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May 18, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-18

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Pessim istically

G irds

The University is groping towards year-round operation.
Deans must decide this summer how much of a budget
increase will be necessary to put their schools on trimester.
With one poll by the defunct Women's Senate already taken,
administrators are considering taking a survey, possibly at
fall registration, questioning the number of students who would
attend the summer sessions.
But, amidst this activity, some faculty members and
administrators fear that due to insufficient funds the Univer-
sity will not be able to change to a full-year calendar.
Professors' Pessimism
Prof. Stephen H. Spurr of the natural resources school,
executive secretary of last year's Commission on Year-Round
Operation, points out that the plan "was always predicated
on getting more money."
Emphasizing that the current hassle with the state Legis-
lature over appropriations will not directly affect the fate of

the trimester, Prof. Spurr nevertheless reports that many pro-
fessors and administrators he has talked to fear that the
bleak financial prospects at present will continue in succeeding
Indications are that additional expenses for increased
salaries and facilities will run "at least into the hundreds of
thousands of dollars," Prof. Spurr says.-
Possible Postponement
if the Legislature doesn't provide these extra funds when
they are tacked onto the budget request for 1963-64 (to be
submitted this summer), the University therefore "might be
faced with the necessity" of postponing expansion of its
Regardless of these future imiplications, however, the Uni-
versity is continuing to prepare for the trimester. Prof. Spurr,
viewing his role as "liasion" between the administration and the
faculty, says that "our job is to have the plans ready; it's the

fo r Ye a r-I
administration's and the Legislature's job to provide the
Work is being done on compiling a specific estimate of
the extra costs in full-year operation. Deans have been gather-
ing opinions from their faculties on various procedural matters
that will have to be solved.
Prolonged Period
At a recent education school meeting, for instance, a survey
by Dean Willard C. Olson included issues such as:
1) Should the professors teach for nine or 11 months,
with a variable combination of terms;
2) Should examinations be fitted into a 10-day or one-
week period;
3) Should the length of class periods remain at 50 minutes,
or be changed to 55 or 80.
Proffer Polls
Other schools are making similar polls, with the results
due by the end of summer. From this data, Executive Vice-


ound Work
President Marvin L. Niehuss, Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Roger W. Heyns and Administrative Dean Robert L.
Williams will formulate the portion of the budget dealing with
the trimester.
Prof. Spurr says the initial request would probably be
based on a "modest pilot plan," as the University will make its
transition gradually.
Plan Pre-Registration
Besides faculty response, though, administrators must have
some estimate of how many students would attend the revised
summer sessions.
The administration will discuss various plans this summer
for the type of survey to be taken, possibly at fall registration,
Prof. Spurr says. Another guideline to enrollment patterns is
the policy of pre-registration now required for some courses.
The major effort so far, however, has been a survey by
Women's Senate and Assembly Dormitory Council last Decem-
ber on the opinions of 557 women, selected at random, "in

See Page 4


Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Continued warm today;
chance of thunder shower



ACLU Asks WSU To Review
Regulations on Public Lectures

The American Civil Liberties
Union has asked the Wayne State
University Board of Governors to
review its policies regulating the
use of the university's public lec-
ture and conference facilities.
N Similarities
In Languagel
The time is coming when a gen-
uine integration will be possible
in the field of linguistics, when a
universal model can be formulat-
ed containing rules which will ap-
ply to every language in the world.
Such is the belief which Prof.
Roman Jakobson, of Harvard Uni-
versity, expressed in a lecture yes-
terday on "The Search for Lan-
guage Universals." Nineteenth cen-
tury ingrx1sts, In their seach for
constants which appear in every
language, separated each of the
various disciplines within linguist-
ics and viewed each one by itself.
'I Artificial Separation
But this is a completely artifi-
cial separation, Prof. Jakobson
maintained. The different disci-
plines must be correlated and co-
ordinated, and each language must
be studied not just by itself, but
also in regard to the universal
model behind it.
Current linguists view the prob-
lem of language universals with an
eye to finding equivalent relation-
ships that exist in every language.
The differentiations which lan-
guages make between opposing
terms are the basis of the search
for a universal linguistic model.
Nasal Sounds
Among the differentiations that
have been found in every or al-
most every language studied so far
are those between nasal and non-
nasal sounds, between singular and
plural, between first, second and
third person pronouns, between
subject and predicate expressions,
between consonant and non-con-
sonants and between vowels and
non-vowels, Prof. Jakobson said.
He remarked that these last two
examples are not equivalent, as
they seem to be, since there are
some sounds that are neither vow-
els nor consonants.
Even when universal laws have
been formulated for linguistics, the
search for unification will still not
be over, he emphasized. Since lin-
guistics is just one of the many
branches of science, it should be
possible to apply universal laws of
linguistics to other sciences. The
discovery of language universals
would therefore be one step for-
ward in the age-old search for
complete unification of science.
Crowding Cuts
Raekham Use
Undergraduate activities will no
longer be allowed to use facilities
in Rackham Bldg.
With an increasingly large num-
ber of graduate and professional
groups desiring space for their
meetings, ''something had to "be
cut," Lois Beltran, scheduling di-
rector at Rackham, said yesterday.
She added that this policy is in
accord with instructions in the will

Appearing before the board
Wednesday, Ernest Mazey, the
executive secretary of ACLU's
Michigan chapter, said that his
organization and all political ac-
tion groups are excluded by WSU's
The board asked Mazey to sub-
mit a written outline of the
ACLU's reasoning and promised
to consider it at another time.
Mazey said yesterday that he ex-
pects the report to be in by to-
Criteria for Speakers
One of the rules listing the
seven types of groups that may use
WSU facilities states: "Non-profit
organizations .. . which have been
recognized by the Internal Reve-
nue Department of the United
States as ones to which contri-
butions are tax deductible."
WSU President Clarence Hil-
berry pointed out yesterday that
because contributions to political
lobbies and pressure groups are
not deductible, such groups cannot
use the university's meeting rooms.
Sponsor Necessary
He added that if the group were
sponsored by the university or a
recognized campus organization, it
would be permitted to use the fa-
Almost all of WSU's non-cur-
ricular meetings, lectures, and
programs are held in McGregor
Memorial Center, built three years
ago with funds from a special
Mazey said that the ACLU ob-
jects to the WSU policies for two
1) That once a facility is made
available to the public, it should
be available to all;
2) That the original grant for
McGregor Center called for its
widest use by the community and
only incidental use by the univer-
No Regular Programs
Hilberry said yesterday that this
provision meant the building was
not to be used for the regular pro-
grams of the university, such as
classes, and that it did not auto-
matically open the building to
every community group.
Leonard Woodcock, chairman of'
the WSU Board of Governors, said

... temporary rules
yesterday that he does not think
the present rules are adeauate, but
did not explain how they should
be changed..
Original Approval
He noted that the board orig-
inalily approved the policies with
the understanding that they were
temporary and that one or two
more points would be added later.
They were to be worked out in
practice and the move by ACLU
is part of that process, Woodcock
The present rules, regarded by
some as quite liberal, were set up
in November, 1960, two months
after WSU lifted its 10-year old
ban of Communist speakers.
Postpone Intended
Astronaut Flight
intended orbital flight of Astro-
naut Malcolm Scott Carpenter was
postponed last night from tomor-
row until Tuesday so that addi-
tional altitude sensing equipment
can be installed in his Aura VII

To Survey
Idea of 'U'
Acting City Editor
Planned and effected by stu-
dents, the Conference on the Uni-
versity will become a reality this
weekend after more than two
years of planning and discussion.
Some 74 faculty members and
administrators and 69 student
delegates will fill the Michigan
Union for the affair, which will
open this evening at 7:30 p.m. for
registration in the Ballroom.
The first event on the agenda
is the keynote speech by Prof. Ar-
thur Eastman of the English de-
partment on "The University as
an Elite Institution," after which
the delegates will break up into
discussion groups.
Groups To Meet
Tomorrow, discussion groups
will meet again at 9:30 a.m.
Luncheon will be at 12:30 p.m.
in the Union Ballroom, highlight-
ed by an address by Rep. Carroll
Newton (R-Delton). He will speak
on "The University's Responsibil-
ity to the State."
Discussion groups will meet
again at 2:30 p.m., and David
Crippen of the Memorial Phoenix
Project will deliver summation re-
marks in Rm. 3R-S of the Union.
The continuing committee will be
selected at that time.
The groups will meet informally
in delegates' homes for dinner to-
morrow evening, and the confer-
ence v ill close Sunday with a
speech by Christopher Jencks,
managing editor of 'The New Re-
public, at 2:30 p.m. in the Multi-
Purpose Rm. of the UGLI.
Seven-man Committee
The seven-man planning com-
mittee for the conference is head-
ed by Sharon R. Jeffrey, '63, for-
mer Daily Editor John C. Roberts,
'62, and former Daily Editorial Di-
rector Faith Weinstein, '62.
Miss Weinstein said yesterday
that topics to be covered at the
conference will include academic
standards, admissions policies,
student housing, and instructional
methods. Many topics for discus-
sion have been the subject of
working papers, prepared in ad-
vance for use during the confer-
See SET, Page 2


GSA Recommendations



Affords Aid
To Projects
LANSING (P)-The Legislature
has given approval to state-sup-
ported colleges and universities for
projects costing a total of $25,-
The resolution, previously pass-
ed by the House, was given the
final go-ahead by Senate concur-
Legislators approved the proj-
ects with the understanding they
would be self-liquidating-that is
the income eventually would pay
back the cost.
The University was awarded
$3.89 million, including $2.61 mil-
lion for housing units for medical
center and $1.28 million for 100
apartment units at Dearborn Cen-
Later in the day, legislators,
chafing in 90-degree heat and irk-
ed by a stalemate, took off for a
four-day weekend yesterday with
vital tax and spending issues still
House members are locked in a
heated wrangle over how to raise
the new money state government
must have to keep going on at its
present level.
Majority Republicans want a
$69 million package of "nuisance"
taxes, including levies on cigar-
ettes, beer, telephone and tele-
graph service and liquor.
Democrats, and a few Republi-
can mavericks want total tax re-
form based on a personal and cor-
porate income tax, holding it up
as the only answer to Michigan's
worsening financial troubles.


MSU Forbids Talk
At Campus Facility
Michigan State University yesterday banned a Communist from
addressing the Young Socialist club May 23 on university facilities.
The ban, announced by MSU President John A. Hannah, after
confering with the Board of Trustees, prevents Robert Thompson,
a former Communist official, from speaking in a room in MSU's
student union. However, the club plans to have him speak off-campus,
?Joyce Huitt, the club's former

Predicts Fight
Working Week
Meany, AFL-CIO president, pr8-
dicted yesterday that unions will
start a nationwide drive for a 35-
hour work week with no reduction
in pay unless unemployment is
lowered soon.
"When we reach the point where
there is no other answer to this
problem of the nation's economliic
health, then we have got to say
that something must be done about
the hours question," Meany said.
His prediction, made at the
biennial convention of the Amal-
gamated Clothing Workers Union,
was received very warmly.
The clothing workers, a 400,000-
member AFL-CIO union, voted
Wednesday to seek the shorter
work week with no pay.
The stand was taken only one
day after Secretary of Labor Ar-
thur S. Goldberg had told the
convention the Kennedy Adminis-
tration "categorically" opposes the
shorter work week.


Declares Pool Unfit in Heated Debate,

vice-president, said. The Young
Socialists are also conferring with
the American Civil Liberties Un-
Retired Communist
Thompson, a retired Communist#
official convicted of Smith Act
violations, was scheduled to speak
on the Communist Party's philos-
ophy and tactics in the United{
States, Miss Huitt said.
"Academic freedom does not
mean using taxpayers facilities to
provide a forum for those opposing
the American way of life," Hannah
Citing a university policy, Han-
nah continued, "The university
never has or will knowlingly in-
vite a Communist to preach his
treason on campus for we see no
point in providing a platform for
an exponent of Communism who
is not bound by any obligation to
tell the truth."
Recognize Need
He said that the trustees recog-
nize the need for students to be
taught about Communism, but
they should get the facts from
faculty members who are com-
petitant in the field and have "an
obligation to tell the truth."
Prof. Robert Wescott, the fac-
ulty advisor of the Young Socialist
Club, declared, "How can one fight
a Communist if he has never seen
The club had invited Thompson
in an effort to get "as broad a
spectrum of opinion as possible,"
he said.
Follows Protest
The action follows a protest by
Carl Laidy, president of MSU's
Conservative Club. A further pro-
test was raised by Sen. John
Smeekens (R-Coldwater) who in-
troduced a resolution into the
Senate yesterday saying that ao-
pearances of known Communists
at state colleges and universities
have caused great concern.
Miss Huitt said that Hannah
had been non-committal in talks
with club officers about the
speaker. "He told us we could
decide as we like, but warned us
about the danger to appropria-
tions," she continued.
"Hannah had said two years
ago that he would do nothing to
stand In the way of a Communist
speaker as he never expected one.
I plan to jog his memory," Prof.
Wescott declared.
FPA Honors
IFC Officers

See Increase
In University
Senate Unit May Hike
Request $1.3 Million
Under Matching Plan
The Regents will consider tui-
tion raises and recommendations
made by various groups on the Of-
fice of Student Affairs Study Re-
port at their first public meeting
at 2:30 p.m. today.
The meeting comes on the heels
of a report that members of the
Senate Appropriations Committee
are thinking of . $1.27 million
boost in the University's appropri-
ation provided the University
matches the boost with a dollar-
for-dollar tuition raise.
It is expected that University
administrators will present several
plans to the Regents for raising
tuition, all of them based on a
disproportionate increase for out-
of-state students. One of the plans
reportedly has freshman and
sophomores paying lower fees than
Tuition Discussion
Although it is highly likely that
they will discuss tuition and its
relation to the state appropriation
the possibility exists that the Re-
gents will take no final action on
the question as they have stated
a desire in the past not to con-
sider tuition hikes until after the
legislative appropriation has been
The $1.27 million appropriation
boost would necessitate a $2.75
million tuition fee increase to
reach the $4 million figure set by
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss as the minimum in-
crease needed over last year's
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis will present
to the University's governing body
his analysis of reactions to the
OSA study report taken from re-
ports made by the Faculty Sen-
ate, the Alumni Association and
Student Government Council.
There is no guarantee that the Re-
gents will take final action.
Post Authority
Among suggestions made by the
faculty committee is one calling
for an assistant to the vice-presi-
dent and an executive committee
under the authority of the vice-
president in place of the dean of
students recommended by the
Reed committee report.
The committee also suggests
that advisory and appellate struc-
ture should be outside the OSA
and that all functional agencies
of the office should report directly
to the vice-president.
Criticize OSA Report
The Alumni view was stated by
Jack Tirrell, editor of the Michi-
gan Alumnus in an editorial in
March. He criticized the recom-
mendation of the Reed committee
for a dean and associate dean of
students as confusing the lines of
authority in the OSA structure.
SGC asked that a council of
students and faculty be appointed
and maintained to advise the vice-
nrPrant I nn nnrn tnt.and nAnli -

Hot weather often makes nor-
mally rational individuals do rath-
er strange things; or at least that's
how it would appear to the resi-
dents of Tyler-Prescott House,
East Quadrangle.
During an informal after-din-
ner "session" of the members of
Tyler-Prescott House Council, one
council member, complaining

about Ann Arbor's current 90-de-
gree-plus heat wave, said, "It's
hot - let's buy a pool!" A second
person agreed, and the "motion"
such as it was, was passed by an
overwhelming 5-0.
Emblematic Pool
Within 24 hours after this earth-
shaking decision had been made,
a lovely blue wading pool, measur-
ing 30 inches in depth and 10 feet
in diameter, and emblazoned with

such profundities as "Council's
Folly" and "No Canoes Allowed",
had been set up for all to see
and enjoy in the East Quadrangle
north courtyard at a cost to the
house of $37.39.
A debate arose, however, when
various Tyler-Prescott men took
umbrage at their dues money hav-
ing been "wasted" on such a lux-
ury without referring the matter

to a meeting of the entire house.
Furthermore, they went on, the
"meeting" (around a "dirty dinner
table") was not to be taken seri-
ously, let alone any expenditures
arising from it. A special house
council meeting was therefore
The first 15 minutes of the very
dignified meeting was devoted to
a discussion of whether or not it
should be declared an open house
meeting, since a great many inter-
ested men were present.
Waiting Period
During the ensuing arguments
back and forth, council president
James Walter, Grad., maintained
that this would require a waiting
period of five days, according to
the house constitution.
He was attacked on this by
Treasurer Howard Cohen, '62BAd.,
who demanded that they be "prac-
tical" as opposed to the president's
"dogmatic"desires. A general per-
iod of bickering followed, after
which the treasurer called the

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