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February 14, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-14

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J.S., England Oppose
led Proposed Meeting
~~~~~~s 'rat Tm-atr

Union, Firm Plan Talks
On New Steel Contract
PITTSBURGH (A')-Union and company negotiatorsopen talks
today on a new contract for the nation's basic steelworkers in the
wake of a prediction by Secretary of Commerce Luther H. Hodges
that an early settlement will be reached.
Hodges, speaking at a news conference in Washington, said it
was "the general understanding that the steel contract will be settled
long before" the old contract expires June 30. He said both sides have

Labor unions called on their
members in Paris and throughout
the nation to strike during the
funeral services. The walkout was
widespread. In Paris, electricity,
gas, subway, bus, suburban train
and airport services were virtual-
ly paralyzed for four hours. Most
public schools were closed as
teachers struck.'
Meanwhile in Algeria, terrbrism
by Europeans and Moslems went
on without letup. Four Moslem
auxiliary soldiers and their French-
officer were found slain in an Al-
giers suburb. Three Moslems were
wounded in a machine gun attack
by Europeans.
Algerian Strike
A strike far different from those
in France struck Algiers. Shops
and offices closed throughout the
city in an. antigovernment strike'
ordered by the Secret Army.
The strike was in answer to the
arrest of a European cafe owner
and his nephew in the suburb of
Hussein Dey. The Secret Army
termed the arrests kidnapings.
Informed sources reported two
new raids by the European under-
ground to obtain weapons. One
was in Blida south of Algiers,,
when, a secret army commando
attacked a French Air Force patrol,
seizing its weapons.

Wilber Brucker, '16L, a Detroit
attorney who was Secretary of theI
Army from 1955 to, 1961, says he1
agrees fully with ex-President:
Dwight Eisenhower on the issue, ofI
Pentagon review of the public.
speeches "of military officers.
Brucker cited Eisenhower's "vast
experience" in both military and
civilian capacities and supported,
his statement to the Senate sub-
committee that is investigating the
issue. r
Eisenhower took the position
that the Pentagon should review
the speeches of officers but that
only high-ranking civilians should
review for high-ranking officers.
Brucker also praised Senator
John Stennis (D-Miss), chairman
of the Prbparedness subcommittee.
"He is a level-headed person with
a lot of common sense."
Addressing himself to the wide-
spread fear that the hearings could
degenerate into McCarthyism, the
former army secretary said he was
sure Stennis can keep them under
"I'm confident that the hear-
ings will come out in a good way,"
Brucker added.
The hearings are scheduled to
resume today. They have been in
recess since President John F.
Kennedy invoked last Thursday
the doctrine of executive privilege
in forbidding any Defense or State
Departmerit employes to disclose
which of them censored any spe-
cific speech.'

West Plans
For March
U.S., Britain Prepare
Reply To Khrushchev
WASHINGTON (P) - America
and Britain, working yesterday on
a response to Soviet Premier Ni-
kita S. Khrushchev's call for an
18-nation summit conference on
disarmament next month,, wanted
to leave the way open for a sum-
mit conference later and yet not
impair the chances of successful
disarmament talks or the West's
standing in world opinion.
Britain's Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan followed Secretary of
State Dean Rusk's turndown of
the idea, telling the House of
Commons yesterday that an 18-
nation summit would be a great
Plan Reply
Authorities said they expect to
send to Moscow before the end of
this week the West.ern reply to
Khrushchev's proposal that the.
general disarmament conference
scheduled to open in Geneva
March 14 start off with govern-
ment chiefs of state attending.
The United States and Britain
have proposed that .the Geneva
gathering get underway at the
foreign ministers level, while not
barring a summit parley later to
wrap up details should the nego-
tiators show progress. The Geneva
conference is scheduled to report
back to the United Nations by
June 1.
Welcomes Proposal
Macmillan declared he welcom-
ed "the broad spirit" of Khrush-
chev's conciliatory-worded pro-
posal. The Prime Minister said the
problem now is to find a way of
linking the United States-British
bid with "the most general ideas
which the chairman of the Soviet
Union has in mind."
In Moscow diplomatic inform-
ants expressed belief that Khrush-
chev may go to Geneva even if
President John F. Kennedy and
Macmillan stay home.
While there was no official con-
firmation of this, some diplomats
speculated that Khrushchev fig-
ures he can score a propaganda
victory by journeying to Geneva-
which. he would portray as evi-
dence of the Communists' sincere
desire and effort to achieve dis-
armament despite balking by
Western chiefs.

indicated "a serious, sincere at-c
tempt to get this thing out of the
Hodges also forecast a non-in-'
flationary settlement. He said he
did not believe there would be
"much of an increase, if any" in
steel prices as a result of the con-
Hold Prices Down
The Secretary said he believed
both management and labor real-
ize the necessity to hold prices
down to a level competitive with
foreign producers, and people now
are "taking very seriously" the
President's request for modera-
The steel contract is considered
by many economists the nation's
most important labor pact.
The negotiations will have a
vital effect on the economy for
the outcome will determine to a
large extent whether steel pro-'
ducers raise prices.,
Inflationary Spiral
If they do, prices of thousands
of consumer items using steel
probably will be boosted, setting
off an inflationary spiral. This is
something the Kennedy adminis-
tration wants to prevent.
Union bargaining teams will
meet separately today with repre-
sentatives of each of 11 major
steel firms to negotiate contract
terms that must be ironed out on
a company-by-company basis.,
Official Cites
Red Danger,
In Viet Nam'
Harriman, assistant secretary of
state for Far Eastern affairs, tes-
tified yesterday it is necessary to
prevent a Communist takeover in
South Viet Nam.
He said he understands the
United States is doing enough to
help the South Vietnamese resist
Communist conquest without com-
mitting United States combat
troops, for which he said there is
no present plan.
"We should see it through," he
Harriman voiced his views at a'
public hearing before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee. This
group then met behind closed
doors and announced it had voted
unanimously to recommend his
confirmation by the Senate as-
sistant secretary.
Sen. Stuart. Symington (D-Mo),
a committee member, asked Har-
riman at the hearing "do you feel
it is necessary for us to hold South
Viet Nam?"
"I do," Harriman replied.
Then, asked by Symington
whether it is necessary "for us to
do all we can to hold South Viet
Nam," the assistant secretary said
he preferred to rephrase the ques-
tion in answering it.
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Asia Viewed
By Kennedys~
By The Associated Press
The President's brothers contin-
ued their goodwill tours with At-
torney General Robert F. Kenne-
dy stopping in Indonesia and Ed-
ward M. (Ted) Kennedy in Is-
Edward Kennedy was given an
enthusiastic welcome'by 2,000 He-
brew University students who tore
up "go home" placards in scuffles
with asmall band of Communists.
Praises Tradition
Kennedy, who is on an unoffi-
cial fact-finding tour, said Israel
stands "in the great tradition of
freedom and justice" and has the
support "of all freedom-loving
The President's brother said Is-
rael has a record of technical as-
sistance and mutual aid "that
many older and larger nations
might envy."
He said he had seen the results
of this aid in Israel's development
of Ghana's merchant marine, Cy-
prus' irrigation projects, Nigeria's
ferry system and Burma's agricul-
tural settlements.
"On every hand I found Israeli
efforts evoking greater enthusiasm
and appreciation than many very
substantial projects made possible
by larger nations," he said.
Meanwhile in Jakarta, Attor-
ney General Robert F. Kennedy
devoted much of his time to dis-
cussions with Indonesian authori-
ties of the Dutch-Indonesian dis-
pute over West New Guinea
Kennedy plans to address stu-
dents at the University of Indo-
nesia this afternoon.
'A U.S. embassy source said Ken-
nedy told Snkarno the United
States is a friend of both Indo-
nesia and the Netherlands,, has a
big interest in this dispute and
has "done all it can behind the1
scenes" to promote a peaceful so-

Senators Ask
U=2 Episode
WASHINGTON (P)-Two sena-
tors suggested yesterday that U-2
pilot Francis Gary Powers be call-
ed before a congressional commit-
tee if necessary to learn the full
story of his capture by the Rus-
Powers remained in seclusion,
presumably undergoing interroga-
tion by Central Intelligence Agen-
cy officials, He has been kept from
any contact with the American
public since he was freed in Berlin
last Saturday in exchange for So-
viet spy Rudolf Abel.
Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo)
protested that "except for rumors
and reports, I don't know anything
about Capt. Powers' venture at
Symington told reporters he
would go along with some other
senators -who have suggested that
the 32-year-old flier be called in
for questioning unless the facts
are forthcoming from other sourc-

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he Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) said
he likewise would favor calling
Powers "if we need him to get full
Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala),
acting chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, has
asked Secretary of State Dean'
Rusk to give the committee a full
report on what is learned from
questioning of Powers.
A Republican member of the
committee, Sen. Bourke B. Hick-
enlooper of Iowa, said he would
support a move to call Powers be-
fore the group if the flier's testi-
mony is deemed necessary to round
out the senators' information.
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Urge Inclusc
By The Associated Press
'WASHINGTON-A top admin-
istration disarmament adviser tes-
tified yesterday that any arms
agreement the West reaches with
Russia must ultimately include
Red China to have any real value.
Jacob D. Beam, assistant direc-
tor for international relations for
the-new United States Arms Con-
trol and Disarmament Agency,
told Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn),
"any agreement would not have
much meaning unless it is applied
across the board."
Beam was testifying before the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee on his nomination for the dis-
armament post in which he is al-
ready serving. Subsequently the
committee gave him unanimous
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy and King Saud con-
ferred for nearly two hours yes-
terday and reported that "Arab-
ian-American relations and inter-
national affairs were, discussed in
the spirit of frankness and cor-
A brief joint communique gave
no indication whether continued
United States use of Dhahran Air
Base in Saudi Arabia was taken

)n of China in Negotiations


ille Adoula has accepted an invi-
tation to visit the Soviet Union
in the spring, the semi-official
Congolese press agency said yes-
terday. No date has been set.
The agency said the invitation
was extended to Adoula by., Valer-
ian Zorin, chief Soviet United Na-
tions delegate, on the premier's
visit to New York' last week.
* * *
WASHINGTON-The Civil Aero-
nautics Board issued yesterday a
tentative order which would re-


quire Pan American World Air-
ways to refund $2.2 million of
air mail pay to the government..
After nearly 12 years of litiga-
tion and negotiation, the CAB pro-
posed a compromise solution to a
mail-rate case covering the period
from 1946 through 1959.
NEW YORK-The Stock Mar-
ket was uneven yesterday in mod-
erate trading. The Dow-Jones 30
Industrials closed down .60, the 20
Railroads up .05, the 15 Utilities
up= .66 and ,the 65 Stocks up .18.







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