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May 01, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-01

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(Khr i4~igan Dail
Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1962


State Income Tax
Faces Ultimate Disaster

is virtually no hope of getting through the
Senate any of the remaining 13 bills in the
tax package tied to the income tax. The
GOP old guard will have its way once again
and the state will have to accept just another
collection of nuisance taxes and perhaps an
almost unprecendented five per cent sales
The sabotage of the coalition of Democrats
and moderate Republicans was a well-planned
maneuver. After the GOP regulars whittled
the coalition down to 18 votes-the bare
minimum needed to pass legisation in the
Senate-the coalition rammed through the
income tax in an all-night session. But the
Republicans still had a couple of cards left
in their hand.
First there was dissension within the coali-
tion. Several of the Republican members want-
ed tax concessions for industry, including ex-
emption of tools, jigs and fixtures from the
personal property tax. Since the personal pro-
perty tax is collected by local units, the loss
of revenue to cities would be made up by
diverting one cent of the sales tax to cities.
BUT THE DEMOCRATS didn't particularly
like the idea. Although both the Demo-
crats- and Republican moderates agree that
tax reform is necessary, there is a basic dif-
ference of opinion between the two groups in
the coalition on exactly what it should do
for the state: Democrats want a tax that
will bring in more money to the state while
the Republicans major objective is a system
which distributes taxation differently in order
to attract business to the state.
Since at least two Republican Senators
promised to abandon the whole package if
these industrial concessions were not included,
the Republican regulars could count on a
better than even chance of having the in-
come tax rescinded. After all, coalition mem-
bers have made it consistently clear that all
the tax measures pass along with the income
tax or nothing would be passed. Even if the
coalition had been a little more flexible, Gov.
John B. Swainson has promised to veto an
income tax if it is the only revenue producing
measure passed by the Legislature this ses-
All the Republicans had to do was get one
defector from the coalition; the odds-simply
because of internal problems of the Moderates
and Democrats-were on the side of the con-
servatives. But they were determined not to
take any chances. So, last Thursday, the first
session of the Senate after passage of the
income tax, the Republicans stalled and stalled
and stalled. Sometimes the stalling degenerated
into stupidity. For 45 minutes, two irate con-
servative senators traded points of order and
insults with Lt. Gov. T. John Lesinski.
THE STALLING was more than a move to
delay the inevitable. The conservatives
wanted to keep the Senate from doing anything

until after the weekend because, as one GOP
regular put it, "when these Senators go home,
some of them from conservative districts are
going to catch hell for voting for an income
And catch, hell they surely did. Chambers
of Commerce and other business organizations
were up in arms. Of course, there is also
the problem for outstate members of the coali-
tion of getting re-elected next fall. If the
regular Republicans could get the vote to
scuttle the coalition, surely they would be
forgiving to the defector for his past sins.
So, Michigan is right back where it started.
Undoubtedly, the state will have to limp along
on another inane package of nuisance taxes.
Once more, each of the conservative senators
will be able to go back to his constituents
and boast that they have not passed an in-
come tax; but they have also lost any possi-
bility of winning the governorship.
Everything taken into account, the con-
servatives have won a hollow victory. Cer-
tainly, it is a victory which will get a majority
of the Senators re-elected this November; but
they have lost a greater battle.
THE REPUBLICAN blue-chip candidate,
George Romney, has come out in favor of
the income tax. What can he tell the people
of the state when his own party has repudiated
his stand? How can he win support in in-
dustrial Wayne County when Republican Sena-
tors have spent hours railing against Detroit
as a useless drag on the state economy?
Finally, how is Michigan going to attract
much-needed industry when the tax structure
is such a mess? The business activities tax and
personal property tax all have to be paid re-
gardless of whether a business mnakes or loses
money. They lighten the burden on prosperous
General Motors; but they discourage the me-
dium and small businesses from locating in
the state.
An income tax is necessary only as a part
of a tax reform program; if the conservatives
have an idea of how to redistribute the tax
burden of the state without an income tax,
let them propose it. But wailing against Wayne
County is no solution. The prosperity of most
of the state ultimately depends upon the pros-
perity of indistrial Detroit. The outstate areas
want the benefits of the great industrial com-
plex without having to pay the costs.
THE STATE-SUPPORTED institutions-uni-
versities, schools, mental hospitals and many
others-do not exist by magic. They need
money. All these activities have been hurt,
some visibly and some not so apparently, by
the state's constant financial wrangling.
Sen. Carlton Morris said in the Senate, while
debating taxes, that even though the univer-
sities keep saying they need more money, they
keep operating, and even though the mental
hospitals say they need more money, they
keep on operating.
For how much longer? That's the question.

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Two-Fifths of the. Nation

Prudence Triumphs
As .Renaissance Reigns
NOW LET ALL Ann Arbor rejoice, for Warner Brothers, which has
brought to the screen such greats as Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig, has
done it again. Love-s Must Learn, which (for reasons best known only
to itself) is alternately titled Rome Adventure, is filmed in the deeply
spiritual tradition of The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, except that the
characters are all a little younger, and all still potent.
Here, too, is the plot we've all been waiting for, the one that asks the
burning question, "Should a girl sleep with Troy Donahue?" And two
girls ask it, but arrive at slightly different answers. The first is a whole-
some and proper girl, but not without spirit, who comes to Italy to find
love. It is indeed a moment of high symbolism when we find out that
her name is Prudence, The second is a wicked sensual rich girl. Her
name is Leda.
AT THIS POINT, the plot stops and the Renaissance takes over. Those
who don't thrill to Troy Donahue and Rossano Brazzi might enjoy
Michaelangelo and Giotto as they flash across the screen for local color
and added ticket sales. The photography is intense, and there's a lot
of Italy showing.
The film is not without humor, but it comes close. Example:
"Now I know what Shakespeare meant when he said 'alone at last'."
"Did Shakespeare say that?"
"He must have; he said just about everything else."
More truly amusing are a young Etruscan scholar and a wise Ameri-
can lady who runs a bookstore.
In order to squeeze the last potential viewer out of the public, the
movie becomes not only a travelogue, a comedy, a tragedy, and a love
story of cosmic proportions, but also vaguely musical; we shall no doubt
be hearing its theme song soon in the juke boxes of better ice cream
parlors everywhere.
THE PLOT ENDS as you like it: Leda, who, with better acting, could
have been one of the great classic bitches of the silver screen, merely
loses to Prudence. Troy Donahue is last seen fighting his way through
a crowd towards Prudence, waving his symbol, a candlestick on which
he pledged his integrity.
For people who want more than the eternal city, the eternal triangle
and the eternal question, there's a newsreel of John Kennedy pushing
a button that bounces a radio wave off a star and turns on the elevator
going to the top of the Seattle space needle. For people who want even
more than that, which should include almost everyone, there's always
the May Festival.
-Dick Pollinger
Mus icians I ow ~vto Odds
PLAYING on the tag end, of a music-saturated weekend for an audi-
ence numbering 35, the Cornell University Trio started off with two
strikes against it last night at Rackham.
One would like to say that the group bravely overcame these odds,
but unfortunately the music-consisting of trios from the 18th, 19th,
and 20th centuries-never really got off the ground.
Starting with the Mozart G Major Trio, which perhaps shows Mozart's
style at its most stock and stereotyped, the group showed a reluctance
,to lend some measure of drama to its performance; among other things,
tempi remained distressingly constant, repetitions received identical
treatment throughout, and transitional passages were played with as
much deliberation and protraction as exposition and development.
* * *
WHILE THE MOZART, due to its particular lack of development,
pointed up these performing traits, they were not quite as obviously
displayed in the trio by Robert Palmer since the work emphasizes much
variation of basic structural patterns. Still, the 15resentation lacked a
feeling of continuity, which seems necessary in a work emphasizing a
theme-and-variation type of structure, so that at least each fresh vari-
ant appears to be inevitable, and not just additional and useless com-
mentary on an already-stated proposition.
Closing the program with the Brahms Op. 87 Trio, the group
managed to use tempi with the slightest contrast even among adjacent
movements. When one thinks of the dynamic, yet lyric, finely balanced
performance given by the Beaux Arts Trio of the same work just two
months ago, it is hard not to feel that the Cornell Trio suffered by
-Mark Slobin
Criticizes Writer

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Robert Spi-
vack is substituting for Walter
Lippmann, who is in Europe.)
BACK IN THE 30' , Franklin
Delano Roosevelt stirred Amer-
ica with his declaration that "one
third of the nation was ill-housed,
ill-fed and ill-clothed."
Today, almost three decades
later, Economist Leon Keyserling,
who was head of President Tru-
man's Council of Economic Ad-
visers, has completed a study
which shows that almost 40 per
cent of America still lives in,-pov-
erty and deprivation.
These figures are so startling
that I found them hard to be-
lieve at first. I still find it in-
credible that in a nation which
has made the technological and
scientific advances we have, that
there has been so much neglect
of a vital segment of the economy.
. *
MR. KEYSERLING'S study has
been published by the Conference
on Econonmic Progress and bears
the title "Poverty and Depriva-
tion in the United States." It is
which makes it all the more devas-
There are great debates now
going on inside the administrat-
tion as to what we should be do-
ing about low economic giowth
and chronic unemployment. The
record, to ' date, is not very im-
pressive. But about the facts there
seems to be no argument.
*R * *f
WHAT ARE the facts?

There are some 38 million
Americans with incomes under
$2,000 per year and families with
under $4,000 per year. That is
the description of what consti-
tutes poverty in 1962. Another 39
million Americans live in "depri-
vation," which means individual
incomes of $2,000 to $2,999 per
year and families with incomes of
$4,000 to $5,999 per year.
This means that there are 77
million Americans-or two-fifths
of the nation-living at substan-
dard levels.
This hardly sounds like the "af-
fluent society." The Keyserling
report notes with some disparage-
ment the conclusion of Prof. John
K. Galbraith that poverty in the
United States is no longer a "mas-
sive afflication." Galbraith said
it is more nearly "an after-
to be the attitude at high levels
in the government and the Key-
serling study dissents vigorously:
"But this sooth'ing conclusion
is based upon treating as living
in poverty those families with in-
comes of lessythan $1,000 a year,
contrasted with the $4,000 which
many authorities fix , as the
amount required to place the
multiple-person family above pov-
erty in the American context to-
The point seems well-taken. How
many individuals, let alone fami-
lies, could live on $1,000 a year?
Common sense rejects that as a
standard by which to measure the

degree of national want
* * *
tressing is the "growing compla-
cency about the poverty and de-
privation still in our midst." While
he advocates the administration's
foreign trade program he believes
that this would be insignificant as
a remedy for what ails the nation
The most hescan see, assuming
its approval, is about another $3
billion coming in through the
development of overseas markets.
But what we actually need, ac-
cording to Keyserling, is another
$50 billion and eventually another
X100 billion increased production.
If we were just to look homeward,
in his judgment, we could dis-
cover that we have an immense
"underdeveloped market." He would
give high priority to meeting the
needs of these 77,000,000 Ameri-
* * *
"LIFTING the living standards
of these 77 million is not only
imperative in human terms, but
also is the key to maximum em-
ployment and production and more
rapid economic growth," Keyser-
ling has said. .
It is ironic that a top Demo-
crat should be using words like
"complacency" and "soothing" to
describe the non-activities of a
Democratic administration. Btt
the hullaballoo about the trade
program and the Kennedy "vic-
tory" over Big Steel seems to have
diverted us from the real and
nagging domestic problems that
still exist.
Maybe we need a Marshall Plan
for the United States.
THE COMMONEST objection to
birth control is that it is
against "nature." (For some rea-
son we are not allowed to say
that celibacy is against nature; the
only reason I can think of is that
it is not new.) Malthus saw only
three ways to keeping down the
population: moral restraint, vice
and misery.
Moral restraint, he admitted, was
not likely to be practiced on a
large scale. "Vice," i.e., birth con-
trol, he, as a clergyman, viewed
with abhorrence. There remained
misery. In his comfortable par-
sonage, he contemplated the mis-
ery of the great majority of man-
kind with equanimity, and pointed
out the fallacies of the reformers
who hoped to alleviate it.
-Bertrand Russell


Sportation is Segregation

(Continued from Page 2)

THE SEGREGATIONIST Citizens Council of
New Orleans has sent a family of ten on
a oneway, all expense-paid trip to New York
city in hopes that the family would never
This was the first attempt by this organiza-
tion to deport Negroes from Louisiana in an
effort to maintain white supremacy in that
state. This was a test case which has proved
successful. Intelligent Americans cannot sit
back passively while the Citizens Committee is
planning to send more families on a similar
New Orleans' irresponsible officials and
citizens feel that the best way to avoid recog-
nizing human equality is by making sure there
are no so-called "inferior" people left to form
a strong opposition. Some Southerners and
Northerners have rationalized that if the Ne-
groes can be persuaded or even volunteer to
leave, violence will be averted and the Negroes
will be doing themselves a service to . leave a
part of the country where they are disliked
and not respected. The Negroes might even
improve their lot in another state anyhow. Why
then oppose this push for a Negro exodus?
FIRST, if this practice is condoned, integra-
gration will be set back many years. This
is obviously another method to deny the basic
MICHAEL BURNS.....................Sports Editor
DAVID ANDREWS ............Associate Sports Editor
CLIFF MARKS ................Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff

human rights which all true Americans should
The southern states have set up private
school systems, literacy tests and poll taxes
in an effort to discourage Negroes from living
within their states. These practices have worked
to some extent, but the segregationists will not
be satisfied until every Negro has departed;
so they have begun to subsidize the exodus.
Second, it is true that Louis Boyd, the first
man who accepted the offer, was able to
secure a job at $100 a week in the North, but
how many such jobs are awaiting other Ne-
groes? New York has an unemployment prob-
lem just as many other sections of the coun-
try. Perhaps Boyd had some education, but
what if the New Orleans Committee sends un-
educated Negroes to other cities? Surely these
people will not receive jobs so quickly because
jobs may not exist for their skills. Uneducated
people hinder a community and their ignorance
is Louisiana's fault for denying basic educa-
tion. Why should New York suffer from the
shortcomings of another state's educational
FINALLY, supposing these people do not find
work. What then? The people of New Or-
leans do not care; they have satisfied their
consciences by giving these people cash and
writing a letter to a welfare agency in New
York. The people of New York city and New
York state should start to worry; they are
the very' ones who should be putting up the
most resistance to this particular practice.
If the Negroes arrive and do not find work,
they will join the other citizens of New York
who are unemployed and on the welfare pay-
roll. From selfish standpoint then, why should

in state of Minn. Residence waived. Will
perform elementary prof. engrg. work.
Sarkes Tarzian, Inc., Bloomington,
Ind. - Employment opportunities in
Radio, and Television: Program-Prod.
Mgr.; Continuity Dir.; Account Exec.;
Studio Assist.; Secretary; Newscaster;
Traffic Mgr.; Research and Develop-
ment Engr.; Accountant and others.
Michigan Civil Service - Adult Cor-
rections Trainee; Men with BA and
courses in social work, social, psych.,
criminology, or related field. Must ap-
ply by May 7.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Building, during the following hours:

Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon
and 1:30 til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, shouldcall Bob Hodges at NO
3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
Please call Bureau of Appointments,
General Div., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for
further information.
Consultant Landscape Architect to
held design a garden.
Recreational Therapist. Must be able
to improvise. 10 hours per week, some
evenings and weekends.
Architect who is from the informa-
tion and Design Dept. or Commercial
Art. Must be a Junior or better. Part-
Recreational Therapist. Must be able
to improvise. 10 hours per week, some
evenings and weekends.
Saleswomen with experience. 2 part-
time and 1 full-time. Must be able to
work during the summer and have
transportation. Pay rate: $1.30 per hour.

To the Editor:
ONE CANNOT help but feel that
one of the indirect benefits
which may accrue from the "shake
up" at The Daily is that Michael
Harrah will take on such great
responsibility with the paper that
he will flunk out of this Univer-
The severity of this statement
is vindicated if one looks at his
articles from the ridiculous ac-
cusation that Khrushchev was the
murderer of Dag Hammarskjold to
his present oration on the fact
that the people of Michigan should
be called upon to decide on mat-
ters which the Legislature is elect-
ed for and paid for.
I may be wrong but it seems that
Harrah would be the first person
to insist that the Youth of Amer-

iqa be set straight that we are
living in a republic and not in
a democracy.
-Richard A. Brosio, Grad
Injecting .
To the Editor:
IT WAS with great interest that
I read the motion before the
Student Government Council that
asks that the Council "not inject
itself intothe current controversy
over appointments to Senior Edi-
tor's positions on The Daily.
I can truly sympathize with such
a motion. With the Council "in-
jecting" iteslf into such current
controversies, they might not be
able to devote enough time to oth-
er pressing campus issues -- such
as segregation in the South ,.
-Michael S. Pinkert, '63E.



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