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May 06, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-06

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Zt Atrl jap t ity
Seventy-Second Year
"~Where Opinio "Ate Free'STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


AY, MAY 6, 1962.


Out-of-State Cutbacks:
Where Would TheyStop?
ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS are report- nation. The Honors Program-which found that
edly studying a five year program involving seven out of 10 of its new freshmen were
the gradual reduction of the present 33 per out-of-staters--would provide another.
cent of non-Michigan students to 25 per cent. The University's decision to cut down on
Presumably, the University would hold fast out-of-state enrollment would not be based on
at the 25 per cent level, the rationale being this kind of a study, however. It would be a
that there is really little difference between simple acknowledgement of the power of Lan-
33 per cent and 25 per cent, but that any- sing and a defeat which could be successfully
thing below the latter figure begins to cut rationalized within the framework of the Uni-
into the quality of the student body and the versity's current "image."
"cosm6politari atmosphere" of the campus. The University is unlikely to consider the
The move is prompted by increasing pres-' 25 per cent figure sacrosanct, either. Give the
sures from the state Legislature which last Legislature a decade of expanding teenage
year came within a hair's breadth of order-' populations and the inability to finance suf-
ing the University to restrict its out-of-state ficient new college constructions and pressures
enrollment to 10 per cent. Though the bill will build up demanding a cut from that
would have had no legal hold on University modest level. After all, 20 per cent is not much
policy, administrative officers are reluctant to less than 25 per cent. And once you're at 20
flex the muscles of the institution's constitu- per cent, how big a drop is it to 10?
tional status while the Legislature still con-
trols $35 million or more in annual appropria- NIVERSITY PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher
tions. has pledged that the percentage of out-
State legislators renewed efforts this year of-state students will not dip next year. Pre-
to boost the percentage of Michigan residents liminary figures on students admitted to the
studying in Ann Arbor. They pointed to the class of '66 indicate that the admissions office
large number of students from New York, New has followed through' on this promise at
Jersey and\ Illinois and questioned whether the least. A heavy tuition raise, however, could
University's student population is really cos- shift the percentages.
mopolitan or just representative of a few The argument for cutting down the out-of-
geographical areas. state enrollment 'advanced by administrators
on the campus issthat there are enough "quali-
THEY REFERED. TO figures showing how fied" Michigan residents to fill all the avail-
much higher the University's out-of-state able openings. This rationale, of course, hinges
enrollment is than that of the other state on the definition of "qualified." Minimum re-
supported colleges, and were alarmed to dis- quirements for admission climb rapidly each
cover that Michigan imports thousands more year and last year's "qualified" student may no
students than it exports to institutions in longer be acceptable.
other states. The quality of the students as a whole
It is likely that the out-of-state student may can increase at a faster rate when the out-of-
find. himself crowded out of the University state percentage is higher: it gives the Uni-
by other factors than a ieliberate paring versity a chance to pick up many students
down process. Tuition is spiraling higher and from the top high schools across the country.
the University is losing its unique position as There is also the intangible, but immensly,
an educational institution offering high quality, beneficial effect of encountering the thoughts
low cost instruction. and mores of fellow students from all across
Non-Michigan residents now pay $750 in the nation and around the globe.
tuition fees and this will be jacked up another
$100 or more next month. Scholarship aid for. THE UNIVERSITY has played a unique role!
entering freshmen who- have not graduated in American education, offering as a state-j
,from Michigan secondary schools is virtually supported institution, an inexpensive and topj
nil. ranking education to a diversified and highly
Instate students get a chance to compete for talented student population.
Regents Alumni tuition grants, but' out-of- To maintain that role, the University will
state students must pin their hopes on Na- have to do something about its finances. If
tional Merit stipends or affluent alumni clubs. its leaders decide to change the role-and a
lessening of out-of-state enrollment certainly
ERHAPS A NEW appraisal of the out-of- would-they should at least do so with delib-
student is due. Are there too many students erate intentions and after much thought, and
from certain areas? How much better does with a new role., clearly \in mind. You cer-
the out-of-state contingent perform academ- tainly can't expectto carry on "business as
ically? usual" if this haphazard enrollment juggling
College Board scores, now being used on represents the usual mode of planning for the
instate applicants for the first time, may pro- future.
vide one means for checking on the compara- It represents nothing but a fraud.
tive achievements of high schoolers across the -MICHAEL OLINICK
g Due in Viet Nin

Vi ew
To the Editor:
OVER THE past twenty-five
years I have followed with in-
terest the work of The Daily, and
considered it one of the finest stu-
dent newspapers in, the country.
I have also had the privilege of
knowing a good many of the edi-
tors and reporters over the years,
and have found them to be well-.
informed, aware of their respon-
sibilities to the University and to
the public for whom they write.
It is therefore with regret that
I have just learned of the action
of the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications in rejecting rec-
ommendations by the senior edi-
tors who are retiring this year,
and the consequent response of
the editors.
** *
I REALIZE that the constitu-
tion of the newspaper calls for the
locus of control to be in the hands
of the Board, but I have found in
every instance of the exercise of
control over the internal affairs
of a newspaper by any outside
group that the vitality and quality
of the newspaper itself has been
hampered. This has been particu-
larly,true in the case of students
who have the alternative, either
of resigiing in protest over the
exercise of such control, or of in-
hibiting their best thinking and
writing by reason of the pressures
placed upon them.
The strength of The Daily has
been due to its free and cour-
ageous attitude to the reporting of
news and events both on and off
the campus. It would be a great
loss to all of those who' read The
Daily to see any lessening of its
freedom to take responsibility for
its own affairs.
-Harold Taylor
Sarah Lawrence College
Former President,
To the Editor:
MOST OF the higher education
in Michigan takes place out-
side of Ann Arbor and without
any special aid from the Univer-
sity. Much of Michigan's higher
education is inadequate partly be-
cause the University makes only
occasional, sporadic and uncoor-
dinated gestures toward state
leadership. Ituis true that what
little is done is often excellent, for
example, Prof. Otto G. Grfs re-
cent talk to the Central Michigan
University faculty on improving
honors work.
Speaking broadly, however, a
vacuum exists where leadership
should be. It would be too strong
to label Ann Arbor detached, pro-
vincial hnd preoccupied. But there
is ample room for increased con-
cern with statewide problems.
Present Constitutional Convention
proposals will not make it any
easier for the University to give
leadership. Quite the reverse. Nev-
ertheless, The Daily has been
largely silent and passive on this
matter, despite the fact that the
air the University breathes is
Michigan air. Great universities
are found only in great states.
* * * .
I SUGGEST here one way in
which The Daily might increase
its influence throughout Michigan.,
Per average square inch, The
Daily is quite possibly the state's
best paper. Why not sell it on oth-
er campuses? It would supplement
not rival the local weekly press.
You might sell it at cost at first
and perhaps later on, it might.pay
to insert a single page covering
out-state schools.
One of Michigan's greatest
needs is a first-rate newspaper..
You would be able to help a little,
on the college level at least. More-
over, you might well broaden your

own horizons.
There are bound to be many
academic crises in the next decade
or two as Michigan's younger uni-
versities slowly come of age. In
such crises the voice of reason'
should be made easier to hear.
-Michael O'Connor
Mt. Pleasant
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is part of
a longer letter The Daily received
from Thomas Hayden.)
To the Editor:
"The younger American writ-
ers to whom we shall, one day,
be most indebted-and I shall
name no names, make no pro-
phecies -are precisely those
writers who are compelled to
take it upon themselves to de-
scribe us to ourselves as we
now are."
IF THE AUTHOR of those words,
James Baldwin, were looking
now at Ann Arbor, he might in-
deed see several of the "younger
American writers to whom we
shall, one day, be most indebted."
I know that I am indebted to the
editors of The Michigan Daily for
their rebellion against a rigged
system. At the risk-of drawing too
many inferences fromn news clip-
pings, I am compelled to offer
some-random thoughts to the edi-
torial exiles and to the University
community as well.
The Board in Control of Student
Publications is largely a sham in-
.+;*..+; sy +- +rin n - - - of

to know the Board's power is sus-
pended over their necks, and will
drop whenever the editors are "too
* * *
WITH THESE tangled purposes
the Board has moved along since
at least World War II, spending
the great bulk of its time in a
most concrete and sensible role:
caring for the Daily's enormous
budget. It has not censored an
editorial. It has not re-arranged
senior appointments, though more
than once it "threatened" to do so
(and the threats invariably made
the seniors more cautious and de-
liberate in their recommenda-
The Board, is cross-purposed;
therefore it may be used against
the Daily by the Administration
"if necessary" (as far as I know,
there still is no rule of law at
Michigan, save that which is cre-
ated, sanctioned and manipulated
by administrative elites). It is in
this context that the Board's "in-
competence" must be understood.
That the Board's members rare-
ly know even the names of the
staff members they "appoint", that
they interview applicants for only
20 minutes, that they ask unknowl-
edgeable questions; all this is part
of the Board's designed suspension
above student affairs and of its
contradictory purposes. The Board
is not meant to be competent;nit
is meant to "move in," when nec-
The Board's essential irrespon-
sibility only partly involves the
fact that it just plain didn't know
much about the people whose lives
it was re-arranging. The larger
irresponsibility rests with the f an-
tastic unilateral character of the
staff surgery the Board tried to
perform. In the first case, it is
clear to me that the Board's
changes were irrational. In the
second case, the Board's own uni-
lateralism was self-defeating be-
cause the staffs resigned, therefore
causing more "bad publicity" than
another year of Daily-as-usual
could have possibly caused. Ex-
pedience does not always lead to
its desired results; it can rather
lead to the results most feared; it
can be "inexpedient."
* * *
I DO NOT KNOW the ethical
basis upon which the Board de-
Bided its values to be superior to
those of the outgoing seniors, for
the first time in a generation. To
explain this superiority in strictly
legal terms, which the Board has
done, begs the issue: of course, the
Board is empowered to do the most
incredible things by law, but why
did it do this?
Even if the Board has better
talent for moral dialogue an3e
senior editors, which I ti
doubt, should it implement its
moral insights if it doesn't know
the names and faces of the people
it is moralizing about? At least,
the community is entitled to more
of an explanation than this non-
sense about the Board's "normal
and lawful authority." What does
Professor Browder mean by "nor-
mal and lawful authority." What
does Professor Browder mean by
"normal" authority? I, for one,
am eager to hear the Board inter-
pret its purposes, as well as its
concrete rationalizations for each
staff appointment.
Reject the "conspiracy" theory
of editorial succession. It presup-
poses that in an integrated com-
munity, and the Daily is more'
humanly integrated than any part
of the University, an "elite" can
act without the consent of the rest
of the community. I insist from
experience that the Daily is a far
more open institution han its
critics contend. Anyone joins. Peo-
ple learn to deal with one another
in a harsh but rewarding face-to-
face way; the Daily is hardly part
of mass society. Given enough
energy a person can publish what
he wants to say; even with a
liberal preponderance, any edi-
torial view is accepted.

*' * *
"liberal domination" claim made
by Board members.
First, break up the image of a
monolithic regime. Recall three
city editors in the last five years:
John Weicher, who spent his post-
college years writing for Human
Events and founding Young Amer-
icans for Freedom; Bob Junker,
hardly- a liberal Democrat; and
now Michael Harrah, who appar-
ently desires the third World War.
The stereotype: softened, now
consider the cdnservative ideology.
It did not. exist on the campus
three years ago; "conservatives"
were people. who studied, worried
about Communists, and prepared
for business. Today, they are or-
ganized-but their pursuits are
largely off-campus, not directed
toward student affairs. The truth
is not that Daily people ostracize
and pillory conservatives; the
truth is that fewer conservatives
want to work on the Daily than
do liberals. Again, the Board's
action does absolutely nothing to
alter this problem, which essen-
tially is one of persuading busy
liberals to find conservatives to,
work for the paper.
The Board'sareal concern is, I.
presume, about "arrogance," at-
tacks on the University by Daily
wy-.av Tforr aon- rnn - n -

courage people to have the same
intensity and intellectuality en-
couraged by the very structure of
work on The Daily. The University
has failed to, recognize that it
cannot operate in loco parentis
and allow students a free news-
paper through which they will be-
come adults (just as the South
failed to recognize that it could
not suppress the Negro and let
him read books and have aspira-
But the truth is: the University
is afraid of controversy. Do not
judge this remarkable incident in
isolation-judge it in context. Re-
call the day in 1949 when the
President reversed a student de-
cision to do something about fra-
ternity discrimination. Recall the
day in the mid-fifties when the
administration acquiesced to pene-
tration by a subcommittee of
the House Un-American Activities
Committee. Recall the interracial
couples who were intimidated by
reactionary deans and housemoth-
ers. Recall the Sigma Kappa turn-
around. Recall even the Univer-
sity's fear when students decided
last fall that women ought to be
allowed in men's dormitory rooms.
The University is full.of many
terrific, vital people. The Univer-
sity is so close to international
greatness I sometimes think, that
it pales at the verge and clings to
the more comfortable crags of
these little provincialisms.' The
Board is representative of the Uni-
versity. The Daily was stopped
because the Board was afraid of it
-because the Daily writers wanted
"to describe us to ourselves as we
now are." I do not say the Daily's
descriptions are correct. I say
something I think is more import-
ant: Daily writers want to tell the
felt truth, and that has been too
much for the University to under-
stand,.because the University often
does not encourage its people to
tell the truth.
* * *
I AM SURE the Daily staff will
be called "immature" (though
they went through more self -intro-
spection during appointments than
anyone can expect), and "irrespon-
sible" (though they took more
hours to make their decision than
any administrators).
I am so very proud of these
"irresponsibles." Their contribu-
tion to the civilization of the dia-
logue will not make the New York
Times, but neither have the con-
tributions of millions of men and
women who cared for the truth
and a fair deal.
The action of these "irrespon-
sibles" is truly nonviolent. They
have withdrawn support from a
corrupt institution. They have
plfieed themselves in a situation
of risk. They disrespect the ex-
pedient law of the Board out of
respect for the greater laws of
their consciences. They have dam-
aged the image of the University
out of respect for the, deeper
meaningsofea university com-
As these "irresponsibles" move
freely in their search for meaning,
my wish is that the University
community moves with them.
Daily Editor, 1960-61
-Thomas Hayden,
To the Editor:
FE PRESENT controversy be-
tween Daily editors and the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications has continually focused
on a point that cannot be over-
emphasized. Nearly all comments
on the Board's decision - from
both supporters and dissenters -
have reflected this fact. Phrases
such as "the best college news-
paper in the country,"' and "jour-
nalistic excellence," have appeared
in most discussions.
The point is that The Daily is
one of the greatest .sources of
pride for every member of this
community. In any communica-

tion with students, faculty, or ad-
ministrators of other schools,
where the discussion touches on
the proper role of the American
college student, one can proudly
single out The Michigan Daily as a
paragon example of how an im-
portant aspect of that role can
effectively be filled. The verbosity
of so many a' thrust and parry in
the current dispute can obscure
this simple but major point.
The Board evidently embraces
a typical administrator's attitude:
a hyper-consciousness of the pub-
lic image that dictates tempering
"the ardor of youth" with "re-
sponsible guidance." But it must
be clear that any attempt to cur-
tail the freedom which has built'
the greatness of our campus news-
paper will surely have regrettable
consequences. The Board may well
ponder Thomas Jefferson's remark
about the freedom of the press,
". that cannot be limited with-
out being lost."
-Ron Newman, '63
Support ...
To the Editor:
THINK Irspeak for Daily I1-
lini staff members and hun-
dreds of other college journalists
throughout the country in ex-

restriction, unwise control of pol-
icy, and pre-judging.
* * *
THE DAILY has stood for years
near the very top of the college
dailies-both in what it. has at-
tempted and in what it has gained.
Today, it serves a unique function
among college newspapers. It pro-
vides a mark to aim for, and a
proof that ,excellence in thought
and technique is not "beyond" stu-
dent editors.
We support your stand. We feel
your fight is more than a "power
struggle." It is an ideological
It would be tragedy if The Daily
were crippled by events now in
We watch-and wait-in silence.
-Roger Ebert
News Editor
Daily Illini
Alarm . *
To the Editor:
I HAVE VIEWED the conflict be-
tween The Daily and the Board
in Control of Student Publications
with a great and increasing alarm.
The content of the phrase "free-
dom of the press," a phrase so
cherished by members of The Daily
staff, seems to be lost in political
maneuvering and rhetoric.
If the junior 'staff, deciding to
support the action of the seniors,
and more seriously, interpreting
the Board's action as an attempt
to manipulate the editorial con-
tent of the newspaper, wished to
take principled action, it has seri-
ously jeopardized that course.,
The Daily's task, I have always
thought, is more than "putting out
a newspaper"; it represents an on-
going demonstration of freedom.
Thus, the train of thought which
leads the juniors to seek compro-
mise with the Board, so the Board
can maintain freedom of the press,
is a drastic departure from Daily
If the junior staff wanted to ex-
press its refusal to tolerate inter-
ference with content of the paper,
they should have walked but, re-
fused to put out the paper, pick-
eted the building, and demanded
that the student body support
them. Freedom means freedom
from constraint, n6t freedom to
negotiate when constraint has al-
ready been' applied.
THE QUESTION rests upon the
perspective one takes. on the op-

erations of the University; acting
as an ultimate check, can the
University, or its delegated bodies,
resist exercising that check when
pressure is put upon it? I think
not. The task of The Daily mem-
bers then become one of resisting,
at all cost, any notion that they
will permit the freedom of the
student press to become part of
the University's political needs in
the state-the press is non-nego-
tiable. This requires, unfortunate-
ly, something the present staff has
not demonstrated; a united and
concerted effort to effectively op-
pose all attempts to treat the
Daily as another student activity
which may be regulated, limited,
or controlled. An effective strike
would mean that Daily staff mem-
bers, and the supporting student
body, perceive a different kind of
relationship between University
and student - one which holds
freedom first and highest in pri-
ority, and does not consider
freedom something which is sub-
ject to "compromise."
I realize that the course of ac-
tion I prescribe has already a his.
tory of rejection on the part of
the junior staff. I hope that the
content of the phrases we mouth
so easily does not suffer.
i (fusedfthely,ffree-
-Robert A. Haber, '60
President, Students for
a Democratic Society
To the Editor:
CAMBRIDGE is a long way from
Ann Arbor, but even from this
distance it would seem that the
publications board has acted un-
wisely. The board has tarnished
the image of a great university;
and it has done so, I gatheir, for
the sake of a policy change which
the students on the paper had
hoped to make on their own.
I know no one who two weeks
ago would have disagreed with
Prof. Browder's statement that
The Daily is one of the freest stu-
'dent- newspapers in the country ;
most would have added that it is
also the best. But what is happen-
ing in Michigan is not freedom,
and only a free paper can, over
the years, remain great.
The Daily is a credit to its uni-
versity; the action of the board is
--Frederic L. Ballard, Jr.
The Harvard Crimson



with: Regret



THE UNITED STATES is now examining its
policy' in South Viet Nam and making ad-
justments which will enable the groundwork
to be laid for a peaceful conclusion of the war
in South Viet Nam.
Since 1948 the United States has been com-
mitted to the containment of Communism. For
this purpose $2.5 billion have gone to South Viet
Nam in military and economIc aid.
Now thou'sands of United States troops are
training Vietnamese and providing troop mo-
bility. The capture tihs week of 75 Vietcong
guerrillas by 24 helicopters proves the effec-
But the risk is great. The United States can-
not become actively involved in the shooting
because Communist China threatens massive
retaliation to any foreign intervention. Direct'
armed conflict with Red China could easily
lead to nuclear war. Therefore, the United
States must be able to stop aggression at the
limited war level.
BUT IT IS extremely hard to defend against
guerrilla strikes. The guerrillas have no sup-
ply lines to keep open or outposts to protect.
By threatening defenseless peasants in the
fields, they can obtain food and information.
They can hit any government target and then
melt into a village or farm. There is only one
weakness, guerrillas cannot operate without
the cooperation of the people.
The anti-guerrilla defense involves two prin-
ciples: 1) Provide means by which the pea-
sants can defend themselves. 2) Give the pea-
sants a reason to fight the Communists. The
Editorial Staff
MICHAEL BURNS .......................Sports Editor
DAVID ANDREWS:...........Aessoiate Sports Editor
CLIFF MARKS ...... ..Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
CHARLES JUDGE, Business Manager

helicopters provide mobility to almost all ter-
rain. South Viet Nam troops can stage offensive
attacks or they can get to an attacked village
in a short time.
The peasants are being relocated in central-
ized guarded villages., They may go out any
time during the day but they can't take out
food and they must have a pass to get in. The
villages give them protection and an excuse
for not cooperating with the guerrillas,
THE UNITED STATES is including schools
and teachers, water and power supplies,
roads and transportation for crops in the cen-
tralized village program. This gives the peasants
something to fight for, but the South Viet Nam
government is negligent in initiating its own
reforms. This is partly the fault of the United
Using the containment policy as a standard,
the United States during the 50's was striving
for a South Viet Nam government which was
militarily strong and staunchly anti-commun-
ist. President Ngo Diem has certainly (with the
support of United States aid) fulfilled these
desires, but in the process political opposition
has been crushed; the press censored and in-
dividuals purged.
He is against reforms and is considered an
American, puppet. To continue support of an
unpopular government will only help the Viet-
cong guerrillas.
The guerrilla war in South Viet Nam can be
brought to a conclusion. By hair splitting mili-,
tary maneuvers we are holding the guerrillas
in check without involving Red China. By sim-
ilai' political maneuvers the regime or the rate
of progress can be changed. The emergence of
a popular regime, therefore, will be the most
effective form of containment.
No' Comment
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reports that Mar-
garet Ann (Peggy) Goldwater, the attrac-
tive 17-ya,-n1A Aonghti j nf + jth n linfrnatnr

LAST NIGHT'S May Festival Concert, the "Russian" program, was
far more varied than that restrictive theme might indicate. The
opening number was "Fireworks" by Stravinsky. This orchestral fan-
tasy, opus 4, is a suitable piece of fluff for a curtain raiser; it is Stra-
vinsky before he learned to be Stravinsky.
We take issue with the last paragraph of the program notes on
this point. The fascination of "Fireworks" is musicological: the young
Stravinsky, the man who was to exert so strong an influence on the
course of twentieth century music, wrote early in his career an explicit-
ly derivative piece, giving virtually no indication of ,the individuality
that was to come.
The "Classical Symphony,'' opus 25, by Prokofieff is coin from' a
different mint. Here a composer, already individuated and mature,
writes in conscious imitation and parody of a different style, rather
than having his compositions unconsciously colored by the aura of his
musical ambience.
THIS ENABLES him to mimic the overall shape of the object'of
his caricature while projecting his own ideas through subtle nuances:
the slight over-prominence of the tympani in the last movement, the
grotesque phrases in the gavotte, which would surely lead to catas-
trophe in the ball room.
The performance was one of the finest we have heard, projected
with all the requisite humor and with all the fine detail clearly delin-
Jerome Hines fought heavy odds in his performance of scenes from
Boris Goudunov and was unable to overcome them. Opera excerpts al-
ways suffer from the elimination of the dramatic element, which puts
the soloist at a disadvantage.
Further,-the Philadelphia is considerably larger than the usual
opera orchestra and was very much too loud.
*$ * *
AT THOSE moments when he could be heard, Mr. Hines assured
us that his forthcoming performances' at the Bolshoi Opera will be a
credit to the American opera tradition.
Tschaikowsky's Pathetique Symphony was given a superlative per-
formance to end the program.
-J. Philip Benkard
Concert Wa rm, Precise
SATURDAY AFTERNOON'S May Festival program presented a fine
concert of French music by the Philadelphia Qrchestra and soloists
-directed ably by William Smith, the orchestra's assistant conductor.
The program 'opened with Gretry's Overture to "Cephale et Procis,"
as arranged by Felix Mottl, a 19th century conductor. The overture,
in three dance-like movements, set the tone for the concert both in
content and performance,: the music was light, the performance warm,
yet precise.
The concert continued with Eduard Lale's "Concerto for Cello and
Orchestra" played by the. Philadelphia's ,first cellist, Lorne Munroe.
The concerto principle involves the opposition of two equally important
kinds of sound: solo instrument versus orchestra. While Mr. Munroe
played well, his tone seemed a bit thin and failed to project enough
to achieve an identity equal to that of the~orchestra.
* * *
AFTER INTERMISSION, the orchestra played Darius Milhaud's
"Suite francaise." Originally written for band then re-scored for orches-
tra, Milhaud's suite contains five movements, each representing a
Frennch nronvince.






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