THE MICHIGAN DAILY TT1TTR~flAV MAV~& - -- ~ a * ..a*a a. AS~ *1,,,'
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Deans Report Curriculum, Trimester Changes
apan Sends Law
store for curriculum changes. With the demise of the master's
He says that the school is still degree in hospital pharmacy, a
tremendously hampered by cramp- new six-year program leading to
ed facilities, which are scattered a doctor of pharmacy degree will
throughout 13 buildings on cam- be offered. This program involves
pus, and, in some cases, are in primarily professional training for
"deplorable" condition, those students planning to work in
The school would have little hospitals.
trouble in adjusting its courses to
trimester, as with its National Mu- Public Health School.. ..
sic Camp, open each summer at This school will eliminate its
Interlochen, it runs "a larger sum- bacheor osciencedeeeinapubs
mer session than spring or fall." lic nursing in order to concentrate
on its graduate program in this
Natural Resources . - * area, Dean Myron E. Wegman
No curriculum revisions will be says.
made here, retiring Dean Stanley The last class in the undergrad-
F. Fontanna says. uate nursing program in public
Prof. Stephen H. Spurr, who is health will enter this fall. These
currently doing liaison work be- students had previously taken
tween the faculty and administra- three years of work in a hospital
tion in helping to coordinate plans nursing school and became Reg-
for the year-round operation, says istered Nurses, then gone on for
his school could derive substantial three more years of study in the
benefit from the proposed calen- public health school to get a
dar, as its courses might function bachelor of science degree.
better in the outdoor summer With this program eliminated,
weather. therefore, students with an R.N.
who wish to procure a bachelor's
Nursing School.-.
Dean Rhoda Reddig Russel re-
ports that the school has institut-
ed a new graduate program inI
medical-surgical nursing to be-
gin this fall.
This program, to involve two;
academ ic years, will lead to a 9 ' a y, offic a :"BLeIn s a
roaster of science degree. The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
The project, operated in coop- sity of Michigan for which The
eration with the graduate school, Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
is financed by a $250,000 grant responsibility. Notices should be
from the Kellogg Foundation. sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
Students must have a bachelor before2 p.m., two days preceding
of science degree in nursing in publication.
order to enter the new program. THURSDAY, MAY 24
Pharmacy College - - - General Notices
Dean Tom D. Rowe reports that Regents' Meeting: Fri., June 15. Com-
the school's bachelor degree pro- munications for consideration at this
gram has been increased from meeting must be in the President's
four to five years, while the mas- hands not later than June 5.
ter's degree in hospital pharmacy Automobile Regulations: The Univer-
has been replaced. sity student automobile regulations will
Rowe said the bachelor's degree be lifted with the completion of classes
was revamped in order to lighten o Tues., May 29. Office of the Dean of
was evapedinorde toligtenMen
the class load on students (who
used to carry up to 30 hours per Graduating Seniors place your order
week), give them time to take for caps and gowns now at Moe's Sport
courses in other fields, and to en- -o71 rh n s
able the school to teach on a Applications for the University of
higher level, as the student now Michigan Sponsored Research Gradu-
will have finished his chemistry ate Fellowships to be awarded for the
and hyscs ackgoun beorefall semester, 1962-63, are now being
and physics background before accepted in the office of the Graduate
tackling pharmacy courses. School. The stipend is $1,50 plus tui-
tion per semester. Application forms are
available from the Graduate School.
DIAL Only applicants who have been em-
DIAL ployed at the University of Michigan
5-6290 on sponsored research for at least one
year on at least a half time basis
Fard Wilmer are eligible and preference will b
given to applicants whohavecompleted
the equivalent of at least one full
EY KRMER'Ssemester of graduate wrk at the time
Y KRAMER'S of application. Applications and sup-
Today at porting material are due in the office
of the Graduate School not later than
2:00 4:00 p.m., Mon., Aug. 13.
5:10 Faculty Members and University Em-
8:30 pioes: The Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics of the University of
Michigan extends to the Faculty and to
full-time University employes the priv-
)AY ilege of purchasing Athletic Cards.
ARTHUR O'CONNELL Those Eligible to Purchase:
1) University Faculty and Adminis-
'fAT DREAM"' trative Officers.
2) Faculty members who have been re-
tired, but still retain faculty privileges.
3) Employes on the University payroll
-_ _ _ _who have appointments or contracts
on a full-time yearly basis: or, if on an
hourly basis, are full-time employes and
have been employed by the University
ITS ASSOCIATION for a period of not less thanpctive
months prior to the date of application
for the purchase of an Athletic Card.
+N UN ION present The date shown on the Employe's Uni-
versity Identification Card shall be con-
sidered as the date of employment.
4) For spouses and dependent chil-
ren between the ages of 0 and 18 of
OIL-PAINTINGS H th of Athletic---s "
the above groups.
Cost of Athletic Card-$15.00
i CHILDREN Purchase Date:
1) At Ferry Field Ticket Office be-
f Istanbul May 29, 1453 ginning June 1.
2) Preference for location expires Aug.
1) Additional Season Ticket purchase
Hall Museum of Art privilege (limit 2) expires Aug. 10.
Hrti Conditions and Privileges:
O MAY 28, 1952 1) Athletic Cards or Tickets are not
2) Ticket privileges end with termina-
_____________________ Lion of employment with the Universty
and no refunds or rebates will be made.
3) Priority seating locations will be
maintained by continuity of purchase.
4) Faculty members and employes who
purchase Athletic Cards will receive a
reserver seat at each home football
game and general admission to basket-
ball, track, wrestling, and baseball, as
long as seats are available.
5) The Board will not guarantee the
sale of athletic cards after Aug. 10.
degree will have to go to another
university to do so.
Social Work School ...
Dean Fedele F. Fauri reports
there are no drastic curriculum
changes in his school, which oper-
ates on substantial grants for in-
struction and research in social
work in addition to University
He sees no overwhelming prob-
lem for the school if it would have
to adjust to a full-year calendar,
although the summer session at
present can offer only 10 course
Insaddition, the social work'
school might not continue to al-
low students e n t e r i n g with'
traineeships in September to study
here through the summer, if there
were an increase in the number
who enroll in February.
Literary college .. .
Several departments of the col-
lege are planning major curricu-
lum changes for next year.
The psychology department
plans to reorient and expand its
courses to allow for more special-
ization on the undergraduate level
for the students who do not intend
to take graduate work.
In the mathematics department,
there will be increased use of large
lecture sections, due to a shortage
of faculty.
The Slavic languages' program
in Russian will be expanded con-
siderably; and in the Far Eastern
languages, several new courses will
be added.
A separate linguistics depart-
ment will be set up. Prof. Joseph
K. Yamigiwa, chairman of the Far
Eastern languages department and
acting chairman of the new lin-
guistics department curriculum
committee, said that the Regents
have authorized the new depart-
ment, but that it hasn't started
operating yet. The University is
now seeking a chairman for the
The linguistics program up to
now has been run with the co-
ordination of nine departments -
English, Germanic 1 a n g u a g e s,
speech, romance languages, Far
Eastern languages, Near Eastern
languages, Slavic languages, clas-
sical studies, and anthropology.
The merging of the geology and
the mineralogy departments last
July has necessitated changes in
the curricula of both departments.'
Also, a course in rocks and miner-
als for non-departmental majors
will be offered each fall.
Changes are being made in the
sequence of courses in some areas
in the history of art department in
order that students will be assured
of the availability of an advanced
course after they have taken an
introductory course. The changes
mainly affect oriental and medie-
val art courses.
The. Law School is expecting de-
livery soon of more than 100 vol-
umes of law books - written in
The books will be the gift of the
Japanese Ministry of Justice. Ac-
cording to word received from
Tokyo, the books are already on
the way and worth the yen equiva-
lent of about $300.
This gift will be in the form of
a "thank you," Prof. James B.
George, Jr. of the Law School said.
For the past four years the Law
School has had an arrangement
with the office of the Procurator-
General of Japan under which one
public prosecutor from that office
has spent a year of study in Ann
The procurator-general is the
Japanese equivalent of the United
States Attorney General, Prof.
George explained.
The 100 volumes are mostly in
the area of Japanese criminal law
and procedure. They will repre-
sent the first gift ever received by
the Law School from a foreign
To Perform
'Red Pep.pers
Noel Coward's one-act play "Red
Peppers" will be presented by the
speech department's Laboratory
Playbill series at 4:10 p.m. today
in Trueblood Aud.
"Red Peppers" is a vaudeville
comedy set in a small English
provincial town in 1936. It tells
the story of a below average song
and dance team who believe they
will soon play a large London thea-
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Events Thursday
Seminar on the structure and Sym-
metry of Crystals: Thurs., May 24 at
12:10 p.m. in 3065 Natural Science Bldg.,
Dr. W. T. Holser will speak on "Sym-
metry and Structure of Twinned Crys-
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Alan White, Botany; thesis: "A Com-
parative Study of the Tracheary Ele-
ments of the Ferns," Thurs., May 24,
1139 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00 a.m.
Chairman, C. B. Beck.
Doctoral Examination for Bonifacia
Capili Dazo, Zoology; thesis: "The
Morphology and Natural History of
Pleurocera acuta Rafinesque and Gonio-
basis livescens (Menke); (Mollusca: Gas-
tropoda: Prosobranchia)," Thurs., May
24, 2090 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00
a.m. Chairman, H. van der Schalie.
Doctoral Examination for Warren Con-
rad Haggstrom, Social Work & Social
Psychology; thesis: "Self-Esteem and
Other Characteristics of Residentially
Desegregatde Negroes," Thurs., May 24,
2056 Frieze Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chair-
man, T. M. Newcomb.
Events Friday
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. T. C.
Schneirla, Museum of Natural History,
New York City, will discuss "Early De-
velopment of Orientation and Maternal-
Young Relations in Kittens" on Fri.
May 25 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B.
Seminar on the Structure and Sym-
metry of Crystals: "Symmetry of Crys-
tal Fabrics" will be discussed by Dr. W.
T. Holser on Fri., May 25 at 12:10 p.m.
in 3065 Natural Science Bldg.
Astronomy Department Visitor's Night:
Fri., May 25, 8:30 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall.
Dr. Orren C. Mohler will speak on "Sun-
spots." After the lecture the Student
Observatory, fifth floor, Angell Hall,
will be open for inspection and for'
telescopic observations of a double star
and cluster. Children welcomed, but
must be accomnanied by adults.
Doctoral Examination for Harry Al-
fred Dugger, Chemistry: thesis: "The
Reaction of some Grignard Reagents
with Carbon Disulfide," Fri., May 25,
3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Co-
Chairmen, M. M. Martin and P. A. S.
Doctoral Examiation for Martin Bloom,
Social Psychology: thesis: "Mechanism
of Value Transmission: A Social Psy-
chological Study." Fri., May 25, 5609
Haven Hall, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, T.
M. Newcomb.
Doctoral Examination for Jennifer
Owen, Zoology; thesis: "The Bahavior
of a Social Wasn Polistes fuscatus (Ves-
pidae) at the Nest, with Special Refer-
ence to Differences Between Individ-
uals," Fri., May 25, 2009 Museum Bldg.,
at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, F. C. Evans.
Doctoral Examination for Crawford
Ellsworth Fritts, Geology; thesis: "Bed-
rock Geology of the Mount Carmel and
Southington Quadrangels, Connecticut,"
Fri.. May 25, 2045 Natural Science Bldg.,
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. N. Goddard.
Doctoral Examination for Sarah L.
Curtis Lichtenstein, Psychology; thesis:
"Bases for Prefercnces among Three-
Outcome Bets," Fri., May 25, 7615 Haven
Hall, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, Ward Ed-
Doctoral Examination for Paul Ed-
ward Smith, Economics; thesis: "The
Individual Income Tax, Individual Sav-
ing, and Built-in Tax Flexibility," Fri.,
May 25, 217 Economics Bldg., at 1:00
p.m. Chairman, R. A. Musgrave.
Doctoral Examination for Edward Har-
ris Klevans, Nuclear Engineering; thes-
is: "A Theory of Photon Transport in
Dispersive Media," Fri., May 25, 315 Au-
tomotive Engineering Laboratory, at
9:30 Chairman, R. K. Osborn.
Doctoral Examination for Roy Davage
Hudson, Pharmacology; thesis: "Effects
of Chiorpromazine on Some Motor Re-
flexes," Fri., May 25, M6314 Medical
Science Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,
E. F. Domino.
Doctoral Examination for Phyllis Jane
Peterson, Political Science; thesis: "Bra-
zilian Political Parties: Formation, Or-
ganization, and Leadership, 1945-1959,"
Fri., May 25, 4609 Haven Hall. at 3:30
p.m. Chairman, S. J. Eldersveld.
Doctoral Examination for Eugene So-
viak, History; thesis: "Baba Tatsui: A
Study of Intellectual Acculturation in
the Early Meiji Period," Fri., May 25,
3609 Haven Hall, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman,
R. F. Hackett.
Doctoral Examination for Charles
Hugh Hubbell, Social Psychology; thes-
is: "An Input-Output Model for Influ-
ence Structures,":Fri., May 25, 2419
Mason Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, J.
R. P. French.
Doctoral Examination for Huber Rich-
ard Warner, Biological Chemistry; thes-
is: "The Structure and Metabolism of
Plasmalogen," Fri., May 25, 5429 Medical
Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, W. E.
Appointments-Seniors & grad students,
please call Ext. 3544 for interview ap-
pointment with the following:
IMON., MAY 28-
Adrian College will interview candi-
dates, men or women, for position of
Asst. Registrar Monday afternoon from
2:00 to 5:00. College graduate, any ma-
jor, to learn all activities of the Reg-
istrar's Office. Starting Date: June or
August 1962.
Reminder: Foreign Service Exam ap-
plications must be filed by July 23 for
annual examination given on Sept. 8 by
the State Dept. and also the U.S. In-
formation Agency. Applicant must
choose one, but may not take both.
Open to bothbJuniors & Seniors; age
21-31. U.S. citizens for at least 9 yrs.
(Applications & sample questions avail-
able at Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB).
Attn.: Seniors or Recent grads-Arm-
strong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa. has
several openings in Mgmt. Training
Class starting June 26 for men interest-
ed in Purchasing Credit, Production
Planning, Acct'g., & Sales. (Call Bureau
of Appts., Ext. 3544, immediately if in-
212 SAB-
Camp Tamerack, Mich.-Coed camp
has positions for male counselors. Carl
Hartman will interview Mon., May 28 in
the Summer Placement office, from 1:30
to 4:30 p.m.
Sportsservice Corporation, Buffalo,
N.Y--Has positions in food concessions
in various cities in the United States.
Positions are for majors in math, ac-
counting or business. More information
at the Summer Placement Service.
Auto Lite Div of Ford Motor Co.,
Dearborn, Mich.-Industrial Relations
Mgmt. Trainee. Man with BA in any
field & good scholastic average. Exper
of 0-1 yr. Must have mgmt. potential.
General Electric Co., New York, N.Y.
-Have a few openings in the Business
Training Course. Degree in related busi-
ness areas.
(Continued on Page 4)
TONIGHT and FRIDAY at 7 and 9
Orson Welles'
Chariton Heston, Janet Leigh,
Orson Welles
Short: Herbert Vesely's On These Evenings
Award of Distinction, Creative Film Foundation
Billy Wilder's
Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn
William Holden, Walter Hampden
pDial ,8-6416
~N. Y. i
An ASTOR Release
Sailing Club, General Meeting, May
24, 7:45 p.m., 325 W. Engineering.
Dp If OMi i Dial 2-6264 Feature stat
, 1'' ly 1111111N1tlouimat 1 :00-3:00
In11111 I ""'N Ow . 5:05-7:10 and
Ha 0 I D111{III
Of the modern films we have
shown this semester, Touch of
Evil is probably the one which
it is least likely that people
have ever heard of. It was in
Ann Arbor a couple of years
ago, but like many films it
slipped in and was whisked
away before anyone knew it
existed. It received little pub-
licity either nationally or lo-
cally. Nevertheless, it is our
season's dark horse.
The director, Orson Welles,
got together the finest, actors
he knew of - Orson Welles,
Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh,
Marlene Dietrich, Orson Welles,
Dennis Weaver (Chester in
Gunsmoke), Mercedes Macam-
bridge, Thomas Gomez, Akim
Tamiroff, Orson Welles and a
host of the slimiest, most cor-
rupt looking extras available.
The action takes place in a
border town in Mexico. The
story involves two police of-
ficials-one, a high principled
Mexican who has come down
from Mexico City to smash a
dope ring (the best job of act-
ing of Heston's career), and a
grimy, sweaty, candybar eating,
repulsive, elephantine, Ameri-
can sheriff (Orson Welles) with
the reputation for always get-
ting his man. The methods this
bloated paragon uses to catch
his man seem to this inexper-
ienced observer more foul than
those of the men he hunts.
Welles of course steals every
scene he is in since his mam-
moth obesity obviates the pos-
sibility of anyone else's appear-
ing on the screen.
Thomas Gomez and Akim
Tamiroff at their sweaty best
set the tone of the local under-
world which slithers around
bribing, murdering and kid-
napping. Janet Leigh plays the
newly wed wife of the Mexican
official (Heston), and it is she
who (as in Psycho) is involved
in those scenes most touched
to find her and take their own
kind of revenge. Out in the
middle of a desert strip, looked
after by a lone caretaker (Den-
nis Weaver-who is a master at
playing the timid, weak looking
country hic who, when the
chips are down, proves himself
really to be a coward), there
is no need for the brutal juven-
iles to show restraint. Rape is
part of their intent, and the
luridness of the scene is cap-
italized by the comment of one
of the gang's leather jacketed
girls (Mercedes Macambridge).
"Can I watch?"
For those who like star stud-
ded films, Touch of Evil makes
Stagedoor Canteen look like
Red's Rite Spot. For those who
like pictures that probe into
corruption, Touch of Evil makes
Sunset Boulevard look like Mrs.
Miniver. For those who like
thrillers, Touch of Evil makes
The Body Snatcher look like
clean fun. For those who like
musical comedies, Touch of
Evil .. . stay home
One of the best drawing-
room comedies of the past de-
cade, Samuel Taylor's Sabrina
Fair told an attractive Cin-
derella story of a chauffeur's
daughter on a Long Island es-
tate who, after a finishing per-
iod in Paris, finds herself
courted by the two sons of the
family. Those who adapted the
screen play must have been
prompted by obscure motives
of revenge. What was perhaps
the most amusing character,
a tart-tongued maiden lady was
removed entirely from the cast
of characters. Both fathers, who
in the play were comic charac-
ters whose preoccupations shed
an ironic light on their social
roles, were transmuted into
conventional family images.
The critics complained justly
that endless shots exploiting
Audrey Hepburn's gamin
charms did not quite compen-
a side of life you never expected to see on the screen!
__ THE
f :rmID
a new
story I
+ P &