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May 06, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-06

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4 !

Loyal Army, Ai r Units
Stop Carupano Revolt
By Venezuelan Leftists)

Spanish Labor Strike
Spreads to Provinces
Franco Calls 'State of Exception';,
Suspends Portions of Bill of Rights
MADRID (P)-Labor unrest appeared to be spreading yesterday
in the wake of government proclamation of a state of emergency in
three northern provinces comprising an industrial heartland.
At the same time, there was a student demonstration in Madrid
to back striking coal miners.
Reports fro Asturias Province, where around 20,000 miners have

U.S. To Strengthen NATO,

Support Laos Carges
Of Red China Invasion
VIENTIANE ()-American military sources supported charges of
a temporary Red Chinese invasion of Northern Laos yesterday as
advancing Communist forces put a tighter pinch on Nam Tha's half-
encircled defenders.
Nam Tha, in a valley 180 miles north of Vientiane, has been
compared in some ways to Dien Bien Phu in Viet Nam, where the

French surrendered and gave up t
Oran Jews,
Arabs Clash
ORAN (') -- Moslems and Jews
fought each other yesterday and
by nightfall six Moslems were
dead and two Jews wounded.
The ancient animosity between
Moslem and Jew flared on a day
that saw European Secret Army
terrorism t a p e r in Oran with
In Algiers, the Secret Army in
hit and run attacks killed three
Moslems and w o u n d e d three
others. In addition, five Europeans
have vanished recently and it is
believed Moslems kidnapped them,
authorities: reported.
The Secret Army terror drive
to block Algerian peace and keep
Algeria a part of France has turn-
ed Oran into a battlefield. But. it
was Moslems and Jews who did
the latest fighting.
The trouble began when a car
carrying five Moslems sped
through the Jewish quarter firing
on people in the street, witnesses
The car crashed into a parked
automobile, klling the driver. The
four passengers ran down the nar-
row streets and were killed by
Jewish gunfire.
Headquarters for'
All Sheaffer

the Indochina War eight years ago.
SNam Tha has been withstanding
a siege-like Conmunist threat
since January, 1962.
Lightning Blow
American sources said they had*
confirming information that about
200 Red Chinese troops and
100 rebel Pathet Lao struck the
lighting blow that captured Muong
Sing last Thursday. Muong Sing's
airstrip, 20 miles northwest of
Nam Tha, has been an alternate
supply route and troop staging
area since Nam Tha's own air-
strip was made hazardous by in-
termittent Communist mortar fire
several weeks ago.
The Red Chinese already have
gone back over their border, five
miles north of Muong Sing, . the
Laotian government reported,leav-
ing the Pathet Lao in control.
The attack was considered by
military sources particularly flag-
rant, since it was on the an-
niversary of the 1961 cease-fire
in Laos and because Red China is
one of the 13 nations at the
Geneva Conference which has
agreed to a neutral Laos under a
coalition government.
Significant Evidence
The incident was taken as sig-
nificant evidence that the pro-
Communist Pathet Lao receives
sanctuary and training facilities in
Red China..
The Royal Lao government, in
first reporting the fall of Muong
Sing, said the attack was by two
Red Chinese and one Pathet Lao
battalion. But until yesterday
United States military sources said
they had no confirmation of Red
Chinese participation.
The, Defense Ministry said the
fall of the town made "the situa-
tion more tragic and more difficult
at Nam Tha." Other military
sources said capture might alter
the tactical situation at Nam Tha.
and have a bad psychological ef-
fect on the defenders.

Claim Heads
Of Rebellion
Betancourt Denounces
'Communist' Rebels
CARACAS (R) -Loyalist forces
supported by air force planes and
navy ships pushed into coastal
Carupano last night and smashed
a marine garrison's revolt to un-
seat President Romulo Betancourt,
a government source announced.
The source said the three top
leaders of the rebellion had been
taken prisoner.
The action in seizing the city
from rebels was violent, the source
added, but casualty figures were
not immediately available.
'Castro-Type' Revolt
Romulo Betancourt, Venezuelan
president, Friday night accused
the 400-man marine garrison and
its 50 military police who re-
volted Friday of plotting to set
up a Castro-type, Communist re-
gime, and gave them an ultimatum
to surrender by dawn.
About 400 of the rebels ignored
the ultimatum, however, and were
reported to have scattered to posi-
tions in dwellings in the city of
16,500 to make a house-to-house
Capture Radio Station
Reports from the commander
of the government forces announc-
ed the capture of Carupano's ra-
dio station, and said some of his*
men had been wounded by mines
planted on the approach roads.
There were no reports of the
casualties in the street fighting.
Earlier, government spokesmen
announced the capture of the
small town of Jose Areacuar, two
miles outside the city, and the
landing of 1,500 loyal marines at
Cariaco on a finger-shaped gulf
of the same name which extends
eastward to within about 30 miles
of Carupano.
Hughes Condemns
Doctors' Refusal
TRENTON, (R') - Cov. Richard
J. Hughes' of New Jersey angrily
condemned yesterday a declara-
tion by doctors that they will re-
fuse to treat patients under a
proposed Federal medical care
plan for the aged.

. slash prices

been on strike for a month in

quest of more pay, approximately
-done third of the striking miners
had returned to work following the
government action.

Reuther Calls
For Reduction
In Car Prices
ATLANTIC CITY ( ) -- Union
leader Walter Reuther yesterday
asserted "exorbitant" auto indus-
try profits require a significant
slash in car prices under terms of
President John F. Kennedy's eco-
nomic stabilization formula.
Reuther, president of the United
Auto Workers, AFL-CIO, in a re-
port to the UAW's 18th Conven-
tion said guides laid down by Ken-
nedy's economic advisers point
"directly at the auto industry as
one due for price cuts."
The guides are the same as those
under which Kennedy urged a
moderate labor settlement in the
steel industry and then acted to
obtain a rollback of steel industry
price increases. The formula also
calls for price cuts in high profit
"By any reasonable criteria, the
auto industry is one in which
prices should be reduced,
"Such price cuts are essential
to offset the price increases which
occur in other industries with
lower than average productivity
and which are unavoidable if the
workers in those less productive
industries are to receive wage in-
creases comparable to other work-
ers," Ruether said.

Bilbao Workers Strike
But in Bilbao, one of Spain's
major industrial centers, strike
fever seemed to be spreading to
various major factories.
Gen. Francisco Franco yester-
day ordered a state of "excep-
tion" (emergency) in the provinces
of Asturias, Vyzcaya, and Guipuz-
coa, all scenes of strikes large and
small. This decree suspended var-
ious sections of the Spanish Bill
of Rights and gave government
officials wide powers in dealing
with disorders or disturbances, in-
cluding a ban on the right of as-
sembly and on the normal free-
dom from search and arrest.
Strikes are illegal in Spain.
Late reports from Asturias said
about 4,500 miners returned to
their jobs yesterday after the gov-
ernment action, but added more
than 13,500 remained on strike.
Strike Steel Plant
Babcock and Wilcox, a massive
complex including a steel plant,
railway locomotive and car plant,
and one of the nation's largest
steel pipe factories, was among
those in which workers were de-
manding wage increases. This
British-established company, now
Spanish-owned, employs about
5,000 men.
When the wage boost demands,
began in the Asturias coal fields,
government and syndicate officials
said publicly the miners deserved
more money. But what the Minis-
try of Information called "activi-
ties by outside agitators" appeared
to bring fears of some move
against the government itself.
There was some reaction in Ma-
drid, where a group of university
students, meeting to assail govern-
ment aid to certain Roman Cath-
olic schools, rioted, shouting "long.
live the miners."

Associated Press News Analyst
States is planning to strengthen
its NATOrnuclear defenseforces
with powerful new weapons.
But if partnership plans adopted
in Athens yesterday work out,
President John F. Kennedy would
be ready to drop consideration of
a separate NATO nuclear striking
The United States and Great
Britain, as the two NATO nuclear
powers, have now made extensive
new commitments in Athens which
do not substantially affect the
East-West military balance but do
have a vital bearing on relations
within the Western Alliance.
Directly at issue is whether NA-
TO itself is to be split by a nu-
clear weapons race beginning with
-as Washington and London lead-
ers would fear-an increasingly
bitter rivalry between France and
West Germany.
Overcome Rivalries
The aim of the new partnership
program is to overcome as far as
possible the- flowering of national
rivalries within the alliance and
attain through common planning
a new degree of unity in respect
to the handling of nuclear weap-
If this result could be achieved,
informants say, Kennedy would
unquestionably be delighted to
scrap his announced policy of
forming by agreement with the
European allies a separate NATO
nuclear force built primarily
around Polaris submarines. These
Clay Promises
Berlin Support
BERLIN, ()- Gen. Lucius D.
Clay made a farewell pledge
yesterday that United States
troops would remain in Berlin un-
til the city and all of Germany
is unified, as long as Berliners
want them.
Gen. Clay spoke at a ceremony
conferring on him the city's honor-
ary citizenship.
"As the United States Govern-
ment talks with the Soviet Gov-
ernment, and concerts its views
with our allies to determine if
there is a basis of negotiations,
rumors of alleged misunderstand-
ings between the Allies are cer-
tain to be aired," he said.

SWorld News Roundup
GENEVA-,Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian A. Zorin has
informally proposed a two-month recess of the deadlocked 17-nation
disarmament conference and urged that the talks then be moved from
Geneva to New York.
The United States and other Western delegations are reported
to dislike the idea of a long recess and oppose moving'to New York.



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ROME-Parliament failed again yesterday-on its seventh ballot
four days-to elect a President of Italy. Foreign Minister Antonio
"Segni, the front runner, had 389
votes 39 short of the 428 needed
to win. Rebels within the pro-
Western Foreign Minister's own
Christian Democratic Party still
cast blank ballots or voted for
minor candidates.
WASHINGTON - The Army is
fighting a Pentagon proposal to
bring some 40,000 t r o o p.s back
e from Europe.
Informed Defense Department
sources said the army has offered
a compromise to limit the reduc-
U ,* tion in the European garrison to
about 20,000 men-but is resist-
ing even this much of a cutback.
broke out yesterday between cen-
tral Congo government troops and
n c e Katangenese gendarmerie.
RICHMOND - Judge M. Ray
I (~..,, Doubles ruled Thursday that en-
ra I Sa es forced racial segregation at a local
civic auditorium and baseball field
was constitutional.



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