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May 19, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-19

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IK hrushchev Speech Calls


Landin g


U.S. General
Cites Danger
In Thailand
BANGKOK (P)-United States
Gen. Paul D. Harkins warned yes-
terday that danger still lurks from
pro-Communist forces in Laos
whose drive, from the north
brought a rush of American sol-
diers and marines here to protect
Thailand's border.
Though the Pathet Lao is no
longer exploiting victories in
northwest Laos, "there's not much
change in the situation which pre-
cilpitated the crisis," said the gen-
eral. He flew here from his main
headquarters in South Viet Nam
on his first commuting trip to in-
spect the Thailand leg of his new
It seemed, though, that 1,800
marines already encamped in a
dusty paddy field amid an im-
pressive display of shooting iron
close to the Laos border were
here mostly for a moral backstop
to the Thai people for the present.
They have no orders to shoot any
Communists they suspect of slip-
ping over the border.
"The troops do not have the
right to. fire on suspect infiltrators
as of now," Gen. Harkins told a
news conference.
He warned, however, that "the
Communists are in a position to
do what; they did in Nam Tha.
The potential is still there for
them to do the same again." '
Meanwhile the New China news
agency reported a company of
royal Laotian troops attacked pro-
Communist Pathet Lao guerrillas
at Pak Bueng in Luang Prabang
Province and occupied the . area
earlier this week.
The agency quoted a Pathet Lao
radio broadcast as saying the
report came from the Nam Tha
front in northwestern Laos. There
were no details.
Pak Bueng is located in the pro-
vince of the royal Laotian capital,
Luang Prabang. Pathet Lao forces
swept through a large part of
northwestern Laos last week.
There was no indication of pa-
trol activity, and the Marines at
Udon seemed unlikely to have any
problem with infiltrators for the

weapons at an encampment about 30 miles from the La
in Thailand. The Marines were flown to the area Wedn
the request of the Thai government.
Dutc hTroops Comi
Indonesian Troopej

HOLLANDIA, West New Guinea
(A)-Dutch troops were reported
yesterday to have engaged at least
200 Indonesian parachutists near
Fakfak, scene of repeated Indones-
ian attempts to gain a foothold in
West New Guinea.
There have -been four reported
paratroop landings in westernmost
New Guinea in recent weeks and it
was not immediately clear which
group of Indonesians the Dutch
were fighting.
The latest drop was said to have
taken place Thursday night about
20 miles east of Kaimana, a vil-
lage 100 miles southeast of Fak-
fak, copra port on the Ceram Sea.
Indonesian Drop
District Commissioner J. Dubois
reported a drop of Indonesian
paratroopers Tuesday about seven
miles east of Kaimana and six
miles east of Fakfak, also on Tues-
day. They withdrew into the jun-


gle after Dutch mari
out a fast amphibious
and engaged them inc
Indonesia gave bela
mation that Dutch pla
an Indonesian transpor
on the West New Gu
near Fakfak. An Indone
cast heard in Tokyo sai
was on a routine flight.
said earlier an undetern
ber, of Indonesians on
port survived, boardin
dinghy, and the Dutchf
pick them up.
Tempo Up
The military tempoI
up as attempts to set
ture of the disputed t
negotiation remain sus
donesian President Si
threatened to take Wes
nea by force if he canr,
negotiation by the end
On May 8, the So
agreed to give Indor
arms and reasserted
with Indonesia's. campa
over West New Guinea
Dutch officials have
don't believe Sukarno
a, major invasion, but
will continue paratroo
and other infiltration
Nevertheless, the Dutch
beefing up their defens
Raises Sal
For Teach
A $36 million packa
salaries and improve w
ditions for New York sc
ers has been worked ou
er and Board of Educ
tiators, the New York
ported Thursday.
However, the offer is
upon whether the Uni
tion of Teachers, the
agent for the teacher
not to strike during th
the contract.

RusK Cites
Reds Block
Asian Peace
Asks Comnmunists
t<;; To Leave Area Alone
By The Associated Press
OBNOVA, Bulgaria--Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev blasted
the sending of United States Ma-
rines to Thailand as an unwise
move while Secretary of State
Dean, in Washington, retorted
' that peace will come to Southeast
Asia if the Communists leave the
area alone.
Though United States armed
forces may be in Southeast Asia
for 15 years, "they will be kicked
out-it is just a question of time,"
he said.
"That is not a proof of great
intelligence and Kennedy's de-
Wirephoto cision is an unwise decision . .
an their This is another case of capitalists
os border fearing the new," Khrushchev as-
nesday at serted.
Peace the Issue'
Peace is what this issue is all
about," Rusk told newsmen on
learning of Khrushchev's blast
against the assignment of United
States troops to Thailand.
)at Khrushchev's theme, that the
people in newly emerging coun-
tries will rise up to throw out
the imperialists, was along famil-
iar Communist lines. United States
authorities showed far less con-
cern about his remarks than in
nes carried what is actually going on in south-
s operation east Asia.
combat. On this score, they found some
ted confir- grounds for optimism that a na-
nes downed tion-wide, neutral government may
rt Thursday be formed in Laos, which borders
uinea coast on Thailand, thus bringing this
sian broad- phase of the current crisis to an
id the plane end.
The Dutch Cause Debate
mined num-' Meanwhile in Tokyo the move-
the trans- ment of United States Air Force
ig a rubber units from bases in Japan to
arranged to Thailand led to political compli-
cations that may bring heated
parliamentary debate next week
over a clause in the United States-
has stepped Japan security.treaty.
tle the fu- The government filed a con-
territory by plaint with the United States em-
pended. In bassy that Washington did not in-
ukarno has form Japan of the movement in
t New Gui- advance.
ot get it by United States Ambassador Ed-
of 1962. win O. Reischauer was told by the
viet Union foreign office Thursday that the
nesia more move politically embarrassed Ja-
sympathy pan.
aign to take Foreign Minister Zentaro Ko-
,. soka said that although the de-
s said they ployment of the planes did not
will launch constitute a subject for prior con-
thinks he sultation under the security pact,
p landings the action was regrettable.
1 attempts. The foreign minister said Ken-
h have been nedy and Prime Minister Hayeto
e forces. Ikeda had agreed last year that
Japan would be told beforehand
of United States military move-
ary mnts in Asia.,
The opposition Socialists de-
manded and got a special meeting
ierS of the lower house's Foreign Af-
fairs Committee next week to
ge to raise bring charges of a treaty violation.
orking con- With upper house elections set
hool teach- for July 1, the ruling Liberal
it by teach- Democrat Party feels the United
ation nego- States action has left the govern-
Times re- ment exposed to an all-out Social-
ist attack.
ted Federa- Corey Announces
s, promises Decision To Run
e period of

LANSING (M)-George Corey, a
Lansing businessman, has an-
nounced he will oppose George
Romney for the Republican nomi-
nation for governor. He said he
would run on a platform which
amounts to abolishing "all exist-
ing local and state taxes in Michi-

Seek End
To Dollar
ROME RP)-United States Treas-
ury Secretary Douglas Dillon ap-
pealed to booming West Europe
yesterday to help ease the dollar
drain by looking for capital at
home, instead of in the United
He directed his appeal at West
European bankers, here for a
meeting of the American Bankers'
Association, and gave the impres-
sion he wanted them to take the
message back to their govern-
American sources suggested aft-
erward that Dillon's suggestion
had found sympathetic listeners
among the European bankers. But
these informants emphasized it
would be at least a year before it
would be known whether Dillon's
appeal had helped stem the flow
of investment dollars out of the
United States.
Dillon's suggestion that Euro-
peans try to raise more capital on
their own bond markets, instead
of in United States money mar-
kets, was made at a luncheon
speech winding up the four-day
bankers' meeting. Seventy Ameri-
can and 50 European bankers at-
The speech, dealing with the
United states balance of payments
picture, also contained a sugges-
tion that America's West European
allies do even more than they have
in the past min sharing the costs
of mutual defense.
Washington has been advocating
for years that the Western allies
help pay the bill of keeping Amer-
ican troops in Europe. Washington
has suggested that the North At-
lantic Treaty Organization allies
could offset dollar expenditures by
buying more military equipment
and services in the United States.
Dillon hinted the Kennedy ad-
ministration is stepping, up its
campaign along these lines. He said
West Germany had taken steps to
offset the $700 million a year costs
of maintaining United States
troops in that- country. Similar
measures, he suggested, were be-
ing or would be discussed with
other NATO allies.
U.S. Suggests
Russia Cause
Of Deadlock
GENEVA (>)-'The United States
suggested yesterday that the Rus-
sians had deadlocked the nuclear
test ban talks for fear "that any
progress could obstruct their de-
sire to conduct another test se-
United States delegate Arthur
H. Dean made the statement after
Soviet negotiator Semyon K.
Tsarapkin said the Soviet Union
did not see the slightest hope for
an agreement as long as the Unit-
ed States and Britain insisted on
an international control and in-
spection system operating on So-
viet territory.
British delegate Joseph Godber
called the Russian's speech "an
elaborate filibuster"
Dean called for a new effort to
insure that the current Western
and forthcoming Soviet tests
really mark an end to testing once
and for all."
He said the United States was
interested in a Mexican proposal
to set a date now for the end of
all testing. He suggested Jan. 1,
1963, as a possible cut-off date.
Dean added that the United

States would not accept another
uninspected moratorium if no ef-
fective treaty has been signed by
that time.
The three-nation test ban com-
mittee session followed a plenary
meeting of the 17-nation disarma-
ment conference' where the So-
viets opposed a western-backed
Brazilian plan to seek a way out
of the impasse over controls.
Sen. Alfonso Arino de Mello-
Franco of Brazil suggested a sub-
committee be set up to study tech-
nical aspects of controls.

Associated Press Staff Writer
NEW YORK-"The war shall
soon be over.
"We shall recover in 15 or 20
years, and then we'll have anoth-
er go at it."
The late Soviet Prime Minister
Josef Stalin made that remark
gleefully back in April 1945, Milo-
van Djilas, deposed vice-president
of Yugoslavia, says in "Conversa-
tions with Stalin," his new book.
As Stalin put it, Djilas adds, his
troops had "already trampled half
of Europe under foot, and he was
convinced that they would tram-
ple over the other half in the next
Eight Year Sentence
In BelgradeTuesday, the author
was sentenced to eight years and
eight months 'imprisonment on
grounds he had disclosed state se-
crets and broken parole by putting
out the book. Djilas' narrative con-
cerns visits he made to the Soviet
Union in 1944, 1945 and 1948 on
official missions for Yugoslavia.
He says Stalin was "almost in
a transport" when he predicted
another war while dining with Yu-
goslav Communist leaders at his
villa outside Moscow.
Stalin, he reports, had just re-
marked that the Slavs must stick
together because in 12 or 15 years
the Germans would be on their
feet again.
Impose System
On the same occasion, says Djil-
as, Stalin declared that in World
IWorld News
WASHINGTON (A) - Teamsters
President James R. Hoffa was in-
dicted yesterday on charges of
collecting more than $1 million
in illegal payments from an em-
ployer in violation of the Taft-
Hartley law.
WASHINGTON () - The gov-
ernment moved yesterday to get
stalemated bargaining talks re-
sumed between the nation's rail-
roads and five operating labor
WASHINGTON (P) -- The Pen-
tagon moved yesterday to dis-
courage unions in defense intelli-
gence and investigative agencies.
A formal directive; signed by
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara, defines the role and
collective bargaining rights of the
federal worker unions within the
NEW YORK (A') - A Federal
Appeals court today threw out
the contempt of Congress case
against folk singer Pete Seeger,
who was sentenced to prison when
he refused to say whether he ever
was a Communist.
PARIS (P) - Defense attorneys
for ex-Gen. Raoul Salan, head of
the Secret Army, charged today
that President Charles de Gaulle's
Algerian policies are primarily re-
sponsible for the chaos and slaugh-
ter in Algeria.
PORTLAND, Ore. () - A light
trickle of voters turned out for
Oregon's primary election yester-
day. Predictions of a total vote
around 50 per cent of registra-
tion still held at midday.
BYRAIF, Tex. (') - Dist. Judge
John M. Baron ordered a grand
jury probe yesterday in the mys-
tery death of Henry Marshal "to
clear the cloud connecting this
with the Billie Sol Estes case -
if there is a connection."
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture
Orville Freeman said May 7 that
much of the Estes case remains
cloudy because many of the facts

died with Marshall.
NEW YORK (IP) - The stock
market staged a last-hour rally
yesterday and edged into the plus
closing Dow-Jones Averages were
column by a narrow margin. The
20 rails down .26 and industrials,
up .91, stocks up .13 and utilities
up .10.

Stalin talks

Djilas Cites Stalin






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War II, "whoever occupies a ter-
ritory also imposes on it his own
social system."
Djilas makes no point of the
fact that Soviet troops moved in
response to German attack. But
he says in Stalin's defense, "he
was convinced that he was execut-
ing the judgment of history."
He reports that when he saw
Stalin again in January 1948, the
Soviet leader declared GermanBy
must stay divided-"the West will
make. Western Germany their own,
and we shall turn Eastern Ger-
many into our own state."
Greek Uprising
He further reports that Stalin
said the Greek Communist upris-
ing must stop because it could not
succeed against the determination
of the United States and Britain
to preserve their Mediterranean
line of communications.
Djilas says Stalin related, in that
connection, that after the war with
Japan, the Russians told the Chi-

nese Communists to settle with
Chiang Kai-Shek but the Chinese
Reds fought Chiang instead and it
turned out "they were right."
The writer blames Stalin for the
destruction of millions and, over-
looking Hitler, brands him "the
greatest criminal in history."
Second to Lenin
But he also ranks him second
only to Lenin among Communists
because he turned backward Rus-
sia into "an industrial power and
an empire *. aspiring to world
Dpilas says that until Stalin's
successors and detractors exllain
how such a "monster" could keep
power for 30 years, they will but
show "they are only continuing his
He says that to throw off Stal-
in's shadow, the Soviet Communist
Party must drop its "ideological
unitarianism and so-called mono-
lithic structure."
Practical Leader
Djilas terms Nikita S. Khrush-
chev the most practical of the
leaders under Stalin and says he
alone delved into the daily life of
the pepole so as to make needed
He reports that Yugoslav Presi-
dent Marshal Josef Tito once said
the Russians'hard drinking was
"plain decadence." '
Djilas and Tito were among four
men in the Cominform assailed in
ousting the Yugoslav Communist
Party in 1948 on grounds of devia-
tion and anti-Soviet actions. So-
viet-Yugoslav relations are better
The book raises up old stories
that the Yugoslavs may have wish-
ed to stay buried. It cites friction
between Soviet and Yugoslav Com-
munist leaders in 1943 over a Yu-
goslav-German prison exchange;
in 1944 over Russian soldiers rap-
ing Yugoslav women, and in '1947
over an Albanian-Yugoslav deal
to put two Yugoslav divisions into

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