Seventy-Second Year
There Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Troth Will Prevail",
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
"Small World, Eli, Neighbor?"
Sensitivity, Movement
Mark Gilels Concert
Alumni Apartment Plan
Could Harm University
partment building in Ann Arbor for re-
. alumni who wish to live in an intellectual
nunity. While this project seems innocuous
gh, even praiseworthy, it would actually
great harm to the University. Bringing
her alumni in such close proximity would
e an organized pressure group opposed to
ge that would exert undue influence over
inistrative policy.
e alumni living in' the building will be
'ently conservative. First, they will all
ver 55. Second, they will all be well-to-do.
s second condition is guaranteed by the.
of the units, which most informed guesses
at around $20,000 apiece, and the fact
this sum will have to be completely payed
perience with alumni in this age and
>mic group-especially those who feel sen-
ntal attachments to their alma mater-has
rally been that they are opposed to change.
r expect the University, the faculty and
students to constitute the same University
attended forty years ago. Some of them'
truly wish to return to an intellectual
nunity; but it is more likely that a sen-
atal retreat to the sight of their youth is
bjective of most.
group of potential dotiors to the University
i together will be all too potent a pres-
group. They will expect the administration
mp at their call. And the administrators'
Many administrators envision a public
every time they receive five letters on-
aspect of University affairs. Imagine what
d happen if they received 40 or,50 phone
in two days from wealthy alumni.
VNKLY, alumni should have no say in
niversity policy. By no strength of the
imagination are they "in the University." This
phrase, often used by the Alumni Association,
is meaningless. Alumni have influence in the
University only because the University hopes to
get money out of them.
Since the University is always' somewhat
hard-pressed for money, certain prerogatives
have been granted to individuals who give
money. For example, they can, and usually do,
specify how their money is to be used. But
when this influence extends into matters of
student life and educational policy, it is usually
ill-advised and unwarranted. One of the major
reasons the administration might refuse to
remove recognition from a fraternity or sorority
for having a bias clause is alumni pressure.
WITH A CENTRAI alumni pressure group,
students would find another source of
opposition to change. Students would be even
more regulated by' codes often two or three
generations old. Institutions like the Union and
the fraternity system are in a state of flux
trying to adapt to new conditions; the alumni
would inhibit this adaptation process.
Faculty academic freedom could be affected.
There would be additional pressure on the
University to rid itself of controversial faculty
members. Even if specific incidents never oc-
cured, many of the faculty might feel addi-
tional outside pressures hemming them in.
FINALLY, the administration; which is al-
ready weak in its ability to withstand
ipressure of any sort, would be more likely to
make decisions on the basis of "well, the
alumni wouldn't like it."
Only the Alumni Association would benefit.
And these benefits would be at the expense
of the University.
A SELL-OUT AUDIENCE which braved icy weather greeted Emil Gilels
with enthusiasm last night. The pianist from the Soviet Union has
received wide acknowledgement and praise as a significant virtuoso. His
dynamic and masterful performance fulfilled the general anticipation.
* * *
IT WAS A RELIEF to hear three unfamiliar works, although they
represent well-known composers. There seems, however, to be good
reason for the lack of performances of Mozart's Sonata in B-flat major
(K. 281).
Gilels compensated for the unusually square phrasing of the first
movement by a sensitive approach. The transparency and delicacy of
the sonata makes it a particularly difficult one for a warm-up piece.
The fuller sonority of Schubert's Sonata No. 2 in D major (Op. 53)
seemed to please Gilels. Although the second movement was unusually
long. Gilels sustained interest. His amazing rhythmic control through
the Scherzo delighted the audience. Throughout the long sonata, he
never lost a sense of direction which climaxed appropriately in the last
IN PROKOFIEFF'S Sonata No. 8 in B-fiat major (Op. 84), Gilels
combined the control and musical sensitivity of the first half of the
program with the Russian composer's demand for technical display.
He gave a broad interpretation of the initial melody in the first move-
ment with dynamics and rhythm always under control.
It was not, until the second movement of Prokofieff's sonata that
Gilels achieved the fullness of sound for which he is so justly famous.
His choice, of tempo helped to emphasize the harmonic changes. His
remarkable steadiness throughout the last movement made the syncopa-
tion exciting.
As in his performance of the Schubert sonata, Gilel's sense of climax
in Prokofieff's work created a constant direction and sense of momentum
to the end of the last movement.
Gilel's tight control and balance of tone was also shown in the two
encores which the enthustiastic audience demanded. The pianist re-
sponded to the applause with a transcription of a prelude by J. S. Bach
and then with one of Rachmaninoff's preludes.
.DilutedSoc ilsm
4b .-- -.mss-sr 'P , r r r
Quad Government's Two Headaches
On Namin Names
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first in a two-part series dealing
with Inter-Quadrangle Council. To-
day's article examines IQC's accom-
plishments over the past year.)
Tom Moch was installed as
InterQuadrangle Council's second
President last February, the coun-
cil and residence halls adminis-
trators were rocked by the now-
famous Scheub report, a rather
provacative document which
charged living conditions in the
quads and communication between
students and administrators were
in bad shape.
After this difficult beginning,
the council came back to accomp-
lish a great deal. Two large con-
ferences, one held soon after the
Scheub report was released and
one last fall, centered the atten-
tion of the student-faculty-admin-
istrator participants on some cri-
tical aspects of quadrangle life.
Topics included the role of staff
and student government in resi-
dence halls, the applicability of
the Michigan House plan, services
and facilities and the relationships
between quads and fraternities.
THE COUNCIL last fall formu-
lated a plan for liberalizing wo-
men's visiting hours in the quads.
It called for a system allowing
men to have women guests in their
rooms (with the door closed) dur-
ing hours to be decided by the
house. It quickly gained support
from a substantial number of
THE HEARINGS before the Stennis Com-
iittee, which is investigating the censorship
speeches of military men, Secretary Mc-
iara is defending a fundamental principle
ood government. The issue has been posed
Sen. Thurmond, who is demanding that he
riven the name of the individual who has
ored any partcular speech. Secretary Mc-
iara, acting, of course, under instructions
a the President, has refused to do this.
actly what the issue is between th,
I the Secretary. In the first place, t
y has given the Congress the names
sors in the Pentagon, some fo
gm. These men have been examined
by the Congressional Committee
session. There is absolutely no q:
Lrity and loyalty about any one of 1
. Thurmond has himself acknowle
t. There is, therefore, no charge, not
t any particular pasage was censoi
articular speech because the cens
ng motive or did anything worse tl
mistake of being overzealous.
o, as matters stand, Congress knov
at was censored out of every speech
: has examined the whole panelc
o did the censoring. Moreover, Secr
nara has offered to give the com
tten explanation, over his own sig
particular act of censorship.:
irmond is not satisfied with all th
s that he must know whether it
ith or Tom Brown who cut this
fence out of Gen. Somebody's spee
HY IS IT a matter of the hig
portance that the President and
istration should stand firm on
Don't Call Us
OMEN'S SENATE finally got the
Eulogizing that the Senate had'
ctive because it was merely an
;uring group, the League Counc
Y gave up the struggle to find
nfortunately, the Council also a
is to form another, equally useless
erless group. The new brainchil
rg point is that it won't meet for
r a week. Instead, it will be "on
s when proposals for new wome
n require the opinion of all wor
he procedure for changing wome
ins usually involves Assembly a
enic. Neither of these groups wouli
lange without first taking the is
hiscussion at house or chapter me
proposal will be considered by
know ex-
e Senator
the Secre-
of all the
urteen of
in execu-
uestion of
them, and
edged this-
red out of
sor had a
han make
Ws exactly
it knows
of officers
McNamara's refusal to name names and to pin-
point individuals? Because to surrender on that
issue would be to destroy the discipline and
confuse the loyalties of government employees
-of the military personnel, of the foreign
service, of the civil service-of all the large
mass of the bureaucracy who do not make policy
but are there to carry it out.
If it became the accepted precedent that an
Army officer assigned to the job of censorship
could be called to account by a Congressional
committee for carrying out the orders of a
superior officer, the Army officer would have
two masters and would not know who was his
boss. This was the quintessence of the evil of
McCarthyism, and we know from that appalling
experience how it destroys the spirit and morale
and efficiency of civil servants. When this con-
dition prevails, men work with one eye on their
official boss and the other eye on the inquisitors
from Congress. Temptation is great to feed out
information, rumors, and innuendo behind the
official boss's back, either to curry the favor of
the inquisitor or to placate his wrath. Subordi-
nates cannot count on being protected against
public degradation and the boss cannot count
on his staff to serve him loyally. This would be
a vicious condition of affairs, and should not be
tolerated in a self-respecting government.
Registration Hassle.
What Is Our Purpose?9
etary me- ONGRESS has every right to know what is
naturee, of being done by the Administration and why
natur . it is being done. It has a right to know this from
But ;Sen. the policy-making officers who must accept the
is. He in- whole responsibility, whether it brings credit
was John or blame, for what their subordinates do. Con-
or that sidering the damage that yielding to Sen. Thur-
ch. mond would do, what compensating good would
it do if Congress were able to put the indlyidual
hest im- censor on the witness stand and in front of the
his Ad- kleig lights in order to cross-examine him about
Secretary why he thought this phrase or that in a speech
was subject to censorship? There is nothing to,
be learned from that kind of persecution which
could not be learned far better by cross-examin-
" 0 * ing S'ecretary McNamara, his deputies and as-
sistants. There is so little that could conceivably
axe.- be learned from the subordinate individual cen-
been in- s6rs that would be of any public value that one
opinion- must conclude that it is not knowledge that
il grate- Sen. Thurmond is seeking, but the power to
Senate A intimidate the Administration.
For if the line taken by Secretary McNamara
nnounced is not held resolutely, the way will be open for
s, equally a great invasion by investigating conimittees of
d's great the whole Executive branch of the government,
da greatgUnder our system of a balance of powers it is
a boring necessary for public opinion to resist the in-
cal l"gforvasion and usurpation of one branch of govern-
n gsu- ment by another.
men stu- . There are times, particularly in war, when
the Executive overrides the Congress. There are
n's regu- other times-usually in post-war periods-when
nd Pan- the reaction against the war time Executive
d support powers brings with it an aggression by the
rdea back Congress against the Executive. These attempts
eting. So t6 invade and usurp are a recurrent phenome-
literally non in our political history. They spring from
4-I 41nar . .n of u ano a, " 4-+ai..,. 4 r.....4 of
To the Editor:
PERHAPS as a second semester
freshman I am too naive to
comprehend the omniscient will
of the University, but if my ex-'
periences of the first semester,
culminating in Friday's registra-
tion, are guideposts of the typical,.
I fail to see how the University
can consider itself on the road
toward providing a truly liberal
education for its student body.
It was my understanding that
students came to Ann Arbor with
interests and talents they wished
to develop in addition to a desire
to be stimulated in as many
spheres as possible. A convenient,
schedule is a luxury easily fore-
gone when desired sections are
closed, But how in the least good
faith can the University arbi-
trarily close an entire course to
students whose last names begin
with W, X, Y, or Z?
What are these people to do if
the course is a prerequisite to a
major (there are far' too many
prerequisites) or prerequisite to
a graduate school? Are they to
mold their ambitions and abilities
around this unjust and random
registration? Someone has for-
gotten why the school was erected
and catalogues for the selection
of courses printed.
All schools I am sure have their
shortcomings, large ones probably
more than small ones. However, if
the University does not pick its
head up every now and then to
see the road and correct its course,
its efforts and energy cannot be
reconciled with the lofty and in-
spiring words of the "Educational
Objectives" printed in the An-
nouncements of its schools.
-Andrew Saxe, '65
To the Editor:
A FREUDIAN would say that
ful satire. But it does r atter v)
the reputation of The Daily.
A lot of us remember that other
masterful evaluation c4 one of
your assigned critics to the Japan-
ese film Ikuru, and a string of
other puerile, smart leek, snide,
jejeune "reviews" you have ap,-
parently encouraged. The Daily
was once noted nationally for its
journalistic maturity. Your ce-
viewing policy has made it a
source of town and gown embar-
rassment and concern for the
reckless irresponsitoiity of the re-
sults. Claudia Cassi ly hs wrecked
Chicago as a theacre and music
center. Your policy is giving Ann
Arbor a growing black eye.
Edwin J. Smith, Jr.
Renown ...
To the Editor:
I HAVE READ with great inter-
est the series on the Office of
Student Affairs, which has been
appearing over the last few weeks.
Most articles have been a straight,
factual presentation of material
which is quite timely, due to the
study presently being conducted of
the Office.
However, I was quite puzzled by
a curious statement in the article,
"Judiciaries Without Justice," by
Michael Olinick which appeared
in the January 18 issue. The sen-
tence read, "In considering cases
involving the starting fullback of
the football team or the President
of the Michigan Union, the Judi-
cial bodies will treat these people
as differently than less renowned
(sic) campus figures."
To me this implies that the
President of the Union ha's been
caught in a violation of Univer-
sity regulations and received pref-
erential treatment. Though I can-
not speak for the starting full-
back, I do know it to be a fact
Last spring IQC members dis-
cussed another important problem:'
confidential non-academic evalua-
tions of residents by the staff
men and housemother. The Coun-
cil .moved to endorse the concept
of "pink slips," but asked that
their nature (although not the
actual evaluations) be made clear
to quadrangle men.
*The council has also taken ac-
tion on releasing WCBN from IQC
control, and setting new policy on
associate memberships and con-
ventions using the quads.
* *~ *
IN SHORT, during the Moch
regime IQC took on a seriousness
of purpose that had been lacking
in previous councils. But although
much was discussed, little was
done. This is due to a well-known
external problem facing IQC, and
a more internal conflict.
When the Board of Governors
of Residence Halls stomped all
over IQC's women-in-the-quads
plan, it pretty well proved that the
council can do only what the ad-:
ministration will allow 'it to do.
And the Scheub report, which
spurred the council to its amount
of activity, was itself kept secret
for six months by an administra-
tor, until an angry resident ad-
Visor finally decided to make the
report public.
It was this sort of over-control
that caused: Moch to say the
council was viewed by the ad-
ministration as merely "an ad-
visory body," with no power over
matters even of a non-financial
OVER-CONTRQL of a slightly
different sort leads t othe big-
gest internal problem of IQC: the
split between East Quad and .he.
other two quadrangles, West and
For in East Quad, the resident
director often operates. with an
attitude that approaches tyranny.
This situation snuffs out student
activity. It discourages any hopes
for house spirit and, in turn dis-
courages interested and qualified
men from, partaking in quad ac-
tivities and IQC.
This low interest in East, com-
pared to participation by men
from South and West, leads to
fears by East that it will be con-
trolled by the other two, although
theoretically any one could be
dominated by a coalition of the
other quads.
THERE ARE other factors 'n
the division between West. and
South with East. East Quad is
many blocks from the other two,
and this in itself tends to create
a gulf between it and the closely-
connected West and South Quads.
Second, East Quad has a repu-
tation as an engineers' quad, pos-
sibly implying that men there
carry heavier academic loads and
hence have less time for activities,
but certainly with the connota-
tion that East Quad people would
possess different attitudes and ex-
pectations about residence hall
life and the University in general
than their counterparts on Madi-
(EDITOR'S NOTE--This is the
first of two articles on Canada's
new left-wing political party.)
Associate Editorial irector
LTHOUGH FEW free enter-
prise ifans iAmerica know
about it, a socialist government
has been thriving on this con-
tinent for 17 and one-half years,
and is currently plotting to spread
its influence.
No, not in Mexico, but in the
Canadian province of Saskatche-
wan, where the Canadian Com-
monwealth Federation (CCF) has.
been in power since an agrarian
protest went big-time during
Wbrld War 'II
the wildest political species in
Canada. That honor belongs to'
the Social Credit party, which has
managed to hold on to majority
status in Alberta and British Co-
Social Credit is a very evan-
gelical movement which sprang up
during the Depression. Called the
"funny money" party, it wants
to eliminate the national debt and
sends people money in the mail
for being citizens-something like
buying stock in the government,
except everybody has to buy.
The leftist third parties in Can-
ada have suffered the fate of their
American counterparts. Their bet-
ter ideas, are swiped by the two
major parties, leaving them with-
out enough platform planks to
stand on.
BUT THE CCF is on the move.
It now has members in the na-
tional parliament representing all
kinds of areas, from rural Nova
Scotia to urban British Columbia.
Last summer the party laid plans
for its first big assault on the
whole country's electorate.
The. choice of T. C. (Tommy)
Douglas as leader of the re-named
New Democratic Party (NDP)
shows these radicals mean busi-
ness. He has headed the Saskat-,
chewan CCF since 1940, and has
-shown lots of savvy in keeping
his party in power and himself
in the premier's 'chair. Douglas, a
former linotype operator and min-,
ister, replaced schoolteacher M.
J. Coldwell.
* * *
THE PARTY has replaced its
socialist party statement with a
watered-down welfare program to
have more general voter appeal.
When the CCF officially opened
up for business in depression-
clouded 1933, it made the sum-
mary of its plans so radical that
it "has haunted the CCF in Par-
liament, in provincial legislatures
and on election platforms" until
recently,, according to Saturday
Night magazine. The pay-off was:
"No CCF government will rest
content until it has eradicated
capitalism and put into operation
the full program of socialised
planning which' will lead to the
establishment in Canada of the
Co-operative Commonwealth."
* * *
IN 1956, the party changed this
.the CCF will not rest epn-
tent until every person in -this
land and in all other lands is
able to enjoy equality and free-
dom, "a sense of human dignity
and an opportunity to live a rich
and meaningful life as a citizen
of a free and peaceful. world."
Which Barry Goldwater r nd
Earl Browder would agree with.
three-party politics now,," says
Michael de Pencier of 'Toronto, a
teaching fellow in philosophy. "If
the NDP can win the labor vote, it
may squeeze the Liberals out of
the picture in time, as has hap-
pened in Britain."
The renaissance gave the so-
cialists a chance to look over the
country's political situation and
how they fitted in. Actually, the
NDP is not much different from
the old party, which has never
really pushed pure socialism.
* * *
the party convention, according to
one observer, were the choice of
Douglas, and the ascendency of
labor power which formerly had
been among the weaker elements
in a party brew including Fabian
-socialists, farmers and miscel-
laneous radicals.
The NDP program actually is
not socialist, but envisions a Sa-
skatchewan-like mixed economy
for the whole country in which
private enterprise, government en-
terprise and some co-operative
ventures co-exist.
TOMORROW-Socialism at
the polls
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
bfficial publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which' The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Language Exam for Masters Degree
in History: Feb. 23, 4:00-5:00 p.m., 429
Mason Hall. Dictionaries may be used.
Sign the list posted in the History
Office, 3601 Haven Hall.
Doctoral Candidates who expect to
receive degrees in June, 1962, must
have at least three bound copies (the
original in a "spring binder") of their
dissertation in the office of the Grad-
Choral Union and Extra Series Con-
certs in Hill Auditorium, for the re-
mainder of this season, to fill vacan-
cies caused' by graduation. etc. This
will give you an opportunity to usher
for the May Festival as well as the
events left on the schedule. If you are
interested in ushering for these con-
certs, please come to the Box Office
at Hill Auditorium on Fri., ,Feb. 18
from 5 to 6p.m. and also on Sat.,Feb.'
17 from 10 a.m. to noon. See Mr.
The Mary Louisa Hinsdale Scholar-
ship,, amounting to approximately
$168.92 (interest on the endowment
fund) is available to undergraduate
single women who are wholly or par-
tially self-supporting and who do not
live in University residence halls or
sorority houses. Girls with better than
average.rscholarship and need will be
Application blanks are obtainable at