Curricula Revisions Focused in Medical Sci
When the University opens up shop in the fall, it will find that
substantial changes have been made in curricula dealing with medical
sciences, but less sweeping ones in most schools and departments.
The nursing school, pharmacy college and public health school
have reshuffled their degree requirements, while the engineering col-
lege will be offering a program in bio-engineering, especially designed
to integrate studies in the engineering and medical-biological sciences.
Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns saw no un-
usual significance in or overall reason for the major curriculum
changes being concentrated in the medical sciences.
Year-Round Operation
Although the schools are currently studying how their programs
would be fitted into the proposed year-round operation, slated to be-
gin in 1963-64, Heyns said he did not anticipate any spectacular in-
crease next year in curriculum changes forced by the calendar transi-
A school-by-school rundown on curriculum changes, plus a
glimpse at how these colleges may have to revise their curricula to
adjust to trimester:
Architecture College .,..
Assistant Dean Herbert Johe says no major curriculum changes
will be made this year.
As a "medium-sized" college, however, it might find difficulty in
offering in the proposed summer session expansion all the courses it
has in the spring and fall terms.
Many of the third, fourth and fifth-year architecture students
who normally would be more inclined to attend a summer session are
encouraged to obtain jobs and professional experience, Dean Johe says.
Business School...
Associate Dean Dick A. Leabo reports that students working to-
wards their master's degree in business administration will be requir-
ed to have at least 30 credit hours in '500' courses.
The move was made so that these students would have at least
half their required work in courses open only to graduate students,
Leabo said.
Several faculty committees within the business school are re-
viewing aspects of the curriculum, including further study of the
master's degree program. There is a possibility that curriculum deci-
sions may yet be made this term, as the faculty meets tomorrow and
will have another meeting.
Dentistry College,...
Prof. Robert Doerr, secretary, says there will -be no curriculum
changes next year.
In reference to full-year calendar, he pointed out that dental
clinics would have to be air-conditioned to counteract the extreme
summer heat if the school would be able to offer an expanded summer
Education School ...
Associate Dean Charles F. Lehmann reports that students plan-
ning to become elementary school teachers will be required to take
a mathematics course, which will be offered starting in September,
New courses on tap for this fall include electives in counseling
and educational psychology, along with a non-credit seminar on In-
dian education.
Explaining his school's situation in regard to full-year operation,
Dean Lehmann said that the education school might run into problems
with the schedule of University High School, in which it is located.
With the University's trimester calendar conflicting with the Ann
Arbor school system timetable, the high school might have to operate
on a schedule independent of that of other city schools.
Engineering College...
Curriculum additions for this fall, besides the bio-engineering
program, include courses in soil mechanics, ship motions and vibra-
tions, machinability research and seminars on nonlinear systems, ran-
dom processes, data transmission and automatic control, Associate
Dean Glenn V. Edmondson says.
The bio-engineering program wil combine studies in any aspect
of engineering with those in medical and biological sciences, so that
the student, who would graduate with an engineering degree, would
be equipped to work professionally in anatomy, bio-chemistry, botany,
physiology, psychology, zoology and other medical and biological
Scholarships, fellowships and grants are already available for
this interdisciplinary program.
Graduate School...
Associate Dean Freeman D. Miller points out that the graduate
school itself has no faculty, and hence no curriculum, as it merely co-
ordinates and approves the entrance of students into graduate pro-
grams in other departments within the University. x
See DEANS, Page 2
See Page 4
Fair and mild
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Braden, Wilkinson Hit HUAC
Carl Braden and Frank Wilkin-
son, speaking on campus last night
under the auspices of Voice Po-
litical Party and the Democratic
Socialists Club, presented a case
for civil liberties and against the
House Un-American Activities
Braden stressed that the First
Amendment freedoms of speech
and assembly make possible the
peaceful transformation of so-
ciety. "If we don't have these free-
doms, change may become vio-
lent," he said.
Wilkinson stressed that HUAC's
investigation of propaganda vio-
lates the First Amendment's exact
words that "Congress shall make
no law ... abridging the freedom
of speech, or of the press, or of the
people peaceably to assemble ..
-Braden and Wilkinson have "ap-
peared, under subpoena, before
HUAC and have refused to an-
swer its questions, pleading the
First Amendment. Convicted of
contempt of Congress by the Fed-
eral District Court in Atlanta, they
took their case to the Supreme
Court. It upheld their convictions
last year by a 5-4 vote and they
served nine months in prison.
"It is possible that the Supreme
-Daily-Jerome Starr
ABOLISH THE COMMITTEE-Frank Wilkinson looks on as Carl
Braden advocates abolition of the House Un-American Activities
Court is swinging around on the
question of contempt of Congress
convictions," Braden' continued
last night, citing the Court's set-
ting aside of six of such convic-
tions on a legal technicality ear-
lier this week.
Braden, an associate editor of
The Southern Patriot, related in-
cidents of repression of integra-
tionists in the South and indicated
Fontanna Observes,
A Changing University
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of two articles on Deans Stanley
G. Fontanna of the natural re-
sources school and Paul H. Jeserich
of the dental school who will retire
this June.)
Acting Co-Magazine Editor
The modern world with all its
complexities has even reached the
forest primeval.
"Today's natural resources stu-
dent must know more things than
I did when I went to school," Dean
Stanley G. Fontanna of the nat-
ural resources school observes.
"When I came here we were sim-
ply foresters. Now students spe-
cialize in silviculture, entomology
or pathology, to name a few. It
is simply a recognition of the
growingj complexity of the world."
Dean Fontanna, who graduated
from the University in 1917, will
retire this summer after eleven
years as head of the natural re-
sources school. He hopes to get
"out of the frozen north where I
spent most of my life to a warmer
Succeeds Dana
He was deputy director of the
Michigan department of conserva-
tion before he was asked to return
to the University in 1951 to suc-
ceed Dean Emeritus Samuel Trask
Dana. He handled much of the ac-
tual administration of the state
department, and reorganized both
the finance and personnel sections.
He has also served with the Mich-
igan State Planning Commission
and on the Council of the Society
of American Foresters.
Under Dean Fontanna's guid-
ance, the school of natural re-
sources has inaugurated new pro-
grams in forestry, in soil and
water, economics and recreation.
In wood technology, the program
was altered to include courses in
industrial engineering. Combined
, ssam s with P sn ce n r of m P
them to political science. It pro-
vides a good background," he says.
"Our whole system of education
demands more and more special-
ized knowledge, and presenting
this becomes more difficult," the
dean explains. An academic oper-
ation is not quite like government
or industry, although in running
one a dean administers depart-
ments within the school, handles
finances and personnel, and is in
charge of various programs.
One of the major programs was
to move the natural resources
school into the remodelled West
Medical Bldg. In its new building,
the school has twice as much space
as before - new laboratories,
equipment and better classrooms
and offices. In particular, Dean
Fontanna cites the additional fa-
cilities for the graduate students
who comprise 40 per cent of the
When he attended the Univer-
sity, there were only 5,000 stu-
dents on campus and relatively
few graduate students. "I was a
member of a committee to raise
money for- an addition to the
Michigan Union," he recalls. "We
resented women on campus -
co-eds were new then. But now
things have changed."
Whole Program
Dean Fontanna, looking back on
his past eleven years here, says the
University has taken on new re-
sponsibilities.. The whole program
in nuclear science and many
things in the Medical School were
not conceived of eleven years ago.
,But throughout, the University has
consistently maintained its high
quality and has grown more into
the graduate field.
"The University will probably
go into the trimester program," he
says. "The advantages wouldn't
particularly save money - it will
be expensive. But the University
will he nhle tn noe its facilities
that this atmosphere is boosted
by HUAC.
"We are witnessing the revival
of McCarthyism in the South,"
he declared, "because all other
weapons of the segregationists are
Wilkinson drew a distinction be-
tween investigation of propaganda
and investigation of overt violence,
commenting that the latter is a,
rightful function of "the 19 other
legitimate committees of the
Braden drew a similar distinc-
tion, urging:
"Let everyone speak and organ-
ize; stop them only when they at-
tempt violence against the govern-
ment. But as long as we preserve
the Bill of Rights, we won't have
to worry about violence."
The pair were asked if they are
Communist. "This question should
not be asked or answered until the
open marketplace is restored,"
Wilkinson said.
"Whenever you answer a ques-
tion like this posed by the Com-
mittee, you lend your support to
HUAC," Braden said.
Crowd Hears
A crowd, estimated from 600 to
1,000 persons, heard Robert
Thompson, a Communist official,
talk about the party, its philoso-
phy, aims and tactics in the back
yard of the Delta Phi Sigma fra-
ternity at Michigan State Univer-
sity last night.
A Chi O Hit;
.D Phi E Gets
More Time
Nohl Sees Question
On Right of Action
As The Daily went to press at 2
a.m. Student Government Council
still had to hear the report of its
Committee on Membership and
approve a delegation to the Na-
tional Student Congress before ad-
journing for the semester.
Earlier, two sororities, Alpha
Chi Omega and Delta Phi Epsilon,
came before SGC to ask for spe-
cial consideration for extending
deadlines on membership selection
statements .
Council decided to consider the
requests in both cases. Alpha Chi
Omega was refused an extension
until fall in a 10 to 5 vote. Delta
Phi Epsilon was granted an ex-
tension until June 1.
Alpha Chi Omega's request was
for an extension of an extension.
Although Alpha Chi Omega main-
tained local autonomy, on Monday
the national president informed
the local chapter that the Nation-
al Council would have to approve
the statement.
Richard Nohl, '62BAd, said that
he voted against re-extending Al-
pha Chi Omega's deadline because
the grounds for extension were
not sufficient. He maintained that
a basic question, underlying re-
quests for extensions was whether
SGC has the right to ask for
membership statements.
Delta Phi Epsilon asked for an
extension because its national,
which is preparing the complete
statement, informed the local
Thursday that it did not plan to
submit a statement. This action
was in accord with a non-binding
consensus reached at a recent Na-
tional Panhellenic Delegates con-
ference not to abide by Council's
Panhellenic Association Presi-
dent Ann McMillan, '63, said that
the decision not to submit was
connected with a disagreement on
the definition of a student orga-
nization, and whether a sorority
fell under this definition.
Tuition Hikes
Trustee Use
By Hatcher
The American college trustee
system has helped carry this coun-
try to world leadership, University
President Harlan Hatcher said
yesterday at the University of Il-
Speaking at a luncheon in honor
of Illinois' past trustees, President
Hatcher noted that approximately
30,000 trustees are "unstintingly
contributing their time and varied
experience to the cause of educa-
As laymen with limited exper-
ience in the field of education,
trustees are generally asked not
to manage their college, but to
see it is properly managed, Pres-
ident Hatcher said.
"They ask the discerning ques-
tion and make the probing inquiry
to assure the wisdom, judgment
and procedure for administrative
decisions. They. act, too, as a
shield, guarding the freedom of
the institution and the rights of
those who serve it," he said.
President Hatcher observed the
danger that "one group may be
over-represented" among the trus-
tees of a public university.
"This is not distressing if the
trustees involved are concerned
primarily with the welfare of the
institution and secondarily with
the objectives of their special-
interest group."
' He mentioned academic free-
dom, finances, the institution's
proper relationship to "a world of
increasing inteidependence," and
student activities as areas, of trus-
tee concern.
Commanders Prepare
Carpenter Countdown
CAPE CANAVERAL W-)-Project Mercury commanders started
the final countdown last night for astronaut Malcolm Scott Car-
penter's triple orbit of the globe.
Target hour for the launch is 7 a.m. today./
If delays occur because of weather, forest fire smoke or mechani-
cal bugs, blast-off time could be
big Atlas bearing Carpenter's,
Aurora 7 spaceship does not get
off by that time, the big adven-
ture is to be postponed for another
day, at least.
This is because Project Mercury
officials are determined to shoot
for no less than three orbits, and
a launch time later than 10:30
would not allow sufficient day-
light to assure Carpenter's safe
recovery from the Atlantic.
See Related Stories, Page 3
As the final countdown started
at 11 p.m, last night, everything
was reported in a "go" condition,
including the rocket, and the cap-
sule. Weather forecasts were fa-
vorable, although there was still a
possibility of smoke from forest
and swamp fires.
Moslems Move
To Strike at OAS
ALGIERS (P) - A detachment
of 250 Moslem policemen moved
into Algiers yesterday to strike at
the European Secret Army Organ-
ization, which defied French au-
thorities with new terrorist at-
as late as 10:30 a.m. and if the
Morris Urges
Of Resources
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Assistant Defense
Secretary Thomas D. Morris said
yesterday that if Michigan is to
get more defense contracts it must
exploit the state's university re-
In an address to a Michigan
Week luncheon, Morris said :
"You must exploit the fact that
the Midwest, with its great uni-
versity resources and with its
heavy annual production of pro-
fessional men, has an opportunity
and an obligation to participate in
military research and development
to a degree at least proportional to
your share of the nation's scien-
tific and technical skills." ,
Morris said military proceure-
ment patterns in the next decade
"may well be foreshadowed by the
extent to which each community
invests its resources today in the
new research frontiers of tomor-
Sawyer Comments
Vice-President , for Research
Ralph Sawyer commented that
"for the fiscal year ending June,
1961, the University was fifth
among all non-profit agencies and
universities in Defense Depart-
ment research."
The only universities ahead of
the University were Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, California
Institute of Technology and Johns
Hopkins University, Sawyer said.
He noted, however, that the oth-
er large universities in Michigan-
Michigan State University and
Wayne State University - were
very low on the list of holders of
Defense Department contracts.
MSU was No. 102 out of 103 uni-
versities and non-profit making
agencies and WSU was not on the
Heavy Industry
Sawyer also pointed out that
the state's industries have not
gotten into the aeronautics and
To Consider
Funds .for'U
'In Ten Days
Porter Noncommittal
on Disagreements
With Beadle's Plan
The S e n a t e Appropriations
Committee is discussing a $5 mil-
lion increase in the higher educa-
tion budget with the stipulation
that there must be a dollar-for-
dollar tuition boost, Sen. Elmer
R. Porter (R-Blissfield), chair-
man, confirmed yesterday.
Porter would not say how much
of the $5 million would be slated
for. the University or any other
institution. He added that the fin-
al recommendation on the Uni-
versity appropriation would prob-
ably reach the floor of the Senate
within the next 10 days.
The plan, similar in the amount
and tuition hike conditions to a
measure proposed by committee
member Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-
St. Clair), does differ from the
earlier proposal, Porter said, but
he would not specify in what re-
The Beadle plan would give the
University $1.27 million more for
next year's operating budget. The
Regents have requested an $8.3
million boost.
The Regents have delayed ac-
tion on a tuition boost until the
Legislature completes appropria-
tions, University Executive Vice-
President Marvin L. Niehuss has
The Senate has just begun ap
propriations .for state services
while the House is still working to
get together an acceptable pack-
age of nuisance taxes.
Wait for House
The Senate is waiting for the
House to act on the $69 million
tax package, which includes levies
on beer, cigarettes, telephone and
telegraph services and liquor. The
first of these measures to reach
the floor, the cigarette tax, was
Gov. John B. Swainson has
cleared the way for a nuisance tax
package by his concession that the
prospects for an income tax and
fiscal reform are dead for the
year. But the House, nearly even-
ly split between the two parties,
has been unable to reach agree-
ment on specific measures.
One tax, a one per cent whole-
sale sales tax designed to bring
in $100 million per year, is also
under consideration by the House
Tation :.Cmmittee
Schorer Discusses Biography
"Biography involves the inter-
penetration of one mind by an-
other," Prof. Mark Schorer, chair-
man of the English department of
the University of California in
Berkeley, said yesterday.
Speaking on the "Burdens of
Biography" at the Hopwood lec-,
ture, Prof. Schorer said the bur-
den of "writing in chains" can
be pleasant since facts can have
elegance and poetry in them-
"Making a man live and making
him live in the re-animated time
of his life becomes the proper
province of biography," he said.
Biography, like fiction, remains
a narrative art. The biographer
faces the problem of selecting
from his vast material the details
which will best fall into the nar-
rative and the strains which ap-
pear most often.
Commenting on his biography
he doesn't know what the book
will be about or what shape it
will take.
Commenting on the burden of
using living witnesses, Prof. Schor-
er cited the possibility that human
vanity may lead to a dressing up
of the facts or an exasperating
reticence. The fallibility of human
memory must also be considered,
he said.
An intimate friend may not be
a man's best biographer. Personal
memories may throw the bio-
graphy off balance. An intimate
friend would think he know the
subject already. But, first of all,
the biographer must be a drudge
and probe closely into the sub-
ject's life, he noted.
Anything true and relevant to
the theme may be incorporated
into the biography. In addition to
a theme and a unifying attitude,
however, a biographer needs a
Hopwood Winners
MAJOR FICTION: Stanley Radhuber,
Cehn-tn Cn- .Mer.i.l n m
Grad.; Elizabeth A.