into a totality which came near
to overwhelming consciousness ...
linking reality with fantasy. Un-
fortunately it was more fantasy
than reality.
The "tyranny of Dick-and-Jane
logic," which Mr. Goldfarb de-
rides, feeds, clothes, and amuses
him; it most likely gives him his
Daily job. He should recognize
IN HIS tryst with mysticism,
the reviewer says our reality is
dead ("and has been a long time").
If so, what do you live in, Mr.
Goldfarb? Non-reality? Unreality?
That may be wishful thinking on
your part, but why subject readers
to your neuroses?
"Last Year at Marienbad" was
a mystical concoction designed to
filch the public of 90 cents and
make it think it had seen some-
thing terribly abstruse. In fact,
the public experienced boredom,
nothing more and nothing less.
-Michael Hyman, '65
Errors. ..
To the Editor:
THE STAFF of the 1962 Michi-
ganensian is aware that there
has been a considerable amount of
misinformation and unsubstantl
ated rumor as to the cause of
some of the mistakes that were
made in this year's publication.
Some of these errors can be at-
tributed to us; some of them to
our printer. With regard to the
latter we would like to quote from
his letter concerning this water:
To the Michiganensian:
"On page 216 (Delta Upsilon)
your photo identification was as it
should have been. The fact that
we changed this to 229 (Phi Sigma
Delta) was obviously an unex-
plainable error on our part. On
page 229 the picture is wrong for
the sane reason that 216 is wrong.
There was no way you could have
discovered this on the page proof.
"Page 226 (Phi Kappa Psi) be-
trays a mistake in paste up. The
possibility that this negligence
might have been detected in
proofreading may lessen the se-
verity of our mistake, but it cer-
tainly does not absolve us.
"We cannot tell you how sorry
we are about these mishaps. As I
told you we check, double check,
and triple check. How such mis-
takes escaped us is a mystery that
defies solution."
-Earl Sanders
Vice President
Foote & Davies, Inc.
** *
THE BOOK cannot be reprinted,
the mistakes cannot be corrected
The staff of the 1962 Mchiganen-
sian sincerely regrets these errors
and any embarrassment caused
the groups involved. It is our hope

that the sources of such problems
have been found and that any
repetition of this year can be elim-
-Jean Seinshelmner
-Paul F. Krynicki
Business Manager

1 tM Co1 tfl3.~, TOVARt I . I''

world Labor Fund

Daily Staff Writer
THE United Automobile Workers
are undertaking an ambitious
project which, if it succeeds, may
appreciably change the trade pat-
terns of the world and signifi-
cantly raise mankind's standard
of living. At its last convention
three weeks ago in Atlantic City,
the union voted to put the interest
of its $40 million strike fund into
a "World Labor Fund." This $1.5
million kitty would be used to aid
the organizing of automobile work-
ers in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin
America and Australia.
If successful and followed by
other unions, the world's workers
will reach one of their long time
goals-decent and adequate wages,
working conditions and fringe ben-
efits in all parts of the world-and
at the same time eliminate the
bane of highly industrialized na-
ions, the sweatshop-produced good
that undersells the local product.
In the short run, the UAW plans
to use the $1.5 million through the
International ' Metalworkers Fed-
eration (IMF), an asociation of
metal trades unions of various free
world countries. UAW president
Walter Reuther heads the auto-
workers section of the IMF.

ONE OF the first goals of the
UAW is to organize workers in
international companies that trade
in the United States. Recent ac-
tivities along this line include or-
ganizing attempts at the Cologne
Volkswagen plant, and supporting /
Ford workers in the Union of
South Africa trying to organize
in the midst of racial complica-
tions. At the Ford plant Negroes
doing work identical to white
workers get half the white man's
A little more distant aim is the
universal 40-hour week. This is a
goal of the IMF and its free-world
parent, the International Confed-
eration of Free Trade Unions.
Some progress has been made to-
ward this goal, especially in West-
ern Europe where some autowork-
ers' hours have been reduced from
54 to 40 per week.
The most far-reaching goal is
a universal fair labor standard.
Although no definition of this has
been worked out, UAW officials
working in the international labor
area said it would approximate the
United States Fair Labor Stan-
dards Act of 1938 which set min-
imum wages, maximum hours and
some unfair labor practices.
mental aid in achieving this goal

through the General Agreement on
Tariff and Trade (GATT) and the
International Labor Organization
(ILO), a part of the United Na-
Once this fair labor standard
is adopted 'it would be incorporat-
ed in the GATT agreement. Thus
any goods not produced under this
standard could not be sold in any
GATT signatory country. An ILO
treaty establishing these standards
would make them law in every
country that ratified the agree-
The eventual effect would be
quite staggering. Even if this stan-
dard were not arbitrarily applied
in monetary terms, which would be
inflationary, the improved wages
and working conditions would al-
low growth of underdeveloped na-
tions and would ease the economic
gap and tensions that derive from
FURTHER, it would hasten the
development of a: free trade world
as high-wage industry would be
protected from sweatshop com-
petition. An international labor
standard is much more effective
than a tariff as it makes goods
produced in all countries compe-
titive without hindering trade.
However, there are many ob-
stacles hindering this international
standard. The major one is the
conservativenature of world gov-
ernments and management who
are in no hurry, for obvious rea-
sons, to push for this standard.
They provide a huge stumbling
block that may take decades to
Immediately, nationalism and
parochialism will hinder interna-
tional union development. The vsa-
ues of the international labor
standard have been obvious for
at least a century. Marx said,
"Workers of the world, unite!"
However, national attachments and
jurisdictional squabbles have di-
vided labor.
* * *
UNIONS have been more in-
terested in local conditionstand the
status of their own industry than
worrying about the overall labor
picture. In fact many unions in


(Continued from Page 2)
um Complex," Mon., May 28, 2009 Mu-
seums Bldg., at 8:00 a.m. Chairman,
C. F. Walker.
Social Security Office: New England
Area: William Jones, Personnel Dept..
wants graduate students for social re-
search analysts. Will interview at Bu-
reau Thurs., May 31.
of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for interview
appointments with the following:
MON., MAY 28-
Adrian college will interview candi-
dates, men or women, for position of
Asst. Registrar Mon. from 2:00 to 5:00
p.m. College graduate, any major, to

Public Relatios Asst. Prefer Journalism
major. (2) Chemical Engnr. (3) Chem-
ist. (4) Food Technologists.
Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital -
Openings for Chemists, Biochemists
PhD), Medical Lab. Technicians and
Registered Nurses. Hospital is affiliated
with Univ. of Ill.
Washington State Civil Service - Al-
coholism Program Supervisor. Degree
plus 4 yrs. admin. or consultative ex-
per. in community social agency or ex-
per. in program or research related to
alcoholism & rehabilitation. Advanced
degree may substitute for 2 yrs. of ex-
Albee Homes,Inc., Niles, O.-Men in-
terested in Sales. Any degree. Will
present the Albee pre-cut homes. No
door to door canvassing. Must be <free
to locate to one of 25 cities,
Probate Court, St. Clair County, Port
Huron, Mich.-Two positions available

La Forza Del Des ano
FRIDAY NIGHT'S "La Forza Del Destino" was a great performance.
Everyone was in wonderful voice (including the prompter, in some
scenes), the orchestra sparkled, and all of the staging really worked.
Until you've seen a dozen Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc. soldiers
scampering out to the battlefield in act II of "Forza," you can't know
what a delight war can be.
Eileen Farrell and Richard Tucker were both sick and Detroit was
thus denied the pleasure of witnessing what might well have been the
wildest embrace in modern theatre. But their substitutes, Jan Peerce
(Don Alvara) and Lucine Amara (Leonora) were everything one might
want for the roles, especially Miss.Almara, who sang brilliantly through-
Robert Merrill (Don Carlo) was flawless and Jerome Hines (Padre
Guardiano) was divinity itself. Everybody loves Adessio De Paolis,. and
he didn't let anyone down; as Trabucco he was a pinnacle of senility.
Ample additional comedy was supplied by Gerhard Pechner (Fra Meli-
tone), who swings a wicked ladle.
* * * *
BUT THERE was one great, inexcusable blot on the evening. The
Met, for unknown reasons, recklessly cut whole scenes out of the opera

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